discuss three technologies that will help develop HYPERVSN project.
The final project for this course is the creation of an
Information Technology Solutions Plan. Industry leaders and innovators implement new technologies and drive innovations at their companies for a variety of purposes. The ability to seek out and critique new technologies based on the adoption and innovation life cycles and then make recommendations for selection, adoption, and implementation is a skill set IT professionals need to possess. You will need to apply this understanding to business cases that reflect the need for innovative technology solutions in todays workplace in order to transform the thinking of an organization when change is required or to develop ideas that enable new business strategies. The final assessment for this course requires that you
research and critique three innovative technologies that could potentially address the needs of
a given company and scenario. Once you have chosen the technology you feel addresses the needs of the organization, describe the ideal timing for adopting the innovative technology. Then create a proposal presentation for the integration that includes the impact the integration will have on the organization.
The project is divided into
two milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in
Modules Three and Six. The final project is due in Module Nine.
In this assignment you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
· Critique technical innovations for their potential to meet business needs in professional organizations
· Propose plans for the integration of innovative technology solutions that meet organizational and stakeholder needs
· Recommend strategies for adopting innovative technologies based on the phases of the technology adoption life cycle
· Recommend solutions for ensuring ethical and legal compliance and maintain security of innovative technology implementation and use
Your Information Technology Solutions Plan should address the following prompt: Given the business case scenario below, you will design an Information Technology Solutions Plan that will address the deficiency in the organization. You will research and critique three innovative technologies that could potentially address the company need, and then select the one you deem to be the best fit for the given scenario.
Background: The global COVID-19 pandemic had a devastating impact on businesses around the world. Government-mandated closures and reduced numbers of customers allowed in stores made companies rethink their presence and how to provide value-added services to customers in light of the changes brought on by the pandemic. One issue many retail businesses faced was providing customers a virtual experience that included the senses used to purchase items while shopping at a store. While images in catalogs and websites provide a two-dimensional vision of products, they lack the three-dimensional experience provided when seeing an item in person. The sales experience lacks the interactivity provided by holographic images. The future focus of many organizations is bringing a virtual experience to the customer through immersive interaction marketing. This focus is a long-term strategy for both the developers and the clients.
HYPERVSN provides holographic solutions for marketing, communication, and education worldwide. This innovative international company is based in London, England, with its primary mission to continuously bring new and impactful products to the global marketplace. Despite the pandemic, its focus remains on providing new and compelling products that push the boundaries of visual 3D holographic technology. HYPERVSN has a technology business development and marketing (BDM) team. Development sites are in London, Vilnius, and Minsk. HYPERVSN has created a fundamentally new and better system to see 3D in-the-air visuals without the need for any wearable equipment. HYPERVSN technology is about emotion, and the experience is mesmerizing. Generating human experiences and emotion has been, and will always be, at the core of their product design. However, HYPERVSN wants to develop an innovation that allows customers to fully interact with the holograms, much like the holodeck in
Star Trek. HYPERVSN wants a fully immersive holographic suite where customers are able to both see and feel the product.
The primary requirements for this product are:
· Size: It must be 200 square feet in area and have six holographic walls.
· Interaction: A customer must be able to step into the holographic image, and the image must conform to customer movements.
· Voice command: The customer must be able to change items using verbal commands.
· Touch command: The customer must be able to direct additional movements with touch commands.
HYPERVSN has already identified a viable solution for developing the holographic suite. It has agreed to work with Euclideon Holographics, based in Brisbane, Australia, to develop the holographic suite.
Problem: Instead of developing the holographic solution in-house, HYPERVSN has decided to integrate interactive holographic solutions from Euclideon. In addition to the requirements above, reliability is an important factor in marketing and sales presentations. Cost is also an important factor, as potential customers will be evaluating this solution against other candidates. HYPERVSN has budgeted $2.5 million for this project. HYPERVSN plans to bring this complete product to market within five years. While both companies have abilities for interactive holograms, they lack truly immersive technology. Customers should be able to see and feel the fabric of the product theyre buying. HYPERVSN requires an additional partner that has expertise in immersive holographic technology.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Background: What is the need or challenge of the organization? What are potential ways to address that need or challenge? How can it be improved?
Research and Critique
a. What are three
innovative technologies that can be used to address the needs of the organization? How do the technologies address the need?
Assessment: What is the cost? What does implementation involve? Who/what will benefit? Which stakeholders will be affected by a new technology adoption? What supports for implementing new technology will be necessary for stakeholders? Is this a cost-effective solution? Be sure to comprehensively address each component of the assessment for each of the three innovative technologies.
c. Determine which technology, from the three you have researched, best meets the organizations needs and defend your
Adoption and Strategies Proposal
a. What phase in the technology life cycle is the technology chosen in? What would be the
ideal timing for adopting this particular technology?
b. Based on the technology adoption models, determine the possible
timelines of adoption that would provide the best implementation. Which adoption timeline will best fit the needs of the organization? Be sure to provide details to support your choices.
c. What
variables affect the timing and implementation of new technologies? What processes should be put in place to ensure smooth adoption?
Implementation Process
a. Create an implementation
plan for integrating the technology chosen to address the organizations needs. What are the goals that the plan supports? What steps should the companies take? How will this affect other processes currently in place? How will the companies communicate information about the changes?
b. Which
stakeholders will need to be included in these processes to ensure the integration is thorough? What are some potential stakeholder needs? How will you ensure that potential needs can be met going forward?
c. Make recommendations for ensuring
ethical compliance during implementation and use of the new technology. What guidelines or codes of ethics are relevant to the new technologies?
d. Make recommendations for ensuring
legal compliance for the implementation and use of the new technology. Based on information assurance models, what steps would be taken to ensure a smooth and compliant transition?
e. Make recommendations for ensuring the
security of new technology implementation and use. How will you protect personal and business data in the transition?
Milestone One:
Background and Research and Critique
Module Three, you will submit the background for the problem and your research and critique of three innovative technologies that have the potential to address the specific business scenario identified for the final project. You will identify the technologies that you considered, document the advantages and disadvantages of each technology relative to the business scenario, identify which technology you have selected for the scenario, and provide justification for your selection. Your submission should include the critical elements from sections I and II above.
This milestone will be graded using the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two:
Adoption and Strategies Proposal
Module Six, you will submit your Adoption and Strategies Proposal for the innovative technology that you selected and documented in Milestone One. You will identify different adoption timelines and strategies that can be applied within the business scenario and justify the adoption timeline and strategy that your analysis indicates is the best option for the business scenario. Your submission should include the critical elements from section III above.
This milestone will be graded using the Milestone Two Rubric.
Final Submission:
Information Technology Solutions Plan
Module Nine, you will submit your
Information Technology Solutions Plan. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing
all of the critical elements of the final product. In an effort to augment your final submission, it should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course, specifically the feedback received on Milestones One and Two. Your submission should include the critical elements from section IV above.
This milestone will be graded using the Final Project Rubric.
What to Submit
The Information Technology Solutions Plan must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. Length: at least 1619 pages, not including cover page and resources.
For Milestone One, you will submit the background for the problem and your research of three innovative technologies that have the potential to address the specific business scenario identified for the final project. Before continuing, please read the final project scenario. The focus of Milestone One is finding a technology that provides solutions for those areas preventing project completion. You should use specific key words from the final project to conduct your research and enhance your search criteria. You will identify the technologies you considered, document the advantages and disadvantages of each technology relative to the business scenario, identify which technology you have selected for the scenario, and provide justification for your selection. While several different solutions may exist, you must consider how well the companies will work together to develop the innovation.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Needs and Challenges: What is the need or challenge of the organization? What are potential ways to address that need or challenge? How can it be improved?
Innovative Technologies: What are three innovative technologies that can be used to address the needs of the organization, and how do the technologies address the needs?
Assessment: Assess the technologies with regard to cost, implementation, potential benefits, and stakeholder effect. Be sure to comprehensively address each component of the assessment for each of the three innovative technologies.
Selection: Based on the assessment, which innovative technology best meets the organizations needs and why?
What to Submit
Milestone One should follow these formatting guidelines: 57 pages, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA format.