Write a letter to all staff explaining a pay deduction in shift differential but gaining a raise to offset the difference.
I’m looking for a letter to all staff explaining a pay deduction in shift differential but gaining a raise to offset the difference. I’ll break it down below. I’m in the middle of an affiliation and we’re keeping our business name but are now following our parent companies policies and procedures.
Letter to All Staff:
-Affiliation to Fellow Village as of (I’ll fill in the date) reflecting our parent company Fellowship.
-Transitioning from UKG to ADP Payroll Services
-Final pay with UKG (I’ll fill in the dates) and first pay with ADP (I’ll fill in the dates)
-No longer paying .88cent shift differential
-New shift differential is .50cents
-Giving all hourly employees .38cents an hour added to current hourly rate.
-Effective as of (I’ll fill in the date)