Np_ex19_7a | Computer Science homework help

· Open the file NP_EX19_7a_FirstLastName_1.xlsx, available for download from the SAM website.
· Save the file as NP_EX19_7a_FirstLastName_2.xlsx by changing the “1” to a “2”.
o If you do not see the .xlsx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.
· With the file NP_EX19_7a_FirstLastName_2.xlsx still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in cell B6 of the Documentation sheet.
o If cell B6 does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.
1. Lael Masterson works in the Student Activities Office at Valerian State College in Illinois. Lael has started compiling information on students who are interested in helping run student organizations at Valerian State, and she needs your help completing the workbook.Switch to the Student Representatives worksheet. In cell E2, enter a formula using the HLOOKUP function as follows to determine a student’s potential base hourly rate (which is based on the number of years of post-secondary education):
a. Use a structured reference to look up the value in the Post-Secondary Years column. Retrieve the value in the 2nd row of the table in the range P13:U14, using an absolute reference. Because base hourly rate is tiered based on the number of years of education, find an approximate match.
b. Fill the formula into the range E3:E31, if necessary.
2. Student organizations sometimes require transportation for off-campus activities, and school policy requires students to be over 23 years old to serve as transport.Lael wants to determine how many of the active students will be eligible to transport other group members. In cell J2, enter a formula using the IF function and structured references as follows to determine if Kay Colbert can serve as authorized transport:
a. The function should use a reference to the Age column to determine if the student’s age is greater than 23, and should return the text Yes if true and No if false.
b. Fill the formula into the range J3:J31, if necessary.
3. To be eligible for the leadership training program offered by the office, a student must have at least 2 years of post-secondary education or have gone through the organization finance training. In cell K2 enter a formula using the IF and OR functions and structured references as follows to determine if Kay Colbert can join the leadership training program:
a. The IF function should determine if the student’s Post-Secondary Years is greater than or equal to 2 OR if the student’s finance certified status is “Yes”, returning the text Yes if a student meets one or both of those criteria or the text No if a student meets neither of those criteria.
b. Fill the formula into the range K3:K31, if necessary.
4. Experienced students may serve as mentors if they are at least age 21 and have at least 3 years of post-secondary education. In cell L2, enter a formula using the IF and AND functions and structured references as follows to determine if Kay Colbert is eligible to serve as a mentor:
a. The IF function should determine if the student’s age is greater than or equal to 21 AND the student’s post-secondary years are greater than or equal to 3, and should return the text Yes if a student meets both of those criteria or the text No if a student meets none or only one of those criteria.
b. Fill the formula into the range L3:L31, if necessary.
5. Lael is always on the lookout for students who might be interested in running for office in student groups.In cell M2, enter a formula using a nested IF function and structured references as follows to determine first if a student has already been elected to office in a student group, and if not, whether that student meets the qualifications to run in the future:
a. If the value in the Elected column is equal to the text “Yes”, the formula should display Elected as the text.
b. Otherwise, the formula should determine if the value in the Finance Certified column is equal to the text “Yes” and return the text Yes if true And No if false.
6. Students who work with student organizations are also considered for employment at the Student Activities Office. Students with more than 4 years of post-secondary education are qualified for more complex Tier 2 jobs.In cell N1, enter the text Tier as the column heading. 
7. In cell N2, enter a formula using the IF function and structured references as follows to determine which work tier Kay Colbert is qualified for:
a. The IF function should determine if the student’s Post-Secondary Years is greater than or equal to 4, and return the value 2 if true or the value 1 if false.
b. Fill the formula into the range N3:N31, if necessary.
8. Lael wants a quick way to look up students by their Student ID.In cell Q3, nest the existing VLOOKUP function in an IFERROR function. If the VLOOKUP function returns an error result, the text Invalid Student ID should display.
9. Lael wants to determine several totals and averages for active students.In cell Q8, enter a formula using the COUNTIF function and structured references to count the number of students who have been elected to offices in student organizations.
10. In cell R8, enter a formula using the AVERAGEIF function and structured references to determine the average number of post-secondary years for students who have been elected.
11. In cell R9, enter a formula using the AVERAGE function and structured references to determine the average number of years of post-secondary education of all students as shown in the Post-Secondary Years column.
12. Switch to the Academic Groups worksheet. In cell A14, use the INDEX function and structured references to display the value in the first row and first column of the AcademicGroups table.
13. In cell A17, use the SUMIF function and structured references to display the total membership in 2023 for groups with at least 40 members.
14. Lael is also planning for student groups that the office will be working with in the coming year. She decides to create a PivotTable to better manipulate and filter the student group data.Switch to the Academic PivotTable worksheet, then create a PivotTable in cell A1 based on the AcademicGroups table. Update the PivotTable as follows so that it matches Final Figure 2:
a. Change the PivotTable name to: AcademicPivotTable
b. Add the Activities field and the Group Name field (in that order) to the Rows area. 
c. Add the 2021, 2022, and 2023 fields (in that order) to the Values area.
d. Change the display of subtotals to Show all Subtotals at Top of Group.
e. Change the report layout to Show in Outline Form.
f. Update the Sum of 2021 field in the Values area to display the name 2021 Membership with the Number number format with 0 decimal places.
g. Update the Sum of 2022 field in the Values area to display the name 2022 Membership with the Number number format with 0 decimal places.
h. Update the Sum of 2023 field in the Values area to display the name 2023 Membership with the Number number format with 0 decimal places.
15. Lael wants to summarize data for all student groups in a PivotTable. To do so, she must first update the AllGroups table.Switch to the All Groups worksheet then edit the record for the Astronomy Society to use 76 as the 2023 field value.
16. Switch to the All Groups PivotTable worksheet. Refresh the PivotTable data, then verify that the 2023 Membership value for the Astronomy Society in row 6 reflects the change you made in the previous step.
17. Apply the Light Blue, Pivot Style Medium 2 PivotTable style to the PivotTable.
18. Add the Office field to the Filters area of the Pivot Table. Filter the table so that only organizations with private offices are visible.
19. Filter the PivotTable as follows:
a. Create a Slicer based on the Activities field value.
b. Resize the slicer so that it has a height of 2.2″ and a width of 3.2″. 
c. Move the slicer so that its upper-left corner appears within cell F3 and its lower-right corner appears within cell J14. 
d. Use the slicer to filter the PivotTable so that only Fraternal groups are visible.
Lael also wants to summarize membership data for all organizations using a PivotChart to help determine which groups are showing the most interest from students.Switch to the Activities PivotTable worksheet. Based on  

Macro social work: crisis intervention

300 words
Imagine the Campbells’ town has just experienced a tornado. The town is devastated. Schools, businesses, and multiple homes are damaged. The town contacts you to be part of the crisis team to attend the town meeting.
Social work action often occurs on the macro systems level. This  week’s readings discuss macro-level interventions, including the  following:

Engaging community.
Application of policy.

Using a chosen peer-reviewed article or scholarly based website  that provides macro-level trauma or solution-focused best practice  interventions, in your initial post respond to the following:

Provide a summary of your source’s recommended macro-based community best practice intervention. Describe how you would apply it to  this situation.

Throughout this course and your  synchronous activities, we will be focusing on the members of the  Campbell family. Please review the following case information to get an  understanding of this family, including demographic information, roles,  and identified issues. You will use this case study as a basis for your  final treatment plan.
Meet the Campbell Family
This  family lives in Fort Lupton, a rural town in northern Colorado with a  population of almost 7,500 residents. About 55% of residents are  Hispanic and another 42% are white. The unemployment rate is 16%. The  primary industry in Fort Lupton is construction, although there is also a  growing gas and oil industry.
The family was referred to Weld  County’s Department of Health Services for assessment and evaluation  after the 15-year-old son, Jacob, was charged with grand theft auto. He  is scheduled to attend court later this week. Kali, Jacob’s 17–year–old  sister, has previously been on probation for drug use and possession of  marijuana.
Jacob and Kali’s dad, Joe, has requested a meeting. He  says, “My family is falling apart, and no one is talking about it.” He  says that Jacob is a screw–up and doesn’t seem to care, and that Kali,  who never leaves her room, is always high. “Frankly, I don’t blame her,”  he says. “My wife Karen her mother, is drinking herself to death.”
At  the intake, each family member filled out a brief entrance form. Joe is  frustrated and on edge, saying that no one wanted to come, including  his wife, and he had to bribe his daughter and son to get in the car.  Karen is sitting next to her son with her head down, avoiding any eye  contact. Kali laughs at her father and is on her phone. Jacob has his  baseball cap pulled over his eyes, slumps in his chair, and is  pretending to be asleep.
Karen Campbell

Karen  Campbell is a 34–year–old female. Her father is Hispanic, second  generation from Mexico, and her mother was Hopi Native American. She is a  stay–at–home mom who works part time for a friend with a house cleaning  business.
Karen’s father is 55. He lives on the family ranch  where Karen grew up, and Karen says she sees him a couple of times a  year. Karen’s mother passed away two years ago at the age of 51 from  heart failure.
Karen has no siblings. Her brother committed suicide when he was 14 years old. Karen was 10 at the time.
Karen was raised Catholic, but has not attended church in over 20 years.
Karen is a stay at home mom that works part time for a friend who has a house cleaning business.
Karen  says that she started dating Joe in the eighth grade. They married when  Karen got pregnant with Kali at the age of 17. They have been married  for 17 years, with two previous separations. The first separation was  when Karen was three months pregnant with Kali and Joe enlisted with the  Army. Karen says her mother made her move back home at that time,  because she didn’t trust Joe. When Joe finished his two–year commitment,  they reconciled, right after Karen delivered Jacob.
The second  separation was two years ago, and Joe actually filed for separation.  Karen says it was because she was not coping well with her mother’s  death, that she “just fell apart.” Joe didn’t know how to handle it, so  he just left. (For his part, Joe says he left her because she was  depressed and drinking herself to death like her mother did.)
Karen says she is anxious about obtaining help, but that she also feels guilty, and that she is a failure as a parent.
She  says, “My kids used to like me, we used to be close. Now they never  talk to me —they avoid me, really. I’ve failed them as a mother, so now I  really have no purpose in life.”
Karen reports one good  girlfriend whom she does not see often. She does not go out socially,  and she drinks at home to “calm her nerves.”
Karen presents as unkempt, frazzled, and nervous. She has dark circles under her eyes and looks physically unhealthy.
Karen reports a previous diagnosis of depression and has active diabetes. She also reports current high levels of anxiety.

Joe Campbell

Joe is a 35 year old Caucasian male who is  estranged from his father Bob. Joe has not talked to Bob since his  father left the family over 25 years ago. Joe’s mother is in the local  nursing home, after having been diagnosed with early onset dementia at  the age of 57. Joe says he picks his mom up every Sunday to attend the  Lutheran church. He reports being very close to his mother, and says he  is frustrated that Karen and the kids refuse to go to church with them.
Joe  has two older sisters who live in the same town. He says he tries to  see them, but Karen doesn’t get along with them, so “it’s not really  worth the effort.”
Joe is an Army veteran and served for two years in Afghanistan after his high school graduation, shortly after marrying Karen.
Joe  is a long–haul truck driver. He was once a police officer, but he was  injured on the job 10 years ago. After he left the force, he started  working for his brother–in–law’s trucking business. He says it helps his  marriage to be away from home for long periods of time, but because he  is gone so much, the kids don’t listen and “everything has fallen  apart.”
Joe is an active member of the American Legion and he is  there most nights that he is not working, talking to the other police  officers and community members.
Joe says Karen was his high  school girlfriend, and when she got pregnant he did the right thing by  marrying her. He says he joined the Army so he could provide a better  life for his family, and he was devastated when Karen moved out of their  home to live with her mother.. He says he had to beg her to come back,  and it was only after she became pregnant with Jacob that they  reconciled.
Joe says he left again two years ago and moved in  with his sister and brother“in”law after Karen’s mother died. Karen had  started to drink heavily, and began to be angry and violent towards him.  He moved back home about a year ago when he realized his kids were out  of control and Karen needed some help in dealing with their behaviors.
Joe  said in his individual intake that he wants a divorce. “I can’t stand  Karen, her drinking, and how she has given up, but I am afraid for my  kids if I leave,” he said. “They’re already a mess because of her, and  if I leave, who knows what will happen?”
Joe smokes cigarettes on a daily basis and “drinks beers with the guys.” He denies any previous psychological diagnosis.

Kali Campbell

Kali is a 17–year–old mixed–race teenager who presents as quiet, agitated, and disengaged.
She  has been arrested twice for drug use and possession of marijuana. She  is still on probation for her last charge six months ago, when Kali and  her girlfriend were caught smoking marijuana at the high school football  stadium.
Kali says that she is bisexual and her parents think  it is “a stage,” but she feels that she loves all people. She says that  she is in love with her girlfriend, who is 19 years old.
Kali  says she doesn’t go to school because it is stupid and she doesn’t learn  anything. After her girlfriend graduated last year, there is just no  reason to attend. She says, “There is nothing my parents or the stupid  law can do about it. I am 17! They can’t make me go if I don’t want to  anymore, so mom can just get over it and stop crying about it.” Her dad  says she left school because she is embarrassed that she is gay and was  bullied by the other kids.
When asked what her future plans are,  Kali says, “I’m just waiting to turn 18 so I can get out of this stupid  place with my girlfriend, because we are going get as far away from  here as we can.” Kali reports no desire to find a job or obtain her GED.  She says she may go to school later to become a hairdresser, but only  if she has to.
Kali has violated her probation by testing  positive for marijuana. During her intake, she said, “Drug laws are so  stupid. It’s a natural plant! And why does it matter if I am 17 or 21?”  Kali says smoking marijuana helps her to stay calm, reduces her anxiety,  and helps her deal with her parents’ constant arguing. “Well, if you  can call it that,” she says. “Mom yells and dad just sits there and  takes it, I don’t know why.”
Joe says, “Kali is a beautiful kid, but she takes after her mom – which sucks, because she won’t amount to anything.”
“I  don’t know what to do with her now that she likes girls,” Karen says.  “It’s so embarrassing that she keeps getting in trouble with this girl,  but I know it will pass. It’s just hard to watch her make these bad  decisions. I don’t know what the big deal about marijuana is, it’s not  like we didn’t drink when we were her age. Why does the law have to get  involved? If it keeps her calm, what’s the problem?”
“I think  Kali is depressed but she won’t talk about it,” Joe says. She told me  once, “I’m not a mess like mom! If I was depressed I would be like her, a  stupid mess who does nothing but drink and sleep. I am nothing like  her.”
Kali has never had an official diagnosis, but was referred  to counseling for depression by her school counselor as well as her  probation officer.

 Jacob Campbell

Jacob  has recently been charged with grand theft auto and is scheduled to  attend court this week. “I was bored and we had just won the regional  football playoffs,” he says. “Mom picked me up drunk at the school, and  dad was gone who knows where, maybe working, so what was I supposed to  do? My teammates needed me. So I drove her home and she passed out. I  didn’t want to take her car, so I took the neighbors’ car. They always  leave the keys in their car, and they’re old, so I didn’t think they  would ever know.”
Kali says that Jacob has been taking the  neighbor’s car frequently, probably since he was 13, and that he was  just stupid this time and got caught.
Jacob has many friends at  school and is on the track team as well as the football team. He wanted  to be a police officer like dad, but now that he has been arrested, he  doesn’t know what he will do. “I’ll probably have to drive a truck  because I screwed up and I won’t be able to be a cop,” he says.
Karen  blames Joe for Jacob’s predicament, complaining that Joe is never home  to take him anywhere. “Jacob is my sweet little boy,” she says. “He  doesn’t deserve this!”
Jacob gets decent grades at school, but  is often truant. He says he doesn’t go to school so he can take care of  his mom “on her really bad days.” Kali says, “You mean on her  hungover–and–can’t–stop–vomiting days.”
Jacob has been suspended  from school twice over the past year for fighting. When asked about the  fights, Jacob shrugs his shoulders and doesn’t want to talk about it.  Joe says Jacob was protecting his sister when other kids said nasty  things about her. “He’ll do his duty as a brother,” Joe says with some  pride. “No matter how stupid his sister is, he sticks up for her.”
Jacob  presents as quiet and polite. He seems to avoid conflict and doesn’t  want to answer questions directly, allowing his family to answer for  him.
Jacob’s best friend is his cousin Tom, who is also 15 years  old. “I wish he would stop hanging out with Tom,” Karen says. “Joe’s  family is nothing but trouble.” Visibly irritated, Joe says, “My nephew  is a great kid! Karen just doesn’t want my family to see what a drunk  she is.”
Jacob’s probation officer has sent him to see a psychiatrist for a potential diagnosis of conduct disorder.

Two replies | Anatomy homework help

Instructions: Peer Responses 
125 Word Minimum
RESEARCH (Label this section)

Teach the topic to students. Responses must add new      information not previously discussed. Consider new factual information      tied with critical thinking. Share interesting and current research on the      topic.
Use APA citations in the post to clarify sources.
Do not simply summarize another student’s post and      agree/disagree.
Consider starting out posts with, “A research article I      found said,” “Did you know,” or “Three things I found      interesting were… .”

CRITICAL THINKING (Label this section)

Pose new possibilities or opinions not previously      voiced.
Connect the dots. Why is this an important topic for      you, your community, society, or the world? How does it relate to other      concepts in the text?
Add references and word count for all posts.

Post 1
Motion Sickness: How the Vestibular Apparatus Enables the Brain to Interpret the Body’s 
Position and Movements
Vestibular receptors are found in the inner ear next to the cochlea. Notably, they perceive rotational movement (head turn), translations (linear motion), and head tilt in relation to gravity. Consequently, it converts these motions to neural signals that can be transmitted to the brain (Saladin,2020). Further, the Vestibular system, the apparatus of the inner ear involved in balance. The vestibular system consists of two structures; the bony labyrinth of the inner ear, the vestibule, and the semicircular canals, and the structures of the membranous labyrinth contained within them. When the brain interprets the signals differently, it results in motion sickness (Saladin, 2020). Thus, motion sickness occurs when the movement an individual sees is different from what the ear senses (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention., 2022). Further, it is a common disturbance that can occur to every healthy individual. Notably, it is a psychological response to stimuli like air travel, sea, or road. According to CDC, one in every three people get motion sickness at some point, with children between 2-12 years being the most susceptible. Additionally, women pose a risk factor for motion sickness, especially when menstruating, pregnant, or on hormones. Also, individuals using medication and those who get frequent migraines are at risk of contracting motion sickness.
W.C.  211
Critical Thinking:
Motion sickness can affect anyone. It is associated with symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, general discomfort, apathy, excessive salivation, warm sensation, and drowsiness. This means that when an individual travels, the disturbance makes them not enjoy their journey. Also, pregnant women will most likely experience motion sickness along the journey. I can relate. I have two children that get severe motion sickness. They can not sit in the back seat. They must sit in the front, or they will be sick every time. To avoid motion sickness, one can keep hydrated by drinking water, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, and reducing sensory input such as closing eyes or sleeping. Further, using distractions such as music and controlling breathing can help individuals.
W.C.  129
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, January 28). Motion Sickness | Travelers’ Health | CDC. Retrieved April 3, 2023, from,boat%2C%20or%20amusement%20park%20ride.
Saladin, K. (2020). Anatomy & physiology: The unit of form and function (9th ed.). McGraw Hill Education.
W.C.  397
How do we test a reflex? Typical reflex arc
Top of Form
How do we test a reflex? Typical reflex arc
Reflex is a trigger response from our body that gives our muscles permission to immediately respond to the stimulus instead of waiting for a reaction from the brain. The reflex arcis made up of 5 components: receptor, afferent fibre, spinal bord center, efferent fibre, and then the muscle and tendon itself. How do refelxes even work? It all starts when the receptor recieves the notice of pain or change done to our body, we are using paper cut as an example. The nerves then carries the pain from the affected body part to the spinal cord, in this case it would be your hand or finger. The connector to the spinal cord then passes the message from sensory to motor nerve to trigger a reaction. The motor nerve then passes on the message away from the spinal cord to the affected area, which would be your skin in this example. Once the message is passed on to the affected organ upon feeling pain, you then have the reflex or reaction to get your hand or finger away from what caused the paper cut. Saladin, K. (2020) It is important test our reflexes. Testing our reflexes helps determine if a person’s nervous system is functioning properly. When checking your knee reflexes, you should be pressing down on the dorsum of the foot as well as while tapping on the patellar tendon. Lees, A. J., & Hurwitz, B. (2019, January 1) Anyone can test reflexes as long as they position certain muscles and properly locate those tendons, you should have a response. The most simple reflex test would most likely be a muscle stretch flex. The knee jerk method is one of the ways to test a stretch flex used in many clinical practices. People may think that the knee is the only body part to react, but it also triggers other muscles to react including your lumbar region on the spinal cord & your quadriceps. A bicep reflex can also be performed by strucking the brachii tendon with the tendon hammer. An absece or lack of reflexes or any other reaction may be the cause of other underlying nuerological diseases and or issues. Newman, G. (2023, March 15)
Do you remember going to the doctor or watching a movie and they are tapping on the patient’s knees? That is what this subject reminded me of! I use to play around with my knee reflexes in grade school thinking it was cool to see the reaction of my knee bouncing up after tapping it with my phone! People also forget that you don’t have to only use muscles and tendons. Most of the time, medical professionals go for the pupillary light! The pupillary light method is when you healthcare professional or eye doctor shines a light through your eye to see if the contract. This reaction occurs when the light shined is hitting the optic nerve cause the pupils to dilate.
Lees, A. J., & Hurwitz, B. (2019, January 1). Testing the reflexes. The BMJ.
Newman, G. (2023, March 15). How to assess reflexes – neurologic disorders. Merck Manuals Professional Edition. Retrieved April 7, 2023, from 
Saladin, K. (2020). Anatomy & physiology: The unity of form and function (9th ed.). McGraw Hill Education.

Business finance – management week 2 assignment due by mar 19. | BUS 405 Principles of Investments

Investment Analysis
Throughout this course, you will work on different portions of your final paper, which is an investment portfolio based on the scenario described below.
For this week’s assignment, you will identify and examine at least two stocks and one other investment type you are interested in to build your investment portfolio.
Scenario: Imagine you have just won $100,000 in a lottery. You want to invest this money wisely so it can grow over time and help you achieve your overall investment goals.
Prior to beginning work on this assignment,
•  It is strongly recommended that you look ahead to future weeks’ assignments because you will need to plan and prepare to complete all tasks and assignments by the deadlines.
•  Read How to Set SMART Goals for Your Investments Links to an external site. .
•  Read How to Set Investing Goals Links to an external site. .
•  Research stocks of publicly traded companies and other types of investment you want to invest in. Two suggested sites you can use to conduct independent research are Yahoo! Finance Links to an external site. or MarketWatch Links to an external site. .
In your paper,
•  Describe your current financial situation at a high level. For example, consider discussing your current and future income potential, current debt, current investments, and anything else significant that can impact your investment strategy.
•  Create at least two investment goals (Pay off Mortgage $740k and Save for retirement) for yourself that are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound).
•  Identify a type of investment you would like to consider as part of your investment portfolio that is not a stock (e.g., bonds, mutual funds, real estate, etc.).
•  Explain why you chose or are interested in that type of investment.
•  Identify at least five stocks of publicly traded companies you want to invest in.
•  Explain why you chose those stocks using specific data or information about the company.
•  Explain how your investment choices align with your overall financial goals.
The Investment Analysis paper
•  Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style Links to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft Word Links to an external site.
•  Must include a separate title page with the following:
?  Title of paper in bold font
?  Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.
?  Student’s name
?  Name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)
?  Course name and number
?  Instructor’s name
?  Due date
•  Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice Links to an external site. resource for additional guidance.
•  Must use at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed or credible sources in addition to the course text. Wikipediaand Investopedia are examples of sources that are NOT acceptable for this assignment.
•  Must document any information used from sources in APA Style. 
•  Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style.

Ai chat -demonstrating ai chat applications in business and social

 Objective: The purpose of this assignment is for students to explore  and demonstrate the use of various AI chat tools in different business  fields, such as entrepreneurship, accounting, marketing, information  systems, or social media platforms like TikTok and YouTube. Students  will create a 7-10 minute video showcasing how an AI chat tool can be  applied to a selected area and share it with their classmates for  discussion on an online platform. The video can be longer. You can use  Zoom, your phone, or any camera to record. It can be non-traditional and  not a presentation. 

Group Formation (Optional): Form a group of up to 2 students or choose to complete the assignment individually. 
Understand your topic: Conduct topic research on various AI chat  tools, focusing on their applications in your chosen business field or  social media platform. Identify specific tasks or scenarios where the AI  chat tool can be beneficial. 
AI Chat Interaction: Use the chosen AI chat tool to engage in a  conversation related to the tasks or scenarios you have identified.  Record the conversation or take screenshots to include in your video. 
Video Demonstration: Create a 7-10 minute video demonstrating the use  of the selected AI chat tool in your chosen area. The video should  include: a. A brief introduction to the AI chat tool and its  applications in the selected field or platform. b. A walkthrough of your  interaction with the AI chat tool, highlighting its relevance to the  chosen tasks or scenarios. c. A discussion of potential benefits and  challenges associated with using the AI chat tool in the chosen area. d.  A conclusion summarizing your experience and potential implications for  users in the field or platform. 
Video Description: Write a brief description of your video to  accompany the YouTube upload. This is the only written component of the  assignment. The description should include: a. Title of the AI chat tool  used. b. A link to the AI chat tool. c. Cost of using the AI chat tool  (if applicable). d. Pros and cons of using the AI chat tool in the  chosen area or platform. 
Discussion: Upload your video on YouTube, making sure it is  accessible to your classmates. Share the video link and description in  the designated online class discussion platform. Watch and comment on at  least two other videos uploaded by your classmates. In your comments,  provide constructive feedback, ask questions, or share your own  experiences using AI chat tools in the chosen area or platform.  Encourage a dialogue by responding to comments on your video as well. 

Grading Criteria:

Quality and depth of research on AI chat tools and their applications in the chosen area or platform.
Clarity and relevance of the AI chat interaction in the context of the selected tasks or scenarios.
Effectiveness of the video demonstration in showcasing the use of the AI chat tool in the chosen area or platform.
Analysis of the benefits and challenges associated with AI chat adoption in the chosen area or platform.
Engagement in the class discussion, including the quality of feedback and responsiveness to comments on your video.

How children benefit from family engagement in early childhood settings

For this Performance Task, you will be adopting the role of the  director of Scribbles Early Learning Program who is invested in  supporting family engagement through culturally responsive practices. As  a tool for furthering this goal, you have decided to hold two  workshops—one for staff and one for families. These workshops will be  designed to support staff and families in understanding 1) the  importance of family engagement, and 2) how engagement can be fostered  through culturally responsive strategies. For this Performance Task you  will develop an outline for each workshop.
Submission Length: Two workshop outline templates, 1-2 pages in length each.
Professional Skills: Written Communication and  Engaging Multiple Social and Cultural Perspectives  are assessed in this Competency.
This Assessment requires submission of two files, a completed Family  Engagement Workshop for Staff Outline and a completed Family Engagement  Workshop Outline. Save your files as follows:

Save the completed Family Engagement Workshop Outline for Staff as CL3004_staff_ firstinitial_lastname (for example, CL3004_staff_J_Smith).
Save the completed Family Engagement Workshop Outline as CL3004_families_ firstinitial_lastname (for example, CL3004_families_J_Smith).

You may submit a draft of your assignment to the Turnitin Draft Check area to check for authenticity. When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.
Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This  is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and  it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the  Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of  the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and  use their time most productively.
Access the following to complete this Assessment:
Promoting Family Engagement at Scribbles Early Learning Program
The Scribbles Early Learning Program is committed to supporting the  development and learning of each child within the program community.  Within each of the classrooms and the larger program, families are  embraced as partners. As the director for the program, your goal is to  work to enhance and strengthen the current model through integration of  evidence-based practices. You have gathered information about the  program, as reflected in the “Scribbles Early Learning Center Program  Description” document. In your conversation with program staff, you have  identified that although there are many opportunities and structures in  place to support family engagement, the majority of families within  Scribbles Early Learning Program are not presently engaged as partners  in the early childhood classroom/program community. You have decided to  develop two workshops, one for staff and one for families, with the goal  of sharing information that will increase and enhance family  engagement.
Part 1: Family Engagement Workshop for Staff
For this portion of your Assessment, you will complete a workshop  outline for staff that promotes knowledge of culturally responsive  practices that support family engagement. The objectives of your  workshop include explaining:

Benefits of family engagement for families
Culturally responsive communication and collaboration skills that support family engagement
Culturally responsive practices/strategies that can be implemented  in early childhood settings to promote meaningful family partnerships  and support family engagement

Part 2: Family Engagement Workshop
For this portion of your Assessment, you will complete a workshop  outline for families that is designed to support their engagement within  the early childhood environment. The objectives of your workshop  include explaining:

How children benefit from family engagement in early childhood settings
Culturally responsive ways families can become meaningfully engaged in the Scribbles Early Learning Program

Term 6 week 7 discussions

Week 7 Discussion Forum (MKT6250 Healthcare Marketing)
1.    Discuss the value of monitoring market share compared to using the absolute measure of performance.
2.    Discuss the scope of an organization’s marketing audit and elements of that audit.
Week 7 Discussion Forum (ECO550 Managerial Economics)
Keds-the traditional maker of white canvas tennis shoes-was near oblivion in the early 1980s because competitors like Nike, Reebok, Adidas, and Brooks took away many of its customers. If you were at the helm of Keds, what would you have done to turn the company around? 
Unit 7 DB: Existing Conditions and Different Industry Environments (BUS411 Business Policy Seminar)
Linda A. Hill, Harvard Business School professor, discusses several paradoxes that exist having to do with innovation including fostering the need to experiment and discover while still meeting product deadlines.
After watching Hill’s three videos provide responses and explanations to the following questions:

If diversity creates conflict, in what ways can it lead to      innovation?
Is it effective for a leader to set a vision for      innovation?   Should innovation be planned?
What element or elements are necessary for innovation to occur in      the workplace?
Building a culture that stimulates ‘collective genius.’ Innovation      is less about breakthrough moments and more to do with channeling      organization-wide intelligence and diversity. Do you agree with Linda, and      why?

Unit 7 Discussion (ACC450 Advanced Accounting)
What Happens if a Partner Becomes Insolvent? Page 712.
In 2010, three dentists—Ben Rogers, Judy Wilkinson, and Henry Walker—formed a partnership to open a practice in Toledo, Ohio. The partnership’s primary purpose was to reduce expenses by sharing building and equipment costs, supplies, and the services of a clerical staff. Each contributed $70,000 in cash and, with the help of a bank loan, constructed a building and acquired furniture, fixtures, and equipment. Because the partners maintained their own separate clients, annual net income has been allocated as follows: Each partner receives the specific amount of revenues that he or she generated during the period less one-third of all expenses. From the beginning, the partners did not anticipate expansion of the practice; consequently, they could withdraw cash each year up to 90 percent of their share of income for the period.
The partnership had been profitable for a number of years. Over the years, Rogers has used much of his income to speculate in real estate in the Toledo area. By 2020 he was spending less time with the dental practice so that he could concentrate on his investments. Unfortunately, a number of these real estate deals proved to be bad decisions, and he incurred significant losses. On November 8, 2020, while Rogers was out of town, his personal creditors filed a $97,000 claim against the partnership’s assets. Unbeknownst to Wilkinson and Walker, Rogers had become personally insolvent.
Wilkinson and Walker hurriedly met to discuss the problem because Rogers could not be located. Rogers’s capital account was currently at $105,000, but the partnership had only $27,000 in cash and liquid assets. The partners knew that Rogers’s dental equipment had been used for many years and could be sold for relatively little. In contrast, the building had appreciated in value, and Rogers’s creditors’ claims could be satisfied by selling the property. However, this action would have a tremendously adverse impact on the dental practice of the remaining two partners.
What alternatives are available to Wilkinson and Walker to deal with this situation, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Week 4 | Biology homework help

This Discussion also has two parts. Please respond to both. 
Part 1: Evaluating Web Resources
As regular users of the World Wide Web, both for personal and instructional purposes, we all share a concern over the accuracy of information available on the Internet.  Indeed, one of the Internet’s most powerful and novel features (its ability to provide a world-wide forum for the ideas, opinions and beliefs of anyone with access to a server) can also be one of its biggest liabilities.
Many members of the scientific community have made statements to the effect that scientific information on the Web is often inaccurate, flawed or unreliable.  However, as scientists we are trained to be skeptical of generalizations until we have data to support them.
Many people would argue that a teacher’s most important role is to build/develop a student’s skills in CRITICAL THINKING and CRITICAL READING.  This creates a student who can teach themselves, enabling lifelong learning.
One of the Internet’s potential liabilities (its ability to provide false or inaccurate information at the click of a button) also creates an opportunity to build and reinforce skills in CRITICAL THINKING and CRITICAL READING.
For this week, I want you to do a little web research. Choose a topic, perhaps something like “Smoking and Cancer”. Limit your topics to the sciences. Use your favorite search engine and look at the first several items that come up. For “smoking and cancer” on Google the first item that comes up is a bunch of ads (unfortunately), then this –
Smoking and cancer | Cancer Research UK…cancer/…cancer/smoki…
Cancer Research UK
Smoking is the most preventable cause of cancer in the world. Smoking account for more than 1 in 4 UK cancer deaths. Quit smoking and reduce your risk.
?How smoking causes cancer – ?Smoking facts and evidence – ?Passive smoking
On Bing, I get this, after the ads –

smoking causes cancer – National Cancer › … › Causes and Prevention › Risk Factors › TobaccoA fact sheet that lists some of the cancer-causing chemicals in tobacco smoke and describes the health problems caused by cigarette smoking and the benefits of …

I want you to look at the article that comes up for your search and evaluate it for suitability of the reference. Use the following questions to guide your conference post.

Look at the scope of the article (does it cover the subject appropriately)
Who it the targeted to (is it a scholarly article, or is it written for a lay person)
The timeliness of the article (is the information current)
The authority of the article (who is writing it). 
What about the documentation of the article (does it site other good references). 
Finally, is the article objective.  This is the reference that inspired these questions and will provide an expanded explanation of the questions. This discussion was inspired by an article on evaluating the accuracy of scientific information on the internet by Dr. Jory Weintraub, as a matter of fact I pulled some of this discussion from Dr. Weintraub’s article.
Part 2: Discussion- Sexual Reproduction
During week 4, cellular division is described for organisms undergoing sexual and asexual reproduction. In addition, the concept of genetic inheritance through Mendel’s work and Morgan’s research on fruit fly are introduced. Answer the following questions on Mitosis, Meiosis, and genetic inheritance.

During the cell cycle, cell progression in that process is tightly regulated. Provide an example of a disorder resulting from errors in Meiosis. Is this disorder inherited? Explain.
There is a database summarizing all genetically inherited disorders. I encourage you to take a look at the database ( ). It is a great resource. As you browse the database, you may find that most disorders are recessive. Why do you think there are not many dominantly-inherited disorders? (Think about the individual with a dominantly inherited disorder).

Human resource management human resource management week 4 assignment

Each answer should be at least one paragraph long (500-750 words) and accurately reflect the text’s key points. Your answers should include direct evidence from the reading to support your argument. Please make sure to cite any quotes or paraphrased information. Make sure to proofread your work before submitting it.
Case Study 1. Whirlpool Mixes up Its Managerial Training: Closed-Looped Method Brings Learning Full Circle
Most Americans are familiar with Whirlpool. Whirlpool, which is based in Benton Harbor, Michigan, has been in business for more than century and is perhaps best known for the washers and dryers it makes. In addition, the company makes refrigerators, freezers, and cooking appliances that it sells under various other brand names around the world (Amana, Maytag, KitchenAid, and Roper are some of them).
During the last economic recession, appliance sales plummeted, and Whirlpool was forced to lay off thousands of workers. Although budgets were being slashed, Whirlpool needed to develop managers who could lead the company through the downturn as well as provide training that would have a measurable impact at a lower cost.
Previously Whirlpool University, the company’s 100-acre learning division located at its corporate headquarters, had used mainly classroom learning. The university now has a learning management system and conducts online training. A series of 30-minute modules are used to help familiarize and onboard new hires. In addition, Whirlpool now takes a “closed-loop” approach to training. Instead of just doing the popular types of training that other companies have adopted, it surveys managers to find out what types of training Whirlpool truly needs and what types it doesn’t, and then designs training programs based on those specific needs.
Because managers are central to the training and development of their employees and are in the best position to observe and coach rank-and-file employees, Whirlpool utilizes a 12-month-long intermittent training program for its managers called Leading People. The program consists of blended learning, including prework modules managers do online, followed by classroom training, business projects, and seminars with top managers. A manager’s direct reports provide an initial baseline assessment of the manager’s skills, and then the manager is assessed again following the training. James Crawford, in Whirlpool’s Chicago division, said the training helped him become a better leader: “It helped me pinpoint weak spots in my leadership practices and then gave me a strategy for turning those weaknesses into strengths.” The managers are later surveyed on how well the training is working and what can be done to improve it. In other words, there is a feedback system in place—hence the “closed-loop” moniker. With this approach, the design, delivery, and redesign of the training is a continuous circle and constantly being improved over time.
Its closed-loop feedback system has helped Whirlpool continue to assess and alter its training to adapt to new conditions. For example, today Whirlpool isn’t laying off employees; it’s trying to hire more of them as its older workers retire. To attract Millennials, the company has partnered with high school and colleges to offer an on-site apprenticeship program called “Work, Earn, and Learn.” In 2017, Whirlpool’s CEO, Jeff Fettig, was one of a number of corporate executives who met with President Donald Trump to talk about saving American jobs and encourage government support for the vocational training that today’s high-tech skills manufacturers today. “The jobs are there, but the skills are not,” said one executive at the meeting.

Why are a needs assessment and ongoing training important for firms like Whirlpool to conduct?
How do you think Whirlpool’s training strategy will need to change in the future?

ART HISTORY 3020 Saving Private Ryan and Goodfellas Discussion

Student a post (180 words response for the post is required)The lighting that I think is in the movie I chose (Saving Private Ryan) is low-key lighting. I say this because in the book it defines low-key lighting as the use of deep shadows with high contrast between the brightest parts of the scene and the darkest parts. Since most of this movie is outside this was the only one that made sense to me. The book also states that low-key lighting is often used in intense dramatic scenes and sense Saving Private Ryan is a movie about war this made the most sense to me. I think the techniques of low key lighting and why it is used is to make your mind think that something bad is about to happen. You see this type of lighting in horror films and other that the music the lighting is what scares you most of the time. The lighting advances the story because it leaves you wondering what is coming next in the case of horror films. It set the mood of the scene as well, if it is bright then you can think that something good is going to happen and if the scene stays dark or you cannot see anything you can assume something bad will happen. I think that if different choices where made then the scene would not be as impactful as it was. I do not know a lot about film but from the little bit that I have read it seems to me that light is a huge part of the movie because I believe that lighting sets the tone.ReferencesGoodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, C. P. (2014). Film: From watching to seeing (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.Eric mack attacks, Student b aus post (180 words response for the post is required)The film I chose to explain the type of lighting is Goodfellas. In the opening scene of the film the use of low-key lighting is very apparent. Three gang members are driving down the street in a vehicle, after hearing banging coming from the trunk they decide to pull over to the side of the road. At this point the scene uses low-key lighting by having the camera focused on the three men facing the trunk of the vehicle, with the only source of light being the tail lights of the vehicle. For a few seconds the scene builds suspense by showing the men covered by a red blanket of light coming from the tail light as they nervously prepare to open the trunk. With the red being the only break in the surrounding darkness the scene creates an ominous feeling, making the viewers anticipate something bad is going to happen. Sure enough the gangsters open the trunk to show a man they intended to kill but only ended up severely injuring, and showing the gangsters finishing what they started. With the opening scene being very dark and using red lighting it signifies events to come later on in the film, as we later find out how the protagonist ended up in the situation, and explains his life that’s surrounding by crime and murder. The scene is very significant because the death of the victim later on leads to the death of one of the main supporting actors, which contributes to the downfall of the tight-knit group of gangsters.Goodfellas – Opening Scene (1080p) (Links to an external site.) ReferencesGoodfellas (2016 Dec 4). Goodfellas- Opening Scene . Retrieved from