What are managerial actions that a rural community hospital CEO can take to alleviate the revenue shortfalls of the maldistribution of primary care physicians and inefficient patient throughput caused by nurse staffing shortages?

COMMENTARY AND QUESTIONS:  The United States is suffering a shortage of licensed physicians and registered nurses to provide primary health care.  While the physician shortage is profession-wide, there is a greater shortage of primary care physicians than specialty physicians.  Further, the United States is suffering from physician maldistribution, with more physicians (primary and specialty) choosing to practice in affluent urban areas as opposed to more economically depressed rural areas.  Rural community hospitals that depend upon physician referrals for inpatient admission, outpatient surgery, and diagnostic testing revenues are suffering because there aren’t enough physicians to generate sufficient revenues for the hospital to be financially viable.  Rural patients who have the economic means and ability are responding to the primary care shortage by seeking primary care in the urban areas, which means that they are referred to urban hospitals for inpatient admission, outpatient surgery and diagnostic testing.
Hospitals across the U.S. have critical shortages of nursing staff and are suffering the consequences of inadequate patient throughput.  Patient throughput is the process of moving patients through the hospital at the appropriate time in the patient’s treatment so that the patient’s bed can be opened for a new revenue-generating patient.  For example, an ICU patient should be moved to a lower-care medical-surgical floor as soon as possible so that the ICU bed is available for a new patient.  Similarly, this same patient should be moved to a rehabilitation hospital as soon as they no longer need acute care so that the patient’s medical-surgical bed is available for a new revenue-generating patient.  In some instances, patient throughput is being slowed down because there isn’t enough nursing staff on the medical-surgical floor to receive patients from the ICU or other higher care areas.  The inability to move patients through the hospital to lower levels of care (and ultimately to discharge) negatively impacts the hospital’s revenues.
The combination of primary care physician shortages, physician maldistribution negatively impacting the rural areas, and critical nurse staffing shortages have a cumulative negative effect on rural community hospitals.  Please discuss the following:
1.  What are managerial actions that a rural community hospital CEO can take to alleviate the revenue shortfalls of the maldistribution of primary care physicians and inefficient patient throughput caused by nurse staffing shortages?
2.  Should the CEO seek to recruit primary care physicians and/or nurses from foreign countries to move into the rural community and establish a professional practice in the community?  If yes, there would be additional primary care physicians to make patient referrals to the hospital (e.g., revenue-generating) and additional nurses to staff the hospital clinical service locations so that patients could be moved through quicker.
3.  However, what is the effect of recruiting international medical and nurse graduates to the United States on the global health care economy in less developed countries?  Does the CEO have a socio-ethical duty to not recruit qualified medical practitioners away from their home country when they are sorely needed to take care of patients in that home country; or is the CEO’s duty to their own rural community in the United States?

Explore the website :    www.nasdaq.com and write 3-5 pages typed double space 12 times new roman font. Please explore the website and write what info you found on the website. Explore different tabs i.e. Our Businesses, Quotes, Markets, News, Investing, Personal Finance, Portfolio.

Case Study 2.1
Explore the website :    www.nasdaq.com and write 3-5 pages typed double space 12 times new roman font. Please explore the website and write what info you found on the website. Explore different tabs i.e. Our Businesses, Quotes, Markets, News, Investing, Personal Finance, Portfolio.

An 83-year-old resident of a skilled nursing facility presents to the emergency department with generalized edema of extremities and abdomen. History obtained from staff reveals the patient has a history of malabsorption syndrome and difficulty eating due to a lack of dentures. The patient has been diagnosed with protein malnutrition. The role genetics plays in the disease. Why the patient is presenting with the specific symptoms described.

An 83-year-old resident of a skilled nursing facility presents to the emergency department with generalized edema of extremities and abdomen. History obtained from staff reveals the patient has a history of malabsorption syndrome and difficulty eating due to a lack of dentures. The patient has been diagnosed with protein malnutrition.
The role genetics plays in the disease.

Why the patient is presenting with the specific symptoms described.
The physiologic response to the stimulus presented in the scenario and why you think this response occurred.
The cells that are involved in this process.
How another characteristic (e.g., gender, genetics) would change your response.

What might be a characteristic influencing your response?
The scenario reflects this to be an unidentified race, so if this patient was African American would this create characteristics influenced by race? It may or may not just support your point with a citation.
In this elderly female, there are several contributing factors for her presenting with these symptoms.
If you do not find any genetic factors contributing, provide a citation supporting this. As a student, be sure to support your points until you become the expert.

Considering the ethical dilemma shared above, how might someone object to using utilitarianism as a viable means of solving that ethical dilemma? Do you find the objection helpful or unhelpful?

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 3 of the How Should One Live? An Introduction to Ethics and Moral Reasoning, and Chapter 2 of John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism also in your textbook’s Primary Sources section.
The first discussion this week will focus on explaining and evaluating the utilitarian ethical theory as discussed in Chapter 3 of the textbook. Your instructor will be choosing the discussion question and posting it as the first post in the main discussion forum. The requirements for the discussion this week include the following:
Discussion Topic: Strengths and Weaknesses of Utilitarianism
After reading Chapter 3 of the textbook, consider utilitarianism’s advantages and disadvantages as an ethical theory.
Please address the following questions (not necessarily in this order):
1. Reflect on yourself:

Consider a time when you (or someone you know) faced an ethical dilemma. Describe the circumstance and include relevant facts about the ethical issue.
Discuss whether utilitarian principles were used to address the dilemma. If not used, do you believe that if utilitarian theory had been employed, the ethical dilemma would have had a different outcome?

2. Engage with the text:

Using at least one quote from one of the required readings, explain what you believe are the strengths of utilitarianism.
Using at least one quote from one of the required readings, explain what you believe are utilitarianism’s weaknesses (objections).

Several objections to utilitarianism are discussed in Chapter 3, Section 3.5 of the textbook, and John Stuart Mill (2017/1863) discusses eight objections to Utilitarianism (in Chapter 3 of the textbook, the text can be found under “Primary Sources” and the objections under the section, “Objections and Replies”).
3. Reflect on the theory:

Considering the ethical dilemma shared above, how might someone object to using utilitarianism as a viable means of solving that ethical dilemma? Do you find the objection helpful or unhelpful?

The total word count for all your posts should be at least 600 words, excluding references.

Describe your understanding of the homeostasis process by summarizing how the food you have (or have not) eaten today affects your blood glucose level.

1. Describe your understanding of the homeostasis process by summarizing how the food you have (or have not) eaten today affects your blood glucose level.
Provide answer here
2. Summarize the function of four organelles found in a basic human cell.
Provide answer here
3. Describe how substances move in and out of a cell.
Provide answer here
4. Choose two organs that are found in different body cavities. Describe their location in relation to each other, using at least three positional medical terms.
Provide answer here

RAND > The RAND Blog > When Is a Terrorist Really a Terrorist?

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When Is a Terrorist Really a Terrorist?

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Travelers are evacuated out of the terminal and onto the tarmac after a shooting at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport in Florida, January 6,
Photo by Andrew Innerarity/Reuters

by Brian Michael Jenkins

January 27, 2017

ecurity footage shows what looks like an all-too-typical episode of lone-wolf terrorism: A single young man

pulls a handgun from his waistband and begins firing at helpless victims in an airport baggage claim area.

The results were certainly terrifying — five dead, six wounded, countless others traumatized as witnesses to

the carnage.

But while this month’s attack at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood Airport in Florida outwardly bore the hallmarks of a

terrorist event, it should not be automatically lumped in with the many deadly acts of ideologically inspired violence

that plague the globe — at least not based on what is now known about the attacker, 26-year-old Iraq War veteran

Esteban Santiago.

More than 15 years after fear of international terrorism seized the world’s consciousness on 9/11, Americans seem

almost eager to explain away senseless acts of mass violence as being driven by ideology, preferably jihadi ideology.

This is a mistake that only stokes the fear of terrorism and exaggerates the influence and reach of America’s Islamist

extremist foes.

As word of the Fort Lauderdale attack spread across the media landscape, journalists, online commentators and

many Americans immediately sought to identify the terror nexus that would conveniently attribute the killings to

jihadi motivations.

And there it was: Santiago had complained to the FBI that U.S. authorities were forcing him to watch Islamic State in

Iraq and Syria (ISIS) videos in his home state of Alaska and heard voices urging him to join the terrorist group. He

later told investigators that he had participated in jihadi online chat rooms, though this has not yet been


But does this make Santiago a terrorist? Not necessarily. It could point to a delusional mental state with only a thin

connection to terrorism. Such mental conditions are commonly at play in these kinds of attacks, even when the

connection to terrorism is less tenuous.

Who’s to say if mental
health interventions
could have helped
prevent some of the
attacks that are
commonly attributed to
terrorist motives?

To be sure, those who commit mass murder are seldom society’s happy campers, but that should not necessarily

expand America’s terrorist list to include individuals with histories of aggression, substance abuse or mental illness

who put on an ISIS or al Qaeda jersey on their way to the attack.

Who’s to say if mental health interventions could have helped prevent some of

the attacks that are commonly attributed to terrorist motives, but were

committed by individuals with deep personal or emotional problems, some with

twisted needs to self-explain their rage, even when their deadly missions are

planned to end in their own deaths?

Was Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, the shooter who killed five people in

Chattanooga, Tennessee in 2015, a lone-wolf terrorist dedicated to jihad or a

disturbed individual with alcohol, drug and money problems whose family had

sought and failed to get him therapy?

Was the 2016 killing of 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida an act of

terror committed on behalf of ISIS as the killer, Omar Mateen, told police before he was killed, or was it an act of rage

by an angry homophobe on steroids?

It is probably not lost on America’s jihadist enemies that their ideology has become a conveyor for individual

discontents. Whether planned or not, the jihadists have attracted a self-selecting audience of troubled souls through

social media outreach, publicizing their atrocities and urging extreme violence.

All of this is reinforced by intense global media coverage of attacks with terrorist links.

Countering mass violence demands a distinction between those truly radicalized and inspired by jihadist ideology

and those with lesser links, including those whose mental states and violent tendencies preexist their exposure to

jihadist ideology.

But this is not a simple task in the face of a public that prefers easy answers.

To some audiences, ascribing murderous rampages to political motives may make more sense than a more nuanced

explanation that includes mental illness. Terrorism gives Americans a clear culprit and a distant enemy to fear and

loathe, whereas mental illness could arouse sympathy, inappropriately mitigating the violence.

And in a curious way, death at the hands of terrorists ennobles the dead and wounded. They are not merely random

victims of mindless murder, but casualties of war.

Terrorism is also something that can seem easier to address: Security can be increased, jihadist organizations can be

destroyed, violent extremism can be countered. A terrorist can be shot or shut up in prison.

Sorting out how to deal with mental disorders that sometimes don’t show themselves until they erupt in bloodshed

is a much more difficult task.

Brian Michael Jenkins is a senior adviser to the president of the nonprofit, nonpartisan RAND Corporation and an

author of numerous books, reports and articles on terrorism-related topics.

This commentary originally appeared on The Hill on January 26, 2017. Commentary gives RAND researchers a

platform to convey insights based on their professional expertise and often on their peer-reviewed research and


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Define psychiatric interview and its importance to the psychiatric nurse practitioner’s role. Compare the phases and critical tasks involved in performing the initial interview. Explain the on going process of the psychiatric assessment.

After studying Module 2: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following:

Define psychiatric interview and its importance to the psychiatric nurse practitioner’s role.
Compare the phases and critical tasks involved in performing the initial interview.
Explain the on going process of the psychiatric assessment.

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.  Your initial post is worth 8 points.
You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
Late work policies, expectations regarding proper citations, acceptable means of responding to peer feedback, and other expectations are at the discretion of the instructor.
You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.

Architecture and design utilizing online research tools

Completing a dissertation, such as [url=https://onlineclassassignment.com/psyc-fpx-4700-assessment-5-data-analysis-worksheet-correlations/]PSYC FPX 4700 Assessment 5[/url], marks a significant achievement in a student’s academic journey. The dissertation represents months of research, analysis, and critical thinking. However, the final polish that ensures the document is free from grammatical errors, inconsistencies, and formatting issues is often underestimated. This is where a dissertation proofreading service steps in, ensuring that the document meets the highest standards of quality. In this article, we delve into the significance of dissertation proofreading, particularly in the context of Nurs-FPX 4900 Assessment 1.

Nurs-FPX 4900 Assessment 1 is a vital component of nursing education, encompassing a comprehensive evaluation of clinical practices, patient care, and ethical considerations. This assessment demands a meticulous exploration of nursing theories, evidence-based practices, and their practical applications. Crafting a coherent and error-free dissertation that reflects the depth of understanding and research required for Nurs-FPX 4900 Assessment 1 is crucial.

A dissertation proofreading service plays a pivotal role in ensuring the precision and accuracy of the document. Proofreading goes beyond mere spell-checking; it involves a detailed examination of grammar, syntax, punctuation, and formatting. In the case of Nurs-FPX 4900 Assessment 1, precision is paramount to convey complex nursing concepts effectively.

[b]Grammatical Perfection:[/b] Grammatical errors can detract from the credibility of a dissertation. A proofreading service identifies and rectifies these errors, ensuring that the language used is clear, accurate, and scholarly.

[b]Consistency and Clarity:[/b] Consistency in terminology, style, and formatting is essential in a dissertation. A proofreading service ensures that these elements are uniform throughout the document, enhancing its clarity and coherence.

[b]Enhanced Readability:[/b] Complex nursing concepts discussed in Nurs-FPX 4900 Assessment 1 require utmost clarity. Proofreading optimizes sentence structure, making the content more accessible to readers from diverse backgrounds.

[b]Citation Accuracy:[/b] Proper citation is vital to acknowledge the sources of information and maintain academic integrity. A proofreading service ensures that citations adhere to the specified citation style, be it APA, MLA, or any other.

[b]Formatting Precision:[/b] Each institution has specific formatting guidelines for dissertations. A proofreading service ensures that the document adheres to these guidelines, including headings, subheadings, margins, and page numbering.

[b]Early Engagement:[/b] It’s advisable to engage a dissertation proofreading service well before the submission deadline. This allows sufficient time for revisions and ensures that the final document is of the highest quality.

[b]Detailed Instructions:[/b] Provide the proofreading service with detailed instructions, including any specific formatting requirements, citation style, and key areas of concern in Nurs-FPX 4900 Assessment 1.

[b]Feedback Incorporation:[/b] If you’ve received feedback from advisors or peers, share it with the proofreading service. This helps them address specific areas that need improvement.

Completing [url=https://onlineclassassignment.com/nurs-fpx-4060-assessment-2-community-resources-world-health-organization/]nurs fpx 4060 assessment 2[/url] involves a rigorous exploration of nursing practices and theories. To present your research and understanding effectively, a polished and error-free dissertation is essential. Engaging a dissertation proofreading service offers the advantage of unbiased and meticulous editing, ensuring that your document is a testament to your hard work and dedication. As you endeavor to contribute to the field of nursing through Nurs-FPX 4900 Assessment 1, let a proofreading service elevate your work to the highest level of excellence

What does evidence reveal about alarm fatigue and distractions in healthcare when it comes to patient safety?


Distractors in our Environments



This week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcome (CO).

Preparing the Discussion

· Discussions are designed to promote dialogue between faculty and students, and students and their peers. In discussions students:
· Demonstrate understanding of concepts for the week
· Integrate outside scholarly sources when required
· Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates and/or instructor
· Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner
· Use the rubric on this page as you compose your answers.
· Best Practices include:
· Participation early in the week is encouraged to stimulate meaningful discussion among classmates and instructor.
· Enter the discussion often during the week to read and learn from posts.
· Select different classmates for your reply each week.

Discussion Question

Distractions are everywhere. They may include cellphones, multiple alarms sounding, overhead paging, monitors beeping, and various interruptions that disrupt your clinical practice.
Give an example of an ethical or legal issue that may arise if a patient has a poor outcome or sentinel event because of a distraction such as alarm fatigue. What does evidence reveal about alarm fatigue and distractions in healthcare when it comes to patient safety?
· EBOOK to use for one citation:
· https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9781323903148/epubcfi/6/492%5B%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3DP7001015544000000000000000002CB2%5D!/4/2%5BP7001015544000000000000000002CB2%5D/2/2%5BP7001015544000000000000000002CB3%5D/7:6%5B%20In%2Cter%5D
· email:
[email protected]

· Pwd: Leroyismyhero1#

let me know if you cannot have access to the ebook

Determine which one of the following OLMs is suitable for replacing the identified OLMs that hinder organizational learning as a corrective action to facilitate the transition from individual to organizational learning: Off-line/Internal, Online/Internal, Off-line/External, or Online/External.

Suppose that your organization, or an organization that you are familiar with, is dealing with a major issue in transitioning individual learning (such as sharing knowledge, training programs, working as a team, experiences, procedures, and processes) into organizational learning. The chief executive officer (CEO) has asked you, as the vice president of human resources, to assist with the issue and to help the organization transition its culture to this new way of learning. Before you provide any recommendations to address the issue, you must first research the root of the problem and the resistance to this transition.
Note: You may make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. In your original work, you may use aspects of existing processes from either your current or former place of employment. However, you must remove any and all identifying information that would enable someone to discern the organization(s)that you have used.

Assess the organization’s culture as it relates to shared knowledge, and then specify the significant issue (or issues) that you discovered with the culture.
Determine the disconnect you observed between culture and organizational learning using three?of the five?mystifications. Support your response with at least one?example of each selected mystification within the organization.
Present your opinion on the current Organizational Learning Mechanisms (OLMs) that hinder organizational learning. Support your response with one?example of a training or learning initiative (for example, sharing knowledge, training programs, working as a team, experiences, procedures, processes) and the outcome when it was applied to the organization.
Determine which one of the following OLMs is suitable for replacing the identified OLMs that hinder organizational learning as a corrective action to facilitate the transition from individual to organizational learning: Off-line/Internal, Online/Internal, Off-line/External, or Online/External. Justify your selection.
Evaluate the norms of the organization’s learning culture to determine the source or sources that currently prevent productive learning by applying two of the following norms: inquiry, issue orientation, transparency, integrity, or accountability. Provide at least one example of each of the selected norms’ manifestations within the organization in your evaluation.
Use at least five quality academic references in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.
Complete in three pages.