The leadership assessment pper will allow you to explore your leadership style, as defined by the results of your individual DiSC assessment.
Describe your leadership type as defined by the DiSC assessment. Do NOT present this as a bulleted list.What are the strengths and weaknesses of your leadership type?Organize the pper according to the sections outlined below and be sure all points are covered in your response. Please note the points values attached to the various sections and allocate your time and effort accordingly.
Part 1 (5-7 pgs in length, worth 40 points):
What kind of leader are you? (25 points)
Describe your leadership type as defined by the DiSC assessment. Do NOT present this as a bulleted list.What are the strengths and weaknesses of your leadership type?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of your leadership type?
In what ways is your leadership type an accurate depiction of you as a leader? In what ways is it not accurate?
Match your leadership style to career goals (15 points)
What are your career goals? What type of position would you like to have? Be specific about not only the type of organization but also the type of position (e.g. program manager, executive director, analyst, fundraiser, etc.).
How well does your leadership style match your career goals?
Part 2 (5-7 pgs in length, worth 40 points):
Indicate your plans for leadership development
Based on your DiSC assessment, what is/are the area(s) of development that you need to work on? These are identified as the leadership lessons on your DiSC assessment report.
Select and read a book to help you overcome one of those weaknesses. Explain why you chose this specific resource.
Summarize the points in the book related to your weakness
What did the book recommend?
What specific action steps will you take to grow as a leader?
Reflect on a situation where you might have put these steps into action. Briefly describe the situation, and then discuss how things might have changed, had you put them into action. Would you have done anything differently? What did you learn?
Part 3 (1 pge in length, worth 10 points):
How has this assessment exercise helped you in your own development as a leader? Do you believe that the leadership assessment accurately typed your primary leadership style?