Discuss the strengths or benefits of team collaboration. Explain the barriers to team collaboration. Describe the role that team collaboration plays in the development, selection, and modification health care information systems.

Assignment Details
After the staff meeting at St. Augustine’s hospital, over 10 employees volunteered to work with you in the Healthcare IT Department. You have a team to help you set up the electronic health record (EHR) for the hospital.
In a plan to your team members, address the following:

Discuss the strengths or benefits of team collaboration.
Explain the barriers to team collaboration.
Describe the role that team collaboration plays in the development, selection, and modification health care information systems.
Illustrate the importance of the combined use of computer technology in health care practice management.
Discuss the importance of using computer applications in practice management.
Examine and discuss the areas of care delivery and how IT is used.
Explain the problems associated with the combined usage of IT in health care service delivery.
Describe the role of health care information management in facilitating the exchange of information and processes across organizations and multiple stakeholders.
Discuss the overall responsibilities of HIT management.
Explain the benefits of sharing health care information across organizations and multiple stakeholders.
Describe the managerial practices adopted to facilitate the safety and security of information among stakeholders

Use the following template: Unit 3 Assignment
Deliverable Requirements: Write at minimum a 5-page team plan addressing these questions. In your plan, cite your references using APA format.
Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following:

Title page: Remember the running head. The title should be in all capitals.
Length: 5 pages minimum  
Body: This begins on the page following the title page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The typeface should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics, except as required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 5 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.
Reference page: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.

When and why do you think the subject in the experiment began to second guess himself? He allowed his piers thoughts/ answers to overcome his. He did not go with his original thought; hearing others repeat the same answer, he must have thought it was the right response. So when did this happen?

1.In Asch’s experiment he examines conformity by taking note of the number of times the real participant conformed to the majority of the group. The subject in the experiment began to “second guess” himself when he knew the right answer, but the majority of the group picked the wrong answer. It didn’t make sense to him. He stated at one point that there were four of them and one of him so they had to be right. Right? Some of the circumstances that contribute to conformity is the status of the participants, the situation in which the individual was responding, social support, and the unanimity of the group. A lot of people conform because there is a distortion of their own judgment, as I said before the participant in the study knew the right answer, but chose the wrong one because their were “four of them and one” of him. People like to avoid “making waves” or being embarrassed for not fitting in. Or as in normative conformity, they don’t want to be disapproved of because of their deviance, as referenced in the video. I personally don’t feel the need to conform now, I’ve learned to be my own person and stand for what I believe in. As a child, I conformed to things quite often due to peer pressure and wanting to fit in. Sometimes I was even forced to conform.
Feldman, R. S. (2020). Essentials of understanding psychology. (14th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
HeroicImaginationTV. (2012, February 20). Asch Conformity Experiment. YouTube. Retrieved March 3, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyDDyT1lDhA
How is the principle of conformity examined? It is “conformity examined” by a group of individuals who participated in the study, like a critical trial. He stated that “I want to give you a test of your visual acuity, your sensitivity to differences in line lengths, so I am going to show you three comparison lines lengths” It was about social pressure. 
When and why do you think the subject in the experiment began to “second guess” himself? He allowed his pier’s thoughts/ answers to overcome his. He did not go with his original thought; hearing others repeat the same answer, he must have thought it was the right response. So when did this happen? The third trial is when it started it begun with hearing “two, two, two” repeatedly, and when it became the subject in question’s turn to give his answer, he paused and second-guessed the answer he wanted to give. 
“something happens two, two, two, two, to the subject denies the evidence of his own eyes and yields to the group.” 
Why do you think some participants would be more likely to conform than others? I believe that Ash’s study proves that people as easily influenced by what others may do. If you have a group of 6 individuals and you ask them all the same question about life, at least two them six are going to repeat what the other person said. This study made me think about how the environment we are placed in can take over an individual mindset. We react off on what we see and or are taught. 
There are many reasons why people conform. Were you ever in a situation where you had to conform? Why did you feel the need to conform? I have never been placed in this situation ever. I have always had a brain of my own; I never along another person’s thoughts or feelings take affect me or cloud my judgment in any way. I am very outspoken. 
What are some of the circumstances in the experiment which contribute to “conformity”?
It’s all about social influences. When others in a group are of a higher social status, others who are not may lean more to there response thinking they are more “knowledgeable” than themselves. 
Why do you think some participants would be more likely to conform than others? Idk. It’s just something that happens. I guess others are not as strong-minded as others are. 

suppose you are a manager who needs to communicate several messages to employees of the company. List the medium (telephone, email, text, face-to-face meeting, et cetera) you would use to communicate the message. Explain why you chose that medium over the other possible mediums.

Managers spend one third of their time communicating up and down the organizational hierarchy. Communication is the transfer and understanding of information from one person to another. The communication model comprises of several parts.
We want to examine the communication pathway or medium in which communication is delivered. The communication pathway is the way messages are sent, including:

Face-to-face meetings.
Electronic mail and online discussions.
Written letters or memorandums.
Telephone or voice-mail, among others.

While some people may be better at using certain mediums over others, some mediums can be better suited for the specific message being conveyed. For this week’s discussion, suppose you are a manager who needs to communicate several messages to employees of the company.
List the medium (telephone, email, text, face-to-face meeting, et cetera) you would use to communicate the message.
Explain why you chose that medium over the other possible mediums.

The CEO abruptly resigns after the news media reports that the CEO embezzled millions of dollars.
A plan to relocate the company.
The death of an employee.
The reassignment of one division to a new location.

Respond to the following for each of the messages above:

List the medium (telephone, email, text, face-to-face meeting, et cetera) you would use to communicate the message.
Explain why you chose that medium over the other possible mediums.
Then, consider the importance of the information conveyed in these messages. How might the choice of medium for communication impact trust and credibility among the employees?

Explain how care coordination and the utilization of       community resources can be used to address a patient, family, or       population problem.

In a 5-7 page written assessment, determine how health care technology, coordination of care, and community resources can be applied to address the patient, family, or population problem you’ve defined. In addition, plan to spend approximately 2 direct practicum hours exploring these aspects of the problem with the patient, family, or group you’ve chosen to work with and, if desired, consulting with subject matter and industry experts. 
As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, you’ll be positioned to maximize the use of technology to achieve positive patient outcomes and improve organizational effectiveness. Providing holistic coordination of patient care across the entire health care continuum and leveraging community resource services can lead both to positive patient outcomes and to organizational improvements.
In this assessment, you’ll determine how health care technology, coordination of care, and community resources can be applied to address the health problem you’ve defined. Plan to spend at least 2 direct practicum hours working with the same patient, family, or group. During this time, you may also choose to consult with subject matter and industry experts.
To prepare for the assessment:

Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to      ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete and how      it will be assessed.
Conduct sufficient research of the scholarly and      professional literature to inform your assessment and meet scholarly      expectations for supporting evidence.
Review the Practicum Focus Sheet: Assessment 3 [PDF], which      provides guidance for conducting this portion of your practicum.

Note: As you revise your writing, check out the resources listed on the Writing Center’s Writing Support page.
Complete this assessment in two parts.
Part 1
Determine how health care technology, the coordination of care, and the use of community resources can be applied to address the patient, family, or population problem you’ve defined. Plan to spend at least 2 practicum hours exploring these aspects of the problem with the patient, family, or group. During this time, you may also consult with subject matter and industry experts of your choice. Use the Practicum Focus Sheet: Assessment 3 [PDF] provided for this assessment to guide your work and interpersonal interactions.
Part 2
Report on your experiences during the second 2 hours of your practicum.

Whom did you      meet with?

What did you       learn from them?

Comment on the      evidence-based practice (EBP) documents or websites you reviewed.

What did you       learn from that review?

Share the      process and experience of exploring the effect of the problem on the      quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual.

Did your plan       to address the problem change, based upon your experiences?
What surprised       you, or was of particular interest to you, and why?

The assessment requirements, outlined below, correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so be sure to address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, note the additional requirements for document format and length and for supporting evidence.

Analyze the      impact of health care technology on the patient, family, or population      problem.

Cite evidence       from the literature that addresses the advantages and disadvantages of       specific technologies, including research studies that present opposing       views.
Determine       whether the evidence is consistent with technology use you see in your       nursing practice.
Identify       potential barriers and costs associated with the use of specific       technologies and how those technologies are applied within the context of       this problem.

Explain how care      coordination and the utilization of community resources can be used to      address the patient, family, or population problem.

Cite evidence       from the literature that addresses the benefits of care coordination and       the utilization of community resources, including research studies that       present opposing views.
Determine       whether the evidence is consistent with how you see care coordination and       community resources used in your nursing practice.
Identify barriers       to the use of care coordination and community resources in the context of       this problem.

Analyze state      board nursing practice standards and/or organizational or governmental      policies associated with health care technology, care coordination, and      community resources 

Explain how       these standards or policies will guide your actions in applying       technology, care coordination, and community resources to address care       quality, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual.
Describe the       effects of local, state, and federal policies or legislation on your       nursing scope of practice, within the context of technology, care       coordination, and community resources.
Explain how       nursing ethics will inform your approach to addressing the problem       through the use of applied technology, care coordination, and community       resources.

Support main      points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations with      relevant and credible evidence.
Apply APA style      and formatting to scholarly writing.

Additional Requirements

Format: Format your      paper using APA style.  Be sure to include:

A title page and reference page. An abstract is not       required.
Appropriate section headings.

Length: Your paper      should be approximately 5–7 pages in length, not including the reference      page.
Supporting evidence: Cite at least      five sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your      central ideas. Resources should be no more than five years old. Provide      in-text citations and references in APA format.
Proofreading: Proofread your      paper, before you submit it, to minimize errors that could distract      readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on its substance.

Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 4: Apply health information and patient care      technology to improve patient and systems outcomes.

Analyze the impact of health care technology on a       patient, family, or population problem.

Competency 5: Analyze the impact of health policy on      quality and cost of care.

Analyze state board nursing practice standards and/or       organizational or governmental policies associated with health       technology, care coordination, and community resources.

Competency 6: Collaborate interprofessionally to      improve patient and population outcomes.

Explain how care coordination and the utilization of       community resources can be used to address a patient, family, or       population problem.

Competency 8: Integrate professional standards and      values into practice.

Support main points, assertions, arguments,       conclusions, or recommendations with relevant and credible evidence.
Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.

Identify in what ways their cases are typical or atypical of the illness in terms of onset, associated features, development, and course. Support your response with references to scholarly resources.

 Experiences of schizophrenia are not homogeneous; there is wide variety in onset, course of illness, and combinations of symptoms. Social workers need to be able to understand the different manifestations and pathways of the illness to plan interventions. Social work services play a key role in stabilizing crises, supporting family coping, and influencing overall quality of life and outcomes of individuals with schizophrenia. In this Assignment, you practice applying this necessary individualization. 
To prepare: In the Learning Resources (ATTACHED), focus on the associated features, development, and course of the illnesses in the schizophrenia spectrum. Also focus on descriptions of the disorder and the way it develops for different individuals. 
 Choose two articles from the list in the Learning Resources (ATTACHED) that apply to treatment support and interventions for the schizophrenia spectrum. Access the Library and research additional peer-reviewed articles. 
Submit a 3- to 4-page paper, supported by at least 3–4 scholarly resources (including both required and additional resources), in which you address the following:

1. Compare Saks’s and McGough’s experiences with schizophrenia, specifically referencing the positive and negative symptoms they each experienced.

2. Explain how you would use the Clinician Rated Dimensions of Psychosis Symptom Severity measure and the WHODAS to help confirm your diagnosis.

3. Identify in what ways their cases are typical or atypical of the illness in terms of onset, associated features, development, and course. Support your response with references to scholarly resources.

4. Explain how you would plan treatment and individualize it for these two individuals. Support your response with references to scholarly resources. In your explanation, consider the following questions:

A. What are the long-term challenges for someone living with the illness?
B. What social, family, vocational, and medical supports are needed for long-term stabilization?
C. How might treatment look similar or different for Saks and McGough, given they have the same diagnosis?

5. Briefly explain how race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religion, or other identity characteristics may influence an individual’s experience with schizophrenia.

  Reflect on the NOHS Ethical Standards for Human Services, specifically the section on Responsibility to the Public & Society. While many of us have the desire to help others, there are many factors that we must take into consideration when choosing to pursue a career in the helping field. As the Ethical Standards state, human service professionals are expected to provide services to people, regardless of their identity, nationality, or beliefs. Is this something you foresee yourself being able to do? What challenges do you think you may face?   

  Reflect on the NOHS Ethical Standards for Human Services, specifically the section on Responsibility to the Public & Society. While many of us have the desire to help others, there are many factors that we must take into consideration when choosing to pursue a career in the helping field. As the Ethical Standards state, human service professionals are expected to provide services to people, regardless of their identity, nationality, or beliefs. Is this something you foresee yourself being able to do? What challenges do you think you may face? 


  In dramatic movies and TV shows they will occasionally show an injured character flatlining. The doctors will then call for the “paddles” and shock the person to restart the heart. Is this the correct treatment protocol for asystole? Briefly explain your answer.

In dramatic movies and TV shows they will occasionally show an injured character flatlining. The doctors will then call for the “paddles” and shock the person to restart the heart. Is this the correct treatment protocol for asystole? Briefly explain your answer.
Please post your answer and also respond to the answers of at least two of your fellow students.

Phedre illustrates the attitude of men toward women in the Age of Reason and political Absolutism, in which men represent logic, order, and strength while women represent emotions, weakness, and disorder. Using evidence from the play, discuss how Racine’s Phedre reinforces the stereotype of woman as a destructive force in nature, known as a femme fatale.

Phedre illustrates the attitude of men toward women in the Age of Reason and political Absolutism, in which men represent logic, order, and strength while women represent emotions, weakness, and disorder. Using evidence from the play, discuss how Racine’s Phedre reinforces the stereotype of woman as a destructive force in nature, known as a femme fatale.

Must be on time!!!

Use MLA format for any quotations or citations that you use to support your answer


Complaint letter | Management homework help

As the Vice President of Rochester Preferred Travel, you are upset with Premier Promos.
Premier is a catalog company that provides imprinted promotional products for companies. Your travel service was looking for something special to offer in promoting its cruise ship travel packages. Premier offered free samples of its promotional merchandise, under its No Surprise policy.
You asked yourself, What can we lose? and on January 11, you placed a telephone order for a number of samples. These included:

An insulated lunch sack
A portable power strip in a zippered case
A square-ended barrel bag with fanny pack
A deluxe canvas attaché case
Two colors of garment-dyed sweatshirts

All items were supposed to be free. But it seemed odd to you when they asked for your company’s credit card number. This was because Premier had promised to bill you only if you decided to keep these sample items.
When the items arrived, you were not pleased. You returned them all on January 21. You have a postal receipt showing the return. However, your February credit card statement showed a charge of $258.20 for the sample items. You called Premier in February and spoke to Virginia, who assured you that a credit would be made on your next statement. However, your March statement showed no credit. You called again and received a similar promise. It’s now April and no credit has been made. You realize that this situation is now too complicated for another telephone call, and you decide to write and demand action.
The complaint letter needs to be addressed to:
Ms. Arletta Sandusky, Customer Services, Premier Promos, 2445 Bermiss Road, Valdosta, GA 31602.
Your letter should include the following elements:

All the essential parts of a business letter.
The opening and closing of the letter must demonstrate originality.
The letter must have positively phrased content.