Pick one disease that affects the human endocrine or nervous system and another disease that affects the musculoskeletal system. Describe what the defect is in each disorder.Find an implanted medical device that was designed to correct or improve each disorder and go over in detail what design features were incorporated in the device to restore the function that had been lost or lessen symptoms.Discuss the success or failure in each of the devices with achieving its desired result and what improvements could be incorporated in the future to make each function better. Were there any major unanticipated adverse events that occurred after implantation of either device?

Pick one disease that affects the human endocrine or nervous system and another disease that affects the musculoskeletal system. Describe what the defect is in each disorder.Find an implanted medical device that was designed to correct or improve each disorder and go over in detail what design features were incorporated in the device to restore the function that had been lost or lessen symptoms.Discuss the success or failure in each of the devices with achieving its desired result and what improvements could be incorporated in the future to make each function better. Were there any major unanticipated adverse events that occurred after implantation of either device? The paper should be approximately 6-7 pages (3-3.5 pages per device) in length (12 point font, double spaced with no additional spaces between paragraphs) and will account for 100 points of the final grade. References are required (your choice of format). There are many examples of devices produced by companies that illustrate the above concept on the internet. There are also a few companies that combine devices and cellular therapy as well.Please write it as an essay not an outline.