You are the director of health information management services at Anywhere Hospital. Because of increased awareness of the role the revenue cycle process plays in your facility, you have resolved to minimize any delays that are within your level of control. Identify the measures you can take to improve the revenue cycle.

Instructions for this Discussion
You are the director of health information management services at Anywhere Hospital. Because of increased awareness of the role the revenue cycle process plays in your facility, you have resolved to minimize any delays that are within your level of control. Identify the measures you can take to improve the revenue cycle.
Use Chapter 16 in attached book.
APA format

Describe two to three implications for nursing practice including the cultural aspects.

Discussion: Write at least 2 paragraph with citations in APA format.
Explain the meaning of an asset-based approach to health improvement.
· Provide an example of how positive resources available to individuals and communities enable them to gain more control over their lives and circumstances.
· Describe two to three implications for nursing practice including the cultural aspects.
Reply to the two discussions below (You do not need to use the same citation in the responses to the discussions.
Discussion #1
Hi Angelica, I agree with your view of the asset-based approach and its significance in healthcare. I think it means focusing on community resources that could promote health and well-being. Cassetti et al. (2019) explain that health assets are resources such as skills that improve people’s ability to maintain health. I have also thought that resources are a primary strength in communities that empower individuals and help in overcoming health promotion obstacles. Your example of using written or visual communication to overcome language barriers demonstrates the significance of utilizing community resources. In this scenario, some community members could have the ability to translate health promotion materials using local language. Nurses should build healthy relationships with such individuals to effectively advance individual well-being. I agree with your suggestions for nursing practice—practitioners should understand and respect communities’ communication styles. Do you think cultural competence is a vital element in an asset-based approach?    


Cassetti, V., Powell, K., Barnes, A., & Sanders, T. (2019). A systematic scoping review of asset-based approaches to promote health in communities: Development of a framework. 
Global Health Promotion, 
27(3), 175797591984892.

Discussion #2
Asset-based approaches to health promotion have become increasingly popular to tackle health inequalities by empowering people in more disadvantaged communities to use local resources and increase control over health and its determinants (Cassetti et al, 2019).  This approach focuses on resources available in the community and using those resources to address healthcare disparities facing the underserved communities.
I moved to Salt Lake City, UT from another country about 15 years ago; one of the resources I got connected early on and found very successful across the immigrants’ communities is a community gardening program run by local nonprofit, county, and city government. It is called ‘New Roots’ program (New roots in Salt Lake City, n.d.). It provides garden plots, technical support, seeds and other resources for local refugee and immigrants community to grow seasonal vegetables and help them sell those in local farmers’ markets. Fresh produces are sold weekly; individuals who have Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) will be able to use it to buy double the produce than in local markets through match from grants. This asset-based approach provides immigrants with sense of ownership of gardens, sense of community, physical and mental exercises, fresh produces, and an ability to earn some money through selling produces.
Mental health, social work, and nursing embrace an asset-based approach to assessment within the health promotion context (Edelman & Kudzma, 2021, p. 146). Nurses can use asset-based approach in identifying gaps in services for the patients/families we are caring for and connect them to available resources to address their needs. Nurses are members of the community, and it is very crucial for us as nurses to be aware of the health care context, service gaps and resources in our community, especially when we are working with individuals from underserved communities.


Cassetti, V., Powell, K., Barnes, A., & Sanders, T. (2019). A systematic scoping review of asset-based approaches to promote health in communities: development of a framework. 
Global Health Promotion, 
27(3), 15–23. to an external site.

Edelman, C., & Kudzma, E. C. (2021). 
Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span – E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

New roots in Salt Lake City. (n.d.). The IRC. to an external site.

The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) and the Native corporation system have been good for Alaska Natives.OR ANCSA and the Native corporation system have been bad for Alaska Natives.

Based on your reading in the webtext, select one of the following thesis statements. Your response should be two to three paragraphs in length.

The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) and the Native corporation system have been good for Alaska Natives.OR
ANCSA and the Native corporation system have been bad for Alaska Natives.

Next, revise the statement you have chosen to reflect the complexity of the historical events surrounding this issue. Provide specific examples of how ANCSA and the Native corporation system have had a positive or negative impact—or perhaps both—on Alaska Natives. Further illustrate the complexity of this issue by showing how the passage of ANCSA was contingent on at least three historical events or forces.
In response to your peers, reflect on their revised statement. Describe the ways you find it shows the complexity of the event, and provide a suggestion for how they can further develop the statement or the supporting examples.

Analyze that potential international market by considering the 4 aspects of the Diamond of National Advantage: industry rivalry, demand conditions, related and supporting industries, and factor endowments.

Choose 1 country that the organization (Home Depot) you’ve been working on in this course could consider expanding into.   
Read the selected article from the University Library.
Analyze that potential international market by considering the 4 aspects of the Diamond of National Advantage: industry rivalry, demand conditions, related and supporting industries, and factor endowments.
Analyze the forces (in the home market and international market) that will help the organization succeed with its expansion and the forces that may act as barriers to that expansion. Refer to your analysis of strengths and weaknesses completed in Wk 1, Porter’s Five Forces worksheet from Wk 3, and your analysis of the Diamond of National Advantage. 
Evaluate the 4 adjustments leaders must make when expanding internationally (Burkus, 2012). Recommend 1 specific leadership action for each adjustment, such as developing a global mindset, developing sensitivity to cultural differences, decentralizing, deciding on the level of involvement, etc.
Recommend whether the organization should expand into the chosen country. Explain your rationale. 
Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation to present your analysis and recommendation. Include the following sections in your presentation: 

A cover slide
An agenda
Identification of the country you have chosen (1 slide, with brief speaker’s notes)
1 slide for?analysis of?each of the elements of the Diamond of National Advantage (4 slides, with speaker’s notes) 
A summary of the analysis of the forces that will help the organization succeed in the new country (1 slide, with speaker’s notes) 
A summary?of the analysis of the forces that will hinder the organization’s success in the new country (1 slide, with speaker’s notes)
Leadership actions are required to make the 4 adjustments identified by Burkus (2012)
A recommendation and rationale?(1 slide, with speaker’s notes)
A conclusion

Cite references to support your assignment.

Discuss a psychological test or measurement that you find particularly interesting (maybe one you could use in a future dissertation).Briefly describe the test/measurement for us:What is the name of the test (cite and reference authors)?What does it measure?How does it measure the construct (scale properties)?

Let’s discuss a psychological test or measurement that you find particularly interesting (maybe one you could use in a future dissertation).Briefly describe the test/measurement for us:What is the name of the test (cite and reference authors)?What does it measure?How does it measure the construct (scale properties)?Who is the target population for test?What are the qualifications required to administer and interpret this test? 
Please provide a copy of the test or measurement. Attach using the plus button.

As an educational leader, you will be required to improve individual teacher performance as well as the performance of particular programs, grade levels, departments, and entire schools or school districts. PLCs provide an opportunity for teachers to always be learning from each other and improve based on collected student performance data, best-practice research, collegial discussions, and teaching experience. You, as the educational leader, will need to convey the value of PLCs to your staff while developing and implementing PLCs throughout a school or school district.

As an educational leader, you will be required to improve individual teacher performance as well as the performance of particular programs, grade levels, departments, and entire schools or school districts. PLCs provide an opportunity for teachers to always be learning from each other and improve based on collected student performance data, best-practice research, collegial discussions, and teaching experience. You, as the educational leader, will need to convey the value of PLCs to your staff while developing and implementing PLCs throughout a school or school district. In today’s challenging, ever-changing, and demanding educational environment within schools, educational leaders need to fully utilize the power of PLCs to positively affect teacher and student performance.
Utilizing the assigned readings for the course as well as additional applicable scholarly sources, develop a PowerPoint presentation from the perspective of an educational leader within an educational setting of interest to present to your staff. Within your PowerPoint presentation, describe the following:

The value of and the need for PLCs for improving teacher and student performance.
The design and implementation process of the PLC.
How the PLC will operate to promote teacher and student performance.
How you will know if the PLC has been successful.
How to refine the iterative function of the PLC for continued success of students.

Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.
Support your presentation with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.
Length: 12-15 slides, not including a title slide or reference slides
Notes: Include 150-200 words per slide and brief additional audio-recorded statements to reinforce key points.
Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style where appropriate. Save the file as PPT with the correct course code information.
Your response should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

        · Menendez Bros You are assigned a criminal mind project- MENENDEZ BROS This assignment is about focusing on an infamous person with a mental disorder. You need to identify and present significance in the following areas:

· Menendez Bros
You are assigned a criminal mind project- MENENDEZ BROS This assignment is about focusing on an infamous person with a mental disorder. You need to identify and present significance in the following areas: childhood, late adolescent/ early twenties, family influence, diagnosis/treatment (including meds if prescribed), substance abuse/alcohol, the infamous act/traumatic event, incarceration, death, where they are now and what are the circumstances. Explain how all the events are tied together and most importantly how could healthcare personnel/teachers (You or I) intervened in the child’s life to prevent this happening if this were now? What signs of Serial Killers do you see?  See the Rubric – Make the Rubric’s points, your headings, cite every source you quote, APA format. 3 PAGES

What do you use technology (cellphones, personal computers, etc.) for? What percentage of each day do you spend engaging with technology?

1. Start by carefully considering each of the following questions: What do you use technology (cellphones, personal computers, etc.) for? What percentage of each day do you spend engaging with technology? Write this number down in Response Part A (2 pt). Do you think technology use impacts your cognition? Why or why not? 2. Watch this 15-minute TED Talk by Manoush Zomorodi on boredom and brilliant ideas: 3. Response Part B (250-300 words; 14 pts): Using your lectures, readings, and the video you just watched as a reference, answer the questions below. When doing so, meaningfully reference/discuss (don’t just “slip” in the terms) at least two specific cognitive processes. Example cognitive processes include perception, working memory, long-term memory, problem solving, creativity, language, decision-making, and reasoning. Do you think technology hurts or enhances cognition? Why? Do you think some cognitive processes are more or less impacted by technology? Why? 4. Written Response Part C (250-300 words; 14 pts): Please describe what interested you most about this exercise and how it changed or aligned with your initial understanding of the impact of technology use on your own cognition. When doing so, state if you are happy with the number you wrote down in Response Part A and explain why.

he firm is liquidated, and $105,000 in cash is received for the noncash assets. Floyd and DeWitt income ratios are 60% and 40%, respectively. Prepare a schedule of cash payments. (If an amount reduces the account balance then enter with a negative sign preceding the number e.g. -15,000 or parenthesis e.g. (15,000).)

Sedgwick Company at December 31 has cash $20,000, noncash assets $100,000, liabilities $55,000, and the following capital balances: Floyd $45,000 and DeWitt $20,000. The firm is liquidated, and $105,000 in cash is received for the noncash assets. Floyd and DeWitt income ratios are 60% and 40%, respectively.
Prepare a schedule of cash payments. (If an amount reduces the account balance then enter with a negative sign preceding the number e.g. -15,000 or parenthesis e.g. (15,000).)