Discuss the primary roles and goals of the training program, commenting on how the roles and goals align with the organizations mission statement.

Week 3 Assignment – Training Proposal
Due: Mon Oct 23, 2023 8:00amDue: Mon Oct 23, 2023 8:00amUngraded, 120 Possible Points120 Possible PointsAttemptIn ProgressNEXT UP: Submit AssignmentAdd Comment3 Attempts AllowedAvailable after Sep 30, 2023 11:00pmAvailable after Sep 30, 2023 11:00pmDetails
In this course, you will develop a training proposal in stages, which are described in the assignments in Weeks 3, 5, and 7. This is an authentic project and one that can be a significant component of your professional portfolio.

Each assignment is a building block that will become part of your final project.
You will be required to use a technology tool in the development process.
Your professor will review and provide feedback which means you will have an opportunity to revise some of the assignments as the course progresses.
Your goal is to move from a traditional training approach to a performance-based training approach.

Your first assignment is a Training Proposal.
Assume that you have been hired as a new manager to oversee a training department for an organization, which could be your workplace, a company with which you are familiar, or a company that you select from the Internet. The organization should be one for which you have (or can obtain) enough information to complete the assignments for this course. (Any interviews conducted must follow the Strayer guidelines highlighted below for conducting interviews.)
Complete the following to prepare for the assignment:

Select an organization for which your training program will be designed and delivered.
Use the Internet to obtain preliminary research about the organization.
Identify individuals who are in the selected roles. (Do not use disclose any personally identifiable information. Follow the Guidelines for conducting interviews.)
Review the requirements for all the assignments in this course before preparing questions for the individual you plan to contact.
Prepare at least five key questions for the interviewees. (Do not ask specific questions about the information that can be obtained from the organization’s Website.)

Guidelines for Conducting Interviews
Before you engage in an interview assignment, be mindful of the following:

The interview findings may only be shared in this class with your instructor. No publication of projects containing the results of, or information from the interviews conducted for this course, is allowed, including publication in social media, blogs, or the Internet generally.
When presenting the results of the interviews to their instructor and/or classmates, students may not disclose personally identifiable information about an interviewee or an organization/business. You may identify by region and type of business; for example, a small, regional non-profit that works with families in transitional housing.
Incorporate a numbering system to identify each participant when discussing them in your assignment; for example, Interviewee 01, 02, or 03.
All interviewees must be at least eighteen years old.

Write a 2-4 page paper. For this paper, you will interview at least three employees of the organization you selected. At least one should be in a management role. In your paper, describe the organization, highlighting the following (this information will be gathered during an interview with a member of management):

type (government, business, nonprofit)
type or types of products or services, and the training and development currently provided within the organization
number of employees and frequency of departmental training for the goods or services offered
opportunities to improve training and development in the organization.
Note: Consider the similarities or differences between the manager’s thoughts and the ideas conveyed by the staff members interviewed; this will be important in responding to the items below:

Describe the job roles of at least three interviewees, providing a rationale for selecting these positions from which to obtain information about training needs.
Discuss the primary roles and goals of the training program, commenting on how the roles and goals align with the organization’s mission statement.
Discuss the training needs identified by the interviewees; highlight how the training department determines the needs.
Discuss at least three ways the organization measures the effectiveness of the training.
Recommend a preliminary course of action to improve the organization’s training.
Use at least two sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

Discuss how the Securities and Exchange Commissions segment reporting requirements apply to corporations.

Prepare a report (3-5 pages) that analyzes aspects of a potential partnership arrangement.
In this assessment, you will investigate aspects of partnership formation, operation, and termination, as well as certain elements of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s reporting requirements pertaining to corporations.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Apply advanced accounting techniques to organizational situations. 

Create a schedule showing how a partnership income would be allocated to each of the partners using interest allowances and salary allowances.
Create a schedule showing how a partnership loss would be allocated to each of the two partners to make loss-sharing as fair as possible.
Discuss how the Securities and Exchange Commission’s segment reporting requirements apply to corporations.

Competency 4: Apply quantitative models to create and manage budgets and forecasts and evaluate budget performance. 

Create a schedule that shows how partnership assets would be allocated in the event of a liquidation.

Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions. 

Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.

A client of yours is considering going into a partnership with a business associate. The partnership would own a retail gourmet ice cream shop. Your client anticipates investing $150,000 and working ten hours a week. His business associate will invest $50,000 and work forty hours a week. Your client has requested your informed perspective on a number of items before he commits to the business partnership.
Your Role
You are a self-employed accountant.
Your client has requested the following be included in a report (3-5 pages) that he can study while considering how to approach this business opportunity:

Your client does not think that splitting the partnership income 50-50 will be fair to either partner. He has asked you to recommend clauses in the partnership agreement that stipulate partnership income and loss allocations. 

Create a recommended income allocation schedule using interest allowances at 10 percent a year and salary allowances at $25 an hour. For the sake of example, assume partnership income of $100,000.
Create a recommended loss allocation schedule. For the sake of example, assume partnership losses of $40,000.

Your client would also like you to create a schedule that shows what happens if this partnership is successful and the two partners agree to sell the company in 10 years. 

For the sake of this calculation, pretend that the partnership’s assets in 10 years are $900,000, liabilities are $200,000, your client’s capital is $400,000 and his associate’s capital is $300,000.
Pretend that the partnership assets are sold for $1,200,000, and the liabilities are settled for the existing value of $200,000.

The company’s flagship location would be in Buffalo, New York, but the potential partners have already discussed opening additional locations in Toronto, Canada. The client knows that as a partnership they would not have to meet the Securities and Exchange Commission’s segment reporting requirements, but the client wants to know what happens if they reorganize as a corporation when they move into the Canadian market. Discuss how the Securities and Exchange Commission’s segment reporting requirements apply to corporations.

Deliverable Format
Since you plan to deliver this report to a paying client, you want this document to be clear, well-organized, and readable. You decide that the report should be 4–6 pages so that you have enough space to respond to your client’s concerns and provide some scholarly and/or professional context.

Communication: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the needs and expectations of your client. Professional standards dictate that your work be original and free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Your report is a professional document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines, including single-spaced paragraphs.
Resources: At least three resources that are scholarly and/or professional. So that your client may locate more information about partnership operation and SEC corporate reporting requirements, include a reference page at the end of your report.
Report length: Minimum of 3-5 pages, not including reference pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 pt.

Faculty will use the scoring guide to review your deliverable as if she or he were your client. Review the scoring guide prior to developing and submitting your assessment.

Explain how the social determinants of income, age, education, or gender affect this legislation.

To Prepare:

Select a bill that has been proposed (not one that has been enacted) using the congressional websites provided in the Learning Resources.


Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Chapter 3, “Government Response: Legislation” (pp. 37–56)
Chapter 10, “Overview: The Economics and Finance of Health Care” (pp. 180–183 only)

Congress.govLinks to an external site.. (n.d.). Retrieved September 20, 2018, from https://www.congress.gov/
Taylor, D., Olshansky, E., Fugate-Woods, N., Johnson-Mallard, V., Safriet, B. J., & Hagan, T. (2017). Corrigendum to position statement: Political interference in sexual and reproductive health research and health professional education. Nursing Outlook, 65(2), 346–350Links to an external site..
United States House of RepresentativesLinks to an external site.. (n.d.). Retrieved September 20, 2018, from https://www.house.gov/
United States SenateLinks to an external site.. (n.d.). Retrieved September 20, 2018, from https://www.senate.gov/
United States Senate. (n.d.). Senate organization chart for the 117th CongressLinks to an external site..  https://www.senate.gov/reference/org_chart.htm
Document: Legislation Grid Template (Word document)

 The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Legislation Grid; 1-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement)Be sure to add a title page, an introduction, purpose statement, and a conclusion. This is an APA paper.Part 1: Legislation GridBased on the health-related bill (proposed, not enacted) you selected, complete the Legislation Grid Template. Be sure to address the following:

Determine the legislative intent of the bill you have reviewed.
Identify the proponents/opponents of the bill.
Identify the target populations addressed by the bill.
Where in the process is the bill currently? Is it in hearings or committees?

Part 2: Legislation Testimony/Advocacy StatementBased on the health-related bill you selected, develop a 1-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement that addresses the following:

Advocate a position for the bill you selected and write testimony in support of your position.
Explain how the social determinants of income, age, education, or gender affect this legislation.
Describe how you would address the opponent to your position. Be specific and provide examples.
At least 2 outside resources and 2-3 course specific resources are used.


Describe Nursing assessment parameters for physical and/or clinical assessment especially for the older adults

Hcinformatics peers response

Peer Response Instructions

· After making your initial post, substantially respond to at least 
two other student posts that prompts further input or provides another viewpoint.  Describe a situation from your professional experience that backs up your viewpoint and discuss the social, moral, political and economic factors impacting your position.

1st peer post

Bradley Calhoun

Week 4 Discussion 
In order to talk about the pros and cons of RFID ( radio frequency identification device) we need to understand what exactly is it and does. RFID is a wireless system that includes a tag that uses radio waves to communicate the identity and a reader which is a device that has one or more antenna that emits radio waves and receives signals back from the RFID tag. (
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): What Is It? | Homeland Security, n.d.) The use of RFID in healthcare can offer many benefits in relation to patient safety, tracking, aiding in patient care, and provider satisfaction.

One pro of using RFID is when it comes to the OB unit. Since the RFID does include tracking, this ensures the baby will always be tracked while at the hospital and can be matched up with the mom to provide absolute protection and prevent a code pink ( infant and child abduction). Another advantage of utilizing RFID is our Alzheimers patients. We can also use tracking on them which goes back to aiding in patient care and safety which is our priority. 
A con to using RFID is the ability of it getting hacked. Since it is a form of technology, the chances are there for patient privacy to be violated.  Another disadvantage is the size of the card. It is very small and can be very expensive depending on insurance providers. This may not be a big deal to certain patients but we have to also think about our elderly patients and Dementia patients. 
To balance the concerns related to the cons, we need to teach, educate, and reassure our patients that their personal private information is secure. We will reassure them that their information will remain protected and safe and teach them about the use of innovative sleeves and wallets to store the smart card which will help cut down the risk percentage of hackers. 
The group of individuals that would benefit immediately from the use of RFID are our geriatric patients and Alzheimer patients.  Safety and patient care is our priority and given that our Alzheimer patients and some geri patients suffer from memory loss and confusion, this would help abundantly with medications and ADLs.  This information would be provided and saved for the physician to access as needed. 

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): What is it? | Homeland Security. (n.d.).

2nd peer post

Samantha Stafford

1. What are the pros and cons for using the smartcard or RFID? The pros to a smartcard would be that it acts like an ID, it’s a card that patients carry around with them and allows physicians to see medications that have been prescribed, relevant health issues, and verifies a patient’s identity as soon as the card is inserted (
Smart Cards and Patients, 2013). Or in some cases, the smartcard is a QR code on a patient’s phone that can be scanned by a provider. 

2. How would you balance the concerns related to the cons, while trying to incorporate its use into the healthcare system? The cons would be that some patients may worry about their sense of privacy being invaded, but the benefits outweigh the cons. Sometimes emergencies happen, and access to relevant health information faster could literally save a patient’s life, their child’s life, or their parent’s life. Smartcards also have security authentication such as needing to enter a PIN code or facial recognition (
SMART Health Cards, n.d.). 

3. Identify groups or individuals who could immediately benefit from the use of the technology, and why is that so? RFID can benefit infants to prevent abductions. My hospital uses RFID bands to track where infants are in the hospital, it helps prevent abductions. Whenever an ID band is not securely attached, it alarms the nurses to make sure the band hasn’t been taken off, and to verify that the infant is in the mother’s postpartum room. It also could help patients with dementia that are prone to wander. Last week where I live, we had an 80-year-old man escape from the nursing home next to where I work. Authorities searched for him for a few days, and eventually found him deceased about fifteen miles away. RFID could have saved this man’s life and prevented him from escaping the nursing home. 

Smart Cards and Patients. (2013). Smart Card Alliance . https://www.securetechalliance.org/resources/pdf/Smart-Cards-in-Healthcare-FAQ-Series-Smart-Cards-and-Patients.pdf

SMART Health Cards. (n.d.). Common Health. https://www.commonhealth.org/smart-health-cards


Identify key differences between each of the divisions in the government structure for Division I, IIand III.

For this week’s group dialogue, please respond to the prompt stated below. A grading rubric for this assignment can be found in the “Grades and Progress” section of the main menu. Locate the assignment and click on “View Rubric.”
This week’s dialogue prompt is:
You are learning about governance issues arising with high school and collegiate athletics.  Here, you will take what you learned to discern between divisions of collegiate athletics.  Most of you have heard of the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA), but prior to this course, how familiar were you with their governance structure?  Did you realize that the governance structure for Division I does not look like Divisions II and III?  Based on what you have learned from your textbook, and can cull from the NCAA’s website, identify key differences between each of the divisions in the  Why are the divisions structured differently, and what benefits and challenges might each structure have in each division?  If you were to change any of the structures, how would you alter the governance structures, and why?  You can start with your text and the NCAA website, which provides governance information under each divisional tab (Division I, Division II, and Division III).  [You must properly cite your Sharp text and at least one outside resource using APA format, not including constitutional provisions, statutes, ordinances, or other laws, rules, and regulations.]
To submit your post, you can either click on the link above to directly access the Group Page or on your Group link on the side menu. When you are on the Group Page, click on the group highlighted for you. Once inside, click on the Discussion Board option. Then, click on the dialogue link for that week. Click on Add Thread to create a space for your post. Click Submit to make your post available to the rest of the class. To respond to other students’ threads, click on Reply button in the bottom left corner inside of a message.

Explain how technology supports best practices and ethical standards used in social work practice.

Assignment Overview
900 words
Mentorship and engaging with colleagues are important components of professional development. In this assignment, you engage with an experienced social work supervisor as a means of better understanding the field and best practices within the profession. Through this glimpse into the real world of social work, you will better understand the concepts and theories you are learning in your course.
By successfully completing this assignment, you demonstrate your proficiency in the following EPAS and the advanced generalist specialized behaviors:

Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior.

C1.SP.A: Apply professional use of self and leadership skills with colleagues, clients, groups, organizations, and communities.

Related Assignment Criterion:

8. Explain the importance of self-care in social work practice when acting as a supervisor.

Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior.

C1.SP.B: Articulate and provide leadership in the application of the core values and ethical standards of the social work profession through an ethical problem solving model to aid in critical thinking, affective reactions and ethical decision making related to individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities to guide and inform ethical practice in the specialization of advanced generalist social work.

Related Assignment Criteria:

3. Connect the NASW Code of Ethics to social work and best practices in supervision.
4. Explain how education, training, and practice support can help protect the code of ethics and best practices of social work supervisors.
5. Explain how technology supports best practices and ethical standards used in social work practice.

Competency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice.

C2.SP.A: Analyze dimensions and differentiation in diversity and apply the influence of relationships and affective reactions to intervention techniques and technologies with diverse clients, families, groups, organizations, and communities. 

Related Assignment Criterion:

6. Explain dimensions of diversity and how they influence leadership and supervision in social work.

Competency 3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice.

C3.SP.C: Analyze and respond to evolving leadership, technological, political, economic, social cultural, geographical, and environmental contexts to shape the specialization of advanced generalist practice.

Related Assignment Criteria:

2. Identify best practices and standards related to supervision and leadership integrated into the social work profession.
5. Explain how technology supports best practices and ethical standards used in social work practice.
7. Describe how leadership skills advance social and economic well-being when working collaboratively.

Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice.

C5.SP.A: Apply leadership skills and decision making as social change agents to collaborate with clients, colleagues, and identified stakeholders to advance social and economic well-being in the delivery of effective and technology-assisted social work services to individuals, families, and groups.

Related Assignment Criterion:

7. Describe how leadership skills advance social and economic well-being when working collaboratively.

Competency 6: Engage With Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.

C6.SP.A: Apply critical thinking and decision making in verbal and written communication through the use of leadership and technology when engaging with colleagues, individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

Related Assignment Criterion:

10. Apply critical thinking through written communication in analyzing social work best practices and supervision.

Competency 6: Engage With Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.

C6.SP.B: Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in the specialization of advanced generalist practice when engaging with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

Related Assignment Criterion:

9. Describe conflict theories that support best practices as an advanced generalist supervisor.

Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.

C7.SP.A: Apply critical thinking and decision making in verbal and written communication through the use of leadership and technology when assessing colleagues, individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

Related Assignment Criterion:

10. Apply critical thinking through written communication in analyzing social work best practices and supervision.

Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.

C7.SP.B: Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in the specialization of advanced generalist practice when assessing individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

Related Assignment Criterion:

9. Describe conflict theories that support best practices as an advanced generalist supervisor.

Competency 8: Intervene With Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.

C8.SP.A: Apply critical thinking and decision making in verbal and written communication through the use of leadership and technology when intervening with colleagues, individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

Related Assignment Criterion:

10. Apply critical thinking through written communication in analyzing social work best practices and supervision.

Competency 8: Intervene With Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.

C8.SP.B: Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in the specialization of advanced generalist practice interventions with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

Related Assignment Criterion:

9. Describe conflict theories that support best practices as an advanced generalist supervisor.

Competency 9: Evaluate Practice With Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

C9.SP.A: Apply critical thinking and decision making in verbal and written communication through the use of leadership and technology evaluations with colleagues, individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

Related Assignment Criterion:

10. Apply critical thinking through written communication in analyzing social work best practices and supervision.

Competency 9: Evaluate Practice With Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.

C9.SP.B: Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in the specialization of advanced generalist practice evaluation with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

Related Assignment Criterion:

9. Describe conflict theories that support best practices as an advanced generalist supervisor.

Competency 9: Evaluate Practice With Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.

C9.SP.D: Analyze and respond to evolving leadership, technological, political, economic, social cultural, geographical, and environmental contexts to shape the specialization of advanced generalist practice evaluation.

Related Assignment Criteria:

2. Identify best practices and standards related to supervision and leadership integrated into the social work profession.
5. Explain how technology supports best practices and ethical standards used in social work practice.
7. Describe how leadership skills advance social and economic well-being when working collaboratively.

Assignment Instructions
As you prepared for your interview, you designed questions to ask the social worker supervisor about each of the following content areas. You also need to conduct a literature review to gather additional evidence-based information to enhance the information you gathered from the interview. It might be helpful to conduct the literature review synchronously to designing the interview questions. This written assignment is your opportunity to synthesize the information gathered from the interview and your literature review into a comprehensive and concise discussion about best practices in supervision. You must make clear connections between the interview and the theories and standards involved in the profession.
Complete the following:
Section 1
Copy and paste the e-mail that confirms, by reply of your interviewee, your meeting with the social work supervisor you met with for this assignment. The confirmation must include the name, credentials, agency, and contact phone and e-mail address of the person interviewed. It must also include the meeting date, time, and location of your meeting. This information is subject to confirmation by your instructor. If this information is not included in the assignment, it will be returned to you with a grade of zero.
Section 2
Organize your paper, using headings, to address each of the content areas. Be sure that you synthesize information from the interview with content learned from the text, articles, NASW resources, and additional resources into these categories.

Identify best practices and standards that are a part of supervision and leadership within the social work profession and how they are integrated into the social work profession. Why are they important to the profession?
Connect the NASW Code of Ethics to Best Practice Standards in Social Work Supervision.
Explain how education, training, and practice support can help protect the NASW Code of Ethics and Best Practice Standards in Social Work Supervision.
Explain how technology supports best practices and ethical standards used in social work practice.
Explain dimensions of diversity and how they influence leadership and supervision in social work.
Describe how to use leadership skills when working with a supervisee to advance social, economic, and environmental well-being? How does this affect supervisee performance in addressing social, economic, and environmental well-being?
Explain the importance of self-care in social work practice when serving as a supervisor. Why is this important and include examples of best practices in self-care.
Describe critical or conflict theory that support best practices as an advanced generalist supervisor.
Apply critical thinking through written communication in analyzing social work best practices for supervision.

Additional Requirements
The assignment you submit is expected to meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

How many receptors have been found for opioids? What are their names?

Topic: Opioid Receptors – Signaling against pain always with pleasure?
This week you learned about the concept of receptors, GTP-binding  proteins and different signal transduction pathways operating in cells.  As you work on this week’s discussion board assignment, consider the  following.  Chronic pain is one of the most common reasons adults  seek medical care. The condition has been linked to restrictions in  mobility and daily activities, anxiety and depression and often to  dependence on opioids. According to a 2016 CDC analysis of National  Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data, an estimated 20.4% (50.0 million)  of U.S. adults had chronic pain and 8.0% of U.S. adults (19.6 million)  had high-impact chronic pain. Opioid-based medications have been used by  man as an analgesic and euphoric for over 5000 years of which morphine  is the most widely known and used. Morphine and the other opioids  codeine, papaverine and thebaine are extracted from the poppy plant Papaver somniferum.  All four natural opioids bind to different opioid receptors which are  distributed throughout the central nervous system and also within  peripheral tissue of neural and non-neural origin. All opioids (natural  or synthetic) used in clinical practice today to reduce pain exert their  action at the MOP receptor. However, some have additional activities  most namely reduction in conscious level and euphoria, making them drugs  of abuse.
This week I want you to read the following scientific review article  (Pathan H. & Williams J. Basic opioid pharmacology: an update. Br.  J. Pain 6(1): 11-16 (2012) and do some research on NCBI PubMed (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) on this week’s topic and discuss the following aspects with your class mates:

How many receptors have been found for opioids? What are their names?
How do those opioid receptors differ? Which components do they share?
What is known about the intracellular signaling pathways of those opioid receptors?
In which way might increased knowledge about the intracellular  signaling components of the opioid receptor help to develop new  generations of analgesics without addictive properties?

Case study : Susan is a 16-year-old with sudden onset of severe sore throat for the past day. She feels like she had a fever but did not check her temperature (i.e., subjective fever). What is the most likely diagnosis and pathogen causing this disorder? Discuss the mode of transmission and discuss data that supports your decision.

Case 1 
Review the pharyngitis scenarios and determine the most likely cause, including pathogen and mode of transmission. Discuss data that support your decision and treatment strategies. 
Scenario 1:  Susan is a 16-year-old with sudden onset of severe sore throat for the past day. She feels like she had a fever but did not check her temperature (i.e., subjective fever). She states it is very painful to swallow, and she thinks she sees white spots on her throat. She denies cough, rhinorrhea, nausea, otalgia, shortness of breath, or headache. She reports no exposure to sick individuals. 

Medications: none.
Allergies: none.
Social history: nonsmoker and drinks alcohol (two to three beers) one to two times a month.
Physical examination: vital signs – temperature 101.0°F; pulse 100 beats per minute; respirations 18 per minute; blood pressure 110/66 mmHg.
General: ill and tired appearance.
Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat: unremarkable except for erythematous oropharynx with small petechiae and white tonsillar exudates.
Neck: anterior cervical lymphadenopathy; two on right, three on left; all small (< 0.5 cm) and tender.
Cardiovascular, Lungs, and Abdomen: unremarkable.

Answer the following questions or provide responses based on this scenario. 

What is the most likely diagnosis and pathogen causing this disorder and mode of transmission?
Discuss data that supports your decision.
What diagnostic test, if any, should be done?
Develop a treatment plan for this patient.

Scenario 2: Mr. Jones is a 54-year-old man with complaints of a scratchy, raw sore throat and painful swallowing, mild productive cough, and runny nose for the past 2 days. He says his sputum is whitish-yellow. His ears feel full, and he feels like he is getting achy. He reports taking throat lozenges and denies nausea, fever, shortness of breath, chest pain, or headache. He states he teaches in a high school and a lot of his students have had colds. 

Medications: none.
Allergies: none.
Social history: nonsmoker and does not drink alcohol.
Physical examination: vital signs – temperature 99.0°F; pulse 84 beats per minute; respirations 18 per minute; blood pressure 120/70 mmHg.
General: cough during exam.
HEENT: unremarkable except for mild erythematous oropharynx with no exudates; nares with mild erythema and scant yellowish discharge.
Neck, CV, Lungs, Abdomen: unremarkable.

Answer the following questions or provide responses based on this scenario. 

What is the most likely diagnosis and pathogen causing this disorder and mode of transmission?
Discuss data that support your decision.
What diagnostic test, if any, should be done?
Develop a treatment plan for this patient.
Compare the causes, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of pharyngitis in these two cases.

Case 2
Review the pulmonary infection scenarios and discuss whether the diagnosis is infectious rhinitis, influenza, acute bronchitis, acute bronchiolitis, or pneumonia. Discuss the most common pathogen and mode of transmission Discuss data that support your decision and treatment strategies. 
Scenarios 1: Jack is a 21-year-old complaining of a sudden onset of myalgia with his body aching all over and headache for the past day. He feels tired and has the chills, and his temperature was 100°F. He has a mild nonproductive cough. He denies rhinorrhea, sinus pain, nausea, otalgia, or shortness of breath. He reports exposure to sick contacts in his dorm, stating, “Everyone seems to be coughing and catching a cold or the flu.” 

Medications: none.
Allergies: penicillin.
Past medical history: healthy.
Social history: college student, lives in a dormitory. Nonsmoker and drinks alcohol once a week, about two or three beers.
Physical examination: vital signs – temperature 100°F; pulse 98 beats per minute; respiratorations18 per minute; blood pressure 110/70 mmHg; pulse oximeter 98%.
General: ill and tired appearance.
Head, Eyes, Ears, Neck, Throat: unremarkable.
Neck: no lymphadenopathy; negative Kernig sign, negative Brudzinski sign.
Cardiovascular lungs, abdomen: unremarkable.

Answer the following questions or provide responses based on this scenario. 

What is the most likely diagnosis and pathogen causing this disorder?
Discuss the mode of transmission and discuss the data that supports your decision.
What diagnostic test, if any, should be done?
Develop a treatment plan for this patient.

 Scenarios 2: Mr. Menendez is a 65-year-old man presenting with 2–3 days of coughing up thick yellow sputum, shortness of , and fever (he did not check the actual temperature), and chills. He states his chest hurts when he breathes. He denies headache, rhinorrhea, sinus pain, and nausea. He reports no exposure to sick individuals. 

Medications: lisinopril 10 mg a day by mouth.
Allergies: no known drug allergy.
Social history: smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per day (has done so for 30 years); denies alcohol use; works as a landscaper.
Physical examination: vital signs – temperature 101°F; pulse 98 beats per minute; respirations 22 per minute; blood pressure 140/86 mmHg; pulse oximeter 93%.
General: ill and tired appearance, coughing during visit with thick yellow sputum noted.
HEENT: unremarkable.
Neck: small anterior and posterior cervical nodes.
CV: unremarkable.
Lungs: right basilar crackles with dullness to percussion in right lower lobe.
Abdomen: unremarkable.

Answer the following questions or provide responses based on this scenario. 

What is the most likely diagnosis and pathogen causing this disorder?
Discuss the mode of transmission. Discuss the data that support your decision.
What diagnostic test, if any, should be done?
Develop a treatment plan for this patient.

 Case 3
Jamie is a 1-year-old girl who is coughing and has had rhinorrhea with yellowish discharge for the past day. Her father says today he felt like she had a fever and has not been eating or playing; she has been mostly sleeping. Her 5-year-old sibling has had a cold for a week. 

Medications: none.
Allergies: no known drug allergies.
Vaccinations: up to date for age.
Social history: in day care; lives with mother, father, and 5-year-old sibling.
Physical examination: vital signs – temperature 101.5°F; pulse 120 beats per minute; respirations 34 per minute; blood pressure 100/60 mmHg; pulse oximeter 92%.
General: sitting in father’s lap; ill, lethargic appearance, and coughing.
HEENT: nasal flaring, nasal mucus yellowish bilaterally; oropharynx with mild erythema.
Neck: small anterior and posterior cervical nodes.
CV: unremarkable.
Lungs: intercostal retractions, expiratory wheezing.
Abdomen: unremarkable.

Answer the following questions or provide responses based on this scenario. 

What is the most likely diagnosis and pathogen causing this disorder? Discuss the mode of transmission and discuss data that supports your decision.
What diagnostic test, if any, should be done?
Develop a treatment plan for this patient.
Professional Reflection on the 3 cases. Citations and references.

You are a medical professor in charge of creating college assignments and answers for medical college students. You design and conduct lectures, evaluate student performance and provide feedback through examinations and assignments. Answer each question separately. Include and Introduction. Provide an answer to this content

Case 1 
Review the pharyngitis scenarios and determine the most likely cause, including pathogen and mode of transmission. Discuss data that support your decision and treatment strategies. 
Scenario 1:  Susan is a 16-year-old with sudden onset of severe sore throat for the past day. She feels like she had a fever but did not check her temperature (i.e., subjective fever). She states it is very painful to swallow, and she thinks she sees white spots on her throat. She denies cough, rhinorrhea, nausea, otalgia, shortness of breath, or headache. She reports no exposure to sick individuals. 

Medications: none.
Allergies: none.
Social history: nonsmoker and drinks alcohol (two to three beers) one to two times a month.
Physical examination: vital signs – temperature 101.0°F; pulse 100 beats per minute; respirations 18 per minute; blood pressure 110/66 mmHg.
General: ill and tired appearance.
Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat: unremarkable except for erythematous oropharynx with small petechiae and white tonsillar exudates.
Neck: anterior cervical lymphadenopathy; two on right, three on left; all small (< 0.5 cm) and tender.
Cardiovascular, Lungs, and Abdomen: unremarkable.

Answer the following questions or provide responses based on this scenario. 

What is the most likely diagnosis and pathogen causing this disorder and mode of transmission?
Discuss data that supports your decision.
What diagnostic test, if any, should be done?
Develop a treatment plan for this patient.

Scenario 2: Mr. Jones is a 54-year-old man with complaints of a scratchy, raw sore throat and painful swallowing, mild productive cough, and runny nose for the past 2 days. He says his sputum is whitish-yellow. His ears feel full, and he feels like he is getting achy. He reports taking throat lozenges and denies nausea, fever, shortness of breath, chest pain, or headache. He states he teaches in a high school and a lot of his students have had colds. 

Medications: none.
Allergies: none.
Social history: nonsmoker and does not drink alcohol.
Physical examination: vital signs – temperature 99.0°F; pulse 84 beats per minute; respirations 18 per minute; blood pressure 120/70 mmHg.
General: cough during exam.
HEENT: unremarkable except for mild erythematous oropharynx with no exudates; nares with mild erythema and scant yellowish discharge.
Neck, CV, Lungs, Abdomen: unremarkable.

Answer the following questions or provide responses based on this scenario. 

What is the most likely diagnosis and pathogen causing this disorder and mode of transmission?
Discuss data that support your decision.
What diagnostic test, if any, should be done?
Develop a treatment plan for this patient.
Compare the causes, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of pharyngitis in these two cases.

Case 2
Review the pulmonary infection scenarios and discuss whether the diagnosis is infectious rhinitis, influenza, acute bronchitis, acute bronchiolitis, or pneumonia. Discuss the most common pathogen and mode of transmission Discuss data that support your decision and treatment strategies. 
Scenarios 1: Jack is a 21-year-old complaining of a sudden onset of myalgia with his body aching all over and headache for the past day. He feels tired and has the chills, and his temperature was 100°F. He has a mild nonproductive cough. He denies rhinorrhea, sinus pain, nausea, otalgia, or shortness of breath. He reports exposure to sick contacts in his dorm, stating, “Everyone seems to be coughing and catching a cold or the flu.” 

Medications: none.
Allergies: penicillin.
Past medical history: healthy.
Social history: college student, lives in a dormitory. Nonsmoker and drinks alcohol once a week, about two or three beers.
Physical examination: vital signs – temperature 100°F; pulse 98 beats per minute; respiratorations18 per minute; blood pressure 110/70 mmHg; pulse oximeter 98%.
General: ill and tired appearance.
Head, Eyes, Ears, Neck, Throat: unremarkable.
Neck: no lymphadenopathy; negative Kernig sign, negative Brudzinski sign.
Cardiovascular lungs, abdomen: unremarkable.

Answer the following questions or provide responses based on this scenario. 

What is the most likely diagnosis and pathogen causing this disorder?
Discuss the mode of transmission and discuss the data that supports your decision.
What diagnostic test, if any, should be done?
Develop a treatment plan for this patient.

 Scenarios 2: Mr. Menendez is a 65-year-old man presenting with 2–3 days of coughing up thick yellow sputum, shortness of , and fever (he did not check the actual temperature), and chills. He states his chest hurts when he breathes. He denies headache, rhinorrhea, sinus pain, and nausea. He reports no exposure to sick individuals. 

Medications: lisinopril 10 mg a day by mouth.
Allergies: no known drug allergy.
Social history: smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per day (has done so for 30 years); denies alcohol use; works as a landscaper.
Physical examination: vital signs – temperature 101°F; pulse 98 beats per minute; respirations 22 per minute; blood pressure 140/86 mmHg; pulse oximeter 93%.
General: ill and tired appearance, coughing during visit with thick yellow sputum noted.
HEENT: unremarkable.
Neck: small anterior and posterior cervical nodes.
CV: unremarkable.
Lungs: right basilar crackles with dullness to percussion in right lower lobe.
Abdomen: unremarkable.

Answer the following questions or provide responses based on this scenario. 

What is the most likely diagnosis and pathogen causing this disorder?
Discuss the mode of transmission. Discuss the data that support your decision.
What diagnostic test, if any, should be done?
Develop a treatment plan for this patient.

 Case 3
Jamie is a 1-year-old girl who is coughing and has had rhinorrhea with yellowish discharge for the past day. Her father says today he felt like she had a fever and has not been eating or playing; she has been mostly sleeping. Her 5-year-old sibling has had a cold for a week. 

Medications: none.
Allergies: no known drug allergies.
Vaccinations: up to date for age.
Social history: in day care; lives with mother, father, and 5-year-old sibling.
Physical examination: vital signs – temperature 101.5°F; pulse 120 beats per minute; respirations 34 per minute; blood pressure 100/60 mmHg; pulse oximeter 92%.
General: sitting in father’s lap; ill, lethargic appearance, and coughing.
HEENT: nasal flaring, nasal mucus yellowish bilaterally; oropharynx with mild erythema.
Neck: small anterior and posterior cervical nodes.
CV: unremarkable.
Lungs: intercostal retractions, expiratory wheezing.
Abdomen: unremarkable.

Answer the following questions or provide responses based on this scenario. 

What is the most likely diagnosis and pathogen causing this disorder? Discuss the mode of transmission and discuss data that supports your decision.
What diagnostic test, if any, should be done?
Develop a treatment plan for this patient.
Professional Reflection on the 3 cases. Citations and references.

. Do not write who you are in the answer.

Why do demagogues win, why do they come to power as they are doing?

  On January 6, 2021, Americans came perilously close to losing its democracy and the freedoms that have always defined what America is. On that day, a determined band of extremists, including White Nationalists of various stripes, fascistic and violence prone groups like Proud Boys, motivated and incited by the president of the United States (and many members of Congress intent on stealing the election), surged into the Capitol Building, some of them waving a Confederate flag, one wearing a t-shirt with the word Auschwitz displayed, some determined to find Vice-President Mike Pence for the purpose of executing him. There can be no doubt that this was a mob intent on using violence to deny the will of the American people, who had voted to make Joe Biden the next president. There can be no doubt that the main motivation of this mob was not to defend the freedoms of the United States, but rather to abolish them. Not to protect liberty, but to subvert it. Not to protect the Constitution but to revoke it, not to build an inclusive America but to exclude people of color and certain faiths. Not to demand justice, but to violently rebuke it. Not to protect the right to vote, but to repress it. Not to honor the result of the election, called the fairest in US history by many authorities, but to repudiate it. Not to transfer power peacefully, the hallmark of freedom and democracy, but to retain it for a completely corrupt president who had just lost the election—both the popular and the electoral vote.  
Why do demagogues win, why do they come to power as they are doing? Who supports them and why? What role do media play? What role is played by the digital economy that is disrupting everyday life? What about traditional jobs, will they be replaced? We don’t even have the tools to help re-integrate those working in the old economies into the new.  
Must be Chicago manual style
Must use footnotes
5 pages

What does evidence reveal about alarm fatigue and distractions in healthcare when it comes to patient safety?


Distractors in our Environments



This week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcome (CO).

Preparing the Discussion

· Discussions are designed to promote dialogue between faculty and students, and students and their peers. In discussions students:
· Demonstrate understanding of concepts for the week
· Integrate outside scholarly sources when required
· Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates and/or instructor
· Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner
· Use the rubric on this page as you compose your answers.
· Best Practices include:
· Participation early in the week is encouraged to stimulate meaningful discussion among classmates and instructor.
· Enter the discussion often during the week to read and learn from posts.
· Select different classmates for your reply each week.

Discussion Question

Distractions are everywhere. They may include cellphones, multiple alarms sounding, overhead paging, monitors beeping, and various interruptions that disrupt your clinical practice.
Give an example of an ethical or legal issue that may arise if a patient has a poor outcome or sentinel event because of a distraction such as alarm fatigue. What does evidence reveal about alarm fatigue and distractions in healthcare when it comes to patient safety?
· EBOOK to use for one citation:
· https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9781323903148/epubcfi/6/492%5B%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3DP7001015544000000000000000002CB2%5D!/4/2%5BP7001015544000000000000000002CB2%5D/2/2%5BP7001015544000000000000000002CB3%5D/7:6%5B%20In%2Cter%5D
· email:
[email protected]

· Pwd: Leroyismyhero1#

let me know if you cannot have access to the ebook