Health promot resp | Nursing homework help

1.  Liset is an online platform developed by the United States Department of Health and Human Services to prevent and treat bullying. The website offers a wealth of resources for parents, educators, and adolescents on how to avoid and successfully respond to bullying. The Bullying Prevention Training Module, a free online training course targeted for educators, is one of the resources offered on the website. The lesson gives an introduction of bullying and its impacts, prevention techniques, and advice on how to respond to bullying events. The Bullying Prevention Fact Sheet is another resource on the website that gives an overview of the bullying problem, including information on prevalence, risk factors, and repercussions. The fact sheet also explains how to spot the indications of bullying, how to prevent bullying, and how to properly respond to it.
The resources provided by for parents are comprehensive and aim to equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to support their children who may be experiencing bullying. The Parent Guide, for example, provides practical advice on how to talk to children about bullying and how to recognize the signs that a child may be experiencing bullying. Additionally, the guide provides tips on how to communicate effectively with school officials and work collaboratively with other parents to prevent bullying. These resources can be invaluable for parents who may feel unsure about how to approach the issue of bullying with their children and how to advocate for their child’s well-being in the school environment.
The resources provided by for youth who have been bullied are diverse and tailored to different needs. The It Gets Better Project, for example, is an initiative that aims to provide encouragement and support to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth who may be facing bullying. The project features videos and stories from individuals who have overcome adversity and found happiness and success in life. Additionally, the website provides information on hotlines and support groups that youth can reach out to for immediate help and guidance. These resources can be crucial for youth who may feel isolated or helpless in the face of bullying, providing them with a sense of community and hope for the future. In conjunction to these resources, the website offers advise on how to build a safe and supportive school climate, as well as how to develop and execute effective bullying prevention school policies. The website also explains how to collaborate with neighborhood groups and other stakeholders to avoid bullying and promote good youth development.
Lastly, the website includes resources for academics and policymakers, such as connections to studies on bullying prevention and information on federal and state bullying prevention regulations. These materials can aid in the creation of successful methods for avoiding bullying and assisting bullied kids. Ultimately, provides an extensive array of materials for avoiding bullying and aiding mistreated children. These tools are intended to be user-friendly and accessible, and they may be used by parents, educators, and adolescents to address the issue of bullying and its effects.
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). (2022, October 12). Stop Bullying Home Page.
2. Livan
Bullying among children who share different settings such as school or neighborhoods where they live is a present issue in current life with a tendency to increase reports of cases that have had serious consequences and even suicide in children and adolescents. Many studies worldwide try to find the causes of this type of behavior that affects children and their families so much, most of these investigations agree that the cruel behaviors present in some young people and children are of multifactorial origin, many related to situations experienced in the family environment such as violence, parental divorce, abandonment or lack of family attention to their children and even the uncontrolled and unsupervised use of technology, widely accessible audiovisual materials on internet platforms not suitable for minors age or video games where violence is explicit. The truth is that we are facing a real problem of coexistence with catastrophic results for the victims who may present serious mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, insecurity and fear, school rejection and even suicide. (Cowie, H. 2021)
       Addressing a case of intimidation implies the evaluation of both the harasser and his victim; both personalities require attention and professional evaluation. While the harasser can escalate to aberrational and even criminal social behaviors, her victims can grow up as depressed, insecure, and psychologically damaged people that interfere in both their family and professional lives. (Downes, P. 2022)
       The most important point right now is prevention. Avoiding bullying is an obvious need and this implies the collaboration of teachers, parents, and other factors in the community. Many actions and measures are put into practice with different results and impacts but all with their advantages. Talk about the subject with the students, show its consequences, do group activities always with supervision. Identify both bullies and their victims. Be aware of the most difficult cases to identify, such as mockery without physical aggression. Early identification of young people with potential personalities and traits to be abused, such as those who are part of the LGTB community, immigrants, or those with low economic resources. (Foody, M. et al. 2019) Teach, educate children and their parents on the subject, guide them on the importance of asking for help, how to do it and who to go to. Parents must learn to listen to their children, show support and trust. Monitor their school progress and behavior. It is important to instill in children that revenge is not a way, that running away from dangerous situations can save your life or that feelings can be expressed without aggression. Safety in schools and the work being supervised by teachers and caregivers must be strict. Homes and schools must work together in this scenario and learn about the many organizations that exist to help eradicate this harsh reality. Put into practice the keys to preventing bullying, which consists of establishing rules, recognizing, and identifying potential bullies and their victims, responding with specific actions, and publicly rejecting those behaviors to create an anti-bullying culture in the school environment. (Keating, S. et al. 2021)
Cowie, H. (2021). Peer support schemes. In P. K. Smith & J. O’Higgins Norman (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of bullying: A comprehensive and international review of research and intervention (pp. 317-332).
Downes, P. (2022). Framing early school leaving and bullying prevention as issues of concentric inclusive systems in a global context. In R. Baikady, S. M. Sajid, J. Przeperski, & M. R. Islam (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of global social problems. Palgrave Macmillan.
Foody, M., McGuire, L., Kuldas, S., & O’Higgins Norman, J. (2019). Friendship quality and gender differences in association with cyberbullying involvement and psychological well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(1723), 1–13.
Keating, S., & Collins, B. (2021). Bullying prevention through curriculum and classroom resources. In P. K. Smith & J. O’Higgins Norman (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of bullying: A comprehensive and international review of research and intervention (pp. 278-302).

How can esa help in chronic illnesses

Emotional support animals (ESAs) are turning into an undeniably famous type of treatment for individuals with chronic pain or other chronic illnesses. Chronic pain and chronic illnesses can altogether affect a person’s psychological and emotional prosperity, prompting anxiety, wretchedness, and social disconnection. ESAs can offer emotional support and solace to individuals with chronic pain or chronic illnesses, assisting with reducing symptoms and work on by and large prosperity. This article will investigate the use of ESAs in aiding individuals with chronic pain or other chronic illnesses, their advantages, and conceivable aftereffects.
Expecting you live in Washington state and are taking a gander at getting a Run of the Emotional Support Animal (ESA), it’s head to be have two or three bet in the essential necessities for getting an esa letter washington state. An ESA letter is a key report that guarantees your head for an ESA and licenses you to give them with you to public places.The ESA letter should be made on clear letterhead and course express data, for example, your finding and how the ESA reduces your optional impacts. Just canines, cats, and certain little animals are viewed as ESAs in Washington state, and they should be tremendous and non-upsetting out in the open spots.

The Impact of Chronic Pain and Chronic Illnesses
Chronic pain and chronic illnesses can fundamentally impact a singular’s personal satisfaction, causing physical, mental, and emotional misery. Chronic pain is characterized as pain that perseveres for a considerable length of time or more, and chronic illnesses are long haul conditions that require progressing clinical therapy. Normal chronic illnesses incorporate diabetes, coronary illness, and malignant growth.
Chronic pain and chronic illnesses can cause a scope of symptoms, including weariness, rest unsettling influences, diminished versatility, and temperament changes. These symptoms can impact day to day existence exercises, like work, social exercises, and family obligations. Chronic pain and chronic illnesses can likewise prompt social confinement, despondency, and anxiety.
To get an esa letter michigan, you ought to visit with a stayed aware of clinical thought gifted who could push toward your enormous accomplishment at whatever point condition and pick if an ESA is a reasonable treatment choice. By following solid region for the, you can guarantee that your ESA is viewed as a power support animal and that you can really give them with you to public spots.
Emotional Support Animals for Individuals with Chronic Pain or Chronic Illnesses
Emotional support animals (ESAs) are animals that offer emotional help and solace to individuals with mental or emotional handicaps, including chronic pain or chronic illnesses. ESAs can be any sort of animal, including canines, felines, bunnies, or birds, and are not expected to have particular preparation.
ESAs offer emotional support and solace to individuals with chronic pain or chronic illnesses by giving friendship and reducing pressure and anxiety. ESAs can likewise assist with pain the board by diverting individuals from their pain and giving a feeling of inspiration and obligation.
Continuing onward for the time being that you’re looking at getting an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) in Arizona, it is a big deal know the real necessities for getting an esa letter arizona. An ESA letter is a record that guarantees your head for an ESA and awards you to give them with you to public spots. In Arizona, an ESA letter should be made by a remained mindful of clinical thought gifted, like a planned capable, guide, or educated power. The letter should give that you have a strikingly close clinical issue and that having an ESA is head for your treatment plan.
The Advantages of ESAs for Chronic Pain and Chronic Illnesses
ESAs offer various advantages to individuals with chronic pain or chronic illnesses, including:
Decrease in pressure and anxiety: ESAs can assist with reducing pressure and anxiety levels in individuals with chronic pain or chronic illnesses. Studies have demonstrated the way that the presence of an ESA can diminish the degrees of cortisol, the pressure chemical, in a singular’s body.
Advancement of emotional prosperity: ESAs can advance emotional prosperity by giving friendship and reducing sensations of forlornness and social disengagement. ESAs can likewise give a feeling of inspiration and obligation, which can support confidence and certainty.
Expanded social support and friendship: ESAs can give a feeling of social support and friendship, which can work on a singular’s state of mind and generally speaking prosperity. ESAs can likewise assist individuals with interfacing with other people who share comparable encounters.
How ESAs can assist with pain the executives: ESAs can assist with pain the board by giving interruption and reducing anxiety levels, which can intensify pain. ESAs can likewise assist individuals with remaining dynamic and drew in, which can advance physical and emotional well-being.
Experimental Proof on the Adequacy of ESAs for Chronic Pain or Chronic Illnesses
A few examinations have researched the impact of ESAs on individuals with chronic pain or chronic illnesses. One investigation discovered that the presence of an ESA diminished the requirement for pain medicine in individuals with chronic pain. Another investigation discovered that the presence of an ESA worked on the mind-set and generally speaking prosperity of individuals with chronic illnesses.
ESAs can be head for individuals with central corruptions, yet there are colossal necessities for getting an esa letter utah. The letter should be made by a remained mindful of mental succeeding expert and express that the animal will decrease results of the condition. Just canines, cats, and certain little animals are viewed as ESAs in Utah, and they should be careful and non-upset out in the open spots.
Conceivable Symptoms of ESAs for Individuals with Chronic Pain or Chronic Illnesses
While ESAs offer various advantages, there are additionally conceivable secondary effects that individuals ought to know about prior to integrating them into their treatment. The obligation and cost of keeping an ESA can be critical, and individuals ought to guarantee that they have the assets to give legitimate consideration to their animal. ESAs can likewise cause sensitivities or other wellbeing worries in individuals with prior conditions, like asthma or sensitivities.
Furthermore, ESAs are not viewed as administration animals and don’t have similar lawful insurances under the Americans with Incapacities Act (ADA). ESAs are just safeguarded under the Fair Lodging Act (FHA) and the Air Transporter Access Act (ACAA), which require property managers and carriers to make sensible facilities for individuals with ESAs.
Individuals ought to likewise know that not all animals are appropriate for being ESAs. It is essential to pick an animal that is polite, prepared, and reasonable for residing in a home climate. It is likewise vital to keep legitimate animal consideration rules, including ordinary veterinary tests, appropriate sustenance, and exercise.
To get an esa letter georgia, you should visit with an embraced clinical idea gifted who can zero in on your mental thriving condition and wrap up whether an ESA is a sensible treatment decision. By following the strong necessities, you can ensure that your ESA is seen as a power support animal and that you can really give them with you to public spots.
ESAs can offer emotional support and solace to individuals with chronic pain or chronic illnesses, assisting with mitigating symptoms and work on by and large prosperity. ESAs offer various advantages, including the decrease of pressure and anxiety, the advancement of emotional prosperity, and the expanded social support and friendship. Experimental proof has likewise demonstrated the way that the presence of an ESA can further develop pain the executives and in general wellbeing results.
In any case, individuals ought to know about the conceivable symptoms of ESAs, including the obligation and cost of keeping an ESA, conceivable wellbeing concerns, and legitimate limits. It is essential to examine the use of ESAs with a medical care supplier and to guarantee that the animal is appropriate for offering emotional help and solace.
All in all, ESAs can be a significant type of treatment for individuals with chronic pain or chronic illnesses. The emotional support and solace given by an ESA can assist with mitigating symptoms and work on generally speaking prosperity. In any case, it is critical to painstakingly consider the obligations and restrictions of integrating an ESA into one’s treatment prior to going with a choice.
More Resources :
The Health and Mood-Boosting Benefits of Pets
What Is The Effect Of ESA On Housing
What Are The Risks For Having An ESA
The Potential Risks And Challenges Of Owning An ESA
A Provider’s Guide To Emotional Support Animals

Business finance – operations management operations, technology,

In this assignment, you will focus on these sections of your business plan:

Management and Organization.
Social Responsibility.

You will revise the Operations, Social Responsibility, and Financials sections based on the feedback you received in the discussion threads and any changes you want to make to your business plan.
The Technology and Management and Organization sections are new. You have not worked on these sections in your discussion threads.
The assignment consists of two parts:

The business plan (A3-Operations, Technology, Management, and Ethics Plan Template Download A3-Operations, Technology, Management, and Ethics Plan Template[doc]).
Business plan financials (using the Business Plan Financials Excel Template).

To successfully complete this assignment, you must attach both documents to the submission area as separate files and then click Submit.
Reminders and Notes

Your chosen company will operate in a 100-mile radius from your home address. Your goal is to reach $1 million in sales by the end of the second year.
Be sure to follow the guidelines, whether you use the snack food company scenario or the company of your choice:

You are not starting this assignment from scratch. You have already worked on these sections of your business plan in the weekly discussions:

Operations (Week 5 discussion).
Social Responsibility (Week 6 discussion).
Financials (Week 7 discussion).

Part 1: Business Plan
Write a 4-8 page paper, in MS Word, in which you provide the specified information in each section.
Operations Section (1-2 pages)

Chapter 11, “Operations,” pages 195-218, of your textbook provides information about developing an operations plan. The chapter also provides a sample operations plan. You’ve already read this chapter in Week 5. Refer to it on an as needed basis as you work on this section of your business plan.
Assign a dollar amount to each operational cost you find; you will need these figures for your financials (Business Plan Financials Excel Template).
If you are working with the snack food company scenario, be sure to use the information and costs provided in the Snack Food Company Guidelines.
Revise your post and the feedback you received on it in the Week 5 discussion thread to create your operations plan.


Create an operations plan for your selected company expanding on each of these topics:


Consider questions such as these regarding facilities:

Will you rent or buy your facilities, or will you outsource production to an existing company?
If you are renting or buying your facilities, what utilities will be required to run the operation?
What will be the costs associated with any necessary utilities?

Production Process or Description of How Your Business Will Operate If Retail or Service Company.

Include any equipment you plan to use, if applicable.

Research needed equipment, such as machines, refrigerators, burners, ovens, and so on.
Will you rent or buy needed equipment?
How will you maintain and clean the equipment?
How will you ensure quality control?
What capacity do you intend to reach?
If you have a retail or service business, consider any equipment you might need in your process.

Explain your approach to inventory, as applicable.

Where do your supplies come from?
What is your turnaround time to produce your product once you have received an order?

Research and Development.

How will you stay abreast of new developments in the industry?
What new products or services are in development?

Personnel Needs in Operations.

How many operations employees do you plan to have?
What will their roles be?

Technology Section (1-2 pages)

Chapter 12, “Technology Plan,” pages 225-234, of your textbook provides information about developing a technology plan. The chapter also provides a sample technology plan. You’ve already read this chapter in Week 5. Refer to it on an as needed basis as you work on this section of your business plan.
Assign a dollar amount to each technology cost you find; you will need these figures for your financials (Business Plan Financials Excel Template).
If you are working with the snack food company scenario, be sure to use the information and costs provided in the Snack Food Company Guidelines.
Consider the type of technology your selected company will use to conduct activities, such as managing personnel; taking, fulfilling, and tracking orders; managing inventory; communicating with customers and providing customer service; and producing your product or providing your service.


Create a technology plan for your selected company expanding on each of these topics:

Software Needs.

Examples of software you might need include graphics, customer relationship management, accounting, inventory, and office suite.

Hardware Needs.

Examples of hardware you might need include computers, monitors, servers, routers, and tablets.

Telecommunication Needs.

Examples of telecommunication equipment you might need include phones, Internet, fax, and mobile phones.

Personnel Needs in Technology.

Will your technology personnel be in-house or outsourced?

Management and Organization Section (1-2 pages)

Chapter 13, “Management & Organization,” pages 235-258, of your textbook provides information about developing a management and organization plan. The chapter also provides a sample management and organization plan. This chapter was part of the assigned reading for this week. Refer to this chapter on an as needed basis as you work on this section of your business plan.
Be sure to include the salary costs associated with the management personnel; you will need these figures for your financials (Business Plan Financials Excel Template).


Create a management and organization plan for your selected company expanding on each of these topics:

Key Management Employees.

List key management team members along with a several sentence description of each person’s relevant business background and responsibilities.


List any people you will use as advisors for your business; include a several sentence description of these individuals’ areas of expertise and their expected contribution to the business.

Management Hierarchy.

Outline your company’s management hierarchy using the flow charts on page 248 of your textbook as a guide.
Import/include all charts or diagrams into the MS Word document.

Social Responsibility Section (1-2 pages)

Chapter 14, “Social Responsibility & Sustainability,” pages 259-270, of your textbook provides information about developing your social responsibility plan. The chapter also provides a sample social responsibility and sustainability plan. You’ve already read this chapter in Week 6. Refer to it on an as needed basis as you work on this section of your business plan.
Revise your post and the feedback you received on it in the Week 6 discussion thread to create your social responsibility plan.


Create a social responsibility plan for your selected company expanding on each of these topics:

Impact on Stakeholders.

Describe the ways your chosen company will impact stakeholders, such as employees, customers, suppliers, and the community. This is the people section of the triple bottom line.

What types of benefits (such as health care, flexible work hours, and opportunities for advancement and education) will your company offer employees?
What types of opportunities (such as classes, sponsored events, and assistance to causes and charities) will your company offer the community?

Environmental Impact.

Explain how your company’s activities will affect the environment.
Identify the steps you will take to mitigate any negative impacts.

How will you minimize your ecological footprint in your operations? Consider energy usage, waste disposal, recycling, using recycled materials, et cetera.

Format your assignment according to these requirements:
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all supports. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
You must include headings in your paper for each major topic.
Include a cover page containing the assignment title, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
Include a source list page. All sources used must be listed in the source list page and have a corresponding in-text citation. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The source list page is not included in the required page length.

Note: There is no minimum requirement for the number of resources used in this assignment.

Part 2: Business Plan Financials
Revise the Business Plan Financials Excel Template based on feedback from the Week 7 discussion thread and changes you make to your business plan.

Be sure the numbers in the Business Plan Financials Excel Template match any numbers included in the Operations, Technology, and Management and Organization sections of your business plan narrative.
Remember that the guidelines, whether for your own startup company or for the snack food company scenario, provide helpful information on completing the worksheets within the Business Plan Financials Excel Template.

Learning Outcomes
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Create an operations, technology, and management plan for a company, including considerations for ethics and social responsibility and business financials.

View RubricWeek 8 Assignment – Operations, Technology, Management, and Social Responsibility Plan (With Financials)Week 8 Assignment – Operations, Technology, Management, and Social Responsibility Plan (With Financials)

Week 4 | Biology homework help

This Discussion also has two parts. Please respond to both. 
Part 1: Evaluating Web Resources
As regular users of the World Wide Web, both for personal and instructional purposes, we all share a concern over the accuracy of information available on the Internet.  Indeed, one of the Internet’s most powerful and novel features (its ability to provide a world-wide forum for the ideas, opinions and beliefs of anyone with access to a server) can also be one of its biggest liabilities.
Many members of the scientific community have made statements to the effect that scientific information on the Web is often inaccurate, flawed or unreliable.  However, as scientists we are trained to be skeptical of generalizations until we have data to support them.
Many people would argue that a teacher’s most important role is to build/develop a student’s skills in CRITICAL THINKING and CRITICAL READING.  This creates a student who can teach themselves, enabling lifelong learning.
One of the Internet’s potential liabilities (its ability to provide false or inaccurate information at the click of a button) also creates an opportunity to build and reinforce skills in CRITICAL THINKING and CRITICAL READING.
For this week, I want you to do a little web research. Choose a topic, perhaps something like “Smoking and Cancer”. Limit your topics to the sciences. Use your favorite search engine and look at the first several items that come up. For “smoking and cancer” on Google the first item that comes up is a bunch of ads (unfortunately), then this –
Smoking and cancer | Cancer Research UK…cancer/…cancer/smoki…
Cancer Research UK
Smoking is the most preventable cause of cancer in the world. Smoking account for more than 1 in 4 UK cancer deaths. Quit smoking and reduce your risk.
?How smoking causes cancer – ?Smoking facts and evidence – ?Passive smoking
On Bing, I get this, after the ads –

smoking causes cancer – National Cancer › … › Causes and Prevention › Risk Factors › TobaccoA fact sheet that lists some of the cancer-causing chemicals in tobacco smoke and describes the health problems caused by cigarette smoking and the benefits of …

I want you to look at the article that comes up for your search and evaluate it for suitability of the reference. Use the following questions to guide your conference post.

Look at the scope of the article (does it cover the subject appropriately)
Who it the targeted to (is it a scholarly article, or is it written for a lay person)
The timeliness of the article (is the information current)
The authority of the article (who is writing it). 
What about the documentation of the article (does it site other good references). 
Finally, is the article objective.  This is the reference that inspired these questions and will provide an expanded explanation of the questions. This discussion was inspired by an article on evaluating the accuracy of scientific information on the internet by Dr. Jory Weintraub, as a matter of fact I pulled some of this discussion from Dr. Weintraub’s article.
Part 2: Discussion- Sexual Reproduction
During week 4, cellular division is described for organisms undergoing sexual and asexual reproduction. In addition, the concept of genetic inheritance through Mendel’s work and Morgan’s research on fruit fly are introduced. Answer the following questions on Mitosis, Meiosis, and genetic inheritance.

During the cell cycle, cell progression in that process is tightly regulated. Provide an example of a disorder resulting from errors in Meiosis. Is this disorder inherited? Explain.
There is a database summarizing all genetically inherited disorders. I encourage you to take a look at the database ( ). It is a great resource. As you browse the database, you may find that most disorders are recessive. Why do you think there are not many dominantly-inherited disorders? (Think about the individual with a dominantly inherited disorder).

Human resource management human resource management week 4 assignment

Each answer should be at least one paragraph long (500-750 words) and accurately reflect the text’s key points. Your answers should include direct evidence from the reading to support your argument. Please make sure to cite any quotes or paraphrased information. Make sure to proofread your work before submitting it.
Case Study 1. Whirlpool Mixes up Its Managerial Training: Closed-Looped Method Brings Learning Full Circle
Most Americans are familiar with Whirlpool. Whirlpool, which is based in Benton Harbor, Michigan, has been in business for more than century and is perhaps best known for the washers and dryers it makes. In addition, the company makes refrigerators, freezers, and cooking appliances that it sells under various other brand names around the world (Amana, Maytag, KitchenAid, and Roper are some of them).
During the last economic recession, appliance sales plummeted, and Whirlpool was forced to lay off thousands of workers. Although budgets were being slashed, Whirlpool needed to develop managers who could lead the company through the downturn as well as provide training that would have a measurable impact at a lower cost.
Previously Whirlpool University, the company’s 100-acre learning division located at its corporate headquarters, had used mainly classroom learning. The university now has a learning management system and conducts online training. A series of 30-minute modules are used to help familiarize and onboard new hires. In addition, Whirlpool now takes a “closed-loop” approach to training. Instead of just doing the popular types of training that other companies have adopted, it surveys managers to find out what types of training Whirlpool truly needs and what types it doesn’t, and then designs training programs based on those specific needs.
Because managers are central to the training and development of their employees and are in the best position to observe and coach rank-and-file employees, Whirlpool utilizes a 12-month-long intermittent training program for its managers called Leading People. The program consists of blended learning, including prework modules managers do online, followed by classroom training, business projects, and seminars with top managers. A manager’s direct reports provide an initial baseline assessment of the manager’s skills, and then the manager is assessed again following the training. James Crawford, in Whirlpool’s Chicago division, said the training helped him become a better leader: “It helped me pinpoint weak spots in my leadership practices and then gave me a strategy for turning those weaknesses into strengths.” The managers are later surveyed on how well the training is working and what can be done to improve it. In other words, there is a feedback system in place—hence the “closed-loop” moniker. With this approach, the design, delivery, and redesign of the training is a continuous circle and constantly being improved over time.
Its closed-loop feedback system has helped Whirlpool continue to assess and alter its training to adapt to new conditions. For example, today Whirlpool isn’t laying off employees; it’s trying to hire more of them as its older workers retire. To attract Millennials, the company has partnered with high school and colleges to offer an on-site apprenticeship program called “Work, Earn, and Learn.” In 2017, Whirlpool’s CEO, Jeff Fettig, was one of a number of corporate executives who met with President Donald Trump to talk about saving American jobs and encourage government support for the vocational training that today’s high-tech skills manufacturers today. “The jobs are there, but the skills are not,” said one executive at the meeting.

Why are a needs assessment and ongoing training important for firms like Whirlpool to conduct?
How do you think Whirlpool’s training strategy will need to change in the future?

ART HISTORY 3020 Saving Private Ryan and Goodfellas Discussion

Student a post (180 words response for the post is required)The lighting that I think is in the movie I chose (Saving Private Ryan) is low-key lighting. I say this because in the book it defines low-key lighting as the use of deep shadows with high contrast between the brightest parts of the scene and the darkest parts. Since most of this movie is outside this was the only one that made sense to me. The book also states that low-key lighting is often used in intense dramatic scenes and sense Saving Private Ryan is a movie about war this made the most sense to me. I think the techniques of low key lighting and why it is used is to make your mind think that something bad is about to happen. You see this type of lighting in horror films and other that the music the lighting is what scares you most of the time. The lighting advances the story because it leaves you wondering what is coming next in the case of horror films. It set the mood of the scene as well, if it is bright then you can think that something good is going to happen and if the scene stays dark or you cannot see anything you can assume something bad will happen. I think that if different choices where made then the scene would not be as impactful as it was. I do not know a lot about film but from the little bit that I have read it seems to me that light is a huge part of the movie because I believe that lighting sets the tone.ReferencesGoodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, C. P. (2014). Film: From watching to seeing (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.Eric mack attacks, Student b aus post (180 words response for the post is required)The film I chose to explain the type of lighting is Goodfellas. In the opening scene of the film the use of low-key lighting is very apparent. Three gang members are driving down the street in a vehicle, after hearing banging coming from the trunk they decide to pull over to the side of the road. At this point the scene uses low-key lighting by having the camera focused on the three men facing the trunk of the vehicle, with the only source of light being the tail lights of the vehicle. For a few seconds the scene builds suspense by showing the men covered by a red blanket of light coming from the tail light as they nervously prepare to open the trunk. With the red being the only break in the surrounding darkness the scene creates an ominous feeling, making the viewers anticipate something bad is going to happen. Sure enough the gangsters open the trunk to show a man they intended to kill but only ended up severely injuring, and showing the gangsters finishing what they started. With the opening scene being very dark and using red lighting it signifies events to come later on in the film, as we later find out how the protagonist ended up in the situation, and explains his life that’s surrounding by crime and murder. The scene is very significant because the death of the victim later on leads to the death of one of the main supporting actors, which contributes to the downfall of the tight-knit group of gangsters.Goodfellas – Opening Scene (1080p) (Links to an external site.) ReferencesGoodfellas (2016 Dec 4). Goodfellas- Opening Scene . Retrieved from

Case analysis—strategic leadership: the essential skills

Read this Article and then complete case study. 
Consult the Case Study Guidelines and the Case Analysis rubric attached to this page to ensure you meet the assignment requirements. Requirements include, but are not limited to, the following:

Be a minimum of 1000 words.

Note: Do not include abstracts, bullets, headings and subheadings, cover and reference pages, and charts and graphs in your word count.

Follow the latest version of the APA Publication Manual.  
Be in a Word document format, double-spaced, and use a 10- or 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font. The page margins on the top, bottom, left, and right should be 1 inch each. 
Be supported by multiple references cited in the latest version of APA style. Justify your analysis by including in-text citations and your references as applicable. Use the following resources to properly cite your work:

Is checked for spelling and grammatical errors.

A case study is a short description of a real-life situation. Analyzing business case studies gives you the opportunity to apply those concepts to real business problems. Cases are generally written for several types of analysis. Usually, there is no “right” or “wrong” answer. Rather, cases provide a vehicle for you to demonstrate your understanding and your ability to apply course concepts. You must use appropriate sources (properly cited) to support your work. 
Check your analysis by assessing how well it demonstrates your leadership management knowledge. If your answer relies on your impressions of leadership management prior to taking this course, it is likely that the analysis is not your best effort. 
Format for Submissions
Use the case study rubric as a guide.
Remember, this is an ANALYSIS of the case and not a SUMMARY of the case.
Summary vs Analysis: A summary will discuss the contents similar to a book report. An analysis will read the case in depth and then think about the main issues that were discussed.
Writers use summaries to describe the source they are using, as opposed to evaluating or commenting on it. Summary often precede analysis and help prepare the reader for the writer’s ideas about the source.
Unlike summary, analysis relies on the observations, ideas, evaluations, and inferences of the writer (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.). An analysis is more in depth and uses a higher level of cognitive thinking — critical thinking.
You will prepare and submit a number of short papers on a case study posed by the instructor. These papers are an opportunity for you to respond to an issue drawn from the module. You must support your position using appropriate sources that are properly cited including course resources and additional credible resources.
You must follow the format and guidelines, given below, for the short papers:
Title Page: Include name, paper title, course title, instructor’s name, and date.
Introduction: The first paragraph is used as the introduction but is not labeled as the introduction – the APA writing style assumes the first paragraph will be the background and overview. Discuss the purpose of the paper in succinct, declarative sentences. The introduction should offer a preview of the paper, its value, and be based upon the concepts studied in the course.
Discussion Content: This section should include the following three elements:
·  a brief examination of the issue, concept, or consequences of the actions taken,
·  an explanation of the concepts or theoretical applications that pertain to this topic,
It is required that you make use of appropriate headings to guide your reader.
Conclusion: This should be a summative paragraph which includes a restatement of the key points in your discussion.
References: A minimum of two references (not including your textbook) must be used to support your discussion. Document all sources according to APA style.
Your case analyses should meet the following formatting criteria: 
·  Be submitted in a Word doc format (.doc or .docx).
·  Be no less than 1000 words in length.
·  Be double spaced.
·  Use 10- or 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font.
·  Have 1-inch margins on the top, bottom, left side, and right side.
·  Adhere to the current version of APA style guidelines.

Unit 3.2 db: white privilege 2 responses

 You must support your response with scholarly sources in APA format 
A quote from Sharon Begley, Seeing the Truth of Inequality: “We all want to believe that we’ve earned what we have, but true equality begins when we’re willing to see how the circumstances of our birth have helped us along”. ( Our society support “whiteness” as a norm, because that’s all America knows white, has always been superior to other races. Going into a store without being racially stereotyped is an example of how society illustrates white privilege. An article from Cory Collins, (2018) states that white privilege is both a legacy and a cause of racism. White privilege exists because of historic, enduring racism and biases. ( The way we can confront white privilege as a society is we must first stop saying that it don’t exsist because it do. Like Sharon Begley said our birth helped us along this stuck to me because some white people was born privlieged and was taught how to treat other races different and that the white race is superior over all. We have to see the truth in it all and I think that every race should be treated equally but we have a lot of work to do for that to happen. We still have police treating blacks different from whites when it comes to making an arrest. So many black people have been wrongfully killed by the hands of police. 
White privilege inherent advantage possessed by a white person based on their race in ac s society characterized by racial inequality and injustice “We need to be clear that there is no such thing as giving up one’s privilege to be ‘outside’ the system. One is always in the system. The only question is whether one is part of the system in a way that challenges or strengthens the status quo. Privilege is not something I take and which therefore have the option of not taking. It is something that society gives me, and unless I change the institutions which give it to me, they will continue to give it, and I will continue to have it, however noble and equalitarian my “We need to be clear that there is no such thing as giving up one’s privilege to be ‘outside’ the system. One is always in the system. The only question is whether one is part of the system in a way that challenges or strengthens the status quo. Privilege is not something I take and which therefore have the option of not taking. It is something that society gives me, and unless I change the institutions which give it to me, they will continue to give it, and I will continue to have it, however noble and equalitarian my “We need to be clear that there is no such thing as giving up one’s privilege to be ‘outside’ the system. One is always in the system. The only question is whether one is part of the system in a way that challenges or strengthens the status quo. Privilege is not something I take and which therefore have the option of not taking. It is something that society gives me, and unless I change the institutions which give it to me, they will continue to give it, and I will continue to have it, however noble and equalitarian my “We need to be clear that there is no such thing as giving up one’s privilege to be ‘outside’ the system. One is always in the system. The only question is whether one is part of the system in a way that challenges or strengthens the status quo. Privilege is not something I take and which therefore have the option of not taking. It is something that society gives me, and unless I change the institutions which give it to me, they will continue to give it, and I will continue to have it, however noble and equalitarian my https://www.american HTTP://

Case study: creating an ethics case study | PHI208

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the required resources for the week, complete the Week 2 content in the PHI208: Ethics & Moral ReasoningLinks to an external site. interactive, watch the UtilitarianismLinks to an external site. video, and review the Reading PhilosophyLinks to an external site. video from the Week 1 discussion.
In this written assignment, you will create an ethics case study based on provided topics, resources, and ethical questions. Your tasks here are to present the case study and the information necessary to consider it. You will choose one of the ethical questions provided with the case study and discuss the central moral controversy the question addresses. You will also briefly apply utilitarianism to the case study. This written assignment should be an assignment and include the following sections and headings.
Part 1: Introduction, Case Study
In this section, you will create the case study. To complete this section,

Choose a case study from the selection provided by your instructor in the Week 2 announcement titled “Week 2 Case Studies.”
Present a brief introduction to the case study.
Discuss background information provided in one of the resources.

This section should be around 300 words.
Part 2: Ethical Question
In this section, discuss one of the ethical questions provided with the case study. To complete this section,

State the ethical question you have chosen to discuss and place it at the beginning of the section in bold font.
Discuss the ethical question by considering two or more of the following:

What is the central moral controversy at the heart of the ethical question?
What ethical or societal values are at stake in the question?
Who is impacted by the issue or moral controversy?
What might it say about us as individuals or society depending on how we answer the ethical question?

This section should be around 150 words.
Part 3: Position Statement
In this section, you will formulate a position statement that answers the ethical question, and then support the position statement. To complete this section,

Formulate a position statement that directly answers the ethical question. For example, if the ethical question is “Is it moral for public schools to use corporal punishment to discipline students?” Your position statement would be either “It is moral for schools to use corporal punishment.” or “It is not moral for schools to use corporal punishment.”
Discuss reasons that support your position statement. The reasons should be moral or value-based as opposed to statistical or other information-based reasons. For example, the use of corporal punishment in public schools is rare, but this is fact and not a moral reason; so it would not provide much support for the position statement.

This section should be around 150 words.
Part 4: Opposition Statement
In this section, you will provide a statement that directly opposes the position statement and discuss reasons that support it. To complete this section,

Formulate a statement that opposes your position statement. For example, if your position statement was “It is not moral for schools to use corporal punishment,” then your opposing position statement would be “It is moral for public schools to use corporal punishment.”
Discuss reasons that support your opposition statement. As in the preceding section, these reasons should also be moral or value-based as opposed to statistical or other information-based reasons.

This section should be around 150 words.
Part 5: Application of Utilitarianism
In this section,

Explain the principle of “the greatest good for the greatest number.”
Consider how this principle would support your position or opposing position statement.

This section should be around 100 words.
The Case Study: Creating an Ethics Case Study assignment

Must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft WordLinks to an external site. resource.
Must include a separate title page with the following in title case:

title of assignment in bold font

Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.

student’s name
name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)
course name and number
instructor’s name
due date

Must utilize academic voice.

Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph.

Must use at least two scholarly sources.

Due 1 hour | Nursing homework help

 Reply to other classmates on how to strengthen their disaster plan based on the role of the nurse. Provide feedback on any points needing improvement. Make sure to support your discussions with peer reviewed literature. 
   Provide the details of your disruption: Your location at the time the disruption occurs, type of disruption, disruption duration, the only available communication tool, and what’s missing during the disruption.
     My location of the disruption is in the patient’s home, located in New Holland, Pennsylvania. The type of disruption is a hurricane. The duration is for one year. My available communication tool is radio/walkie talkie and what is missing during the disruption is clean, running water.
     Research how this disruption would impact you in your role as a registered nurse.Identify 2 tasks that you would delegate and identify who you would delegate the task to. Provide a rationale for this delegation. What are the policies and procedures surrounding your type of disruption and location? How will the only available communication tool and missing item alter the plan??
     The disruption would impact my role as a nurse as it would affect hygiene and sanitation. Running water is needed to wash our hands, for bathing, drinking, as well as flushing toilets. The communication tool that has been given to me is a radio/walkie talkie. One task that would need to be accomplished is to seek help. With the use of walkie/talkie it can reach out to EMS and local police and delegate the task for any assistance. The problem with walkie/talkies is not everyone would have this source of communication. Getting in contact with family or friends is very limited, as most people rely on cell phones as a source of communication. That is why the second task of contacting work, family or relatives can be delegated to a neighbor to see if they have resources to contact them with a cellphone.   FEMA suggests listening to the radio for emergency information and alerts and to know your evacuation routes (Protective Actions Research, 2023). The radio can provide updates on what is happening in the area with road closures and damages in the area. Policies and procedures surrounding the disruption and location would include to see if the patient is prepared with hurricane supplies, such as bottled water, batteries, canned foods and medical supplies. FEMA also suggested reviewing emergency evacuation plans and local officials directions. Other procedures would include to refrain from driving into floodwaters, evacuate if advised and stay inside especially if there is high winds(Protective Actions Research, 2023).
    Identify any priorities, issues, or potential near-future issues that affect your work.
     Priority issues or potential near-future issues that can affect my work, would be road closures. Road closures could impact on how I would be able to transport or receive help for the at home patient. Priority would be to keep my patient safe, contact nearby neighbors to see if they possibly have a phone to use to reach out to my agency and contact supervisors regarding my patient and their current condition. I would also be concerned with medications on hand and if the patient has enough supplies. Hygiene would be the major issue as there is no clean water running. Bottled water supply may run out before roads will open, any damages, or if stores would be open.
     How does the duration of disruption affect your plans?
     The duration of one year seems like a very long time to be without clean running water. This could impact hygiene for the patients, as well as clean drinking water. The World Health Organization states patient and staff are at an additional risk of infection and disease when water, sanitation and hygiene services are nonexistent (Drinking-water, 2022). The duration would also impede on any other clients I may be taking care of. Care would have to be taken over by another nurse, if that is an option, depending on damages due to the hurricane. The other clients may be stranded and not have anyone to assist them with their care.