You represent the employer, the Zinnia Hotel. What one part of the contract Links to an external site.would you choose to modify? State the article and section number, and explain why you would choose to modify this section. Discuss how would you change it, and how that would benefit the company (increase company profits).
Information for this assignment can be found at www.thezinnia.comLinks to an external site.. Refer to the chapters we have covered, and especially Ch.9, as you will use this information to help you with the assignment.
Our assignment covers the collective bargaining agreement (“contract” for short) between between The Zinnia, a 300-room hotel in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Local H-56 of the International Union of Service Workers and Allied Employees. You should already be familiar the Zinnia HotelLinks to an external site. and Local H-56Links to an external site. and their current contractLinks to an external site. from our prior Assignment 2. Spend some time reviewing this information.
Divide your answers into 3 sections:
You represent the employer, the Zinnia Hotel. What one part of the contract Links to an external site.would you choose to modify? State the article and section number, and explain why you would choose to modify this section. Discuss how would you change it, and how that would benefit the company (increase company profits).
You represent the union, Local H-56 of the International Union of Service Workers and Allied Employees. What one part of the contract Links to an external site.would you choose to modify? State the article and section number, and explain why you would choose to modify this section. Discuss how would you change it, and how that would benefit the union members (employees).
Overall, do think that the contractLinks to an external site. between the Zinnia Hotel and Local H-56 is fair? Why or why not?
The majority of your paper should be in your original thoughts and wording. If you use wording from another source, quote and cite the wording. See the “Academic Honesty” section in the syllabus for more information. Assignments may be submitted to Turnitin. Turnitin is an online tool available to instructors to check for plagiarism. Thus, it is important that you understand the meaning of plagiarism and complete your assignments without plagiarizing someone elses work. Assignments that have been plagiarized will not receive credit and resubmission will not be allowed.
Check your grammar and spelling before submitting, as this is important in the business world. You will be graded on providing in-depth critical thinking and support for your responses, clearing addressing the assignment objectives and topics in the questions asked, and using correct grammar and spelling so that your paper flows well and can be easily read and understood. See grading rubric below.