· Menendez Bros You are assigned a criminal mind project- MENENDEZ BROS This assignment is about focusing on an infamous person with a mental disorder. You need to identify and present significance in the following areas:

· Menendez Bros
You are assigned a criminal mind project- MENENDEZ BROS This assignment is about focusing on an infamous person with a mental disorder. You need to identify and present significance in the following areas: childhood, late adolescent/ early twenties, family influence, diagnosis/treatment (including meds if prescribed), substance abuse/alcohol, the infamous act/traumatic event, incarceration, death, where they are now and what are the circumstances. Explain how all the events are tied together and most importantly how could healthcare personnel/teachers (You or I) intervened in the child’s life to prevent this happening if this were now? What signs of Serial Killers do you see?  See the Rubric – Make the Rubric’s points, your headings, cite every source you quote, APA format. 3 PAGES

What do you use technology (cellphones, personal computers, etc.) for? What percentage of each day do you spend engaging with technology?

1. Start by carefully considering each of the following questions: What do you use technology (cellphones, personal computers, etc.) for? What percentage of each day do you spend engaging with technology? Write this number down in Response Part A (2 pt). Do you think technology use impacts your cognition? Why or why not? 2. Watch this 15-minute TED Talk by Manoush Zomorodi on boredom and brilliant ideas: 3. Response Part B (250-300 words; 14 pts): Using your lectures, readings, and the video you just watched as a reference, answer the questions below. When doing so, meaningfully reference/discuss (don’t just “slip” in the terms) at least two specific cognitive processes. Example cognitive processes include perception, working memory, long-term memory, problem solving, creativity, language, decision-making, and reasoning. Do you think technology hurts or enhances cognition? Why? Do you think some cognitive processes are more or less impacted by technology? Why? 4. Written Response Part C (250-300 words; 14 pts): Please describe what interested you most about this exercise and how it changed or aligned with your initial understanding of the impact of technology use on your own cognition. When doing so, state if you are happy with the number you wrote down in Response Part A and explain why.

he firm is liquidated, and $105,000 in cash is received for the noncash assets. Floyd and DeWitt income ratios are 60% and 40%, respectively. Prepare a schedule of cash payments. (If an amount reduces the account balance then enter with a negative sign preceding the number e.g. -15,000 or parenthesis e.g. (15,000).)

Sedgwick Company at December 31 has cash $20,000, noncash assets $100,000, liabilities $55,000, and the following capital balances: Floyd $45,000 and DeWitt $20,000. The firm is liquidated, and $105,000 in cash is received for the noncash assets. Floyd and DeWitt income ratios are 60% and 40%, respectively.
Prepare a schedule of cash payments. (If an amount reduces the account balance then enter with a negative sign preceding the number e.g. -15,000 or parenthesis e.g. (15,000).)

For this assignment, select a company with which you are familiar, preferably one where you have been employed (United Parcel Service UPS or the U.S. Department of Defense), and consider a process within that company that could be improved. This could be a business process, a manufacturing process, a distribution process, or a service process that you have observed or been involved with during your career.

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the Eliminating the Seven Deadly Wastes article. https://www.proquest.com/trade-journals/eliminating-seven-deadly-wastes/docview/2328344502/se-2?accountid=32521 
For this assignment, select a company with which you are familiar, preferably one where you have been employed (United Parcel Service UPS or the U.S. Department of Defense), and consider a process within that company that could be improved. This could be a business process, a manufacturing process, a distribution process, or a service process that you have observed or been involved with during your career.
Using your course textbook and University of Arizona Global Campus Library research, prepare a recommended process improvement proposal that incorporates tools and methods learned in this course.
In your paper, you should

Describe      the company and how the selected process fits into the overall framework      of the company.
Create      a step-by-step description of the current process incorporating a process      flow chart.
Analyze      the current process for inefficiencies.
Develop      a process improvement recommendation including a detailed plan      incorporating business process engineering theory and including      benchmarking the reengineered process to a close business competitor.
The      process should be designed to be more efficient, using appropriate tools      and methods learned throughout the course, including capacity utilization      improvements and statistical quality control models.
Explain      possible challenges in implementing the process changes.
Assess      the expected benefits of the improved process and the potential benefits.

The Process Improvement paper

Must      be five to seven double-spaced pages in length (not including title and      references pages and formatted according to APA Style
Must      include a separate title page with the following:

Title       of paper in bold font

Space        should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the        title page.

Student’s       name
Name       of institution (University of Arizona Global Campus)
Course       name and number
Instructor’s       name
Due       date

Must      utilize academic voice. See the Academic      VoiceLinks to an external site. resource for additional      guidance.
Must      include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction      paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the      purpose of your paper.
Must      use at least two credible or scholarly sources in addition to the course      text.
Must      document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the      Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your Paper.
Must      include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA      Style as outlined in the Writing Center.

Total Possible Score: 10.00
Describes the Company and How the Selected Process Fits into the Overall Framework of the Company
Total: 1.00
Distinguished – Thoroughly describes the company and how the selected process fits into the overall framework of the company.
Proficient – Describes the company and how the selected process fits into the overall framework of the company. Minor details are missing.
Basic – Partially describes the company and how the selected process fits into the overall framework of the company. Relevant details are missing.
Below Expectations – Attempts to describe the company and how the selected process fits into the overall framework of the company; however, significant details are missing.
Non-Performance – The description of the company and how the selected process fits into the overall framework of the company is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Creates a Step-By-Step Description of the Current Process Incorporating a Process Flow Chart
Total: 2.00
Distinguished – Creates a thorough step-by-step description of the current process incorporating a process flow chart.
Proficient – Creates a step-by-step description of the current process incorporating a process flow chart. Minor details are missing.
Basic – Creates a partial step-by-step description of the current process incorporating a process flow chart. Relevant details are missing.
Below Expectations – Attempts to create a step-by-step description of the current process incorporating a process flow chart; however, significant details are missing.
Non-Performance – The creation of a step-by-step description of the current process incorporating a process flow chart is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Analyzes the Current Process, Identifying Inefficiencies
Total: 1.00
Distinguished – Thoroughly analyzes the current process, identifying all inefficiencies.
Proficient – Analyzes the current process, identifying inefficiencies. Minor details are missing.
Basic – Partially analyzes the current process, identifying many inefficiencies.Relevant details are missing.
Below Expectations – Attempts to analyze the current process, identifying some inefficiencies; however, significant details are missing.
Non-Performance – The analysis of the current process, identifying inefficiencies, is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Develops a Process Improvement Recommendation Including a Detailed Plan Incorporating Business Process Engineering Theory and Including Benchmarking the Reengineered Process to a Close Business Competitor
Total: 2.00
Distinguished – Develops a comprehensive process improvement recommendation, including a detailed plan incorporating business process engineering theory and benchmarking the reengineered process to a close business competitor.
Proficient – Develops a process improvement recommendation, including a plan incorporating business process engineering theory and benchmarking the reengineered process to a close business competitor. Minor details are missing.
Basic – Develops a partial process improvement recommendation, including a limited plan incorporating business process engineering theory and benchmarking the reengineered process to a close business competitor. Relevant details are missing.
Below Expectations – Attempts to develop a process improvement recommendation, including a plan incorporating business process engineering theory and benchmarking the reengineered process to a close business competitor; however, significant details are missing.
Non-Performance – The process improvement recommendation, including a detailed plan incorporating business process engineering theory and benchmarking the reengineered process to a close business competitor, is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Explains Possible Challenges in Implementing the Process Changes
Total: 1.00
Distinguished – Comprehensively explains possible challenges in implementing the process changes.
Proficient – Explains possible challenges in implementing the process changes. Minor details are missing.
Basic – Partially explains possible challenges in implementing the process changes. Relevant details are missing.
Below Expectations – Attempts to explain possible challenges in implementing the process changes; however, significant details are missing.
Non-Performance – The explanation of possible challenges in implementing the process changes is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Assesses the Expected Benefits of the Improved Process and the Potential Benefits
Total: 1.00
Distinguished – Comprehensively assesses the expected benefits of the improved process and the potential benefits.
Proficient – Assesses the expected benefits of the improved process and the potential benefits. Minor details are missing.
Basic – Partially assesses the expected benefits of the improved process and the potential benefits. Relevant details are missing.
Below Expectations – Attempts to assess the expected benefits of the improved process and the potential benefits; however, significant details are missing.
Non-Performance – The assessment of the expected benefits of the improved process and the potential benefits is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics
Total: 0.50
Distinguished – Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors and is very easy to understand.
Proficient – Displays comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains only a few minor errors and is mostly easy to understand.
Basic – Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors which may slightly distract the reader.
Below Expectations – Fails to display basic comprehension of syntax or mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains major errors which distract the reader.
Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Written Communication: Page Requirement
Total: 0.50
Distinguished – The length of the paper is equivalent to the required number of correctly formatted pages. 
Proficient – The length of the paper is nearly equivalent to the required number of correctly formatted pages. 
Basic – The length of the paper is equivalent to at least three quarters of the required number of correctly formatted pages.
Below Expectations – The length of the paper is equivalent to at least one half of the required number of correctly formatted pages.   
Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Written Communication: APA Formatting
Total: 0.50
Distinguished – Accurately uses APA formatting consistently throughout the paper, title page, and reference page.
Proficient – Exhibits APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout contains a few minor errors. 
Basic – Exhibits limited knowledge of APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout does not meet all APA requirements. 
Below Expectations – Fails to exhibit basic knowledge of APA formatting. There are frequent errors, making the layout difficult to distinguish as APA.
Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Written Communication: Resource Requirement
Total: 0.50
Distinguished – Uses more than the required number of scholarly sources, providing compelling evidence to support ideas. All sources on the reference page are used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.
Proficient – Uses the required number of scholarly sources to support ideas. All sources on the reference page are used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.
Basic – Uses less than the required number of sources to support ideas. Some sources may not be scholarly. Most sources on the reference page are used within the body of the assignment. Citations may not be formatted correctly.
Below Expectations – Uses an inadequate number of sources that provide little or no support for ideas. Sources used may not be scholarly. Most sources on the reference page are not used within the body of the assignment. Citations are not formatted correctly.
Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

How do various poetic devices, such as metaphors, similes, symbolism, and rhyme schemes, contribute to the depth and impact of a poem? Explore the ways in which poets use these elements to convey emotions, themes, and messages, and provide examples from different poems to illustrate their effectiveness in enhancing the poetic experience.

How do various poetic devices, such as metaphors, similes, symbolism, and rhyme schemes, contribute to the depth and impact of a poem? Explore the ways in which poets use these elements to convey emotions, themes, and messages, and provide examples from different poems to illustrate their effectiveness in enhancing the poetic experience.

This week we are learning about three different categories of perspectives on crime causation. The three are: Early Biological Perspectives on Criminal Behavior, Biosocial and Other Contemporary Perspectives and Psychological and Psychiatric Foundations of Criminal Behavior. Within each of these areas there are several specific theories which help to explain crime and criminal behavior uniquely. Select one of the theories from these three categories and explain it. Then provide supporting arguments and examples to demonstrate your understanding.  


250 words minimum and 3 scholarly sources, APA FORMAT

This week we are learning about three different categories of perspectives on crime causation. The three are: Early Biological Perspectives on Criminal Behavior, Biosocial and Other Contemporary Perspectives and Psychological and Psychiatric Foundations of Criminal Behavior. Within each of these areas there are several specific theories which help to explain crime and criminal behavior uniquely. Select one of the theories from these three categories and explain it. Then provide supporting arguments and examples to demonstrate your understanding.  

The Future of CPExplain your vision for the future of CP. Include specific examples to illustrate key points.

The second milestone for the final project includes three tasks:

The Future of CPExplain your vision for the future of CP. Include specific examples to illustrate key points.
Key ConceptsIdentify and analyze at least five key concepts in CP. Reference course resources, articles, and professional experience as appropriate.
Stakeholder PerceptionsAnswer the following questions:

Are the concepts identified readily agreed upon or contentious?
How are the concepts understood by different stakeholder groups (police, educators, business owners, taxpayers, and so on) in the community? Provide specific examples to support your position.

 Nicki is new to the human resources (HR) department. Nicki was asked to create a job description for a call center. What are the steps Nicki should take before she creates a job description? Describe each step

1.   Nicki is new to the human resources (HR) department. Nicki was asked to create a job description for a call center. What are the steps Nicki should take before she creates a job description? Describe each step.
2.  Identify three sections that should be included in a job description. Explain the three sections in detail, and discuss why each is important
3.  One of the goals for most organizations is for managers to improve employee engagement. Identify three strategies or activities that can help managers improve employee engagement. Why is employee engagement important?
4.  The hiring process is very time-consuming and complex. Discuss the steps that HR professionals take before they select who to hire. Why are the activities important?

Submit a written critique of a professional speech delivered by a prominent public speaker you’ve chosen, using the guidelines below. Be sure to include the URL for the speech in your post. Use the name of the speaker or title of the speech as your post title. Try to select a speech your classmates have not already critiqued.

Submit a written critique of a professional speech delivered by a prominent public speaker you’ve chosen, using the guidelines below. Be sure to include the URL for the speech in your post. Use the name of the speaker or title of the speech as your post title. Try to select a speech your classmates have not already critiqued.
Guidelines:  Select a professional speech found online to critique. This must be a formal speech delivered by a trained public speaker or figure on the American Rhetoric web site or from another source. You must be able to clearly see and hear the speaker.