Discuss the key decision criteria that IT managers need to examine to make an IT sourcing decision.

Discuss the key decision criteria that IT managers need to examine to make an IT sourcing decision.Forum rules:Post your answer to the forum questions by 11:59pm EST on Thursday Your answer must be substantive, which usually requires 300 words or moreYour answer must include one properly formatted APA in-text citation to a scholarly reference. The full reference must be provided at the end of your answer with a link if one is available. 

locate and review an article relevant to the topic of the class. The review is between 400-to-550 words and should summarize the article. Please include how it applies to our topic, and why you found it interesting.

locate and review an article relevant to the topic of the class. The review is between 400-to-550 words and should summarize the article. Please include how it applies to our topic, and why you found it interesting.Topics:Chapter 10: Developing Accountability in Risk Management: The British Columbia Lottery Corporation Case Study Chapter 11: Starting from Scratch: The Evolution of ERM at the Workers’ Compensation Fund Please create trail account free for 15days to access chapters mentioned above.Thanks.

Social Science Summary

I need an explanation for this Social Science question to help me study. for this assignment  please review the link and follow the instructions  Listen to the lecture and then summarize key concepts from the week 16 lecture 300 words, typing up the summary and submitting in a Word document. Summaries need to reflect critical thinking and analysis of the key concepts from the lecture, showing understanding of the content. Summaries must be paraphrases of the concepts rather than direct quotes.  

UT Physics Noise Canceling Headphones Article Summary Paper

I’m working on a physics question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Read an article and write a summary about that article.Here are the articles:A) Wind Turbine: B) Spectra: C) Wireless charging: D) Interference: E) Photovoltaics: F) Electric guitar: G) Schrodinger’s cat: H) Jet Propulsion: I) String Instruments: J) Whips and Sonic Booms: Whip Links to an external site.and Sonic BoomLinks to an external site.K) Noise-Cancelling Headphones: (Links to an external site.)G) Schrodinger’s cat: H) Jet Propulsion: I) String Instruments:

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

Although this article primarily explores the use of literature in medical professional education, the same principles apply to students learning about professional, ethical leadership in health care. As you read the article, contemplate how literature can help you develop your own brand of ethical leadership within the health care regulatory environment.Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:Review Fig.1 on p. 6 of the Medical Professionalism article. Select two to three outcomes that are important to you (or that you want to achieve in your professional career) and explain what you are doing (or are going to do) to develop those abilities.Due Monday (23 pts) 

Perspectives of Colonialism Questions

ANSWER 4 EASY PSYCHOLOGY QUESTIONS/ A ~300 WORDS ANSWER FOR EACH QUESTIONNO PAPER / NO ESSAY / NO INTRODUCTION/ NO CONCLUSION  only need to answer each question with about ~300 worlds   CHILD1.What is a moral rule? Provide an example. What is a social-conventional rule? Provide an example. ADOLESCENT2.Define juvenile delinquency and conduct disorder. Describe their differences.ADULT3.Make up your own version of the trolley problem. JOr simply describe the normal version. Note the deontological and utilitarian choices!MORALITY EXPERIENCES4.Describe an example of “learning about morality” from your life, any form of media, or your imagination. If media – please provide a link to the video / article / gif so I can see it too! No citation needed – just the link is OK.

Opioids overdoses and criminal Justice

In August, 2016, one small West Virginia city dealt with 27 heroin overdoses in just a four-hour span. Earlier in 2016, the Buffalo, New York area saw 23 fatal overdoses in eleven days. Although these particular examples took place in 2016, similar occurrences can unfortunately be found in other times and locations.Review the following reports:Report 1.  . Report 2Prepare a report in Microsoft Word that covers the following points:Conduct an analysis of the opiate addiction problem. Be sure to include a look at how users become introduced to opiates and opioids in the first place.Describe the factors that contribute to these problems. Incorporate the theories from earlier in the course where appropriate.Propose specific recommendations for resolving the problems. Analyze whether this issue should be approached as a law enforcement or a healthcare issue.Identify expected changes that will occur in the community’s perception of the criminal justice system when these policies are instituted.

Snare Drum Physics & Sound Essay

We have discussed how sound is a pressure wave and its pitch depends on the frequency of that wave. We also know that all waves follow the principles of diffraction and interference, and from that interference we can sometimes create resonant wave patterns which are much stronger than the original wave. For this essay, I want you to pick a musical instrument and describe how it works. Note that I don’t want to know how to play it, I want to know how it works, how it produces the necessary sound waves. Examples: How does a trumpet produce so many different frequencies with only three buttons? Why do woodwinds have so many buttons/holes, while brass instruments have so few? Why are guitars/violins/cellos shaped the way they are? What is the point of a “resophonic” guitar and how does it work? What was the first purely electronic musical instrument and how did it work? Why does a snare drum sound different than a tom?

CU Counseling Specializations and Multidisciplinary Teams Essay

OVERVIEW Counseling professionals from different specializations frequently need to work together to provide effective services to students, families, and individual clients. This assignment asks you to address this need in two parts, using what you have learned in this course so far. In Part 1, focus on theory and concepts, creating your own description and evaluation of your specialization, based on the historical and philosophical development of the counseling profession. In Part 2, apply these ideas to a particular case situation, focusing on how a professional in your specialization might collaborate with professionals in other specializations to help meet the needs of the client.Use the assignment template provided in Resources to write your paper.Evaluate the role of your specialization within the field of counseling. Begin with your own description of the field itself, including both the history and the philosophies involved. Then explain where your specialization fits and describe how your specialization might collaborate with one other specialization that you describe. Cite the articles or other sources you used for the basis of your ideas.In this part, specifically address the following questions:Now, select one of the following two cases as a foundation for illustrating what you have learned about counseling and how professionals in different specializations might work together to meet the needs of a client:After selecting a client, either Ashley or Paul, complete the following for Part 2:

This Week’s DB has two parts/scenarios (“A” & “B”).

A.) Please read and respond to the following scenario:Your parents have recently retired and have turned their backyard gardening hobby into a small business growing organic vegetables and herbs. They start their seeds in the winter and plant as the weather allows in spring. Because they are organic, they do not use pesticides. All weeding and pest control are done by hand. The resulting foods are sold either at local farm markets or at a small stand in front of their house.They are fortunate to live in a semi-rural suburb with little zoning regulation that is still close to urban and suburban areas where residents are willing to pay a premium for such foods. In fact, they are able to charge up to 15 percent more than local supermarkets do for similar organic foods. They have built up a strong clientele and could easily sell 50 percent more vegetables if they had more room and more help. They would love the extra money, but at their age are not anxious to buy more land, make huge investments in machinery, or start hiring staff. They also love the interaction with their customers. Clearly, this is a productivity issue.1. Provide three (3) suggestions on how “your parents”/they could increase their productivity. B.) Think of a service job currently or formerly performed by you.2. Discuss how productivity could have been (or was) increased in that job