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1.  Liset is an online platform developed by the United States Department of Health and Human Services to prevent and treat bullying. The website offers a wealth of resources for parents, educators, and adolescents on how to avoid and successfully respond to bullying. The Bullying Prevention Training Module, a free online training course targeted for educators, is one of the resources offered on the website. The lesson gives an introduction of bullying and its impacts, prevention techniques, and advice on how to respond to bullying events. The Bullying Prevention Fact Sheet is another resource on the website that gives an overview of the bullying problem, including information on prevalence, risk factors, and repercussions. The fact sheet also explains how to spot the indications of bullying, how to prevent bullying, and how to properly respond to it.
The resources provided by for parents are comprehensive and aim to equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to support their children who may be experiencing bullying. The Parent Guide, for example, provides practical advice on how to talk to children about bullying and how to recognize the signs that a child may be experiencing bullying. Additionally, the guide provides tips on how to communicate effectively with school officials and work collaboratively with other parents to prevent bullying. These resources can be invaluable for parents who may feel unsure about how to approach the issue of bullying with their children and how to advocate for their child’s well-being in the school environment.
The resources provided by for youth who have been bullied are diverse and tailored to different needs. The It Gets Better Project, for example, is an initiative that aims to provide encouragement and support to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth who may be facing bullying. The project features videos and stories from individuals who have overcome adversity and found happiness and success in life. Additionally, the website provides information on hotlines and support groups that youth can reach out to for immediate help and guidance. These resources can be crucial for youth who may feel isolated or helpless in the face of bullying, providing them with a sense of community and hope for the future. In conjunction to these resources, the website offers advise on how to build a safe and supportive school climate, as well as how to develop and execute effective bullying prevention school policies. The website also explains how to collaborate with neighborhood groups and other stakeholders to avoid bullying and promote good youth development.
Lastly, the website includes resources for academics and policymakers, such as connections to studies on bullying prevention and information on federal and state bullying prevention regulations. These materials can aid in the creation of successful methods for avoiding bullying and assisting bullied kids. Ultimately, provides an extensive array of materials for avoiding bullying and aiding mistreated children. These tools are intended to be user-friendly and accessible, and they may be used by parents, educators, and adolescents to address the issue of bullying and its effects.
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). (2022, October 12). Stop Bullying Home Page.
2. Livan
Bullying among children who share different settings such as school or neighborhoods where they live is a present issue in current life with a tendency to increase reports of cases that have had serious consequences and even suicide in children and adolescents. Many studies worldwide try to find the causes of this type of behavior that affects children and their families so much, most of these investigations agree that the cruel behaviors present in some young people and children are of multifactorial origin, many related to situations experienced in the family environment such as violence, parental divorce, abandonment or lack of family attention to their children and even the uncontrolled and unsupervised use of technology, widely accessible audiovisual materials on internet platforms not suitable for minors age or video games where violence is explicit. The truth is that we are facing a real problem of coexistence with catastrophic results for the victims who may present serious mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, insecurity and fear, school rejection and even suicide. (Cowie, H. 2021)
       Addressing a case of intimidation implies the evaluation of both the harasser and his victim; both personalities require attention and professional evaluation. While the harasser can escalate to aberrational and even criminal social behaviors, her victims can grow up as depressed, insecure, and psychologically damaged people that interfere in both their family and professional lives. (Downes, P. 2022)
       The most important point right now is prevention. Avoiding bullying is an obvious need and this implies the collaboration of teachers, parents, and other factors in the community. Many actions and measures are put into practice with different results and impacts but all with their advantages. Talk about the subject with the students, show its consequences, do group activities always with supervision. Identify both bullies and their victims. Be aware of the most difficult cases to identify, such as mockery without physical aggression. Early identification of young people with potential personalities and traits to be abused, such as those who are part of the LGTB community, immigrants, or those with low economic resources. (Foody, M. et al. 2019) Teach, educate children and their parents on the subject, guide them on the importance of asking for help, how to do it and who to go to. Parents must learn to listen to their children, show support and trust. Monitor their school progress and behavior. It is important to instill in children that revenge is not a way, that running away from dangerous situations can save your life or that feelings can be expressed without aggression. Safety in schools and the work being supervised by teachers and caregivers must be strict. Homes and schools must work together in this scenario and learn about the many organizations that exist to help eradicate this harsh reality. Put into practice the keys to preventing bullying, which consists of establishing rules, recognizing, and identifying potential bullies and their victims, responding with specific actions, and publicly rejecting those behaviors to create an anti-bullying culture in the school environment. (Keating, S. et al. 2021)
Cowie, H. (2021). Peer support schemes. In P. K. Smith & J. O’Higgins Norman (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of bullying: A comprehensive and international review of research and intervention (pp. 317-332).
Downes, P. (2022). Framing early school leaving and bullying prevention as issues of concentric inclusive systems in a global context. In R. Baikady, S. M. Sajid, J. Przeperski, & M. R. Islam (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of global social problems. Palgrave Macmillan.
Foody, M., McGuire, L., Kuldas, S., & O’Higgins Norman, J. (2019). Friendship quality and gender differences in association with cyberbullying involvement and psychological well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(1723), 1–13.
Keating, S., & Collins, B. (2021). Bullying prevention through curriculum and classroom resources. In P. K. Smith & J. O’Higgins Norman (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of bullying: A comprehensive and international review of research and intervention (pp. 278-302).