Reflection question | soc 101 | Strayer University–Augusta

 In the last few weeks, you’ve learned about three key collaborative strategies: 1) establishing goals, roles, and responsibilities, 2) maintaining a respectful group dynamic, and 3) practicing open communication and trust. You have also learned to recognize how our statuses and roles affect how we interact with others, how others interact with us, and how these interactions can influence the ways we solve problems and make decisions.You were asked to examine the importance of embracing diverse perspectives to discover how society is organized into vertical social structures and the role that power plays in society. You also considered how power (and perceptions of power) influences problem solving and decision-making and gained a thorough understanding of the dynamics of power in relationships.The following questions will give you a chance to self-evaluate, to think about what you’ve been learning in this course, and to draw your own conclusions about how you can apply what you’ve learned in your life. Your answers may be used to determine how to improve the program for future students. Your answers will not be used for marketing purposes. Please respond in a paragraph of at least 5–7 sentences to fully address each question. Be sure to use your own words!

What is one thing you are interested in exploring further about making decisions that involve diverse perspectives?
How will what you are learning about power and authority affect your understanding of the information you read and hear about on the news?

Ep002 assessment: curriculum planning interview guide

Interview Guide
Ideally, curriculum planning is a collaborative process. For this Work Product, you will interview a teacher to learn more about his or her curricular goals and find out how you can collaborate with one another to achieve those goals. If you are currently working as an early childhood teacher, collaborate with a colleague in your setting to complete this Assessment.
Share the list of Indicators of Effective Curriculum (Bredekamp, p. 316) with the teacher in the preschool setting you have chosen. Ask him or her to share information about their curriculum design process, including:
· Examples of how their curriculum reflects the Indicators of Effective Curriculum
· Any standards that guide their curriculum and why these are important
· An explanation of specific curricular goals for the children in the classroom across content areas and developmental domains
· Information related to cultural and linguistic characteristics of the children, family, and community, as well as socioeconomic background, family structures, and children with exceptionalities who may attend the school
· Examples of how knowledge of the children, families, and community helps to inform certain indicators and provides a context for learning
· Examples of how learning experiences are differentiated to meet the needs of individual children
· The teacher’s perspectives on collaboration in curriculum development
· How you and the teacher can collaborate to design effective learning experiences for the children in the classroom
Reference: Bredekamp, S. (2014). Effective practices in early childhood education: Building a foundation (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Chapter 9-10 discussion | Psychology homework help

Answer one of the discussion questions below in your post. Use APA-style citations. Must be at least 250 words.
Intergenerational Solidarity. As families change through time, their relationships change as well (see the 6 relationship dimensions in Figure 9.10).  Think of an intergenerational family you know and describe how there have been shifts (or continuity) in the prominence of these relationship dimensions. Based on studies in this chapter, what should be emphasized to promote optimal ties, going forward? 
Best Friends Forever.  Think about one of your longest-term and most important friendships during your adulthood.  How does it fit with the concepts discussed in this chapter?  How can its success or demise be explained in these terms? Give some specific examples.
“It’s Just a Job.”   You have probably heard this phrase often or even repeated it yourself.  Yet work is a major focus of adult life from the 20s through retirement and beyond. Using yourself or someone else you know as a case, apply concepts from the theories and research on vocational psychology and vocational satisfaction to identify what is going well and what might need to change.
“I’m Just Stressed.”  This is another phrase you have probably heard often. What does research indicate about how work and other roles (such as family roles) interact to create positive, happy states, or negative/stressed ones? Think about how factors such as affective (emotional) events on the job, self-determination and motivation, person-environment correspondence, or intrinsic and extrinsic factors might contribute to your satisfaction with life.

Chapter 10 scenario | Education homework help

What are the similarities between RTI and the Pyramid Model? What are the differences? 
What is the purpose of a RTI and Pyramid models? What are examples of  data analysis that teachers engage in to make good decisions about  which students would benefit from a tiered approach?
How does having educators work as a team benefit everyone involved?  How does collaboration help shed light on designing a tiered program and  monitoring a child’s progress throughout the year?
Do you have  experience using RTI or Pyramid model intervention strategies with the  children in your programs? Discuss your experience or if none, do you  see benefit in implementing these evidence based strategies? 
Food  for thought: We have a team of Heathy Social Behavior Specialists here  in NC to coach and provide training at no cost to centers. Do you know  how to access the specialist in your region? If you are interested,  contact your local Smart Start or Resource and Referral agency and ask.  You can also check out these excellent resources on Tuckers NC Nest (click to open) 

Education apa style assignment | Education homework help

To prepare for this portion of the assignment, read pages 269-270 from the 7th edition of the APA Manual, which are located under Readings and Resources. These two pages contain information about the placement of APA-style in-text citations, particularly in summarized or paraphrased work.  Based on this reading, you will review three versions of the same paragraph and select which paragraph contains the correct placement of APA-style in-text citations.
For every source you cite within an assignment, you must include an accompanying reference for it at the end of your assignment. For this activity, you will review how to write an APA-style reference for three different types of sources – a textbook, a peer-reviewed journal article, and a website. Then, you will be given references for actual sources and you will need to determine which references are written in APA-style. Finally, you will have the opportunity to write APA-style references for a textbook, a peer-reviewed journal article, and a website yourself. 

Task 1.3: report parts 1+2 business competency simulation | BCOMPS

Task 1.3 Introduction: An introduction is mandatory. It should clearly state the purpose and relevance of applying the experience of the Business Simulation to the reality of the chosen company. The reasons why this report is useful to the company should be stated.
Part One: In this part of the report the student reviews the Strategy, Tactics and Decisions taken by their team in the Capstone Business Simulation. The student evaluates the success of the Strategy and Tactics used and of the Decisions taken using the results of both the performance and budget products in the different markets they operated in.
Part Two: In this part of the report the student identifies the differences in the competitive environment between the Capstone simulation and the Comp-XM one. The student analyses how these differences could affect the success of the Strategies they had used in the Capstone. On the basis of this analysis and the experience gained from the Capstone simulation, the student identifies the strategies that could maximize their firm’s performance in the Comp-XM simulation.
Word count guide approx. 2000 words.

Indigenous annotated bibliography | History homework help

Assigned Topic: Indigenous people in a country of your choice (excluding the U.S.), on a topic area of your choice. Example: Indigenous women, Indigenous resources, politics, identity, knowledge, spiritual practices, environment, etc.  
The annotated bibliography must use academic journals only for sources (no encyclopedia, books, book reviews, websites, blogs, TV shows, films, cartoons, Facebook posts, etc.). Articles within the LAST 10 YEARS.
It must PROVIED 5 academic journal sources, use 12-point font and APA style citation.
Annotated bibs consist of 1-2 paragraph summaries of academic journal articles, with APA style citation. PLEASE provide a brief analysis of the author’s key themes, and cover the main points of the work.
An annotation is a synopsis and/or evaluation. Therefore, an annotated bibliography includes a synopsis and/or evaluation of each of the sources. Depending on your project or the assignment, your annotations may do one or more of the following.
 Look at the attachments below. There is more information that is added as well and there is a example. Make sure to find a topic and find 5 sources that is at least 10 years ago. 

Ell classroom observation using siop – part i

Part 1: Interview and Observation
Discuss the eight components of SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) with your mentor teacher. Include the following questions in your discussion:

What are the English language proficiency levels of the ELL students in your classroom and what other student background information do you take into consideration when preparing lessons?
How do you determine appropriate content and language objectives? How do you ensure students are not only aware of the objectives, but that your lesson has supported them?
What are 3-4 strategies you regularly use to support English language learners?
At least two additional questions of your own to ask your mentor teacher.

Using “Appendix A: SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol),” observe at least one lesson involving ELLs and focus on only the first three components: Lesson Preparation, Building Background, and Comprehensible Input.
Part 2: Reflection
In 250-500 words, reflect on the following:

Suggest ways to enhance the observed lesson in the SIOP components of Lesson Preparation, Building Background, and Comprehensible Input.
Discuss how the teacher accommodated for different English language proficiency levels.
Address how what you have learned will be applied to your future professional practice.

250 word discussion post | Education homework help

 An important part of college, and any content creation, is organizing and storing your information. When you write an academic papr, part of what you will do is use other people’s research to support your assertions. When you do this, you have to properly quote and cite this information (or paraphrase with citation), and then reference this information. When in college, the typical citation methods include APA, MLA, and Chicago. In addition, there are others such as AP, AMA, Bluebook, and IEEE. 
The Week 7 Final Project requires you to have a reference page. For this reference page, you will use the citation style of your program of choice. For the Week 4 Discussion Topic, please answer the following questions:

What citation style does your program of choice use?
After researching this citation style, what types of challenges will you face when using this citation style?
How does collecting other people’s research help when trying to synthesize information for your own academic endeavors (CO8)?
What are the ethical ramifications of not quoting, citing, or referencing other people’s research in your academic work (CO4)?

***Citation style is APA***

Cj445 dp | Law homework help

In correctional settings across America, the risk-need-responsivity (RNR) model is actively used to assess offender security and programmatic needs. James (2018) discussed the Risk and Needs Assessment in the Federal Prison System in great detail. Please read this article using the following link: Along with his research, as well as the information presented within the textbook, discuss your opinion of the following:

Considering the eight central risk and needs factors of offenders, use a real-life example (either someone personally known to you or someone that you read about in the news) to discuss whether or not risk and needs assessments should be incorporated into sentencing.

If you believe that it should be considered when determining an offender’s sentence, describe how the eight central risk and needs assessments could be useful.

How would that be useful to the offender?
To the criminal justice system?
And to society at large?

If you believe that it should not be included, discuss why incorporating the eight central risk and needs assessments into sentencing would not help the criminal justice system.

How would it harm the offender?
The criminal justice system?
And society at large?