Describe What is Product Design?  What are the most common steps in defining product design?

1. What is Product Design?  What are the most common steps in defining product design?
3. What objectives should process design have?
4. What is Process Selection?
5. Categories and types of process selection?
All sources should be cited according to APA guidelines and no plagiarism. Make sure all the articles you refer from should be  peer-reviewed articles not older than 6 years.
I’ve also attached the textbook below for reference from chapter 4. 

What are the core beliefs and objectives of the CI movement and Antifa as representative examples of right-wing and left-wing extremist groups in the U.S.?

Right-Wing Christian Identity and Left-Wing Antifa Extremist Groups in the U.S

Purpose Statement

The goal of this research is to perform a thorough examination of two unique domestic extremist groups in the United States, notably the Christian Identity (CI) movement, which represents the right-wing perspective, and Antifa, which represents the left-wing perspective. This study will dive into these groups’ ideologies, ambitions, political acts, propaganda techniques, violent activities, recruitment processes, and radicalization methods. The study compares and contrasts these groups to find underlying trends and differences, providing a better understanding of domestic extremism. Also, the study will look into successful counter-violent extremism measures that can be implemented for both groups to reduce their impact on society.

Research Questions

· What are the core beliefs and objectives of the CI movement and Antifa as representative examples of right-wing and left-wing extremist groups in the U.S.?
· What are the differences and similarities in the political actions and propaganda techniques employed by these two groups?
· What are the specific instances of violent actions associated with the Christian Identity movement and Antifa, and how do these actions align with their respective ideologies?

Christian Identity Movement

The CI movement is profoundly rooted in white supremacist beliefs, and its interpretation of Christianity promotes racial purity and supremacy (Davis, 2010). It advocates for a theocratic government based on its understanding of Christian teachings and seeks to establish a white ethnostate within the United States. Notably, the movement has been linked to several disquieting political actions, including acts of domestic terrorism and hate crimes (Atkins, 2011). The Christian Identity movement uses various propaganda techniques to promote its extremist ideology through religious narratives and conspiracy theories. This has contributed to a history of violent acts, including assassinations, bombings, and attacks on minority communities (CTEC Staff, 2021). The recruitment and radicalization processes of the movement are facilitated by white supremacist networks, online forums, and ideological congruence with other hate groups.


Antifa opposes the Christian Identity movement. Its fundamental values differ from the far right and seek to eliminate bigotry in all forms (Alizadeh et al., 2019). Antifa is a group whose members actively promote social justice and work to fight hate speech in an effort to disrupt far-right and fascist actions. Protests, demonstrations, and confrontations against far-right gatherings and hate groups are just some of the political acts taken by the movement. Antifa uses a unique mix of propaganda tools, such as social media and grassroots gatherings, to get its message out and its members to act. Some Antifa members have been guilty of vandalism, property destruction, and fights with far-right groups (Koehler, 2021). People join the movement mainly through social media, local activist groups, and a shared dislike of fascism.

Comparison and Contrast

The Christian Identity movement and Antifa represent two extremities of the political spectrum because of their opposing ideals, goals, and techniques (Jones, 2018). Despite variations, propaganda is employed by all factions to promote their interests, albeit through distinct narratives and communication platforms. Antifa is characterized by a reactive stance driven by a goal to combat hatred and injustice. At the same time, the Christian Identity movement has a history marked by violent actions based on white supremacist beliefs (Rydgren, 2018).

Counter-Violent Extremism Approaches

The threat these extremist groups pose can be addressed by implementing a multifaceted strategy for combatting violent extremism. This includes community outreach activities to increase dialogue and understanding between underrepresented groups. To fight the transmission of misleading information, educational efforts should be developed to refute extremist narratives while encouraging critical thinking and media literacy (Armaly et al., 2022). Collaboration between law enforcement and local communities must be strengthened to effectively identify and mitigate extremist risks while maintaining trust and transparency. The creation of internet platforms that provide alternative narratives can be used to fight extremist propaganda by engaging users with credible and interesting material (Baker, 2018). Lastly, for early intervention and help, it is critical to provide resources and support to persons vulnerable to radicalization due to circumstances such as social isolation or mental health concerns.


This research paper examines the Christian Identity movement and Antifa’s ideas, actions, and techniques of recruitment and radicalization in depth. The paper helps to better understand domestic extremism by comparing and contrasting different groups. The discussion of counter-violent extremism tactics highlights the need to take proactive steps to reduce the impact of extremist groups on society and foster a more inclusive and accepting atmosphere.

Armaly, M. T., Buckley, D. T., & Enders, A. M. (2022). Christian Nationalism and Political Violence: Victimhood, Racial Identity, Conspiracy, and Support for the Capitol Attacks. Political Behavior, 1-23. Advance online publication.

Atkins, S. (2011). Encyclopedia of Right Wing Extremism in Modern American History. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. ISBN E-Book 978-1-59884-351-4; or Hardcover Book 978-1-59884-350-7.
Baker, J. O. (2018). Christian Sectarianism, Fundamentalism, and Extremism. In S. Brown & O. Sefiha (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Deviance (pp. 187–198). New York: Routledge.
CTEC Staff. (2021). Christian Identity’s New Role on the Extreme Right.
Davis, D. W. (2010). The Phinehas Priesthood: Violent Vanguard of the Christian Identity Movement. Praeger Security International. Retrieved August 16, 2023, from

Jones, S. G. (2018). The Rise of Far-Right Extremism in the United States. Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Retrieved from

Koehler, D. (2021). Disengaging from Left-Wing Terrorism and Extremism: Field Experiences from Germany and Research Gaps. Terrorism and Political Violence. Advance online publication.

Rydgren, J. (2018). The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right. Oxford University Press.

Explain the role and impact of health information technology and its impact on healthcare systems and key stakeholders.

CompetencyExplain the role and impact of health information technology and its impact on healthcare systems and key stakeholders.
Student Success CriteriaView the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.
ScenarioPatient Centric Integrated Health System is in the process of updating its new hire orientation program. Feedback from employees revealed inadequate training on the role and impact of Health Information Technology in healthcare and their organization. In addition, orientation assessments demonstrated a lack of understanding about key stakeholders, their roles, and the significance of system integration with interoperability. As a member of the Health System’s HIT Innovation Steering Committee, you are to develop a presentation for use in future orientation sessions. Use information from the readings, lectures and your own research to support your presentation content. The first step is to develop the presentation for approval by the Steering Committee.
InstructionsCompile a PowerPoint presentation using speaker notes and/or voice narration that includes:

Detailed explanation of roles and significance of HIT in healthcare and for organizations
Description of major components of an integrated HIT system
Discussion of relevant stakeholders and their role in HIT
Comparison of the rewards and challenges of integration and interoperability
Reference page of resources utilized

You are the director of health information management services at Anywhere Hospital. Because of increased awareness of the role the revenue cycle process plays in your facility, you have resolved to minimize any delays that are within your level of control. Identify the measures you can take to improve the revenue cycle.

Instructions for this Discussion
You are the director of health information management services at Anywhere Hospital. Because of increased awareness of the role the revenue cycle process plays in your facility, you have resolved to minimize any delays that are within your level of control. Identify the measures you can take to improve the revenue cycle.
Use Chapter 16 in attached book.
APA format

Why do Companies use performance appraisals? What are some common performance issues with employees?  What is  Human Resource Managements role in handling these issues? 

Unit 4.1 – Training and Development of Human Capital
What should the goals of an orientation program be?
Unit 5.1 – Performance Management Systems
Why do Companies use performance appraisals?
What are some common performance issues with employees?  What is  Human Resource Managements role in handling these issues? 

In cases of comorbid bipolar disorder and PTSD, how can a trauma-informed care approach enhance treatment outcomes?

Provide a response 3 discussions prompts that your colleagues provided in their video presentations. You may also provide additional information, alternative points of view, research to support treatment, or patient education strategies you might use with the relevant patient.
Responses exhibit synthesis, critical thinking, and application to practice settings…. Responses provide clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by at least two scholarly sources…. Responses demonstrate synthesis and understanding of Learning Objectives…. Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues…. Presenters’ prompts/questions posed in the case presentations are thoroughly addressed…. Responses are effectively written in standard, edited English.
1.  What role can patients themselves play in their treatment?
2.  In cases of comorbid bipolar disorder and PTSD, how can a trauma-informed care approach enhance treatment outcomes?
3.  What other diagnosis can you apply to the patient in this case?

Paint Job EstimatorA painting company has determined that 115 square feet of wall space, 1 gallon of paint and 8 hours of labor will be required. The company charges $20.00 per hour . Create an application that allows the user to enter the square feet of wall space to be painted and the price of the paint per gallon. The program should display the following data:• The number of gallons of paint required• The hours of labor required• The cost of the paint• The labor charges• The total cost of the paint jobVisual studio C#

Paint Job EstimatorA painting company has determined that 115 square feet of wall space, 1 gallon of paint and 8 hours of labor will be required. The company charges $20.00 per hour . Create an application that allows the user to enter the square feet of wall space to be painted and the price of the paint per gallon. The program should display the following data:• The number of gallons of paint required• The hours of labor required• The cost of the paint• The labor charges• The total cost of the paint jobVisual studio C#

You are writing an integrated review proposal on “REDUCING READMISSION RATES IN ADULT (18 – 25 YEARS) PATIENTS WITH ALCOHOL AND SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS BY IMPLEMENTING COMPREHENSIVE CARE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES (integrated care, care coordination, medication-assisted treatment, peer support, behavioral health services and case management)” Complete this Integrated Review proposal under the following headings:

You are writing an integrated review proposal on “REDUCING READMISSION RATES IN ADULT (18 – 25 YEARS) PATIENTS WITH ALCOHOL AND SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS BY IMPLEMENTING COMPREHENSIVE CARE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES (integrated care, care coordination, medication-assisted treatment, peer support, behavioral health services and case management)”
Complete this Integrated Review proposal under the following headings:
  Design Measurable Outcomes Setting Population Ethical Considerations Data Collection Tools Intervention Data Analysis
Document this on 5 pages word document, include minimum of 10 articles published within last 5 years.

Identify areas of personal bias and increase cultural competency through self-reflection activities.

Reply to at least two classmate’s posts, applying the RISE Model for Meaningful Feedback
I will also show an example below of how the response needs to be addressed.
Here’s an example of how the response should look. Please don’t copy it. 
The response to the classmate need to be just like this. 
Example Response (Response Needs to be writen just like the response below No copying)
RISE Feedback:
REFLECT: I concur with “Action plans should reflect the type of services that are needed and have an idea of the expected outcome of the services” because it is in line with Hatch and Hartline’s intentional school counseling guidelines in regards to determining students needs.
INQUIRE: Can you further explain what “closing-the-gap action plans” are? 
SUGGEST: I encourage you to revisit Hatch and Hartline’s MTMDSS tier interventions in order to add a citation that would illustrate your example on bullying prevention efforts. 
ELEVATE: What if you re-purposed “For example, after a needs assessment, the school is having problems with bullying” as “Following Trish Hatch’s MTMDSS tier based interventions, if the school is having problems with bullying, after a needs assessment, we could… citation…”  for a more weighted argument?
ReferencesHatch, T., & Hartline, J. (2022). The use of data in school counseling: Hatching results (and so much more) for students, programs and the profession (2nd Ed.). Corwin.
****PLEASE RESPOND IN DEPTH***************************************************
Below are the two classmate discussion post that you will need to respond to
Classmate Response 1- Ashley
Identify areas of personal bias and increase cultural competency through self-reflection activities.
“School counselors are advocates for the equitable treatment of all students in school and in the community.” (ASCA) After taking the implicit bias test, I am fully aware of my personal biases. The self-reflection activity I find helpful is journaling. It lets me be transparent as I write and sort through my thoughts. I am willing to challenge my beliefs and become more open-minded and understanding.
Create professional development activities for school-level staff to explore systems of the school negatively affecting students of color.Here are some professional development activities for school-level staff to explore systems in the school that negatively affect students of color:

Facilitating a discussion to help staff members become aware of their biases and how they may affect their interactions with students of color. There are many resources available online that can be used to facilitate this discussion.
Examining school data on discipline and achievement to reveal if students of color are being disproportionately disciplined and underachieving. Although this is a difficult conversation, it is essential to have it in order to address the problem.
Reading and discussing books and articles about race and racism. There are many books and articles available that can help staff members learn more about race and racism in the United States and develop a better understanding of the challenges that students of color face.
Engaging in anti-racism training. Many anti-racism training programs are available to help staff members develop the skills and knowledge they need to be anti-racist educators.

 Classmate response 2-  Areva
Identify areas of personal bias and increase cultural competency through self-reflection activities.
I definitely have a bias of being more conservative than liberal politically . Even though I have never identified as republican or democrat since I was able to vote. However, it is important as a school counselor not to push my beliefs on the students I am assigned to. They come to my office because they are entrusting me that I will be a great help to them and trust me with their deepest thoughts. As well as what they plan to do for their future.  According to ASCA School counselors recognize and distinguish individual and group differences and strive to value all students and groups equally. School counselors promote the equitable treatment of all students in school and the community.
Create professional development activities for school-level staff to explore systems of the school negatively affecting students of color.
Having Difficult Conversations: By defining antiracist work, improving inclusion for various groups, managing diversity for making schools safe, carrying out equitable practices, and enabling diverse narratives across staff training. In the trainings it would be good to provide opportunity for self-reflection to ensure each individual is keeping up with their . Making sure to not treat bias like a dirty word. Usually when people hear the word bias people go to a negative place. Regardless of race, gender, age, or background, we all have biases. When administration and staff  normalize discussions about biases and habits of our minds, we decrease defensiveness and, instead, generate awareness.