Distinguish between the different types of costs that were examined this week, such as sunk costs, opportunity costs, and outlay costs. [please also mention other costs that are not listed]2.What costs are relevant to decision making?3.How do managers overcome the natural tendency to consider historical and sunk costs when evaluating business alternatives?

1.Distinguish between the different types of costs that were examined this week, such as sunk costs, opportunity costs, and outlay costs. [please also mention other costs that are not listed]2.What costs are relevant to decision making?3.How do managers overcome the natural tendency to consider historical and sunk costs when evaluating business alternatives?
ApproximatelyPlease in cite referencing [Harvard style] and Harvard Referencing.Please use Journal articles.One or two real life examples

After watching the video, Muslims in Germany (http://video.pbs.org/video/1559885543), explain why you think Muslims have been seen and treated as foreigners within Germany. What cultural barriers have been erected by Germans against Muslims? Why do you think the younger generations of Muslims are more religious than their parents? What problems do Muslims in Germany face in comparison to those who live in France or the United States?

After watching the video, Muslims in Germany (http://video.pbs.org/video/1559885543), explain why you think Muslims have been seen and treated as foreigners within Germany. What cultural barriers have been erected by Germans against Muslims? Why do you think the younger generations of Muslims are more religious than their parents? What problems do Muslims in Germany face in comparison to those who live in France or the United States?
Your initial post should be at leastin length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.                   

Drug use is found among all ages, genders, races, socioeconomic statuses, educational levels, and cultures. Throughout the course, you will follow the story of Aaliyah where you will apply the concepts you learn. In this module, you will meet Aaliyah and get to know her current situation.   Analyze the case study and review your readings. Respond to the following: Identify and analyze Aaliyah’s risk and protective factors for drug use. Describe at least two factors for each. Discuss at least one thing not mentioned in the case study that could be an additional risk factor or protective factor for Aaliyah. Explain what these risk and protective factors imply for future substance use.

See attachment for reading. Thank you!!!
Assignment 3: Risk Factors and Protective Factors
Drug use is found among all ages, genders, races, socioeconomic statuses, educational levels, and cultures. Throughout the course, you will follow the story of Aaliyah where you will apply the concepts you learn. In this module, you will meet Aaliyah and get to know her current situation.
Analyze the case study and review your readings. Respond to the following:

Identify and analyze Aaliyah’s risk and protective factors for drug use. Describe at least two factors for each.
Discuss at least one thing not mentioned in the case study that could be an additional risk factor or protective factor for Aaliyah.
Explain what these risk and protective factors imply for future substance use.

Write a 2-3-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M1_A3.doc.
By Wednesday, May 11, 2016, deliver your assignment to the M1: Assignment 3 Dropbox.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Identify and analyze Aaliyah’s risk and protective factors for drug use. Describe at least two factors for each.


Discuss at least one thing not mentioned in the case study that could be an additional risk factor or protective factor for Aaliyah.


Explain what these risk and protective factors imply for future substance use.


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.




Consider situation in which imposing an identity onto some one might be considered unethical. Is it unethical to tell people that they are strong when attempting to get their assistance with lifting a heavy object? Is that situation unethical if you really do not believe they are strong?

Consider situation in which imposing an identity onto some one might be considered unethical. Is it unethical to tell people that they are strong when attempting to get their assistance with lifting a heavy object? Is that situation unethical if you really do not believe they are strong? Is encouraging your classmate by telling them that they are smart and will do well on an upcoming exam unethical. If you really do not believe either to be true are saying to help

Write a paper discussing how you would transform this image to make a strong personal statement using one of the following contemporary visual arts media:   Include the following information about the original work of art:   Explain the influence of new technologies (above) on the visual arts. The name and nationality of the artist The media that was used Title of the original art work

Choose a work of visual art, in this same spirit, that was created between 1870 and 1930, anywhere in the world, which resonates with you personally.
Write a paper discussing how you would transform this image to make a strong personal statement using one of the following contemporary visual arts media:
Include the following information about the original work of art:

Explain the influence of new technologies (above) on the visual arts.
The name and nationality of the artist
The media that was used
Title of the original art work
The date it was created
A full verbal description and visual analysis of the work
The aesthetic movement it represents
The message it was intended to communicate

Include the following:

Describe in detail the work you would create
How you would create it
The media, process, and materials you would use
What your work would look like
The message it would communicate
Where it would be displayed
Who would see it
Explain fully how the message you intend relates to the message that was intended by the original artist.

Use the following supplemental resources:

For The Judgment of Paris, see Fig. 48 in your textbook.
For Le Dejuener sur l’herbe, see Fig. 47 in your textbook 
For Olympia, see Fig. 672 in your textbook 
For Portrait (Twins), Fig. 721 in your textbook 

Prepare a set of questions and concerns the nursing staff and patients would probably want answered by the end of the meeting. Keep in mind that the nurses and patients may have different, and in some cases, competing concerns. List at least three (3) questions and three (3) concerns for each group under the following three (3) categories: nursing, patients, and shared.

Part A

Prepare a set of questions and concerns the nursing staff and patients would probably want answered by the end of the meeting. Keep in mind that the nurses and patients may have different, and in some cases, competing concerns. List at least three (3) questions and three (3) concerns for each group under the following three (3) categories: nursing, patients, and shared. (15 points)  

The French writer, Emile Zola, claimed that the impressionists were selling sketches that are hardly dry. Identify and example of an impressionist painting that represents Zola’s description. The availability of paint in metallic tubes in the 19th century made “en plein-air” possible for impressionist artists. Identify a 20th or 21st century invention that has contributed to an innovation in art and expalin why.

The French writer, Emile Zola, claimed that the impressionists were selling sketches that are hardly dry. Identify and example of an impressionist painting that represents Zola’s description. The availability of paint in metallic tubes in the 19th century made “en plein-air” possible for impressionist artists. Identify a 20th or 21st century invention that has contributed to an innovation in art and expalin why. If you had the opportunity to have your owen or your family’s portrait painted by either Monet or Renoir, which artist would you choose? Explain the reasons for your choice.

Identify a religion that you believe has the most in common with the teachings of Christianity. Explain your choice by discussing at least three comparative aspects of these two religions.

Need at least a paragraph. 
Identify a religion that you believe has the most in common with the teachings of Christianity. Explain your choice by discussing at least three comparative aspects of these two religions.
The professor provided some websites.  These may help with the assignment

Reflect on your overall practicum experience in this course. Then, address the following in your Practicum Journal: Explain whether your therapeutic theory has changed as a result of your practicum experiences. Recall the theories you selected in Week 1. Explain how you integrated the therapeutic approaches from this course in your clinical practice. Include how this helped you achieve the goals and objectives you developed in Week 1. Explain how you might impact social change through your work with clients who have mental health issues.

 5 references not more than 5 years
zero plagiarism
Reflect on your overall practicum experience in this course. Then, address the following in your Practicum Journal:

Explain whether your therapeutic theory has changed as a result of your practicum experiences. Recall the theories you selected in Week 1.
Explain how you integrated the therapeutic approaches from this course in your clinical practice. Include how this helped you achieve the goals and objectives you developed in Week 1.
Explain how you might impact social change through your work with clients who have mental health issues.
Support your approach with evidence-based literature.

Explain the importance of a SWOT analysis Research Apple and write in complete paragraphs to explain Apple’s: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. How do these impact this company? What should management do to overcome the weaknesses and threats? How can this company take advantage of the strengths and opportunities?

Write a 5+ page, double-spaced essay regarding:

Explain the importance of a SWOT analysis
Research Apple and write in complete paragraphs to explain Apple’s: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. How do these impact this company?
What should management do to overcome the weaknesses and threats?
How can this company take advantage of the strengths and opportunities?

Write in APA format. Include an introduction, body and conclusion. Cite consistently throughout your work in APA format. Paraphrase rather than directly quote citations.Write in third person. Include a title and reference page.For an example of a paper in APA format, please see:

For help with formatting the essay, please watch the following video

Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Please include citations to support your ideas.