how and why you traded this stock, what factors led you to choose it? o was it in a Weinstein stage 2 uptrend? o was it above its last green line top? If not, why did you buy it? o how and why you chose to buy it at that time

how your assessment of the market trend influenced this trade
o how and why you traded this stock, what factors led you to choose it?
o was it in a Weinstein stage 2 uptrend?
o was it above its last green line top? If not, why did you buy it?
o how and why you chose to buy it at that time
o how you used TC2000 scans or PCFs if at all
o the exact technical set-up (s) you used to purchase the stock
o how you used technical and fundamental indicators
o how you used IBD or MarketSmith?
G. Make sure your analysis also answers all of the following questions:
o Did this stock come from a particular IBD or MarketSmith Stock List?
o If not, how did you find it and how did it do compared to stocks you traded from the one of those lists? Which did better?
o Why did you choose this stock to buy and to write about?
o How did the market’s action affect this trade?
o How much money have you gained or lost from this trade if you already exited? If the position is still open, compute as of stock’s closing value on 11/22?
o Which specific indicators did you use or ignore?
o Why?
o Explain the set-up you used to purchase this stock and set your initial stop. How did you adjust your stop, if you did?
o How did this set-up and specific indicators help you to handle this position?
o How would use of one of the weekly charts have helped this trade or would it have helped you to better time your entry and/or exit? If you exited, did you check a weekly chart before exiting?
o If exited, what happened to this stock after you exited?
o Was stock in:
? A weekly yellow band pattern (F6)?
? A weekly RWB guppy pattern or a weekly 4/10/30 avg up-trend pattern (4w>10wk>30wk)
o Why did you exit?
? Did you buy it back? Why or why not?
o If position is still open, what objective rule do you have to determine exit? ?