Ep002 assessment: curriculum planning interview guide

Interview Guide
Ideally, curriculum planning is a collaborative process. For this Work Product, you will interview a teacher to learn more about his or her curricular goals and find out how you can collaborate with one another to achieve those goals. If you are currently working as an early childhood teacher, collaborate with a colleague in your setting to complete this Assessment.
Share the list of Indicators of Effective Curriculum (Bredekamp, p. 316) with the teacher in the preschool setting you have chosen. Ask him or her to share information about their curriculum design process, including:
· Examples of how their curriculum reflects the Indicators of Effective Curriculum
· Any standards that guide their curriculum and why these are important
· An explanation of specific curricular goals for the children in the classroom across content areas and developmental domains
· Information related to cultural and linguistic characteristics of the children, family, and community, as well as socioeconomic background, family structures, and children with exceptionalities who may attend the school
· Examples of how knowledge of the children, families, and community helps to inform certain indicators and provides a context for learning
· Examples of how learning experiences are differentiated to meet the needs of individual children
· The teacher’s perspectives on collaboration in curriculum development
· How you and the teacher can collaborate to design effective learning experiences for the children in the classroom
Reference: Bredekamp, S. (2014). Effective practices in early childhood education: Building a foundation (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.