Enlightenment in the Atlantic World In what ways do the primary source documents and data included below advance the ideas of the Enlightenment in the Atlantic world? Do they challenge Enlightenment principles? How?

Writing Prompt: Enlightenment in the Atlantic World
In what ways do the primary source documents and data included below advance the ideas of the Enlightenment in the Atlantic world? Do they challenge Enlightenment principles? How?
Your choice of examples from the assigned media, the way you contextualize these materials, and your analysis of them should persuade your reader that your argumentation is historically valid and critically thought out.
Paper Instructions
When organizing your ideas and drafting your essay, follow these guidelines:
Length: This reaction paper should address the prompt below in roughly 550-750 words. Papers that fall significantly outside of these guidelines may lose points.
Sources: As you build your analysis use the assigned sources only. Kindly DO NOT consult Internet or other outside sources.
Evidence: Choose 3 to 5 examples from the assigned sources that best allow you to persuade the reader that your argumentation is valid. While you want to show that you understand the larger trends in the material, take the time to explore these specific examples from the text in as much depth as the word count allows.
Quotation length: If you quote directly from the text, keep these quotations brief. It is easy to spot when large quotes are used to bulk up a weak paper. I am interested in seeing the way you use evidence, but that evidence should always support your argumentation.
US – Declaration of Independence
France – Declaration of the Rights of Man
Saint Domingue/Haiti – Constitution of 1801
France – Declaration of the Rights of Woman
Slave Voyages – Number of Captives Embarked and Disembarked per Year