As indicated in T1, each team member should serve as a team leader once before the semester’s midpoint (during Weeks 2-6) and at least once after the midpoint (during Weeks 8-13). The Team Leader will be responsible for setting up team meetings, running the meetings, managing and coordinating team tasks, communicating with team members and the course instructor (if necessary), and turning in any project-related deliverables on behalf of the team.
The T5 requires that you write a self-reflection about your leadership experience on our class project. Request feedback from your team members prior to writing your self-reflection.
Part 1 ITP Metrics Peer FeedbackComplete the ITP Metrics Peer Feedback before Week 8. Once all team members complete the assessment, a customized report will automatically be generated and emailed to each member.
Part 2 Request Specific Feedback
Using the following questions as a guide, use class time in Week 8 to obtain feedback from your fellow teammates:
What am I doing that helps you complete your tasks?
How can I better support you to complete your tasks (what could I do differently that would help you complete your tasks)?
Am I providing enough guidance and information when delegating work?
Were you happy with the autonomy/responsibility you were given to complete your tasks?
How prepared was I as a team leader?
Did I fairly and equitably allocate work?
Was I responsive to your concerns and questions?
Through this exercise, you will gain experience giving and receiving feedback, an essential skill.
Part 3 – Write your self-reflectionOnce you have received and reviewed the ITP Peer Feedback report and in-class feedback from your team members, write and submit a 35-page assignment that analyzes your team leadership effectiveness and answers the questions below.
How did your team members respond to your team leadership? To answer this question, specifically integrate the results and learnings from Parts 1 and 2. Make sure you identify and discuss both the positive and negative feedback you received and the specific feedback from each teammate.
Did the feedback you received surprise you? As you reflect on the behaviors/practices you used and your EI and personality assessment results, was the feedback consistent with your view of your leadership effectiveness? Why or why not? Please be specific in your response.
Based on the feedback and your effectiveness assessment, how can you improve your leadership skills? Specifically, what new behaviors and practices will you implement the second time you serve as team leader, and how will these changes improve aspects of your emotional intelligence? Consider this your leadership plan for improving your skills.
What challenges do you anticipate in implementing these changes (e.g., resistance from the team, your ability to go outside of your comfort zone, etc.)? Please be specific in your response.
Identify one crucial lesson or critical takeaway you have learned about leadership from your experience and explain how you will apply it to other teams in the future (such as for other classes, sports or student organizations, and professional internships or jobs).