Discuss the rights of religious minorities represented in the community.

You should respond to at least two of your classmates by Day 7. In your responses, analyze how Enlightenment principles encouraged the expansion of rights for specific groups (religious minorities, women, people of color, enslaved people) during the French Revolution. Choose two groups (religious minorities, women, people of color, enslaved people), and discuss one group in each of your responses to classmates. For example, you may discuss the rights of religious minorities in your first response to a classmate and the rights of enslaved people in your second response to a classmate. Each of your responses should contain at least 150 words. You should cite your sources in APA Style with both in-text citations and a reference list.a description of the principles of the EnlightenmentThe followers of the Enlightenment espoused the belief that society could be made better by reason and by applying the methodology the Scientific Revolution had brought with it (careful observation, deductive and inductive reasoning). The principles were founded on a movement to gain more freedom and autonomy for mankind (most often just men though) and progress away from a dark past mired in the supernatural, divine right, and traditional beliefs. It was a movement at odds with the frivolity of Rococo and led to works of wry satire, observation, and ones inspired by Classical works (Neoclassicism) in which mathematics played a role. Education, reason, rationality, and the pursuit of the betterment of society through the individual were central to its purpose.a list of three literary, political, or artistic works that demonstrate these principles and an assessment of how each of the three works reflects Enlightenment principlesEnglish philosopher John Locke’s book Of Political or Civil Society observed government at the end of the 17th century. It supported the widely given rights usually afforded to Englishmen to all adult men who owned property. English parliamentary rulings gave rights only to freeborn Englishmen before Lock’s push for more universal rights. The Enlightenment pushed free-thinking progressives like Locke to help shape a movement of more inclusive liberties in government that moved from Europe over to America where it helped inspire Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence. His book supported the empirical method of guiding political reason and was “…a clearly reasoned basis for centuries of philosophic debate concerning the nature of knowledge” (Fiero, 2021, p. 301). The book and Locke’s writings reflected a call for more personal freedom, an end to absolute authority, and a call for reasonable discussion to end conflicts.The anti-traditional philosophes or French philosophers of this era who advocated for the advancement of mankind beyond dogmatic rituals put together an encyclopedia to hold their collected knowledge. Edited by Denis Diderot, The Analytical Dictionary of the Sciences, Arts, and Crafts was the biggest collection of “contemporary social, philosophic, artistic, scientific, and technological knowledge ever produced in the West” (Fiero, 2021, p. 304). It was an attempt to educate people and help society become more equipped to reason and use philosophy in their lives. As members of the Enlightenment and Age of Reason, the philosophes wanted to replace ignorance with empowering knowledge and spread literacy.Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women in 1792 to fight against the ignorant attitudes of society and men in particular towards women. Instead of women being pushed to fit into the weak, docile, and under-educated roles of the past she advocated for their education and the strengthening of their minds and bodies so they would not merely be sexual objects but rational and competent partners who would better benefit society and be more rounded themselves. This reflects that the Enlightenment was about the push for reason and rationality, for wanting the eradication of ignorance and the progress of the individual. Wollstonecraft wanted those individuals to include women (Fiero, 2021, p. 305).ReferencesFiero, G. K. (2021). Landmarks in humanities (5th ed.). McGraw Hill.Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University & American Social History Project at City University of New York.(n.d.). The Enlightenment and human rights… Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité: Exploring the French Revolution. The principles of Enlightenment were to, “…apply the methods learned from the scientific revolution to the problems of society” (The Enlightenment and human right, 2019). This meant taking real life situations into account and using techniques such as reasoning rather than religion or traditions that had existed previously (cite article).ReferencesFiero, G. K. (2021). Landmarks in humanities (5th ed.). McGraw HillRoy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University & American Social History Project at City University of New York. (n.d.). The Enlightenment and human rightsLinks to an external site.Links to an external site.. Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité: Exploring the French Revolution.

What has led to the more comprehensive strategic view about total quality management? What impact did the quality improvement program have on the company or organization? Please provide specific examples demonstrating the impact. Why do some quality initiatives fail?

APA 7 format, in-text citation, Use at least two (2) scholarly references to substantiate your work. Please write in the present tense. Please provide a copy of all references used.  
Assignment Description 
Discuss the following points regarding the total quality management concept:

Discuss personal experience in regard to quality improvement programs.

If you have no experience, you should gain some from friends or work colleagues or—as a last resort—news articles.
If news reports are used, references and in-text citations must be provided.

What has led to the more comprehensive strategic view about total quality management?
What impact did the quality improvement program have on the company or organization? Please provide specific examples demonstrating the impact.
Why do some quality initiatives fail?

You are asked to lead a team to update a policy on hospital attire in the workplace.What is the vision/mission and objectives of this team?Are there any budget or resources needed to complete this task?Identify the appropriate number of interdisciplinary team members, their professions and a rationale for their being a team member

You are asked to lead a team to update a policy on hospital attire in the workplace.What is the vision/mission and objectives of this team?Are there any budget or resources needed to complete this task?Identify the appropriate number of interdisciplinary team members, their professions and a rationale for their being a team member. For this exercise you will be developing a team charter.
To complete this assignment, do the following:

Provide an introduction section that describes the background of issue your team will be addressing.
What is the vision/mission and objectives of this team?Are there any budget or resources needed to complete this task?Identify the appropriate number of interdisciplinary team members, their professions and a rationale for their being a team member.
Outline the roles and responsibilities of the team members
How will the work get done? Meeting guidelines, communication, documentation, timeframe for completion etc.
Who does this team report their finding to? 
Conclusion – assessment of the team process

Read the following articles, available from the South University online library:
Ali, H., Chuanmin, S., Ahmed, M., Mahmood, A., Khayyam, M., & Tikhomirova, A. (2021). Transformational leadership and project success: Serial mediation of team-building and teamwork. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1–11. https://su.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edb&AN=152315049&site=eds-live 
Lisak, A., & Harush, R. (2021). Global and local identities on the balance scale: Predicting transformational leadership and effectiveness in multicultural teams. PLoS ONE, 16(7), 1–31. https://su.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=fsr&AN=151401758&site=eds-live
Tornwall, J., Fitzgerald, E. A., & Hrabe, D. (2021). Team charters in group work. Journal of Nursing Education, 60(5), 302. https://su.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=rzh&AN=150110809&site=eds-live

  One of the most important skills a nurse needs is clinical judgment. This is a skill that can be learned. Reflect on your own ability to critically think and the reading for this module. When see yourself as a nurse and giving care, discuss what qualities and behaviors you possess that make you a person that would have good clinical judgment. What three strategies can you use to develop better clinical judgment? As a nurse, what areas of the nursing process do you think might be more challenging to you given the critical thinking and clinical judgment skills you have now?

One of the most important skills a nurse needs is clinical judgment. This is a skill that can be learned. Reflect on your own ability to critically think and the reading for this module.
When see yourself as a nurse and giving care, discuss what qualities and behaviors you possess that make you a person that would have good clinical judgment. What three strategies can you use to develop better clinical judgment? As a nurse, what areas of the nursing process do you think might be more challenging to you given the critical thinking and clinical judgment skills you have now?

Compare and contrast the U.S. health care system to the health care system of another country. What similarities or differences exist?

D1,Compare and contrast the U.S. health care system to the health care system of another country. What similarities or differences exist? Use a reference to support your response.D2,Explain the lack of a central governing agency within the U.S. health care system. What could be done to assist integration and coordination? Use a reference to support your response. Assignment ;The purpose of this assignment is to examine the history and foundations of health care in the United States, as this will be the foundation for understanding health care systems though this course and in practice.For this assignment, you will need to display a thorough understanding of the framework for and dates of events regarding health care in the United States, while clearly demonstrating the impact and importance that these events have had in the medical field.Complete Part 1 and Part 2 of the “U.S. Health Care Foundations and History” resource.

Post a brief description of general healthcare technology trends, particularly related to data/information you have observed in use in your healthcare organization or nursing practice. Describe any potential challenges or risks that may be inherent in the technologies associated with these trends you described

Post a brief description of general healthcare technology trends, particularly related to data/information you have observed in use in your healthcare organization or nursing practice. Describe any potential challenges or risks that may be inherent in the technologies associated with these trends you described. Then, describe at least one potential benefit and one potential risk associated with data safety, legislation, and patient care for the technologies you described. Next, explain which healthcare technology trends you believe are most promising for impacting healthcare technology in nursing practice and explain why. Describe whether this promise will contribute to improvements in patient care outcomes, efficiencies, or data management. Be specific and provide examples.

How does the CV of the optimal portfolio compare with the CVs of its constituents?  What is the expected rate of return and standard deviation of the rate of return of the portfolio?

Course Learning Assessment 2 – CLO 1, CLO 3, CLO 4, CLO 5, CLO 6, CLO 7
This is a complete written report of your portfolio formation in a Word document. Your historical data and relevant derived values in tables can be pasted from your previous calculations in the Excel spreadsheet. Please provide explanations of all calculations and the justifications in Word format. Make sure to also paste all underlying Excel formulae that you used for calculations in the Word document.

Once again, provide the data that you presented in answering Part 2 of Professional Assignment 2.
Calculate the mean, variance, and the standard deviation of each security’s annual rate of return.
Calculate the correlation coefficient between every possible pair of securities’ annual rates of return.
Choose percentages of your initial investment that you want to allocate amongst the five (5) securities (weights in the portfolio). 

Create embedded formulae which generate statistical properties of the portfolio upon insertion of the weights. 
Observe the mean, the standard deviation, and the CV of the annual rate of return of the portfolio.

Find the combination of the weights that minimizes CV of the portfolio. 

How does the CV of the optimal portfolio compare with the CVs of its constituents? 
What is the expected rate of return and standard deviation of the rate of return of the portfolio?

Choose different values within the range of the standard deviation of the portfolio, and for each chosen value, locate the corresponding point on the efficient frontier by finding the weights that maximize the expected rate of return of the portfolio. 

Subsequently, construct the efficient frontier of your portfolio.    

Assume that you initially invested $1,000,000 in the portfolio and that the distribution of the annual rate of return of the portfolio is normal. 

What is the distribution of the return of the portfolio 20 years after its formation? 
Provide the graph of the distribution of the return of the portfolio.

Provide your explanations and definitions in detail and be precise. Comment on your findings. Provide references for content when necessary.

Examine this quote from Sun Tzu: “Thus those skilled in war subdue the enemy’s army without battle….They conquer by strategy.” How would you relate this to business policy and strategic management?

 Sun Tzu, the brilliant Chinese general and premier military strategist, lived 2,400 years ago. He wrote a book called The Art of War. His sayings and notes reflect a wonderful relevance to today’s strategic management of business, as well as the art of achieving a competitive advantage. The theme of the book is that “war is won not through strength but through skillful manipulation—a victory of the writing brush and brains over sword and strength” (Shlapentokh, 2006).
Examine this quote from Sun Tzu: “Thus those skilled in war subdue the enemy’s army without battle….They conquer by strategy.” How would you relate this to business policy and strategic management? Discuss your thoughts regarding this quote in approximately 500 words include a reference page.

What are the pros and cons of using a CBT treatment manual with adults?  Discuss fidelity with flexibility. 

Case Study 3: anxiety disorders
Please read the following chapter and respond to the following questions.
Manualized Cognitive theraphy for anxiety nd depression.pdf
. What are the pros and cons of using a CBT treatment manual with adults? 
Discuss fidelity with flexibility. 
2. What is an automatic negative thought that you “catch” yourself saying to yourself in times of stress? 
3. CBT requires collaboration and active participation from the participant. If you are working with a highly anxious adult female patient, what strategies might you use to help her cope with the anxiety using this modality? 
4. With the content of the sessions described and the skills taught, what do you think will be the more challenging skills? Please use examples and cite the literature?
APA citation guidelines for citations and references. 

Select a firm, from the Fortune 15 history discussion, that left the Fortune 15 at some point – specifically pick a firm from a red square on page 2 of Reshaping Industries.pdfAnswer the following seven questions: Name of the firm you’ve chosen? When was the firm founded and is the firm still in business? If the firm is no longer in business: did it merge with another firm or go out of business, and if so when did it merge and with who, or when did it go out of business?

Select a firm, from the Fortune 15 history discussion, that left the Fortune 15 at some point – specifically pick a firm from a red square on page 2 of Reshaping Industries.pdf  Answer the following seven questions:  Name of the firm you’ve chosen? When was the firm founded and is the firm still in business? If the firm is no longer in business: did it merge with another firm or go out of business, and if so when did it merge and with who, or when did it go out of business? What was the firm’s primary product, service or offer? What industry would you say that firm is part of? Was the firm’s primary product replaced by another solution or by a competitor offering a similar product? Write 2 to 3 paragraphs: in your opinion what three or four factors might have led to the firm’s drop from the Fortune 15 and the loss of its leadership position, and in what ways did the marketplace evolve to diminish the firm’s leadership position?