Discuss the importance of relationships in negotiations.Describe at least 2 tactics for managing conflict in negotiations.

Students will use the planning scenario and the Negotiation Strategy Planning Template to guide their research and analysis throughout this course. Each week, students will complete a portion of the Negotiation Strategy Plan using the template provided.
This week, you will continue the training sessions on developing the Negotiation Planning Strategy. Specifically, you will identify and discuss the key elements that would assist you during the negotiation process. In addition, you will discuss the motivations and interests of both parties and their influence on the negotiations.
Access the Negotiation Strategy Planning Template. Use this template to complete this portion of the assignment.
Write a discussion of 800–1,200 words on the following topics:

Pertinent information (400–600 words) (Probable negotiation tactics, nature of current relationships)

Relationships and interdependence

Discuss the importance of relationships in negotiations.
Describe at least 2 tactics for managing conflict in negotiations.

Interests, desires, and motivations (400–600 words)

Strategy and tactics

Compare and contrast distributive and integrative negotiations.
Based on your research, discuss at least 2 integrative negotiation skills or tactics.

Explain how did police practices change after Miranda? How it did affect potential suspects? What do scholars say about its significance?

Midterm Paper
Utilizing class materials and individual research students will write a 5-6 page paper which examines an important Supreme Court case. The paper will consider the effect of the case on our criminal justice system and on our overall criminal justice policies.
All papers should be fully referenced with in-text citations and a complete reference page that
follows APA citation guidelines. All papers should have an introductory and concluding
paragraph. Please note that grammar, spelling, and good writing are key components of this assignment.
Students should provide subheadings for the following when writing their paper:
Introduction: An introductory paragraph which introduces the reader to the student’s
topic and provides an overview on what the student’s reader will learn by reading his/her
paper. It should have three basic elements: a) a topic sentence which defines the topic
and “grabs” the reader (i.e., the attention getter); b) a thesis statement which is the
argument that will be presented (i.e., the main point of the paper), and c) outline
sentences which describe the main topics in the “body” (i.e. other) paragraphs.
Summary: Students must read, comprehend, analyze and summarize a Supreme Court
Case. They must research relevant literature on their case topic, using information from
previous courses, as well information gathered from systematic research. What were the facts of the case, what was the Court’s decision, and what was the basis for the Court’s decision? Students should carefully consider previous cases, existing statutory law, etc.
(LO 1 &LO 2).
Policy Impact: Students must put forth a reasonable and empirically substantiated
argument and demonstrate how the case impacts criminal justice policy and practitioners.
Students must understand the rationale for its basis and be able, not only to apply the
theoretical model to an area of the criminal justice system, such as policing, the
judiciary/courts (including the prosecutor and defense offices), or corrections, but be able
to show how the Court’s decision impacts current practices, in addition to their own
career. Students should discuss the case’s impact on criminal justice policy by reviewing
its theoretical and practical implications for criminal justice professionals. Students will
research how this new law has affected criminal justice practice. For example, how did
police practices change after Miranda? How it did affect potential suspects? What do
scholars say about its significance? This part should be well researched and it is
recommended that the students utilize journals to acquire their information. Students are
required to cite properly according to APA guidelines with both in-text citations and a full
reference page (LO 1, LO 2 & LO 3).
Summary Statement: Students should devise an argument agreeing or disagreeing with the Supreme Court decision. When writing this portion of the paper, which is persuasive, students should use facts of law, legal precedent, scientific data, etc., to substantiate their position, without writing in the “I” format (LO 2 & LO 3)
The learning outcomes (LO) for this assignment are the following:
Assessment Goals:
7 of 11
The purpose of this assessment was to determine whether the following four learning outcomes
were achieved:
• The ability to conduct formal research as it relates to thesis development with
documented and substantive empirical support (LO 1)
• The ability to demonstrate critical thinking skills when examining Constitutional issues
and how they impact the criminal justice system (LO 2)
• The ability to apply both theoretical and practical principles in a concrete and material
way (LO 3)
• The ability to communicate well, via effective and comprehensible writing skills (LO 4)
Learning Outcome Measures:
Students must read, comprehend, analyze and summarize the Supreme Court Case. They must
research relevant literature on their case topic, using information from previous courses, as well
information gathered from systematic research (LO 1 &LO 2).
Students must put forth a reasonable and empirically substantiated argument and demonstrate
how the case impacts criminal justice policy and practitioners. Students must understand the
rationale for its basis and be able, not only to apply the theoretical model to an area of the
criminal justice system, such as policing, the judiciary/courts (including the prosecutor and
defense offices), or corrections, but be able to show how the Court’s decision impacts current
practices, in addition to their own career (LO 2 & LO 3).
The paper must be well organized, grammatical sound and easily understandable (LO 4).


Do maternal attributions play a role in the acceptability of behavioural interventions for problem behaviour in children with autism spectrum disorders?

Please help me write an annotated bibliography utilizing the citations below. The summary of each source includes paraphrased critical content, evaluation, and reflection including a critique of the article, relevance to my project is clearly outlined, and a description of how the source will be used to inform your project is provided. My project involves answering this research question: To what extent does increased parent involvement, including daily data collection, and weekly 1-on-1 interactions with RBT or BCBA impact the fidelity and effectiveness of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy for children, as measured by changes in behavioral knowledge and outcomes, within a multiple baseline design involving three families?Choi, K. Y. K., & Kovshoff, H. (2013). Do maternal attributions play a role in the acceptability of behavioural interventions for problem behaviour in children with autism spectrum disorders? Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7(8), 984–996. Dillenburger, K., Keenan, M., Gallagher, S., & McElhinney, M. (2004). Parent education and home-based behaviour analytic intervention: an examination of parents’ perceptions of outcome. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 29(2), 119-130. DOI:10.1080/13668250410001709476Garbacz, S. A., McIntyre, L. L., & Santiago, R. T. (2016). Family involvement and parent-teacherrelationships for students with autism spectrum disorders. School Psychology Quarterly, 31(4), 478–490. Matson, M. L., Mahan, S., & Matson, J. L. (2009). Parent training: A review of methods for children with autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 3(4), 868–875. Kasari, C., Gulsrud, A., Paparella, T., Hellemann, G., & Berry, K. (2015). Randomized comparative efficacy study of parent-mediated interventions for toddlers with autism. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83(3), 554-563. DOI:10.1037/a0039080

Legalizing abortion in the United States after the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision of the Supreme Court reduced the number of unsafe abortions. The topic of abortion is still controversial today. Summarize the history of abortion and abortion law in the United States

Legalizing abortion in the United States after the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision of the Supreme Court reduced the number of unsafe abortions. The topic of abortion is still controversial today. For this assignment, you are to summarize the history of abortion and abortion law in the United States.
This assignment submission must be between 350-400 words. You are expected to use the APA format for the assignment submission. This includes but is not limited to citations and reference lists. You will be graded on Grammar and structure.  Abstracts are not needed.  All work must be double-spaced and typed using Times New Roman 12-point font.  You must use at least one credible source, which should be referenced in your writing.  Please note: Wikipedia is NOT a credible source. 

You will be responsible for tweeting and responding to tweets for your company. You will have to write an original tweet and respond to a tweet supplied to you (based on your Specialization: Administrative Management)Tweet 1Inform your followers about incorporating A.I. into your business practices.Tweet 2Please respond to the following tweet: DEF Co. will lay off people and replace them with A.I.

You will be responsible for tweeting and responding to tweets for your company. You will have to write an original tweet and respond to a tweet supplied to you (based on your Specialization: Administrative Management)Tweet 1Inform your followers about incorporating A.I. into your business practices.Tweet 2Please respond to the following tweet: DEF Co. will lay off people and replace them with A.I. #boycottDEFCo.

As the manager of the Fortune 500 company selected in week one, you may need to evaluate the financial performance. Think about some of the influences and measures of company performance that you read about this week. Share information about the return on assets (ROA) and price-to-earnings (PE) ratio for the Fortune 500 company. What do these metrics tell you about the financial health of the company? Which economic and market factors may have influenced the financial health?

As the manager of the Fortune 500 company selected in week one, you may need to evaluate the financial performance. Think about some of the influences and measures of company performance that you read about this week.
Share information about the return on assets (ROA) and price-to-earnings (PE) ratio for the Fortune 500 company. What do these metrics tell you about the financial health of the company? Which economic and market factors may have influenced the financial health?
Use Apple.

What is the nurses responsibility with a perspective organ donation?  What are some absolute contraindications for donation, and what is the difference between organ and tissue donation?

MY NUMBER ASSIGNED WAS 1 WHICH IS:  **What is the nurse’s responsibility with a perspective organ donation?  What are some absolute contraindications for donation, and what is the difference between organ and tissue donation?
Each student will be assigned a number randomly.  Whatever your number is, select the corresponding topic below, then post a minimum of 5 bullet points about the topic.  
Your bullet points should address key components of the topic, such as what, how, who, & why.  This information should not be basic things you learned in Med/Surg, but rather advanced critical care based.  
Think about this as a group effort to create a study guide. Use ONLY your textbook, but do not cut & paste from the book.  
Then create, find, or borrow a test style question about your topic & post at the bottom of your bullet points. The format needs to be multiple choice or select all that apply. Think NCLEX style.  

Identify a bill that relates to health care, a social issue, or nursing practice. You may select a federal or state bill. Who introduced/sponsored the bill? Where was it introduced? (U.S. Congress or a state legislature)

 Identify a bill that relates to health care, a social issue, or nursing practice. You may select a federal or state bill.
FAQ which outlines how the bill was introduced and the process for approval by including answers to the following questions:

State the legislation name and summarize the purpose of the bill
Who introduced/sponsored the bill?
Where was it introduced? (U.S. Congress or a state legislature)
Who helped to draft the legislation?
Did nursing organizations such as the American Nurses Association identify support or opposition for the law? Look at two or more organizations, and you may need to review their lobbying information. If you can not find any evidence related to the legislation, list the organizations that you reviewed.
Which congressional or legislature committees were involved?
What happened to the legislation after it was introduced? Was it passed, enacted, or funded? If yes, when did it take effect?
What is the impact on health care or nursing practice?

Describe a human-technology interface that you have encountered in healthcare that you think needs improving.

Healthcare Informatics
substantially respond to at two other student posts that prompts further input or provides another viewpoint. Describe a situation from your professional experience that backs up your viewpoint and discuss the social, moral, political and economic factors impacting your position. add value to the discussion, and apply ideas, insights, or concepts from scholarly sources, such as: journal articles, assigned readings, textbook material, lectures, course materials, or authoritative websites. For specific details and criteria, refer to the discussion rubric in the Menu (?) or in the Course Overview Weekly Discussion Guidelines.
1st peer post:
Piper Sines
As a nurse in the ICU, a human-technology interface that I frequently use is the clinical monitor. Every ICU patient is hooked up to the monitor so the nurses can watch their vital signs. The monitor has ports to plug in different devices that measure vital signs, such as the blood pressure cuff, pulse ox, ECG, temperature probe, and various hemodynamic monitoring devices. The monitor is essential in the intensive care setting to ensure that patients remain stable. However, this technology needs improvement because the constant alarming of clinical monitors causes alarm fatigue. “Alarm fatigue, a desensitization caused by excessive alarms, causes nurses to turn off or mute alarms and slowing their response times because a large number of nonactionable alarms causes nurses to lose trust in the alarms” (Wang et al., 2023, p. 5532).
The clinical monitor interface should be improved to alleviate alarm fatigue and improve patient safety. Nurses could change clinical parameters for alarms based on each individual patient’s needs. Nurses could also wear a smart device that links to the monitor that personally notifies the nurse when there is an alarm. If the nurse is notified with a wearable device, they would be less likely to miss a life-saving alarm. Another solution would be to have flashing lights outside of the patient rooms to notify nurses in case noise pollution prevents them from hearing the alarm. Alarm fatigue is a serious problem that causes nurses to miss critical changes in patients, and a solution needs to be found.
Wang, L., He, W., Chen, Y., Wu, Q., Du, X., Li, Q., & Song, C. (2023). Intensive care unit nurses’ perceptions and practices regarding clinical alarms: A descriptive study. Nursing Open, 10(8), 5531–5540.

2nd peer post:
Dianna Miller
Describe a human-technology interface that you have encountered in healthcare that you think needs improving.
In labor and delivery, I believe the fetal monitoring system we have developed over the years is something that could use improving. Miesnik (2002) states, “The use of technology is not benign. As with any health care intervention, there are associated risks and benefits. The practitioner needs to constantly consider the benefits of the technology versus the naturalistic birth experience. The use of technology should optimize birth outcomes while maintaining a balance that provides for the best possible human birth experience.”
2. Describe what you would specifically like to see changed about this technology and why?
I believe that fetal monitoring in the process of labor and delivery is very important as it helps to ensure a safe delivery of the baby and is a direct access to see if the babies are in distress while still int he womb. However, in a hospital setting we seem to feel the need to continuously monitor the patients. A lot of times this decreases the patient’s mobility, and a lot of time hinders movement during the delivery process which can help patients get the baby in the correct position for delivery. What I have seen some facilities do is in the early stages of labor do intermittent monitoring which allows the patients frequent mobility and allows for an easier transition through labor.
Miesnik, S., (2002). Technology in the birthing room. Nurse Clinical North American Journal 37(4). 781-793. DOI: 10.1016/s0029-6465(02)00025-7

Collect participant observation data: For three consecutive days, collect data on how and where you see hegemonic ideals of manhood achieved and performed as you go about your regular routines (i.e., at school, at work, at the gym, on social media; and while socializing with friends or family). This can be an interaction between friends, a phrase you heard repeated or shouted, or from a television advertisement.Post your findings. Select the three observations you made that you think best exemplify the concept “hegemonic masculinity” and tell us where and when these observations took place.

Collect participant observation data: For three consecutive days, collect data on how and where you see hegemonic ideals of manhood achieved and performed as you go about your regular routines (i.e., at school, at work, at the gym, on social media; and while socializing with friends or family). This can be an interaction between friends, a phrase you heard repeated or shouted, or from a television advertisement.Post your findings. Select the three observations you made that you think best exemplify the concept “hegemonic masculinity” and tell us where and when these observations took place. Note, your data should be coming from a wide range of spaces/places (i.e., not only from a television show you watch or social media). Be sure to include an observation from at least one face-to-face experience. Do not, however, include identifying information – such as a person’s name – in your post.Peer review. Select a post from one of your peers and analyze their data from a sociological perspective – use their observations of masculinity to explain the relationship between hegemonic masculinity and gender inequalities (e.g., the legitimation of masculine domination).