Consider family-friendly work-related policies. How would these benefit working individuals? Which do you think would be most helpful for you? What other programs could you imagine being beneficial for families. Services might include job sharing, flexible work schedules, home-based work, health promotion programs and child and elder care among others.

Answer the three questions: TEXTBOOK IS ATTACHED
1. Consider family-friendly work-related policies. How would these benefit working individuals? Which do you think would be most helpful for you?
What other programs could you imagine being beneficial for families. Services might include job sharing, flexible work schedules, home-based work, health promotion programs and child and elder care among others.
2. Of the interventions mentioned (Life-Situation, Financial Stress, Perception, Emotional Arousal & Physiological Arousal), which do you and your family (nuclear, extended, chosen) partake in and how is it beneficial? If it is not beneficial, why do you think that is?
Is there a better intervention that you wish your family engaged in? What are the factors that act as facilitators or barriers to this?
3. What might be some factors that contribute to, and factors that alleviate, occupational stress based on gender? Furthermore, reflect on the broad gender spectrum and how that might also affect this work stress. For example, a woman who identifies as such and dresses more ‘masculinely’, etc.