As a manager, whether you’re a store, facilities, or a general manager in any type of environment, your teams work to meet the strategic direction of the organization. As strategic initiatives are adopted, you and your team may need to adapt to new directions. Change can be hard, and your team and your organization rely on your understanding of the organizational culture to support change. In this assessment, you will use your experience and the organizational change chart you completed in Week 1 to assess the organization’s culture to improve alignment among the culture, mission, vision, values, and strategies using Kotter’s 8-step change management model.?You provide your assessment including how proposed decisions for improvements align to the organization’s mission, vision, values, and strategies to the leadership team. Assessment Deliverable Create a 7- to 10-slide presentation to the leadership of the organization you chose to explore in Week 1. Refer to your Organizational Change Chart from Week 1 and include the following:

As a manager, whether you’re a store, facilities, or a general manager in any type of environment, your teams work to meet the strategic direction of the organization. As strategic initiatives are adopted, you and your team may need to adapt to new directions. Change can be hard, and your team and your organization rely on your understanding of the organizational culture to support change.
In this assessment, you will use your experience and the organizational change chart you completed in Week 1 to assess the organization’s culture to improve alignment among the culture, mission, vision, values, and strategies using Kotter’s 8-step change management model.?You provide your assessment including how proposed decisions for improvements align to the organization’s mission, vision, values, and strategies to the leadership team.
Assessment Deliverable
Create a 7- to 10-slide presentation to the leadership of the organization you chose to explore in Week 1. Refer to your Organizational Change Chart from Week 1 and include the following:

Describe your assessment of the current culture within the organization at the time of your experience. Refer to the organizational change chart you completed in Week 1 to describe your assessment.
Develop a Change Management Plan using Kotter’s 8-Step model for the change goal you identified. Refer to the suggested actions for improvement you included in the Organizational Change Chart.
Determine the desired outcome as a result of the proposed change.
Analyze the alignment among the organization’s mission, vision, values, strategies, and the proposed Change Management Plan.
Include speaker notes to provide additional details not already present on each slide.

, in your continued role as an organizational change agent for the organization that you have selected, research the zone of proximal development (ZPD), and describe the following: Explain how ZPD can be used in training programs within your chosen organization. Use specific examples from the job titles within your chosen organization. Explain how the ZPD concept can be used to improve coworkers’ relationships within your chosen organization.

This week, in your continued role as an organizational change agent for the organization that you have selected, research the zone of proximal development (ZPD), and describe the following:
Explain how ZPD can be used in training programs within your chosen organization.
Use specific examples from the job titles within your chosen organization.
Explain how the ZPD concept can be used to improve coworkers’ relationships within your chosen organization.
Provide a 3-step plan for implementing the ZPD for coworker development in your organization.

How would you define a learning organization in your own words? Have you ever been part of a learning organization? If so, describe some of the elements that supported your learning. If not, what are some key elements that are required to make such a culture?

How would you define a learning organization in your own words?
Have you ever been part of a learning organization?
If so, describe some of the elements that supported your learning.
If not, what are some key elements that are required to make such a culture?
How can knowledge of learning theories help grow people and organizations to achieve their highest potential?

What does it mean to be a culturally competent educator?  Where do you see yourself on the cultural competency continuum chart and why? Support your placement on the continuum chart with your position regarding specific controversial, culturally-based issues that affect K-12 education. What will it take for you to get to the next step or to deepen your cultural competence, including understanding your own personal bias, teaching in a diverse classroom, and implementing strategies for ensuring a safe and supportive classroom for all students?

Culturally competent educator | Education homework help



What does it mean to be a culturally competent educator? 
Where do you see yourself on the cultural competency continuum chart and why? Support your placement on the continuum chart with your position regarding specific controversial, culturally-based issues that affect K-12 education.
What will it take for you to get to the next step or to deepen your cultural competence, including understanding your own personal bias, teaching in a diverse classroom, and implementing strategies for ensuring a safe and supportive classroom for all students?
What are some specific research and readings, tools, resources, or training you might use to further your cultural competency as an educator?
What will it look like to have cultural inclusivity in your future classroom?
How will you ensure you are respecting students as individuals with differing personal backgrounds and various skills, abilities, perspectives, talents, and interests that do not align to your spiritual beliefs and moral values?

Discuss the importance of human resources (HR) and its influence on organizational culture. What are some of the HR strategic challenges faced by modern organizations? Have technology or the environment made an impact on HR management practices? Why or why not?

Review and reflect on the connections between organizational culture and human resources. Using the course materials presented this week, answer the following questions:
Discuss the importance of human resources (HR) and its influence on organizational culture.
What are some of the HR strategic challenges faced by modern organizations?
Have technology or the environment made an impact on HR management practices? Why or why not?
Provide at least 2 scholarly resources to support your response.

The impact of genetics and our environment on development from a scientific perspective can provide data. This module examines scientific issues like generational trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The data is still being collected on these topics, but anecdotally, the impacts of issues of trauma can be seen in individuals’ daily lives.

The impact of genetics and our environment on development from a scientific perspective can provide data. This module examines scientific issues like generational trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The data is still being collected on these topics, but anecdotally, the impacts of issues of trauma can be seen in individuals’ daily lives.
Initial Post
Considering what you know about generational trauma and ACEs, think about issues in the news and other forms of media. Share a story that includes either generational trauma or ACEs. This story can be fiction or non-fiction. Identify the issue of trauma or ACE in the story and provide multiple ways development could be affected.

As a criminal investigator in a police department, imagine that you are investigating a series of crimes that appear to be committed by the same person. You have been asked to consult on the creation of a criminal profile of the unknown suspect. You will need to research and analyze what is needed for the criminal profile and provide this information to the task force investigating the case.   Select one of the two options:  Select one of the case studies from “Serial murder in America: case studies of seven offenders” from the University Library.  Find your own criminal profile to use. Keep in mind that it can be a local criminal profile and it does not have to be a serial murderer. Focus on finding a profile of a criminal that appears to be committing a series of crimes. 

For this assessment, you’ll be focusing on forensic science and profiling. Understanding the intricacies of forensic science can be extremely helpful on the job, especially as it forms the basis for most criminal prosecutions and many civil litigation cases. 
As a criminal investigator in a police department, imagine that you are investigating a series of crimes that appear to be committed by the same person. You have been asked to consult on the creation of a criminal profile of the unknown suspect. You will need to research and analyze what is needed for the criminal profile and provide this information to the task force investigating the case.  
Select one of the two options: 

Select one of the case studies from “Serial murder in America: case studies of seven offenders” from the University Library. 
Find your own criminal profile to use. Keep in mind that it can be a local criminal profile and it does not have to be a serial murderer. Focus on finding a profile of a criminal that appears to be committing a series of crimes. 

Write aord criminal profile analysis based on your chosen criminal profile or case study. 
Provide the following in the analysis: 

-Define criminal profiling.  
-Explain the purpose of a behavioral profile in criminal cases. 
-Contrast inductive and deductive analysis. 
-Explain the key factors. 
-Discuss the reliability and validity of a profile. 
-Analyze the forensic science used in this case. 
-Provide an analysis of the criminal behavior or profile of the suspect. 
-Evaluate and summarize the findings in the case.

Literature Reference Requirement
Please cite two correct APA formatted literature references supporting what you are saying.

As technology and scientific methodology evolve, concerns about good or valid science or flawed science also evolve. New methodologies and scientific processes must be carefully evaluated to prove validity. Some processes never attain their hype, some initially appear valid but evolving technology and science later disprove them, while other processes never existed and were simply a dramatic plot twist. It is difficult for the average person to tell the difference. Evaluate the evolution of forensic science. Identify examples of scientific methods that have been disproven. Explain the peer review process. Compare and contrast common perceptions to the realities of forensic science.

As technology and scientific methodology evolve, concerns about good or valid science or flawed science also evolve. New methodologies and scientific processes must be carefully evaluated to prove validity. Some processes never attain their hype, some initially appear valid but evolving technology and science later disprove them, while other processes never existed and were simply a dramatic plot twist. It is difficult for the average person to tell the difference.
Evaluate the evolution of forensic science.
Identify examples of scientific methods that have been disproven.
Explain the peer review process.
Compare and contrast common perceptions to the realities of forensic science.
Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please review the following:
Scientific evidence must be evaluated by forensic experts through a peer review process, which the courts often rely on to determine validity of scientific methods. Similarly, you must carefully evaluate the validity of the material supporting your work. For this assignment, you must use at least three Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. in addition to the course text. You may also want to review the recommended resources, which may further support your work on this written assignment.
In your paper, address the following:

Evaluate the evolution of forensic science.
Identify examples of scientific methods that have been disproven.
Explain the peer review process.
Compare and contrast common perceptions to the realities of forensic science.
Explain the CSI effect.
Evaluate what impact the CSI effect has or does not have on the forensic field and the criminal justice system.
Evaluate the impact of junk science, real or perceived, on the forensic field and criminal justice.

The Is All Good and True? 
Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

In the 1950s the United States enjoyed a broad-based, unprecedented level of prosperity. Rising purchasing power, expanding credit, and a rapidly growing advertising industry stimulated consumerism. One industry that rapidly developed and expanded was the automobile industry. During the 1950s, Americans purchased 58 million cars. By 1960, 75 percent of American families owned one. The automobile created mobility on a scale not known before, and the automobile industry became a vital element in the economy. It became one of the world’s major manufacturing industries. The automobile dramatically impacted American society, whether you owned one or not. Answer the following question: Discuss how the automobile positively or negatively impacted American society.  

In the 1950s the United States enjoyed a broad-based, unprecedented level of prosperity. Rising purchasing power, expanding credit, and a rapidly growing advertising industry stimulated consumerism. One industry that rapidly developed and expanded was the automobile industry. During the 1950s, Americans purchased 58 million cars. By 1960, 75 percent of American families owned one. The automobile created mobility on a scale not known before, and the automobile industry became a vital element in the economy. It became one of the world’s major manufacturing industries. The automobile dramatically impacted American society, whether you owned one or not.
Answer the following question:
Discuss how the automobile positively or negatively impacted American society. 

As you consider and reflect on your work in this course, think about something that has stood out to you or led to reactions in you (e.g., maybe a particular belief system, value, or identity was new to you or caused discomfort to you). And, imagine you just met a new MFT colleague at a conference who is looking to refer a client to you. They ask you, “how would you make it comfortable for a client who is…. (that thing that was new or caused discomfort to you)?” Then, create a short dialog and present it in Kaltura. What would you say to this colleague to let them know how you would provide a safe space for this client? What specifically would you address in your work to make sure this client felt safe/accepted/validated/celebrate?

Hi, I wanted to request a dialogue script to be made for a 2-3 minute video assignment. The description for the dialogue requirements is below. The class is about marriage-family therapy and the work should be professional. 
As you consider and reflect on your work in this course, think about something that has stood out to you or led to reactions in you (e.g., maybe a particular belief system, value, or identity was new to you or caused discomfort to you). And, imagine you just met a new MFT colleague at a conference who is looking to refer a client to you. They ask you, “how would you make it comfortable for a client who is…. (that thing that was new or caused discomfort to you)?” Then, create a short dialog and present it in Kaltura. What would you say to this colleague to let them know how you would provide a safe space for this client? What specifically would you address in your work to make sure this client felt safe/accepted/validated/celebrate?
Length: 2-3 minutes of recorded video
References: None required.