fter you have completed the coaching conversation with the employee, use the following outline as the basis of Part 2 of your coaching plan, in which you walk through the experience and reflect upon the following:Did you accomplish the objectives you set out to accomplish? Explain why or why not. What effects (positive and negative, if applicable) did your preparation have on the outcome? Provide a rationale to support your assessment. What do you feel you did particularly well in your coaching session? If you were going to hold the coaching session again, what might you have done differently, or what improvements would you make?

Submit your 4- to 5-page (excluding references) Coaching Reflection and Action Plan, which should address the following:
After you have completed the coaching conversation with the employee, use the following outline as the basis of Part 2 of your coaching plan, in which you walk through the experience and reflect upon the following:Did you accomplish the objectives you set out to accomplish? Explain why or why not.
What effects (positive and negative, if applicable) did your preparation have on the outcome? Provide a rationale to support your assessment.
What do you feel you did particularly well in your coaching session? If you were going to hold the coaching session again, what might you have done differently, or what improvements would you make?
How did the employee respond within the coaching session? What is your prediction for how the employee’s behavior will change (or not) as a result of this coaching session? What insights did you gain that would be helpful for future coaching sessions with the employee?
As a conclusion to your coaching plan, choose at least one specific action you will take as a result of this experience to aid you further in your development as a manager and as a coach.