Ethical Theories and Making Moral Discussion
Ethical TheoriesWhat makes right actions right and wrong actions wrong? Our readings for this week have defended three kinds of answers to this question: the normative theories of deontological, teleological, and virtue ethics. Which of these theories provides the best foundation for our ethical values? In defending your choice, you may certainly employ arguments from Aristotle, Aquinas, Kant, and Mill, but you will also need to take into account the objections each makes to alternative approaches.Let us keep our discussion focused on the abstract issues here. We will use our second discussion this week to consider the practical applications.Now, let us think about the great ethical theories in a different wayhow productively can they be applied to our daily lives? When faced with the need to make a moral decision, should we take into account the fulfillment of our own character, or the performance of dutiful action, or the most likely consequences? Practical questions call for specific examples, so look for instances in which each of these approaches seems most appropriate.