MUSIC 111 The Benny Goodman Story Movie Review

View one of the movies listed below, or any other fictionalized film about the life of a jazz musician (not a live concert, documentary, or satire). Write a 750 word minimum essay contextualizing the movie within the matrix of concepts, personalities, and music examined in this course. In general, think of this essay as a “critical analysis” in which you need to explain any personal opinions that you assert. Please address the following points: • Give a brief (1 paragraph) biographical sketch of the principal character/musician.• Socially and musically, how is the principal character portrayed?• What historical phase of the development of jazz does the principal character belong to? • How does the life and music of the principal character reflect the issues we’ve examined in relation to that historical phase?• Describe the narrative of the film. How does the story unfold? – This is the core of you movie review.