Business finance – management week 9 assignment – organizational | BUS 322 – Organizational Behavior

 Week 9 Assignment – Organizational Change
This assignment will focus on  organizational change and the challenges associated with change. For  this assignment you are speaking to an audience and must create a  PowerPoint Presentation that addresses the following questions:  

Discuss the positives and negatives of organizational change. 
Discuss approaches managers should use with employees to get them to embrace change.

Your presentation should consist of six  slides. A seventh slide should be added for references if citations are  included in the presentation. To complete this assignment: 

Create the following PowerPoint slides. Please note that you are  not required to place any images or record any voice narration on your  slides.

A title slide. 
An introduction slide that welcomes your listeners and includes what you plan to discuss on slides 3, 4, and 5.  
A slide listing the potential positive impacts of organizational change. 
A slide listing the potential challenges to organizational change. 
A slide for approaches managers may use to help employees embrace change. 
A summary slide addressing the key points of your presentation.  

Include comments that you plan to say to your audience in the Notes section below each slide, beginning with your title slide.
Include a reference slide as an additional slide if you used any citations.
Ensure the total file size is no large than 9 MB to allow it to be uploaded to SafeAssign.

If you need help with PowerPoint: 
This course requires the use of Strayer  Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the  Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.  Check with your professor for any additional instructions.  The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:  

Analyze organizational change and ways that managers can encourage employees to embrace change.   

Business finance – economics research assignment. changes in supply

The purpose of your assignment is to apply the week’s conceptual models to analyze how external factors affect the supply and demand curves. Select one of the following cases. Analyze the impact of these events on the markets, on the supply and demand curves, and consequently, prices and volumes:

Technological improvements related to cellphones.
The impact of the pandemic on the supply chain.
The impact of the war in Ukraine on commodities such as oil and grain.
The impact of raising taxes on tobacco.
Technological changes related to electric vehicles versus traditional cars in the car markets.
Increases in interest rates of mortgage loans on the real estate market.

You must explain how the supply and demand curves are affected: do they shift to the right or left? Do they change their slope? What happens with the new equilibrium prices and sales volumes? Do they affect the elasticity of the demand or supply?In the short term, did the curve shift or was there only slippage on that curve? If the curve shifted, did it shift to the right or to the left? As it shifted, was there a shortage or excess in quantities demanded/supplied? As a result, what happened to the equilibrium price? To the equilibrium quantity? Finally, you should copy the supply and demand model scenario that best illustrates your answers.You should also explain your projections in the long run. What will happen in the long run with equilibrium prices and quantities? Explain why. In this section, you should also choose and copy the supply and demand model scenario that best illustrates your answers.
Your paper this week should be between 250 and 350 words. At the bottom of your assignment, you should include a word count.

Wk 1 assessment prep: identifying financial information for a company | FIN571 Corporate Finance


Throughout this course you will work towards creating a financial plan for a company as if you were its business manager. This week you will start your research that will be used in the Summative Assessments in Weeks 2, 4, and 6. You will not be able to change your company after this week.
Select a Fortune 500 company.
Research financial information and key performance indicators (KPIs) for the company. You may find this information on Yahoo! Finance®, in the University of Phoenix Library Finance Resources, or in other finance resources online. If you are unfamiliar with using Yahoo! Finance, the Yahoo! Finance Navigation Guide provides helpful information on finding some of the KPIs for your company.
Your financial plan will need to include KPIs for your company. Create a 1- to 2-page outline or chart identifying KPIs and including the following:

The company and its ticker symbol
Cash flow from operations
Price-to-earnings ratio
Stock dividends and the yield, if any
Earnings per share ratio
Revenue estimates for the next 12 months
Revenue from the previous 3 years
Statement of cash flows and identification of net cash from operating, investing, and financing activities over the past 3 years
Average trade volume.
Current stock price, 52-week high, and 1-year estimated stock price
Analysts’ recommendations for the stock (buy, sell, or hold)
Market cap for the company
You will use information from your research in your Week 2 Summative Assessment.
Submit your outline .

 Writing Standards – Please follow all APA formatting requirements, in-text referencing requirements, and referencing for all work – induing discussion questions, participation, presentations, etc. Support all assertions. The UOPX APA Sample Writing Paper is an excellent resource.
Originality – if you submit work with more than a 20% turnitin match ( properly referenced or not) the work will be reviewed for originality. Work with originality issues will be scored a zero. 

The difference between preliminary field and laboratory testing | CRJ311

Handling and processing evidence is an integral component of crime scene management because it lays the foundation for everything the court must consider when weighing the admissibility of evidence. For the most part, the courts prefer testing being carried out in a laboratory setting. However, there are exceptions, such as times when an initial examination also yields valuable information. In this assignment, you will differentiate between testing that might be done on-scene versus in the laboratory, identify testing that might be subject to preliminary testing, as well as compare the different results yielded by preliminary field versus laboratory testing. Support your assignment with examples from this week’s required material(s) and/or a minimum of three other scholarly or credible resources and properly cite any references.
Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please review the following:
You are also strongly encouraged to review the list of recommended resources, as they may assist you with this assignment.
In your assignment, address the following:

Identify what types of evidence might be subjected to preliminary or field testing.
Describe at least two types of testing that might be done on scene.
Differentiate between why some evidence can and should be subjected to preliminary testing on scene, while other types should not.
Explain how the on-scene test compares to laboratory testing.
Compare and contrast the results yielded by preliminary field versus laboratory testing.
Compare and contrast the admissibility of on-scene versus laboratory testing at trial.

The Difference Between Preliminary Field and Laboratory Testing assignment 

Data analytics | data science

1a) perform an exploratory analysis using healthcare patient’s datasets and develop an interactive dashboard that provides insights on the key influencing factors on heart disease and hypertension.
1b) create visuals showing the impact of demographic factors on both diseases.
  c) create visuals showing the impact of behavioral factors on both diseases.
  d)  slice and dice data using all factors. 
   e) create a detailed analysis report, highlighting key insights from your analysis and tell the story on the top influencing factors on both diseases.
2)perform an exploratory analysis using the financial statements provided on the company’s expenses, cash flow, income statement and balance sheet. Show 4 different dashboard views highlighting all the critical financial metrics performance. Slice and dice theses metrics with the different dimensions in the datasets to help understand the company’s overall financial health.
2b) identify trends and patterns of the company’s expenses and drill down by various dimensions.
c) what insights can you uncover about the company’s cash flow?
d) slice and dice data using all factors for the balance sheet
e) create and executive report highlighting key insights, key drivers and provide detailed recommendations of how the company can improve its overall financial health.
3a) using machine learning model-python. predict student enrollment volume.
b) build a machine learning predictive model to forecast student enrollment volume using historical data to help ABC academy make smart investment decisions in executing marketing campaigns.
c) the management would like to know if the number of marketing campaigns launched impacts the volume of student’s enrollment.

Reflection question | soc 101 | Strayer University–Augusta

 In the last few weeks, you’ve learned about three key collaborative strategies: 1) establishing goals, roles, and responsibilities, 2) maintaining a respectful group dynamic, and 3) practicing open communication and trust. You have also learned to recognize how our statuses and roles affect how we interact with others, how others interact with us, and how these interactions can influence the ways we solve problems and make decisions.You were asked to examine the importance of embracing diverse perspectives to discover how society is organized into vertical social structures and the role that power plays in society. You also considered how power (and perceptions of power) influences problem solving and decision-making and gained a thorough understanding of the dynamics of power in relationships.The following questions will give you a chance to self-evaluate, to think about what you’ve been learning in this course, and to draw your own conclusions about how you can apply what you’ve learned in your life. Your answers may be used to determine how to improve the program for future students. Your answers will not be used for marketing purposes. Please respond in a paragraph of at least 5–7 sentences to fully address each question. Be sure to use your own words!

What is one thing you are interested in exploring further about making decisions that involve diverse perspectives?
How will what you are learning about power and authority affect your understanding of the information you read and hear about on the news?

Ep002 assessment: curriculum planning interview guide

Interview Guide
Ideally, curriculum planning is a collaborative process. For this Work Product, you will interview a teacher to learn more about his or her curricular goals and find out how you can collaborate with one another to achieve those goals. If you are currently working as an early childhood teacher, collaborate with a colleague in your setting to complete this Assessment.
Share the list of Indicators of Effective Curriculum (Bredekamp, p. 316) with the teacher in the preschool setting you have chosen. Ask him or her to share information about their curriculum design process, including:
· Examples of how their curriculum reflects the Indicators of Effective Curriculum
· Any standards that guide their curriculum and why these are important
· An explanation of specific curricular goals for the children in the classroom across content areas and developmental domains
· Information related to cultural and linguistic characteristics of the children, family, and community, as well as socioeconomic background, family structures, and children with exceptionalities who may attend the school
· Examples of how knowledge of the children, families, and community helps to inform certain indicators and provides a context for learning
· Examples of how learning experiences are differentiated to meet the needs of individual children
· The teacher’s perspectives on collaboration in curriculum development
· How you and the teacher can collaborate to design effective learning experiences for the children in the classroom
Reference: Bredekamp, S. (2014). Effective practices in early childhood education: Building a foundation (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Chapter 9-10 discussion | Psychology homework help

Answer one of the discussion questions below in your post. Use APA-style citations. Must be at least 250 words.
Intergenerational Solidarity. As families change through time, their relationships change as well (see the 6 relationship dimensions in Figure 9.10).  Think of an intergenerational family you know and describe how there have been shifts (or continuity) in the prominence of these relationship dimensions. Based on studies in this chapter, what should be emphasized to promote optimal ties, going forward? 
Best Friends Forever.  Think about one of your longest-term and most important friendships during your adulthood.  How does it fit with the concepts discussed in this chapter?  How can its success or demise be explained in these terms? Give some specific examples.
“It’s Just a Job.”   You have probably heard this phrase often or even repeated it yourself.  Yet work is a major focus of adult life from the 20s through retirement and beyond. Using yourself or someone else you know as a case, apply concepts from the theories and research on vocational psychology and vocational satisfaction to identify what is going well and what might need to change.
“I’m Just Stressed.”  This is another phrase you have probably heard often. What does research indicate about how work and other roles (such as family roles) interact to create positive, happy states, or negative/stressed ones? Think about how factors such as affective (emotional) events on the job, self-determination and motivation, person-environment correspondence, or intrinsic and extrinsic factors might contribute to your satisfaction with life.

virtual lab experience to the various component nutrients found in

Review Chapters 3, 4, and 5 of the course text, Nutrition for Life.
Think about the foods you eat and the different organic compounds from this week’s resources that may be present in those foods. Many people look at the label for information, but what about food without a nutrition label? Do you always know what is in your food? How can knowing what is in the food you eat change what you eat?

For this Assignment, you will complete an interactive Virtual Lab experience to discover the various component nutrients found in common food items. Click on the link to access and complete the lab activity                        Review Chapters 3, 4, and 5 of the course text, Nutrition for Life.

Think about the foods you eat and the different organic compounds from this week’s resources that may be present in those foods. Many people look at the label for information, but what about food without a nutrition label? Do you always know what is in your food? How can knowing what is in the food you eat change what you eat?

For this Assignment, you will complete an interactive Virtual Lab experience to discover the various component nutrients found in common food items. Click on the link to access and complete the lab activity.

Discussion reply: how are sequential circuits different from

Discuss the difference between latches and flip-flops.
Latches and flip-flops are both bistable devices used for temporary  data storage.  Both devices can have active low or active high inputs.  A  latch determines its output from its input signals only, while a  flip-flop is triggered by a timing or enable input.  The timing input on  a flip-flop is edge triggered, either rising edge (0®1) or falling edge  (1®0).  A flip-flop can also be either synchronous (triggered by only  the clock) or asynchronous (having inputs that override the clock). 
A latch has a truth table with an invalid condition when both inputs  are activated simultaneously since the output is unpredictable when they  return to inactive at about the same time.

The flip-flop does not have this invalid output.  When both inputs are activated on a flip-flop, the output is toggled. 

The asynchronous flip-flop inputs, preset and clear, override the  device.  These inputs change the output independently when they are  activated regardless of inputs or the clock.  

Discuss the applications of flip-flops.
Flip-flops are commonly used for data storage, frequency division,  and counters.  The data storage would use multiple flip-flops in groups  depending on the number of bits required.  The frequency division and  counters work the same dividing the clock frequency by 2 with each  device, except that for the frequency divider, you would only be worried  about the output of the last device at the required frequency.  For the  counter, you need the output of every flip-flop.
Floyd, T. L. (2014). Digital Fundamentals (11th ed.). Pearson Education (US).