Understand and identify the background of gender discrimination and the different ways that it is manifested in the workplace.


Objectives for Chapter 8:
Understand and identify the background of gender discrimination and the different ways that it is manifested in the workplace.
Understand how to analyze situations and determine if there are any gender issues that exist in the workplace.
Define fetal protection policies, and how it relates to gender based discrimination and other issues in the workplace.
Understand the difference between legal and illegal grooming policies.
Distinguish between equal pay and comparable worth and how legislation can address these gender based issues.
Assignments for Chapter 8:
Assignment #1-Read Chapter 8 carefully and completely.
Assignment #2-On page 459, of your text, look at the case of Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins.  Use the rubric to answer the questions on page 460 at the end of the case regarding Price Waterhouse's fatal flaws,  whether they showed good business sense, and how PW could avoid this type of problem in the future.  

Online ebook (Mc Graw Hill)
[email protected]







Preview Rubric Chapter 8 Rubric-Price Waterhouse v Hopkins
Management 5070-W4, Fall II 20… MP Ma!hew Pankey
Content Tasks Communica"on Resources
Chapter 8 Rubric-Price Waterhouse v Hopkins Course: Management 5070-W4, Fall II 2023 – Ft Campb
Overall Score
Criteria Possible Points Criterion Score
State the name and citation of the Price Waterhouse v.
Hopkins case
/ 0.5
Briefly state the pertinent facts of the Price
Waterhouse case. (minimum 100 words)
/ 3
What was the main issue in the Price Waterhouse case
and What did the U.S. Supreme Court hold in this
gender discrimination case? (minimum 100 words)
/ 3
What would you do if you were head of H.R. at Price
Waterhouse to avoid a situation like this? (minimum
300 words)
/ 3
Answer in 14 point Ariel font, double spaced, with no
spelling or grammatical errors. The answer must be
long enough to clearly discuss the subject matter and
answer the question. (minimum 500 words)
/ 0.5
0.5 points
3 points
3 points
3 points
0.5 points
Level 2 0 points minimum
11/12/23, 2:52 PM Page 1 of 1

identify both a psychosocial AND a physiological measurement tool that could be used to measure a concept in BURN OUT IN HEALTH CARE DURING AND AFTER COVID 19. Post a brief description of the two types of measurement tools in your group discussion forum (one paragraph each). Identify support in the literature (can be from your articles you are using for this DB post) for the reliability and validity of the two types of tools and post a summary of the support (one paragraph) in your group discussion forum.

For this DB, you will identify both a psychosocial AND a physiological measurement tool that could be used to measure a concept in BURN OUT IN HEALTH CARE DURING AND AFTER COVID 19. Post a brief description of the two types of measurement tools in your group discussion forum (one paragraph each). Identify support in the literature (can be from your articles you are using for this DB post) for the reliability and validity of the two types of tools and post a summary of the support (one paragraph) in your group discussion forum.
This is just an example:
the researcher decides to include temperature as a dependent variable (to support CAUTI) and needs to identify a measurement method for temperature. The researcher decides to use Bard Foley Catheters (Series 400 Temperature Sensing). The author would Include a description of Bard Temperature Sensing Foley Catheters (400 Series) from literature.The researcher is also interested in anxiety and will include anxiety in their study as a secondary research question. What is the strength of the relationship between the length of foley catheter insertion and anxiety in patients cared for in the critical care environment? The researcher will measure anxiety using the Beck Anxiety Inventory. The tool is a 21-question multiple-choice self-report inventory that is used for measuring the severity of anxiety in children and adults. The tool has shown high internal consistency (α = .92) and test-retest reliability over 1 week, r(81) = .75. The BAI discriminated anxious diagnostic groups (panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, etc.) from non-anxious diagnostic groups (major depression, dysthymic disorder, etc.). In addition, the BAI was moderately correlated with the revised Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, r(150) = .51, and was only mildly correlated with the revised Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, r(153) = .25. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016). The author would also note the reliability and validity of the instruments used in the study.
Physiological tool: Bard Temperature Sensing Foley Catheter (400 Series)
Psychosocial tool: Beck Anxiety Inventory

Discuss and Explain the background of sexual harassment, what is quid pro quo sexual harassment and hostile work environment sexual harassment, and give the elements for making a case for a

Objectives for Chapter 9-Sexual Harassment:
Discuss and Explain the background of sexual harassment, what is quid pro quo sexual harassment and hostile work environment sexual harassment, and give the elements for making a case for all of these issues.
List and explain defenses to sexual harassment claims and the steps that an employer can take to prevent it or to lessen liability for it.
Define the reasonable victim standard and how it is applied.
Assignments for Chapter 9:
Assignment #1-Read Chapter 9 completely and carefully.
Assignment #2-On page 505 of your textbook, read the case of Ellison v. Brady regarding the difference between a reasonable person standard and a reasonable victim standard for bringing a sexual harassment case.  Use the rubric for Chapter 9 to answer the questions at the end of the case.  
Online ebook (Mc Graw Hill)
[email protected]







Preview Rubric Chapter 9 Rubric-Sexual Harassment
Management 5070-W4, Fall II 20… MP Ma!hew Pankey
Content Tasks Communica"on Resources
Chapter 9 Rubric-Sexual Harassment Course: Management 5070-W4, Fall II 2023 – Ft Campb
Overall Score
Criteria Possible Points Criterion Score
State the name and citation of the Ellison v. Brady case / 0.5
Briefly state the pertinent facts of the Ellison v. Brady
case. (minimum 100 words)
/ 3
What was the main issue in the Ellison v. Brady case
and what did the appeals court say as to which was the
appropriate standard to use in this case (minimum 100
/ 3
Define and explain the differences between the
reasonable person standard and the reasonable victim
standard? Why did the court choose the standard that
it did?(minimum 300 words)
/ 3
Answer in 14 point Ariel font, double spaced, with no
spelling or grammatical errors. The answer must be
long enough to clearly discuss the subject matter and
answer the question. (minimum 500 words)
/ 0.5
0.5 points
3 points
3 points
3 points
0.5 points
Level 2 0 points minimum
11/12/23, 2:57 PM Page 1 of 1

Write a paper recommending a leadership theory. Address the following: Why do you believe this particular theory is the best for your organization? What is your rationale? What research can you cite to support your choice? What are the factors in your organization that make your selected leadership theory the best choice?

Write a paper recommending a leadership theory. Address the following:
Why do you believe this particular theory is the best for your organization? What is your rationale? What research can you cite to support your choice? What are the factors in your organization that make your selected leadership theory the best choice?
How will using this theory positively impact the following variables?
Managers’ behavior toward subordinates and its effect on subordinates
Motivation of subordinates
Group and team behavior
Decision making
Be sure that you conduct the research necessary to support your conclusions and cite your sources appropriately.
Present a 7- to 10-page paper in a Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style.

You are required to prepare a report on a construction project of your choice (residential, commercial, hospital, bridge, underpass, educational campus, or any other) and include the following aspects related to the project: 1. Identify the issues related to the construction activity that could affect the environment (during any of the phases of construction). 2. What HSE standards are applicable to the chosen site.

You are required to prepare a report on a construction project of your choice (residential, commercial, hospital, bridge, underpass, educational campus, or any other) and include the following aspects related to the project:
1. Identify the issues related to the construction activity that could affect the environment (during any of the phases of construction).
2. What HSE standards are applicable to the chosen site.
3. Identify and discuss the means of promoting health and safety based on the basic requirements in your chosen construction project.
4. Identify and discuss the concepts and principles of HSE common in different types of construction projects.
look at the file below

Provide a screenshot of both your 1945 and 2022 maps side by side. Use these graphs to explain changes in extreme temperatures between the two years. Do these. changes align with your hypothesis?

Question 1 (1 point): Write a hypothesis about the relationship between time, the frequency of
extreme high temperatures, and the frequency of extreme low temperatures in Los Angeles.
Question 2 (1 point): In the generated 1945 map, A) what the highest temperature of is the
whole year and what day did it occur? B) what is the lowest temperature of the year and what
day did it occur?
Question 3 (1 point): In the generated 2022 map, A) what the highest temperature of is the
whole year and what day did it occur? B) What is the lowest temperature of the year and what
day did it occur?
Question 4 (1 point): Provide a screenshot of both your 1945 and 2022 maps side by side. Use
these graphs to explain changes in extreme temperatures between the two years. Do these.
changes align with your hypothesis?
Question 5 (1 point): Write a hypothesis to relate size of a thunderstorm to temperatures near
the surface AND temperatures high in the atmosphere.
Question 6 (1 point): What conditions in the simulator made a large thunderstorm?
Question 7 (1 point): What conditions in the simulator made a small thunderstorm?
Question 8 (1 point): Read through the information in the simulator. Why is humidity
important for initiating a thunderstorm?
Question 9 (1 point): In the given year of the map above and the locations where we see the
highest sea surface temperature anomalies, which do you think we would have more of-
hurricanes, cyclones, or typhoons?
Question 10 (1 point): From the information on cyclone ingredients above, do you think that at
the point of landfall on September 16 that Hurricane Lee is strengthening or weakening?
Question 11 (1 point): Approximately what day did Hurricane Lee turn north up the eastern
Question 12 (1 point): Approximately what day and where did the cyclone for Hurricane Lee
first develop? What were sea surface temperature conditions in the location here it developed?
Provide a screen shot of your map for evidence.

Briefly describe your selected financial instrument, approach or system-wide initiative. How is it relevant to your chosen organisation or industry in addressing wider social and environmental challenges?

At this point in the course, you have explored several financial instruments, approaches and system-wide initiatives meant to address social and environmental challenges. Having investors use a wider set of data to assess company performance is an example. Select any one of these financial instruments, approaches or system-wide initiatives that could be relevant to your chosen organisation or context. Consider how your selection can be used to address social and environmental challenges and answer the following questions:
• Briefly describe your selected financial instrument, approach or system-wide initiative. How is it relevant to your chosen organisation or industry in addressing wider social and environmental challenges?
• Select any one of the core leadership competencies (values, systems thinking, an ability to deal with complexity, empathy and an open mindset). How could this competency aid your organisation or industry in delivering your chosen financial instrument, approach or system-wide initiative?
*FYI, I work in a commercial bank in Saudi Arabia a ESG Manager
* Aim for 350 words bc the maximum word limit is 400 words
RUBRIC (follow closely): The response identifies a financial instrument, approach or system-wide initiative, and skilfully explains how it can address wider social and environmental challenges. The complexity of these challenges is discussed, displaying a nuanced understanding, illustrated and evidenced using examples, facts and figures. (10)
*RUBRIC (follow closely): The response identifies more than one of the core leadership competencies. The response succinctly explains how the competencies would assist the student’s chosen organisation or wider industry to deliver their chosen financial instrument, approach or initiative. There is a nuanced understanding of how the chosen competencies can be used together to deliver change, evidenced using examples, facts and figures. (10)
*RUBRIC (follow closely): The answer is expertly formulated and structured into a compelling narrative that succinctly highlights key points, and is within the word limit. Evidence of engagement with course materials as well as independent research is clearly articulated with strong references, practical examples and relevant data seamlessly integrated to support statements throughout. (5)
* Make sure that the references are legit and that the links are clickable
*include references page

  Teens with $25 or more a week were more likely to smoke, drink, or use drugs than those with less money. Develop a teen drug prevention program and provide steps on how you would implement the program and what the important components of the program would be? 

the degree of stress they are under
       –  the frequency with which they were bored
       –  the amount of money they have to spend in a week
       Teens with $25 or more a week were more likely to smoke, drink, or use drugs than those with less money. Develop a teen drug prevention program and provide steps on how you would implement the program and what the important components of the program would be? 

What was the “Big Strike?” What happened during some of the major events of the strike, including “Bloody Thursday” in San Francisco?

1. What was the “Big Strike?” What happened during some of the major events of the strike, including “Bloody Thursday” in San Francisco? (pp. 127-130; 132-133)
2. Why did the events in San Pedro (the Port of Los Angeles) especially demonstrate the steadfastness of the strikers? What were the strikers up against in that city? (pp. 130-132).
3. Why were there racial divisions between white and black workers in San Francisco and other west coast ports? How did white strike leaders and black workers begin to address those divisions? (pp. 133-134)?
4. How did the MWIU (a Communist Party union) force the ISU and SUP (AFL unions) to take a more active role in the strike? (pp. 134-136).
5. Why did the course of the San Francisco general strike (an event within the Big Strike) actually threaten the accomplishments of the Big Strike? (pp. 146-150).