Provide a brief description of your application in this section.
Description and Instructions
Project Objective:
This project is an opportunity for you to practice your knowledge to develop a dynamic web application using PHP, MySQL, and any web development technologies introduced in this course. It also allows you to develop skills for working in teams.
Project Description (Online Inventory Web Application):
A local auto company has asked you to create an online inventory web application that allows them to manage the company’s inventory which includes sales of both new and used vehicles. Your web application must provide the following specifications in each part:
• Part (A)
A database will store the information of each vehicle, which includes VIN, maker, model, year, color, mileage, and price. VIN is the Vehicle Identification Number, which is unique for each vehicle. Also, store a picture of each vehicle in the database along with the rest of its information.
• Part (B)
Any user can search the online inventory web application and explore the information on the listed new and used vehicles.
• Part (C)
A manager can update the inventory. She/he needs to log in by enter the identifying information (username and password). Once given access to the application, she/he can add a new vehicle, and delete an existing vehicle. Also, a manager can update an existing vehicle’s information except for its VIN.
Note: Make sure to validate the data entry.
Project Guidelines and Tools:
You are allowed to use any web development technologies that only introduced in this course to build your application.
Download the XAMPP server by following the link.
Download XAMPP (
Submission Guidelines:
1. The work on this Project must be performed by a group, minimum 2 or maximum 4 students.
2. You are required to submit the report and the source code on or before the due data via BlackBoard.
3. Only the Group Leader must submit the report and the source code via BlackBoard. However, the names and IDs of all the group members should appear on the report.
4. submit the source code and all your application related files in a separate zip file. Do not forget to document (comment) on your code.
5. Work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO marks.
6. You MUST show all your application code as text, code must not be converted into an image.
7. You are advised to make your work clear and well presented; marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
Marking Criteria:
Part (A) is achieved and error-free /3
Part (B) is achieved and error-free /2
Part (C) is achieved and error-free /5
Web application data visualization is achieved /1
The code is well documented (commented) /1
The report is well-presented /1
Output screenshots in the report /1
Total /14
1. Brief description
Provide a brief description of your application in this section.
2. Screenshots
Put the different screenshots of your application with a brief description in this section (at least 8 screenshots).
3. Program code
Put the code of your application in this section. Also, submit the source code in a separate zip file. Do not forget to document (comments) on your code.
Note: Code should be textual, screenshots are not acceptable.