What are the pros and cons of using a CBT treatment manual with adults?  Discuss fidelity with flexibility. 

Case Study 3: anxiety disorders
Please read the following chapter and respond to the following questions.
Manualized Cognitive theraphy for anxiety nd depression.pdf
. What are the pros and cons of using a CBT treatment manual with adults? 
Discuss fidelity with flexibility. 
2. What is an automatic negative thought that you “catch” yourself saying to yourself in times of stress? 
3. CBT requires collaboration and active participation from the participant. If you are working with a highly anxious adult female patient, what strategies might you use to help her cope with the anxiety using this modality? 
4. With the content of the sessions described and the skills taught, what do you think will be the more challenging skills? Please use examples and cite the literature?
APA citation guidelines for citations and references. 

What challenges are women/birthing persons in the US having during the postpartum period? What contributes to these challenges?  

Read the two articles  (Goddess Myth and What Postpartum Care Looks Like Around the World, and Why the U.S. Is Missing the Mark)
Answer the following questions:
1. What challenges are women/birthing persons in the US having during the postpartum period? What contributes to these challenges?  
2. Was there any information in the articles that surprised you? 
3. Do you know anyone who had a difficult time during their postpartum period with coping, mood, self-care, baby care or feeding? What kind of support did they get if any? Was it appropriate, or lacking? 
4. What is the role of nurses in preparing Post-partum patients prior to birth and in the first 6 weeks post-birth and beyond? 

How might diversity within the organization ultimately lead to better problem solving and greater creativity? How important is creativity in regard to “change”?

Week 10 Discussion
Quote of the week:  What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. (Oliver Wendell Homes)
Discussion: How might diversity within the organization ultimately lead to better problem solving and greater creativity? How important is creativity in regard to “change”? Is it important is it to get “buy in” from others….including their ideals, thoughts, and opinions. What are your thoughts? You may share a personal experience.
You may provide examples to illustrate your points.
Note: Make sure to cite the source or reference using the most current APA or CMS format.

What theory of leadership most closely aligns with our current practice within our organization, and do you think it is most appropriate, or would another serve us better?

For this Discussion, imagine the following scenario:
You are part of a team at the organization where you are currently employed (or at an organization with which you are familiar). This team is made up of members of the different departments at the organization. The executive director has tasked each member of the team to independently assess the following two questions:

What theory of leadership most closely aligns with our current practice within our organization, and do you think it is most appropriate, or would another serve us better?
What leadership theory would you recommend that might be more effective, and why? (Note: If you think the current leadership theory is a good fit and is effective, explain why you think it is working and should remain in place.)

You cannot believe your luck. The very week that you are given this task happens to be the very same week that leadership theory and frameworks are being discussed in the first class of your master’s program at Walden.
To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the leadership theories and frameworks presented in this week’s Learning Resources.
Then, think about your current organization (or one with which you are familiar) in light of the leadership theories/frameworks you have examined in this course so far. In particular, consider the leadership of that organization and whether it seems to align with a particular leadership framework/theory. If it does not (or if you think the organization could use a change in approach), consider which theory/framework might be the best fit for that organization. 

Post an evaluation of the leadership approach of your selected organization, to include the following:

Assess the leadership theory/framework that you believe aligns with the organization in question. Or, if your organization does not seem to follow a particular approach (or you feel that changes are needed), assess what would be the most appropriate theory/framework for your organization based on what you now understand about leadership theory. 

As part of your assessment, paraphrase the central idea of the leadership theory/framework you have selected.

Provide a rationale to support your selection of the leadership theory/framework for the organization, including relevant, appropriate examples and details (without identifying the organization or any individuals), as well as specific lessons that can be learned from the theory based on your observations and experiences. 

Refer to the Week 2 Discussion Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this grading rubric to assess your work.
Read some of your colleagues’ postings.

Develop a role-play for a commitment hearing that illustrates the consequences of not following the selection process. Make sure a team member represents the psychologist, the client advocate, and other roles as necessary.   Submit a transcript of the role-play along with your presentation.  

Develop an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes on the selection process of a culture-neutral assessment. Include examples of when culture-biased assessments have been problematic.
Develop a role-play for a commitment hearing that illustrates the consequences of not following the selection process. Make sure a team member represents the psychologist, the client advocate, and other roles as necessary.
Submit a transcript of the role-play along with your presentation.

While neurons cannot regenerate, learning experiences and life exposures contribute to neuroplasticity. hat is neuroplasticity, and how can you use it to help patients develop positive health behaviors?

While neurons cannot regenerate, learning experiences and life exposures contribute to neuroplasticity. hat is neuroplasticity, and how can you use it to help patients develop positive health behaviors?In this discussion, we will examine what neuroplasticity is, and how allied health providers can utilize this concept to help patients develop positive health behaviors.  
Initial post: Read the following article, Neuroplasticity and Clinical Practice: Building Brain Power for Health.
Then, answer the following question: “What is neuroplasticity, and how can you use it to help patients develop positive health behaviors?” Cite the assigned article to support your key positions. 

SkinKM is a 38-year-old white woman with a 6-year history of psoriasis. Her family history includes allergies and asthma and her mother with psoriasis. KM returns today for an increase in symptoms, and she wants to improve the appearance of her skin.What is the underlying cause of psoriasis? What are the common signs and symptoms of this disease?

This discussion contains 2 parts:
Part 1: SkinKM is a 38-year-old white woman with a 6-year history of psoriasis. Her family history includes allergies and asthma and her mother with psoriasis. KM returns today for an increase in symptoms, and she wants to improve the appearance of her skin.What is the underlying cause of psoriasis? What are the common signs and symptoms of this disease?
Please discuss the following:

What is the underlying cause of psoriasis? What are the common signs and symptoms of this disease?

Part 2: BreastsDefine, Compare and Contrast the following conditions:

Fibrocystic breast disease
Malignant breast tumor

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in proper current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.) 

Consider changes over time for women, different levels of socioeconomic status, race, and athletes with disabilities in sport. What changes have you noticed for women in sport?How does socioeconomic status impact sport opportunities? How does race still impact contemporary sport?

 Consider changes over time for women, different levels of socioeconomic status, race, and athletes with disabilities in sport. Answer only THREE out of the six questions below: Your pick.

What changes have you noticed for women in sport?How does socioeconomic status impact sport opportunities? How does race still impact contemporary sport?
What challenges and opportunities relate to athletes with disabilities?
Where does power lie in sports?
Evaluate the impact of power in society on sport opportunities and barriers for various groups. 

Describe the activities of your chosen leader and highlight his or her role in advancing an institution’s growth and success.


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ED5570: Week 4 Discussion 1: The Role of University Leadership

In addition to the president, numerous philanthropists, business leaders, politicians, and

governing board members have played key roles in the growth and development of

individual colleges and universities. Choose one of the leaders discussed in this week’s

readings and research this person using at least two sources in addition to your

textbook. For your initial post in this discussion:

1. Describe the activities of your chosen leader and highlight his or her role in
advancing an institution’s growth and success.

2. Choose another current college or university leader (a president or other key
stakeholder), and summarize the leader’s activities and accomplishments.

3. Compare and contrast their roles and their approaches to their work.

Note: Please see attached
Note: 1 reference required
Note: Minimum of 300 words.


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Choose an organization such as Samsung, Starbucks, Ford Motor Company, or Waste Management that implemented a major change. For example, a sustainability initiative at Starbucks or Apple making FaceTime available to non-Apple users. Do you think this was a positive organizational change? Why or why not?

Choose an organization such as Samsung, Starbucks, Ford Motor Company, or Waste Management that implemented a major change. For example, a sustainability initiative at Starbucks or Apple making FaceTime available to non-Apple users. Do you think this was a positive organizational change? Why or why not?
Analyze the organization’s change process based on Kotter’s 8 Steps to Leading Change using the Organizational Change Chart. Make sure to complete a new analysis, do not copy any information from a previous week.
Consider questions such as the following as you complete your analysis:

Do you think this was a positive organizational change? Why or why not?
What strategies and tactics do you think would be effective in creating positive organizational change?
What strategies and tactics might have worked better?