why do analysts focus on earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)?

Review common business entities’ structure along with their benefits and potential challenges.   Requirements: Following your review, please complete a comparative analysis and determine the entity that provides the best framework for an entrepreneurial venture. Your response should include adequate support and analysis. in 400 words

Assume that James Park and Eric Friedman of Fitbit plan on expanding their business to accommodate more product lines. They are considering financing expansion in one of two ways: (1) contributing more of their own funds to the business or (2) borrowing the funds from a bank.   Requirements: Identify at least two issues that James and Eric should consider when trying to decide on the method for financing their expansion. Your response should include adequate support and analysis. in 400 words

Visit The Motley Fool’s web page on cash flow–based valuation  (Fool.com/how-to-invest/how-to-value-stocks-cash-flow-based-valuations.aspx). o Requirements: Answer the following questions.  1. How does the Motley Fool define cash flow? What is the reasoning for this definition? 2. Per Fool’s instruction, why do analysts focus on earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)? 3. Visit other links at this website that interest you, such as “How to Read a  Balance Sheet,” or find out what the “Fool’s Ratio” is. Write a half-page  report on what you find in 400 words

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