How do the female characters alternatively exploit and/or bury their sexuality?

Discuss women’s sexuality in regards to this novel. Provide specific examples.
How do the female characters alternatively exploit and/or bury their sexuality?
When it comes to their happiness and their sexuality, what patterns appear?
What is García Márquez saying about women’s freedoms? Do you agree or disagree?
What do you think about the women in the novel and how they are portrayed?

Post an analysis of the impact of innovation on the growth and competitive advantage of an organization. In your analysis, do the following: Describe the organization you chose and explain how innovation played a role within it. Explain in what ways the innovation either led to growth/created a competitive advantage for the organization or resulted in decreased growth and/or a loss of competitive advantage. (Remember that the loss of growth or competitive advantage may have been a result of either poor implementation of the innovation or complete lack of implementation.)  

 When companies implement innovative strategies, it can lead them to develop distinguishing features and functions for their products. Doing so can help the companies grow and outpace their competitors. For example, consider dishwasher and laundry detergent. These products came in liquid or powder form for decades, which most consumers were satisfied with. This satisfaction might indicate that there was little need for innovation; however, certain brands took action on opportunities for innovation and introduced detergent pods. These pods provided a small yet significant increase in convenience, which also increased customer loyalty to those brands.
In this Discussion, you will examine how innovation plays a role within an organization, including the impact of that innovation on the organization’s growth or competitive advantage.
To prepare for this Discussion:
Consider organizations where you have worked or notable companies that would serve as a strong example of a company that incorporated innovation or failed to do so. Try to think of examples in which the innovation either led to growth opportunities/created competitive advantages or resulted in decreased growth/loss of competitive advantage. (Note: The loss of growth or competitive advantage may also have been a result of the organization NOT implementing the innovation effectively, or at all.)
Choose an organization to focus on for this Discussion.
Note: When using specific examples from your professional experience, be sure to disguise the names of any individuals or organizations. For larger organizations, disguising names is unnecessary, but be sure not to share any proprietary information.
Post an analysis of the impact of innovation on the growth and competitive advantage of an organization. In your analysis, do the following:
Describe the organization you chose and explain how innovation played a role within it.
Explain in what ways the innovation either led to growth/created a competitive advantage for the organization or resulted in decreased growth and/or a loss of competitive advantage. (Remember that the loss of growth or competitive advantage may have been a result of either poor implementation of the innovation or complete lack of implementation.)  
Refer to the Week 3 Discussion Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this grading rubric to assess your work.
Read some of your colleagues’ postings.

What are the benefits of collaboratively created work? What are some of its challenges? How might artists seek to overcome them? What are some the risks of inherent in documentary theatre work such as that done by Anna Deavere Smith or the Civilians?

What are the benefits of collaboratively created work? What are some of its challenges? How might artists seek to overcome them?
What are some the risks of inherent in documentary theatre work such as that done by Anna Deavere Smith or the Civilians?
Is documentary theatre objective?  Why or why not?
What are some story-telling traditions in the USA today?
Why was the American musical a place for exploration of racial tensions in the USA?
Part 2
..document attached

Describe how you plan to deal with the negative emotions (from employees or other audience groups) that often accompany bad news or other information.

Edit your plan based on any instructor or collegial feedback from Week 4. Proof and finalize the plan. It should include the following information:

Company synopsis: This is a snapshot of the company, what it sells, and the number of employees.
Management’s philosophy on employee communication: An example of a management philosophy could be that any important communication about the company’s activities are shared internally before being shared externally on the Internet or in a news release.
Goals of the communication plan: One possible goal could be to help employees be more productive by establishing a clear and effective employee communication plan. The plan can be viewed as an organizational diagnostic that provides employees with consistent, accurate, and regular information about the company’s business goals and objectives.
Target audience characteristics: The plan should take into account cultural, gender, and linguistic differences to help employees understand the goals of the organization.
Communication tools: These can include various deliverables, including e-mails, newsletters, e-blasts, brochures, reports, conferences, employee meetings, and more.
Communication channels: Communication channels include internal and external Web sites, public relations venues, visits or speeches from management, and more.

This week, add the following sections to your final plan:

Review the evaluation methods for your plan. How will you communicate results to management on a regular basis? Consider a monthly report, management briefings, updates, and a yearly summary for board presentations.
Describe how you plan to deal with the negative emotions (from employees or other audience groups) that often accompany bad news or other information.

Finally, prepare the opening of the oral presentation that will describe your completed plan to management.
Presentation Notes
In your presentation notes, add 1 strategy for each of the following:

Reading the emotions of management: What to look for and how to respond
Dealing with any negative responses or emotions to the plan: Ways to resolve any possible conflict in the meeting
Finding approval for the plan: Continuing the meeting by moving past any negative emotions (resulting in a win-win for everyone involved)

Add your presentation notes to the end of the plan.
Provide 5–6 sources other than your textbook to support your answer. Use APA style for citations.
The materials found in the MUSE may help you with this assignment such as the presentation Emotions in Communication. 

Read the Wall Street Journal, The Economist, or any other newspaper or weekly publication and select a single article or articles that (1) either report on interesting economic news such as globalization, outsourcing, the IMF, the WTO, NAFTA, the EU, trade, immigration, etc. that can be analyzed by the concepts or models taught in this course or (2) discusses one or more economic issues related to the concepts or models taught in this course. It is OK to use an online economics news article.1. Write a response essay analyzing the topic or critique the article from economic perspectives.

Read the Wall Street Journal, The Economist, or any other newspaper or weekly publication and select a single article or articles that (1) either report on interesting economic news such as globalization, outsourcing, the IMF, the WTO, NAFTA, the EU, trade, immigration, etc. that can be analyzed by the concepts or models taught in this course or (2) discusses one or more economic issues related to the concepts or models taught in this course. It is OK to use an online economics news article.1. Write a response essay analyzing the topic or critique the article from economic perspectives. The questions that you may address in this essay may include, but are not limited, to the following:The following is a suggested list of topics. This list is not exhaustive.INTERNATIONAL ISSUES.  Possible topics are: current economic problems of a particular country, OPEC, the European Union, the U. S. trade deficit, protectionism, U. S. trade relations with Japan or other countries, economic development of a particular country, the World Trade Organization, etc.Useful links:

Design a new American History survey course.Write a course description explaining what you hope to cover and what you hope the class will learn from this course.What key people, places and events would you highlight?  Why would you highlight these?  What books and/or other readings would you use when developing lectures and discussions?  What books and/or other sources would you have the class read? 

Design a new American History survey course.Write a course description explaining what you hope to cover and what you hope the class will learn from this course.What key people, places and events would you highlight?  Why would you highlight these?  What books and/or other readings would you use when developing lectures and discussions?  What books and/or other sources would you have the class read?  Defend and explain these choices. 

  Read,  Nozicks, “Distributive Justice” and answer the following questions: 1. According to Nozick, why can the term distributive justice be misleading? Why is the focus on distribution? 2. How is Nozicks focus on entitlement different from the focus on patterns of distribution?

PART 1  Read,  Nozick’s, “Distributive Justice” and answer the following questions:
1. According to Nozick, why can the term distributive justice be misleading? Why is the focus on “distribution”?
2. How is Nozick’s focus on entitlement different from the focus on “patterns” of distribution?
3. How do patterned systems of distributive justice lead to “continuous interference” in the life and liberty of people?
How are equality and liberty related to justice?Which of these two interests (liberty or equality) is most important to your sense of fairness? Is it possible to achieve a fair balance between the two interests?

Reflect on the results of your EQi report. How has it impacted you personally.  What feelings does it surface? How does this manifest itself in your personal and professional life?

Reflect on the results of your EQi report. How has it impacted you personally.  What feelings does it surface? How does this manifest itself in your personal and professional life? You will be evaluated on three criteria: Key elements clearly stated and comprehensive. Connections to personal/professional experiences noted and briefly explained. Applications to negotiation and mediation noted and discussed. PLEASE also use ‘specific quotes’ from your personalized report to get full credit. NO NEED TO CITE.

The media has grown over the years and continues to be a source of communication to the public.  The media is not only communicating to the public, but are at times a part of the crisis.  Does the media have a positive role to play in issues of risk communication? 


3 reference some citation please each
Drennan, L & McConnell, A. (2015). Risk and crisis management in the public sector (2nd ed.). London, England: Routledge.
In this chapter, you will be learning how to identify risks.
Chapter 3 – Assessing, Evaluating and Communicating Risks.  

Unit 3.1 DB: Techniques to Identify Risks

Tools and techniques are needed to help us identify risks.  Have you ever used any techniques?  If so, please share the technique and the results.  Then, research some techniques and discuss two of your choice, specifically, what they are used for and when you would implement them.  If you have not used any techniques yet, please review a few from the resources, and discuss how you would use them.

Unit 3.2 DB: Risk Communication

Unit 3.2 DB: Risk Communication

The media has grown over the years and continues to be a source of communication to the public.  The media is not only communicating to the public, but are at times a part of the crisis.  Does the media have a positive role to play in issues of risk communication?  Justify your answer with reference to real-life examples of public risk issues.

Differentiate between evidence-based practice and quality improvement processes. Summarize common threats to quality and patient safety initiatives and the role quality improvement processes can neutralize these threats.

Assess the efficacy of quality improvement processes. Scenario. You lead the Assurance Think Tank, “Quality 4 Our System” comprised of several other leaders from within the Oakridge healthcare system. Some of the Assurance Think Tank members were debating the relevance of quality improvement initiatives and influences on patient safety and outcomes. During the meeting, you agreed to prepare an executive summary regarding quality improvement initiatives.
Prepare an executive summary regarding current evidence based quality improvements and make recommendations to integrate evidence-based practices into the quality improvement initiatives. The summary should include the following information:

Differentiate between evidence-based practice and quality improvement processes.
Summarize common threats to quality and patient safety initiatives and the role quality improvement processes can neutralize these threats.
Develop a strategic plan based on a quality improvement model to address patient safety.

– Detailed recommendations to integrate evidence-based practices into the quality improvement initiative with complete explanation of how it will improve initiative. 
– Comprehensive list of differences between evidence based practice and quality improvement processes. Included multiple supporting rationales for each item on the list. 
– Clear and thorough summary of the common threats to quality and patient safety initiatives. Provided multiple supporting rationales for how quality improvement processes can neutralize these threats. 
– Clear and thorough information included in the strategic plan. Provided multiple supporting rationales for how the quality improvement model will increase patient safety.