The Global Business Environment What are some advantages and disadvantages for small U.S. businesses competing in today’s global markets? Chapter 3 18 Business Ethics and Values What are three ways businesses demonstrate corporate social responsibility
Review the following guidelines provided for this assignment.
1. Create your assignment as a one-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing.
2. Do not copy and paste from the internet. Submissions must be 100% original writing.
3.Write an answer to each question that is listed in the table that appears after this section.
4. For each answer, write a paragraph about 50 words in length that is composed of several sentences.
5.Before each paragraph, insert the topic as a heading to separate your answers.
6.At the top (beginning) of the page, insert your first and last name.
7. Use spell-check.
8. After spell-check, correct any words that are spelled correctly but used incorrectly, such as theyre, there, and their.
9. Save your document as BUSN115 Concept Connection Week 3 ‘Add Your Last Name,’ writing your last name name after Week 3.
10. Submit your document to the Week 3: Concept Connection page in the Week 3 module on Canvas. Ensure that you include the screenshot of your tutoring session for full credit
Topics Questions References Points
The Global Business Environment What are some advantages and disadvantages for small U.S. businesses competing in today’s global markets? Chapter 3 18
Business Ethics and Values What are three ways businesses demonstrate corporate social responsibility? Provide at least one real world example. Chapter 4 18
Business Leadership
If you were promoted to a leadership position today, which leadership style would you use and why?
Autocratic leadership
Democratic or participative leadership
Free-reign leadership