choose one Native American tribe and prepare an audio-narrated PowerPoint presentation about the condition of tribal members today.


Include the links to at least three articles that you will use to find information about your tribe of choice. These articles must come from the links provided in the Presentation Project Instructions. Click here for the complete instructions and scoring criteria (rubric).

  • This will include summaries of the articles you intend to use for your presentation. Summaries should include the title of the article, the author, where you found the article (which database or ebook), and a few sentences explaining what information you found in each article.
  • Also, include the links to at least three websites where you have found information about your tribe. The websites must adhere to the guidelines for choosing websites as described in the Presentation Project Instructions. Suggested websites are also included in the instructions. You must include a few sentences explaining what information you found in each website.

Presentation Project:

Using approved guidelines for conducting simple Internet research, choose one Native American tribe and prepare an audio-narrated PowerPoint presentation (also located in Start Here) about the condition of tribal members today. You may not use the following tribes or tribal groups: Iroquois (Mohawk, Oneida, Seneca, Onondaga, Cayuga), Algonquian (Pequot or Shinnecock), Delaware, Apache, Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole, Ute, Comanche, Inuit, Comanche, Menominee, and the Tsimshian. This means you will need to record and embed a narrative for each of your slides; i.e., say what you would say if you were presenting in front of a live audience.