Hlsc 730-research paper: a comprehensive examination of the | HLSC 730 – Counterterrorism and Counterintelligence Strategies

The student will complete a Comprehensive Examination of Counterintelligence. This paper willbe exhaustive. The student will provide the following using these headings: Counterintelligencefundamentals, challenges, theory; Defensive Counterintelligence to include planning, tenets,security of all types, and communications; Offensive Counterintelligence to include tenets,detection, deception, and neutralization; and ethics of counterintelligence. The student willdiscuss Biblical examples of the use of intelligence and or counterintelligence. How does cyberand social media fit in?
INSTRUCTIONS? A minimum of 10-full pages, not counting title and reference pages, research-orientedpaper in current APA format.? At least 7 sources (which will include the class textbooks).Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.