How do personal life stories help us better understand the history of labor? Discuss how individual experiences within the workforce contribute to our understanding of labor movements, their challenges, and their influence on society. Explain the importance of these personal narratives in shaping the collective identity and driving change within labor movements.

History of Labor and Work in the U.S. Before the End of Reconstruction (96)

Final Examination Fall 2023

This examination is to be completed outside of class. Students are welcome to refer to as many sources as desired in answering these exam questions. There is no time limit or surveillance for this examination. The due date for returning the answers is December 20, 2023. You will post your responses on our Canvas site.

In this exam, you will write three (3) short essays, one from each color-coded section: Green Section, Blue Section, and Red Section. You may select only one question from each section.

The answer to each question should be approximately 250 words in length (about a single page, double-spaced). Students should ascribe to the rubric for the exam in completing each of the responses.

Our questions are based upon questions that you developed in our course discussions and weekly question posts. So, each page focuses historical issues with which you should be familiar.

Your short essay will express your opinion on the question that you have selected and provide supporting evidence for that opinion.

We have posted information on these historical issues in the Modules section of our Canvas site; however, you are always welcome to bring additional, relevant information from other sources that you feel are pertinent to your short essay. You are
not required to use sources outside our Canvas site. You will cite all sources upon which you rely for support. You should use the APA or MLA format for in-text citations within your essays. You will also provide a Works Cited page at the end of the exam (after the three essays) listing all the web sites, articles, books, and other sources that you have quoted.

Be sure to review the rubric that I have included here and in our syllabus on Final Exam Essay Responses. The rubric emphasizes that: 1. You are expressing an opinion on the question raised by the exam; 2. You are providing support (evidence) and reasoning to justify your opinion; 3. You are choosing your words thoughtfully; and 4. You are explaining why the historical question that you have selected is relevant in 2023. The purpose of this exam is for you to learn how to express a cogent opinion on an historical problem that is relevant today.

Please contact me if you have any questions about the Exam. Thanks for your attention and for your diligent work!

Dr. Lavin
610-724-1404 (Text or talk)

Labor Biography: How Workers’ Stories Shape History

How do personal life stories help us better understand the history of labor? Discuss how individual experiences within the workforce contribute to our understanding of labor movements, their challenges, and their influence on society. Explain the importance of these personal narratives in shaping the collective identity and driving change within labor movements.

How have individual life stories shaped the course of labor history, influencing the progress and challenges faced by workers and their movements? Could you provide examples of individuals that have made great impacts on labor history?

How do autobiographical writings and biographies contribute to a deeper understanding of individuals’ lives, and what key elements are crucial in effectively conveying the struggles and historical environment these individuals went through? 

In ‘The Dance and the Railroad,’ playwright David Henry Hwang explores the experiences of Chinese railroad workers in the 19th century. This play, coupled with Hwang’s insights in his YouTube interview, serves as a unique biographical narrative that sheds light on a specific aspect of labor history. How does biographical writing, like that represented in Hwang’s work, contribute to our understanding of labor history? Discuss the importance of individual stories in illuminating broader historical trends, using ‘The Dance and the Railroad’ as a primary example.

Discuss how the historical experiences of Chinese American railway workers have impacted the development of the American railway system and broader social history. Explore how their personal stories reflect the issues of labor rights, racial relations, and immigration policies of the time, and how these narratives help us gain a more comprehensive understanding of America’s history and cultural diversity.

Explore how the life stories of individual workers, told through biographical writing, deepen our understanding of labor history and its influence on our comprehension of societal and economic development. To what extent does such biography reveal the historical and cultural value of the workforce?

How could reflecting on personal experiences and narratives inspire others to think critically and develop a more profound appreciation for the history of work?

Labor Conflicts, Strikes and Negotiating for Peace & Justice


How might the Rutgers strike this spring impact our understanding of historical labor struggles, and what lessons could students of Labor History learn from analyzing the implications of such contemporary events? You may wish to consider how events have affected people whom we know. Consider how the Labor Movement affected people in the past and present. What did we learn about the process of negotiation?


How have labor disputes evolved over time in terms of their underlying causes, methods of resolution, and the role of technology in communication and organization, and what lessons can be learned from the historical progression of labor conflicts compared to contemporary ones?


How has the role of social media influenced the organization and public perception of labor strikes in the present day compared to the 19th century when such technology didn’t exist?


Nowadays, worker unions have a great influence on modern labor disputes. In the context of the 1835 Paterson strike, how could a union’s involvement aided in advocating for workers’ rights during this time. What were the issues and how did the workers advocate for themselves? How did management respond? What can we learn in 2023 from people who struggled with the conflict in 1835?


What are the different ways that governments have responded to labor conflicts in the past and present?


To what extent do the hardships faced by Chinese railroad workers in the past draw parallels with the struggles of today’s labor force? Are there persistent challenges in achieving fair labor practices and worker rights and how could they be addressed?


In what ways do the strategies, participant demographics, societal impacts, and technological influences of 19th century labor strikes contrast with those in 2023, amidst evolving labor laws, globalization, and digital communication?

Human Rights, Civil Rights, and Labor Rights

How does Isabel Wilkerson’s film ‘An Outrage’ and the events of the 1968 Sanitation Workers’ Strike together illustrate the interconnectedness of civil rights and labor movements in the United States? Additionally, in what ways do these historical events pose unique challenges and perspectives in the field of biographical and historical writing?

To what extent did the legal proceedings of John Brown’s trial reflect the broader societal attitudes towards his actions and the issue of slavery during that period, and how did this impact the perception of justice in the context of the time?

What were the prime motivations and methods of activism of Ida B. Wells? Consequently, what were some obstacles which she had faced throughout her activism and how was she able to circumvent those barriers? 

What were the key factors that contributed to the significance and impact of the 1968 Sanitation Workers’ Strike in civil rights and labor movements?

How does varying media coverage of events such as the Sanitation Workers’ Strike of 1968 impact the public’s attitude towards labor movements and civil rights issues?

How does the biography of Martin Luther King Jr. and key figures in the 1968 Sanitation Workers’ Strike enhance our understanding of civil rights, labor rights, and their relevance today?

In the film An Outrage, it is mentioned multiple times that people do not like to talk about the lynchings of the past. Do you think that it is best to revisit this topic in modern conversation or do you think it is best to leave it alone? Why?

How did the Dr. Martin Luther King speech affect labor market in 20th century, and what is his assessment of labor history in the speech?

How do the documentary ‘An Outrage’ by Isabel Wilkerson, the historical context of lynching, the significance of the Sanitation Workers’ Strike of 1968, and the art of writing biography intersect to illuminate the African American experience and its impact on American society?


Final Exam: Short Essays




Supporting Evidence/Proof

Student must provide historical evidence supporting the opinion stated in the essay. Evidence needs to align with or prove the opinion in a manner that reflects an understanding of the workers.

5.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts

Statement of Opinion

Student must express an opinion regarding the essay question. This opinion should be contained in a carefully worded sentence (or possibly two sentences).

5.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts


Writing on the short-essay exam answers should reflect careful reasoning. Good word choices demonstrate good thoughts.

5.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts


Short essay also must explain how problems of workers of the past are relevant to the struggles of workers in the present.

5.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts

Total Points: 20.0




Occupancy 56.3 68.2 76.5 82.9 87.2 82.2 80.9 ADR  $115.21 $165.80 $170.95 $182.62 $187.38 $184.52 $196.83 RevPAR  $64.86 $113.08 $130.78 $151.39 $163.40 $151.68 $159.24 1. What day has the highest RevPAR? 2. What day has the highest ADR? 3. Which performance Metric is the main driver of the best day in RevPAR performance? 

                    Sun  Mon  Tue  Wed   Thu   Fri    Sat
Occupancy 56.3 68.2 76.5 82.9 87.2 82.2 80.9
ADR  $115.21 $165.80 $170.95 $182.62 $187.38 $184.52 $196.83
RevPAR  $64.86 $113.08 $130.78 $151.39 $163.40 $151.68 $159.24
1. What day has the highest RevPAR?
2. What day has the highest ADR?
3. Which performance Metric is the main driver of the best day in RevPAR performance? 

You have been hired as a marketing consultant in a company. The organization asks you to identify a sample population to determine the demand for a product or service they are planning to offer. You must provide an unbiased sample survey that best represents the population. In your post, State the organization’s industry or purpose. Identify the product or services selected for conducting the survey. State the problem that the product or service will solve. Explain what the organization wants to learn about the product or services from the survey. Explain how and where you determined your sample population and why your sample choice will get the needed data.

You have been hired as a marketing consultant in a company. The organization asks you to identify a sample population to determine the demand for a product or service they are planning to offer. You must provide an unbiased sample survey that best represents the population.
In your post,

State the organization’s industry or purpose.
Identify the product or services selected for conducting the survey.
State the problem that the product or service will solve.
Explain what the organization wants to learn about the product or services from the survey.
Explain how and where you determined your sample population and why your sample choice will get the needed data.
Determine a sample size that will adequately represent the population for your example and how you determined this is an adequate sample size in your survey.

Identify one concept or topic that you learned about during the semester where the  juxtaposition of the online lessons and the personal narratives (memoirs, your own experiences, your classmates’ experiences, and/or interviews) led you to a deeper understanding of the course material. For instance: · Did you understand the concept  more deeply as we explored different personal narratives? · Did your understanding of the concept  change as we added more narratives? · Was your understanding of the concept 

Main Question
For your final paper, you will reflect on the way these different ways of learning and sources of information contributed to your understanding of diversity and human development. Respond to the prompts below in a cohesive, formal paper.

Identify one concept or topic that you learned about during the semester where the 
juxtaposition of the online lessons and the personal narratives (memoirs, your own experiences, your classmates’ experiences, and/or interviews) led you to a deeper understanding of the course material. For instance:
· Did you understand the concept 
more deeply as we explored different personal narratives?
· Did your understanding of the concept 
change as we added more narratives?
· Was your understanding of the concept 
challenged by one or more narratives?
Through the body of your paper, describe how the combination of information sources helped you learn more deeply. Be sure to provide details from the online lessons and personal narratives to support your main points. As you think about your answer, reflect on the following:
· How would you have understood the concept or topic with just the material from the online lesson, but no personal narratives? Would your understanding have been complete, or was something missing?

· How would you have understood it with just one of the personal narratives? Would your understanding have been complete or would something have been missing?

· How did your understanding of the topic or concept deepen or change with additional sources of information?

· Which information sources most strongly influenced your understanding of the concept or topic, and why?

· What did you learn that was new, different, or deeper from each information source?

Conclude by providing a more complete and complex description of the topic or concept, based on the nuances that you explored in your paper.
Choice of Paper Topics

To help you get started, here is a list of some of the main topics we covered this semester. As you learned throughout the semester, many of these topics overlap. You are welcome to bring additional course concepts into your paper, but be sure to stay focused on one main topic.

This list is not exhaustive – if you have a different topic that really interests you, ask the instructor if you can write about it. We want you to pick a topic that really interests you.

· The influence of context on development

· The appeal and dangers of a single story

· Inequality

· Diversity

· A good life or a meaningful life

· Agency within structural constraints

· Resilience

· Culture

· Risk and protective factors

· Internal working models & adult relationships

· Gender roles

· Family relationships & interdependence

· Factors influencing decision-making

· Balancing critical reflection & empathy

· Being open to alternate ideas

Paper Structure

Introduce the topic you will be discussing in the paper, along with which personal narratives you will be using (memoirs, sharing posts, and/or interviews).

Tips: The introduction paragraph should not be too long because you want to get to the heart of the paper relatively quickly, but it should be long enough that it gives the reader a good sense of the overall tone of your paper and what the reader can expect going forward. The introduction paragraph should be a road-map for the reader.
Presentation and Analysis of Evidence

For the heart of your paper, discuss your topic in depth and provide examples to back up your claims. Here is a sample structure for the paper:

Point #1 (one or more paragraphs): Describe what you learned about the topic from the online course content, along with references to that content. What did this information contribute to your understanding of the topic?
Point #2 (two or more paragraphs): Describe what you learned about the topic from the personal narratives (memoirs and/or interviews), along with references to the narratives and citations where necessary. For each personal narrative, be sure to explicitly discuss how this information further shaped your thinking about this topic.
Point #3 (one or more paragraphs): Take a step back and compare/contrast the various information sources. How does the combination of the two sources bring you to a deeper understanding of the topic? Describe the evolution of your thinking as you learned about this topic.
Point #4 (one paragraph): Be sure to explore alternate ideas, narratives that don’t make sense given what you know about the topic or questions you still have about your topic.

Your conclusion should provide a summary of the main points in your paper as well as any final thoughts you have on the material. In your conclusion, be sure to:

· Provide a more complete or complex definition or description of the topic or concept.

· Summarize the way multiple information sources helped you develop this more complex understanding of your topic or concept.

Tips: A good conclusion not only reminds the reader about what the paper was about, but also pushes the discussion just a little bit further so that the reader is still thinking about the issues even when the paper is over.
The Nitty Gritty

· 3-4 pages, double-spaced

· 12-point standard font (Times New Roman, Calibri, etc.)

· APA style in-text citations

· APA style reference list, if you draw from outside sources. You do not need a reference list if you are only using class resources.

· Writing style matters! Make sure you have an introduction, one clear point per paragraph, a logical order to your paper, and conclusion to help frame your paper.

· Papers must have limited typographic, spelling, and grammar errors to receive a passing grade.

Do you think the government, using both fiscal policy and monetary policy, faces any trade-offs in trying to control for inflation vs. unemployment. What do you believe is more of a problem towards long-term economic growth: persistent inflation or unemployment? Make sure to use your readings and what you learned in the modules to justify your arguments.

ECO110HA: Economics for Life

Final Exam

In this module you will complete the Final Exam. This exam covers materials from the second half of the course. For this exam, you will download the exam word document from the course menu. The questions should be written succinctly, using the proper terminology, while showing and explaining all work.
Submit the Final Exam to the Dropbox
no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. (This Dropbox basket is linked to Turnitin.)

1. According to your readings, and from what you have learned in Module 5, how could war stimulate the economy? Explain in detail, making sure to mention the impact government purchases have on Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Also, make sure you make mention of how government purchases affect the private sector. Finally, describe how government purchases, in your opinion, have helped to stimulate or hinder the U.S. economy. You must provide sound economic analysis in your answer.
2. Do you think the government, using both fiscal policy and monetary policy, faces any trade-offs in trying to control for inflation vs. unemployment. What do you believe is more of a problem towards long-term economic growth: persistent inflation or unemployment? Make sure to use your readings and what you learned in the modules to justify your arguments.
3. According to your readings, it will always make economic sense for you to start a business if your business can make economic profit. How does economic profit differ from accounting profit? Have you ever considered starting a business? If you were to start your own business someday, describe the revenues and costs you would consider (make sure you are describing economic profit in your analysis).
4. Suppose you wanted to open a new business in your hometown. Based on what you learned about the different market structures:
a. Describe your business (the product or service, the ideal size of your firm, the requirements needed to enter this market, etc.).
b. Describe the market you would operate in, making sure to detail the characteristics of the market structure and also the opportunities and challenges you might face.
5. As noted in the video
Stalag 17 and in your readings, many things have been used as money over time: cigarettes, gold, paper currency (like the U.S. dollar), etc. Describe the functions of money and consider the U.S. dollar as an example. Although the U.S. dollar has little or no intrinsic value, why do people want it so much? Can you think of other examples of things that act as “money” in our society?

 find an article or news story about some whistleblowing situation.  Please do not use high-profile cases like Snowden or Manning. If you can  find the same story described by different sources all the better. Do  not use some personal experience unless it was discussed in credible new  sources. I need to be able to verify the account.  Then,  using the attached worksheet discuss the case. Specifically, after  telling me a sentence or two about the case, you will identify all of  the key stakeholders and how you feel they were negatively impacted. For  example, if someone released company records and emails to blow the  whistle, discuss whose emails and how the information led to actions  against them. If no one was negatively impacted, then why use it for  this case study?  Discuss  the final outcome (see directions) and most importantly, use your moral  compass to describe or explain why you feel someone’s actions were  morally wrong. Again, if there was no wrongdoing, why was some whistle  blown? 

Please  find an article or news story about some whistleblowing situation.  Please do not use high-profile cases like Snowden or Manning. If you can  find the same story described by different sources all the better. Do  not use some personal experience unless it was discussed in credible new  sources. I need to be able to verify the account. 
Then,  using the attached worksheet discuss the case. Specifically, after  telling me a sentence or two about the case, you will identify all of  the key stakeholders and how you feel they were negatively impacted. For  example, if someone released company records and emails to blow the  whistle, discuss whose emails and how the information led to actions  against them. If no one was negatively impacted, then why use it for  this case study? 
Discuss  the final outcome (see directions) and most importantly, use your moral  compass to describe or explain why you feel someone’s actions were  morally wrong. Again, if there was no wrongdoing, why was some whistle  blown? 
Finally,  imagine you are in a leadership position. What could you reasonably do  to keep the situation from happening again, to prevent the need for  someone to feel a need to blow the whistle? Depending on the situation,  you may feel the real wrongdoer is the whistleblower. If so, then  describe why what the company/government did or is doing is justified,  again using your moral theories.
This  case study will be evaluated using the attached grading table. Please  use this to your advantage to check your work before submitting. Be sure  to apply at least one ethical system in depth, including the  application of at least 3 specific aspects of that system to the  analysis of all parts of the worksheet/case study.

  The Internet provides information quickly and efficiently through a variety of platforms. The ability to efficiently filter and evaluate the abundant information is crucial. For this assignment, select a grade level and choose a current STEM integrated topic that you would teach. Create a digital newsletter with hyperlinks to videos, websites, and valuable resources related to the STEM integrated topic. This digital newsletter will be given to families to inform them of the current technological tools and resources that will be implemented in the STEM classroom. Your digital newsletter should include: Two videos that demonstrate instruction in a STEM classroom. Three examples of presentation tools used in a STEM classroom.

The Internet provides information quickly and efficiently through a variety of platforms. The ability to efficiently filter and evaluate the abundant information is crucial.
For this assignment, select a grade level and choose a current STEM integrated topic that you would teach. Create a digital newsletter with hyperlinks to videos, websites, and valuable resources related to the STEM integrated topic. This digital newsletter will be given to families to inform them of the current technological tools and resources that will be implemented in the STEM classroom.
Your digital newsletter should include:

Two videos that demonstrate instruction in a STEM classroom.
Three examples of presentation tools used in a STEM classroom.
Three informational websites with relevant information to help parents and families at home understand the STEM concept or reinforce the learning presented in class.
Two examples of current technological resources and/or tools that students will use in the classroom.

Support your findings with a minimum of two scholarly resources

Describe what you think the goal of interfaith dialogue is? It is possible to have admiration for other religious people or ideas while also completely disagreeing with aspects of their tradition? Have you ever cooperated or worked together on a task with people from other traditions? Explain

 Describe what you think the goal of interfaith dialogue is? It is possible to have admiration for other religious people or ideas while also completely disagreeing with aspects of their tradition? Have you ever cooperated or worked together on a task with people from other traditions? Explain. 

Mission statements guide an organization’s decisions and strategic plans. Locate an organization’s mission statement. Evaluate the effectiveness of the organization’s mission statement. What changes would you propose the organization make to the mission statement? · Marketing plans propose a marketing strategy that details the chosen marketing mix (product, place, price, and promotion). Distinguish the specific elements of the organization’s marketing mix and evaluate the extent to which the strategy reflected in these elements is aligned with the organization’s mission statement. What recommendations would you make to better align the organization’s marketing strategy with its mission?


Ferrell, O. C., & Hartline, M. D. (2017). Marketing strategy: Text and cases (7th ed.). SouthWestern/Cengage Learning.

UNIT 2 Complete
Using APA format and at least four APA formatted references and citations, please respond to the following questions:
Choose an organization to use as your focus for answering the following questions. This organization may be the organization for which you work. If you choose a different organization, be certain to choose one that has published information needed to answer the questions. Using APA format and at least four APA formatted references and citations, please respond to the following questions:
· Mission statements guide an organization’s decisions and strategic plans. Locate an organization’s mission statement. Evaluate the effectiveness of the organization’s mission statement. What changes would you propose the organization make to the mission statement?
· Marketing plans propose a marketing strategy that details the chosen marketing mix (product, place, price, and promotion). Distinguish the specific elements of the organization’s marketing mix and evaluate the extent to which the strategy reflected in these elements is aligned with the organization’s mission statement. What recommendations would you make to better align the organization’s marketing strategy with its mission?
· Analyze the current and future situation with respect to the organization’s target market using the 5W Model for Customer Analysis.
· Examine the organization’s external environment and make inferences as to the impact these external factors may have on the organization’s current and future marketing planning.
· Identify the organization’s competitive advantage. Is the competitive advantage durable and valuable? Defend or critique the organization’s competitive advantage based upon your earlier analyses.

Review your research problem statement from your last assingment to develop your research question. Consider the levels of measurement for your variables: nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio. After reviewing your research question and considering the levels of measurement, analyze your classification for each variable. What was behind your reasoning for labeling the variables? How might the data be analyzed based on these labels?

To prepare:

Review your research problem statement from your last assingment to develop your research question.
Consider the levels of measurement for your variables: nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio.
After reviewing your research question and considering the levels of measurement, analyze your classification for each variable. What was behind your reasoning for labeling the variables? How might the data be analyzed based on these labels?
Consider advantages and challenges that you might encounter in the statistical analysis of your proposed variables.

The assignment: Post your research question and describe the independent and dependent variables. Then, identify the level of measurement of both your independent and dependent variables. Provide a brief rationale for your classification of each variable. Be specific. Explain considerations of analyzing data related to each variable based on its level of measurement. Be sure to include any advantages or challenges that you might encounter in your statistical analysis of each variable and explain why. please include at least 3 references