Explain how organizational culture can affect ethical health care management practices.

Write a 4-6 page strategic change management plan that describes how organizational culture affects health care management practices and the types of ethical challenges that can come with organizational change. Explain the role of personal integrity in managing change. Describe strategies that can be used to prevent or resolve ethical challenges related to organizational change.
It can be said that one of the most profound organizational influence challenges for health care managers is that of balancing stewardship and fiscal responsibility. Conflicts of interest, billing practices, fraud, and abuse are just some examples of ethical issues related to the organizational influence of finance. The concept of justice plays a central role in ethical finance decision-making and management. As leaders attempt to balance market justice and patient justice-related priorities, they must still consider and protect the justice of their staff and community in the process.
It is also important for you to understand the value of using formal ethical decision-making processes for managing ethical issues within the health care organization, and how these processes differ from business processes in other industries. By developing an ethically focused mindset, adopting a personal moral stance, and choosing a personal ethical philosophy, you are establishing a strong foundation on which to build formal decision-making processes and steps. Common errors, or decision traps, often occur in decision-making processes and impede success. You must be able to identify and reflect on various decision traps in order to support the development of your own ethical decision-making skills and awareness.
Of course, it is equally important to have a strong, ethically oriented organizational culture to support leader success in meeting these challenges with integrity. The health care manager plays an integral role in implementing policies and procedures, as well as modeling an ethical mindset and behavior.
For this assessment, imagine that you are a department manager in a mid-size health care organization that is in the process of undergoing a major change (perhaps a merger, buy-out, or restructuring). Your director has called a meeting of all department managers to develop a strategy for taking the organization successfully through the change. A major component of managing this change is safeguarding the organizational culture, which is currently very positive and based on ethical principles and practices. In addition, the organization has quality ratings in both patient safety and organizational integrity.
At the end of the meeting, the director asks each manager to draft a strategic change management plan to help them guide their department through the change. To help you get started, the director has provided a statement to be used in each plan. Each plan must consider the role of ethics and ethical management in organizational culture. You must bring your plan to the next strategy meeting in two weeks.
Review the resources provided to see how they may help you in completing this assessment. Conduct your own search in the Capella library and on the Internet to find authoritative resources on the topic of organizational culture and ethics. You will need at least three resources to support your work.
Organize your strategic change management plan logically and use headings and sub-headings as appropriate. Follow APA guidelines for citations and references. Please be sure you include a title page and references page.
Please read carefully.
Please use the following statement as your thesis or opening statement for this assessment:
Creating and maintaining a positive organizational culture requires exceptional awareness, communication, and management skills on the part of leaders in any organization in any industry. When a shared identity is created and acceptance of the overall goals and mission of an organization is strong, ethical issues can more easily be prevented and resolved. This is vitally important in the health care industry as every aspect of management faces crucial ethical elements.
Then, in the rest of your assessment, complete the following:

Explain how organizational culture can affect ethical health care management practices. Be sure you consider this from the perspective of both a negative organizational culture as well as a positive one. (Hint: think about other aspects that may be affected by organizational culture.)
Describe possible ethical issues related to organizational change that could affect the existing organizational culture, patient safety, and organizational integrity.
Explain the role of personal moral integrity in effectively leading change and maintaining a positive organizational culture.
Describe evidence-based strategies health care leaders can use to prevent or resolve ethical challenges related to changes in organizational culture.

Additional Requirements

Include a title page and references page.
Number of pages: 4–6, double-spaced.
At least three current scholarly or professional resources.
APA format for citations and references.
Times New Roman font, 12-point.

Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Explain how ethical theories and principles influence health care organizational management practice.

Describe ethical issues related to organizational change that can affect organizational culture, patient safety, and organizational integrity.
Describe evidence-based strategies to prevent or resolve ethical issues related to organizational change.

Competency 2: Describe how external forces and internal organizational factors influence ethical health care management practices.

Explain how organizational culture can affect ethical health care management practices.

Competency 3: Examine the role personal moral integrity plays in ethical leadership practice.

Explain the role of personal moral integrity in leading change and maintaining a positive organizational culture.

Competency 4: Communicate ideas effectively.

write a paper that applies a social work theory and evidence-based interventions associated with your practice experience during the role plays. Describe a specific theory and an intervention used for each of the following: An individual meeting. A family session. A clinical group.

Assignment Instructions
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Humanistic Theory
Psychodynamic Theory
For this assignment, write a paper that applies a social work theory and evidence-based interventions associated with your practice experience during the role plays.
Describe a specific theory and an intervention used for each of the following:

An individual meeting.
A family session.
A clinical group.

When developing your paper, use information from the course resources and from the synchronous sessions in which you participated. State what interventions you used and why, which theory each intervention is associated with, and what research supports this intervention.

Read the future of nursing 2020-2030 (The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity  http://nap.nationalacademies.org/25982 1. In what ways does nurses’ social covenant with society impact leadership and diversity? 2. How does the Future of Nursing (FON) report enhance nurses’ capacity to address diversity, equity and inclusion. 

Read the future of nursing 2020-2030 (The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity  http://nap.nationalacademies.org/25982
1. In what ways does nurses’ social covenant with society impact leadership and diversity?
2. How does the Future of Nursing (FON) report enhance nurses’ capacity to address diversity, equity and inclusion. 
3. What is the role of ethics in the Future of Nursing report and our social contract with society?
4. How do these documents relate to the advanced practice nurse?

How would you operationalize/measure your variables, in order to empirically test the aphorism?

This Discussion is about making a science of behavior. Below, I list a handful of common aphorisms about human behavior. Pick one and answer the following questions:
A. How would you restate the aphorism as a Conceptual Hypothesis?
B. How would you state your Conceptual Hypothesis as a Research Hypothesis?
C. How would you operationalize/measure your variables, in order to empirically test the aphorism?
D. What empirical support exists, regarding this aphorism? Bring in some information from outside the class. Find a study that is relevant to the aphorism and very briefly describe what the authors found.
Ignorance is bliss.

Discuss Cybercrime and information system security. Analyse the Cybercrime threat landscape 

This should be in APA7 format and must support their assertions with at least two scholarly citations in APA format. Each reply must incorporate at least one academic citation in APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years.   This should be error-free and graduate-level notes.
1. Discuss Cybercrime and information system security. Analyse the Cybercrime threat landscape 
a. Analyse the Cybercrime threat landscape 
b. US federal laws for prosecuting computer attacks 
C. implementing a secure, reliable information system

Operations are composed of many different processes to fulfill customer needs and requirements.Identify the steps in the high-level value chain required to fulfill the customer requirements from beginning to end.

Operations are composed of many different processes to fulfill customer needs and requirements.The value chain is a higher-level view of those processes from a customer view. In order to meet customer requirements like quality and cycle time, organizations need to identify the value chain, subprocesses and measures needed to meet the customer needs.   Consider a process from an organization you are familiar with. In 500-750 words, complete the following:Identify the steps in the high-level value chain required to fulfill the customer requirements from beginning to end. From the high-level value chain steps, identify the operational subprocesses.  

Research and reflect on a social mission-driven organization in your community.  Tell us about your community. What do you love about it? what do you miss about it during the pandemic? What’s particular hard about living where you do?

Please research and reflect on a social mission-driven organization in your community.  Tell us about your community. What do you love about it? what do you miss about it during the pandemic? What’s particular hard about living where you do?
Pathos: Tell us about your community. What do you love about it? what do you miss about it during the pandemic? What’s particular hard about living where you do?(
2. name of the organization making an impact in your community:
3.Organization website:
4.Logos: In your owe analysis, how does organization help improve life in your community?
5.Ethos: which group of people does this organization serve? why are these services needed?
6:Kairos: which of the current social movement (e.g. #BLM, #MeToo, #Friday for Futhure) is most helpful to this organization as it goes its work? why?
7. select the screenshot that apply
8. Do you have recommendations for business partnerships that can further enable this organizations’s work in the community? Explain your reasoning.

It is common for stakeholders to essentially ask, “How can you prove that our program had an effect?” What would be your standard, simple, “sound bite” response to this question?

1. It is common for stakeholders to essentially ask, “How can you prove that our program had an effect?” What would be your standard, simple, “sound bite” response to this question?2. If you had a very limited budget but were committed to collecting and using some type of qualitative data to get at the perceptions of program participants, what might be your best option? Explain. 

There are 3 stages in the progression to drug dependence. Write at least one page describing these 3 stages of progression.


1. Using the reading or any other source that discusses different methods used to help treat substance abuse and dependence. Review the different therapies and write a one-page answer on what you learned. You need to include which type of treatment tends to be most successful and any other information regarding substance abuse treatment you may have discovered while reading the posted chapter. 
2. There are 3 stages in the progression to drug dependence. Write at least one page describing these 3 stages of progression. You will need to write the answer in one full page. The page needs to be typed in a 12-point font. The document should also be double-spaced.

Using information from the web like FEDSTATS and the U.S. Census Bureau, predict the population of the U.S. for the years 2030, and 2060 and specifically answer the following questions:a) What is the demographic makeup of the US in these years?

Using information from the web like FEDSTATS and the U.S. Census Bureau, predict the population of the U.S. for the years 2030, and 2060 and specifically answer the following questions:a) What is the demographic makeup of the US in these years? b) What is the age dispersion in the US in these years and c) What industries do you see benefiting/losing within the US because of these population figures.