What concerns do you have about this course, this term, or anything else in general?

2-3 complete paragraphs

Paragraph 1: please introduce yourself to your classmates.  Tell us a little bit about yourself — such as your preferred name for class, your interests, your hobbies, your pets, your passions, your educational pursuits, and your career goals. Share as much or as little as you’d like about yourself. Also tell us about your interest in this class.  What brings you to Critical Thinking (besides, of course, the credit hours!)?  What do you hope to learn in this class?

Paragraph 2:  I’d like us to think about what we want our class community to look like and how we can work toward creating it. Consider and respond to the following questions for your second paragraph:

  1. What is important to you in this learning space?
  2. How do you want to interact with your classmates in this online course? What are some things that would be helpful for you and what are some things you want to avoid?
  3. As with any group of individuals, we will share different viewpoints and perspectives. What guidelines will we agree to follow to make sure that we can discuss different perspectives yet demonstrate respect, value, and a willingness to listen to each other?
  4. I find that most students agree that we need to be respectful to each other. But what does this mean? What does this look like and sound like in an online course?
  5. What concerns do you have about this course, this term, or anything else in general?
  6. (optional) include anything else you’d like to say here.