While neurons cannot regenerate, learning experiences and life exposures contribute to neuroplasticity. hat is neuroplasticity, and how can you use it to help patients develop positive health behaviors?

While neurons cannot regenerate, learning experiences and life exposures contribute to neuroplasticity. hat is neuroplasticity, and how can you use it to help patients develop positive health behaviors?In this discussion, we will examine what neuroplasticity is, and how allied health providers can utilize this concept to help patients develop positive health behaviors.  
Initial post: Read the following article, Neuroplasticity and Clinical Practice: Building Brain Power for Health.
Then, answer the following question: “What is neuroplasticity, and how can you use it to help patients develop positive health behaviors?” Cite the assigned article to support your key positions. 

Using information from the web like FEDSTATS and the U.S. Census Bureau, predict the population of the U.S. for the years 2030, and 2060 and specifically answer the following questions:a) What is the demographic makeup of the US in these years?

Using information from the web like FEDSTATS and the U.S. Census Bureau, predict the population of the U.S. for the years 2030, and 2060 and specifically answer the following questions:a) What is the demographic makeup of the US in these years? b) What is the age dispersion in the US in these years and c) What industries do you see benefiting/losing within the US because of these population figures. 

Discuss any potential barriers to implementing a wellness center.

CompetencyDevelop sustainable operational processes that create opportunities to utilize best practices in patient care and functions.
Student Success CriteriaView the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.
ScenarioHealth organizations continue to face challenges relative to costs and revenue. Changes in reimbursement structure is most often cited as one of the biggest challenges for providers. As a result, leaders are developing new approaches aimed at creating additional revenue streams.Traditionally, hospitals have operated on profit margins that are often described as challenging. As a result of increased labor costs and a shift in payer mix, hospitals are being forced to do more with fewer resources. Consequently, hospitals are seeking new ways to improve their margins. Increasing patient volume is no longer effective in improving margins given the focus on value-driven care. As the CEO of XYZ hospital, you are asked to make a presentation to the board regarding ways to identify new streams of revenue.Your hospital operates in a low-income community with a significantly large population of residents enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid coverage. Critical issues such as length of stay (LOS) requirements and other financial threats are creating an urgent need for your organization to consider new revenue sources. After conducting research into the development of alternate revenue streams implemented by hospitals, you propose a new state of the art wellness center. Your task is to gain support for the wellness center.
InstructionsCreate a PowerPoint presentation in which you highlight the following:

Describe, in detail, the service offerings that you would include in your new wellness center.
Discuss any potential barriers to implementing the wellness center.
Explain how the new wellness center can potentially affect overall costs.
Explain how the new wellness center can potentially affect overall quality of care.
Describe the potential impact of the new wellness center on the underserved.
Discuss the potential implications of the proposed revenue stream on payers, patients, and providers.
Your presentation should include either speaker notes or voiceover narration.
Research the concept of developing wellness centers, using credible sources to create your presentation.
For information about creating a PowerPoint presentation, please visit the following Rasmussen College Answers page.
For information about adding speaker notes, please visit the following Rasmussen College Answers page.
For information about creating a voiceover narration using Screencast-O-Matic, please visit the following Rasmussen College Answers page.

A – 4 – Mastery
Clear and thorough description of the service offerings of the new wellness center, including multiple credible sources.
A – 4 – Mastery
Clear and thorough discussion of potential barriers to implementing the wellness center, including multiple credible sources.
A – 4 – Mastery
Clear and thorough explanation of how the new wellness center can potentially affect overall costs, including multiple credible sources.
A – 4 – Mastery
Clear and thorough explanation of how the new wellness center can potentially affect overall quality of care, including multiple credible sources.
A – 4 – Mastery
Clear and thorough description of the potential impact of the new revenue stream on underserved, including multiple credible sources.
A – 4 – Mastery
Comprehensive discussion of the implications of the proposed revenue stream on payers, patients, and providers, including multiple credible sources.
A – 4 – Mastery
Presentation included comprehensive speaker notes or narration.

Consumers often choose and use brands that have a brand personality consistent with their own actual self-concept, ideal self-concept, or others self-concept. Review a recent purchase(s) of a car, computer, furniture, or clothing and analyze why you purchased this product, who influenced the purchase(s), and what does this purchase say about your own self-concept ideas. What is your definition of the “brand personality” of this recent purchase?

Consumers often choose and use brands that have a brand personality consistent with their own actual self-concept, ideal self-concept, or others self-concept. Review a recent purchase(s) of a car, computer, furniture, or clothing and analyze why you purchased this product, who influenced the purchase(s), and what does this purchase say about your own self-concept ideas. What is your definition of the “brand personality” of this recent purchase?

How does your place-based identity shape your social life? Does it affect your relationships with others in the area you live? Does it shape your everyday practices or future plans in any way?

Reflecting on Place-Based Identity While many sociologists focus on the crucial role of racial and ethnic identities in shaping urban life, Jan Nijman argues that we need to pay attention to how our identities can also be shaped by our relationship to the places we inhabit. Specifically, in his analysis of Miami, he outlines three kinds of place-based identity – “local”, “exile”, and “cosmopolitan.” Each of these identities represents a very different sense of connection to the city, and has consequences for the kinds of social relations we have with other people in our local environment. In this discussion board, I want you to use Nijman’s concepts to reflect on your own place-based identity in South Florida, or wherever it is that you are currently living.In your initial post, state whether you identify as a “local”, an “exile”, or a “cosmopolitan” in the city or region where you live. Provide a clear definition of the place-based identity that applies best to you, and explain why you think it is relevant to your case. Location is Dallas, texas **Also, explore how your connection to place shapes your life and identity by considering the following questions:- If you don’t feel that your place-based identity fits any of Nijman’s three concepts, why not? You may identify as a hybrid or somewhere in between, or you might want to propose an alternative term for your own kind of place-based identity.  – How does your place-based identity shape your social life? Does it affect your relationships with others in the area you live? Does it shape your everyday practices or future plans in any way? (One way to approach this is to imagine how your life, relationships, and practices might be different if you had a different place-based identity).- How does your connection to place intersect with other aspects of your identity – like the racial or ethnic group you identity with, your nationality, or your class position?  Do you think members of other social groups you belong to have a similar or different connection to place? Why?In your follow-up post, I want you to dialogue with one of your classmates about similarities and/or differences in your place-based identities. It is worth noting that people with very different racial, ethnic, or class identities can have remarkably similar kinds of connections to the place they live. And, conversely, people with similar racial, ethnic, or class identities can have very different place-based identities. So, if you share a similar place-based identity with someone, suggest some possible reasons for this similarity. If it differs, consider some possible explanations for why that’s the case.Heres the post you can reply to :Jan Nijman Has a very strong argument,  what he says about how we have a connection with the place that we inhabit is a really well said statement. I believe that this is true and that we are affected by what we live around and what we see. It goes the same for our environment, we  play a part in what our world looks like and we can change how it is presented. Living in Fort Lauderdale my entire life, I have always grown up around fishing and the ocean. Wherever I Go I usually see the ocean because I live near it, and I work on the beach. It is part of my everyday life, I would identify as a local because where I live makes me who I am, and I  always grew up around the beach, and living with family and friends. I’ve met so many people throughout my life, the friends I have made and the jobs I have had gave me connections I never thought I would have. this is why I think I am a local because I am connected  throughout all of South Florida and I know a lot of good people.  I believe that it made me who I am, where I come from plays a big role in what I have become. I Grew up loving football and it was my dream to play football at a high level. I went to high school at Chaminade Madonna, and I was very successful there. I met a lot of very cool people and I still keep in touch with the majority of my teammates. I never saw color, only faces,  I was invited to all the cookouts and all the functions  because I love the people around me.  I always tried to be a better person and do the same for others as I would want to be done to myself. I Believe that we are all connected,  especially if you’re from South Florida.

Explain what social media campaigns will be part of your strategy. Justify your strategy with research.

the topic is on  The Adidas Performance Training App    look at attached documents for help they are milestone 1 and 2  in 3-4 pages address the following must include references 
propose a marketing strategy for the price, placement, and promotion  of your product or service, based on your analyses of the previous two  sections . This is where the key details of your  marketing plan will be communicated to stakeholders. Your strategy must  be supported by your market research.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Marketing Strategy: In this section of the project,  you will propose a marketing strategy for the price, placement, and  promotion of your product or service, based on your analyses of the  previous two sections. This is where the key details of your marketing  plan will be communicated to stakeholders. Remember that your strategy  must be supported by your market research.


Describe the key attributes of your sport product  or service that make it a value for consumers. Support your position  with research. Consider the following within your description: What are  the features that are both appealing to consumers and different from  competitors’ products? Why should consumers purchase this product  instead of the competitors’ products?


Analyze the pricing standards of the industry for comparable products or services.
Propose a pricing structure for your product or service. Justify the pricing based on your analysis of comparable products or services.


Analyze the current distribution channels for comparable products or services, including the prominence of online buying within the industry.
Propose a placement and distribution structure for your product or service. Justify the structure based on your analysis of current distribution channels within the industry.


Propose a high-level promotion and advertising strategy for  your product or service, including how you plan to attract new  customers and retain existing customers. Support your strategy with  specific examples.
Explain what social media campaigns will be part of your strategy. Justify your strategy with research.
Explain what promotional events will be part of your strategy. Justify your strategy with research.
Explain what sponsorship activation will be part of your strategy and how this will be communicated to potential customers. Justify your strategy with research.
Create a sample timeline of promotional events for  the first three months of launching the product or service, including an  explanation of how these events will be communicated to potential  customers.

Consider the problem of substance use in America. Define substance use in your own words.Discuss why Americans seemingly have such a desire for illegal narcotics.

Assessment Traits
Requires Lopeswrite
Assessment Description
Consider the problem of substance use in America. efine “substance use” in your own words.Discuss why Americans seemingly have such a desire for illegal narcotics
1. Define “substance use” in your own words.Discuss why Americans seemingly have such a desire for illegal narcotics.
2. Discuss why Americans seemingly have such a desire for illegal narcotics.
3. Explain how treatment for substance use would be different if it were considered a disease versus a choice or behavior change.
4. Examine if the theories of psychopathology adequately explain substance use.
Provide three to five peer-reviewed sources to support your claims.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. 
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:

MS Psychology, Forensic Psychology

5.3: Explain addictive behaviors and treatments.

Assessment Traits
Requires Lopeswrite
Assessment Description
The human brain argumentatively is the human brain – it remains relatively the same and is not subject to sudden leaps in evolution. In 1,000 to 1,250 words, do the following:
1. Explain if there are still pathways to be explored in our understanding of the human brain.
2. Analyze how the field of computer science could aide psychopathologist in understanding the human mind.
3. Describe tools that could aide or treat those suffering from deviant or even criminal psychological conditions that you anticipate seeing in the future.
Provide five to seven peer-reviewed sources to support your claims.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. 
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
REPLY 8-1 ReCa
In the last 10 years technological advances have enhanced many fields including psychology. Technology helps improve peoples lives individually, such as the ability on our cell phones, TV’s and even cars now. The advances don’t stop with our everyday lives but with how we conduct studies and test in psychology as well. Today, new instruments are increasing the reliability/validity of psychological data, aiding psychologists the ability to have more precise measurements. Improved computer processing power and databases mean that researchers and other psychologists can store and process large amounts of data. A recent advancement was uncovered during COVID 19, apps, videos and the ability to conduct a doctors visit virtually became a normal way of life. Psychologist benefited from this by being able to conduct regularly scheduled visits via a video call to keep everyone safe in their respective homes/offices. Technology enhances the majority of lives, while there are some cons the pros definitely outweigh the cons.
REPLY 8-2 ReCa
I do not think medication alone should be used to treat mental health disorders. I do not have personal experience but I have known friends and friends with children who were prescribed medicine alone and struggled with it. Medication mixed with a specific type of therapy should be the way medication is used. Medication, especially mental health medication can make you feel completely different good or bad. This can be scary and hard to get used to. If it’s effecting you negatively having a therapist to talk to about would be beneficial because they can help you adjust it mentally, adjust the dosage and/or adjust the type of therapy you are receiving. Individuals respond to therapy differently the same as medication, it’s not a one fits all. An example from the APA suggest that for anxiety disorders, cognitive behavioral therapy is shown to be the most helpful and medication does not always need to be used and doesn’t always improve what the therapy is doing alone. I do believe there is a negative aspect in society. If someone takes a medication everyday for years it’s noticed and it can affect how people view you. I worked in a juvenile detention center for 4 years and the kids would get their medications everyday. The kids that had psychotropic medications would often get asked about them by the other kids and sometimes it was negative attention that did not help their situation.
In the past several weeks, we have learned about the evolution of psychopathology and the field of psychology. DQ 1 is asking you to look at the past 10 years and write about what you have found interesting or startling. I want you to look at the future of this field and tell me what you think will be some things that will be exciting or startling in the next 10 years. Where do you see this field going and why do you think that?

How do animals affect the amount of carbon in Earth’s atmosphere? T

 Student Exploration: Carbon Cycle Vocabulary?: ?atmosphere, biomass, biosphere, carbon reservoir, carbon sink, fossil fuel, geosphere, greenhouse gas , hydrosphere, lithosphere, photosynthesis Prior Knowledge Questions ?(Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.) In the process of ?photosynthesis?, plants take in carbon dioxide (CO?2?) from the atmosphere and water (H?2?O) from the soil. Using the energy of sunlight, plants build molecules of glucose (C?6?H?12?O?6?) and oxygen (O?2?). ?Make sure all of your answers are in a different color. 1. How do plants on Earth affect the amount of carbon in Earth’s atmosphere? Plants take in carbon dioxide and process it into oxygen. 2. Animals eat plants and produce carbon dioxide and water. How do animals affect the amount of carbon in Earth’s atmosphere? They eat plants that process carbon dioxide and when they eat theses plants, there are fewer plants that can process the carbon dioxide. Gizmo Warm-up The ?Carbon Cycle ?Gizmo allows you to follow the many paths an atom of carbon can take through Earth’s systems. To begin, notice the black carbon atom in the ?Atmospheric CO?2 ?area, ?highlighted in yellow?. ?The glowing blue areas represent possible locations the carbon atom could go next. 1. From Earth’s atmosphere, where can the carbon atom go next? ?Oceanic Co2, land plants, and exposed rock 2. Click on ?Land plants ?and ?read the description (at the bottom of the simulation)?. How did the carbon atom get from the atmosphere to a plant? ?Plants use energy from the sun for photosynthesis. Most of the oxygen is released. 3. Select ?Land animals?. How did the carbon atom get from land plants into the animal (?read the description )?? ?Land animals consume plants for energy. 4. Select ?Atmospheric CO?2?. How did the carbon atom get from land animals back to the atmosphere? ?They release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere through cellularrespiration 

Define performance management and its elements.2. How is a performance measure different from a performance standard?3. What role might accreditations have in improving performance in health departments?

1. Define performance management and its elements.2. How is a performance measure different from a performance standard?3. What role might accreditations have in improving performance in health departments?4. What tools can public health leaders and managers use to address performance challenges at many different levels of the public health system, including the performance of individuals, programs, agencies, inter-organizational collaborations, and the system-wide enterprise itself?Book reference: Fleming, S. T. (ed.). (2021). Managerial Epidemiology: Cases & Concepts, 4th ed. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

Select a vulnerable population that is impacted by a special health need. Describe your selected population and explain what determining factors and characteristics contribute to them being identified as vulnerable.


Select a vulnerable population that is impacted by a special health need. Describe your selected population and explain what determining factors and characteristics contribute to them being identified as vulnerable.
1. Describe your selected population and explain what determining factors and characteristics contribute to them being identified as vulnerable.
2. Describe elements that contribute to this population’s distrust of the health care system and medical treatments and how COVID-19 has impacted this.
3. Identify steps that health care professionals and institutions can take to be effective leaders, practice unbiased communication, and overcome the effects of distrust.
4. Identify foundations that the U.S. health care system has used to study those with special health needs both in the past and in the present.
5. When working with special health populations, how do you incorporate ethical and moral behavior when working to resolve any ethical dilemmas that may arise? Why are ethical and moral behavior important from a Christian worldview perspective?
6. What professional development, learning, or mentoring could you participate in to maintain competence within your profession and scope of practice when working with these populations?
Do not include the title page or the references page when determining whether you have reached the required word count for this assignment. 
A minimum of two references, in addition to your textbook, is required for this assignment.
One reference is listed –
BibliU – Reader – Essentials of the U.S. Health Care System, Sixth Edition