In our society, we are expected to be open and friendly with everyone (at least on the surface). People who work serving the public must be especially warm and pleasant, whether or not they feel that way. Flight attendants, for example, are trained to smile no matter how rude passengers are (think of Pan Am, SWA). Clerks are supposed to tell us to have a nice day. And, servers in restaurants are often expected to introduce themselves and carry on cheery conversations. This kind of job requirement has been labeled “emotional labor,” since it requires that we manufacture emotions that we may not feel. Critics have noted that it can be exhausting work. Answer the following set of discussion questions and submit Have you ever worked in a job that called for “emotional labor” of this kind? How did you feel about it? How were you treated by the public?

Emotional Labor
In our society, we are expected to be open and friendly with everyone (at least on the surface). People who work serving the public must be especially warm and pleasant, whether or not they feel that way. Flight attendants, for example, are trained to smile no matter how rude passengers are (think of Pan Am, SWA). Clerks are supposed to tell us to have a nice day. And, servers in restaurants are often expected to introduce themselves and carry on cheery conversations. This kind of job requirement has been labeled “emotional labor,” since it requires that we manufacture emotions that we may not feel. Critics have noted that it can be exhausting work.
Answer the following set of discussion questions and submit
Have you ever worked in a job that called for “emotional labor” of this kind?
How did you feel about it? How were you treated by the public?
Was your friendliness reciprocated, ignored, or responded to rudely?
Describe some of the situations where you had to “put on a front.” Some people report that having to do this kind of emotional work makes them feel either guilty or phony. How can people keep from feeling burnt out by the interpersonal demands of their jobs?
Are men and women expected to show equal signs of warmth and friendliness or is there a sexual division of emotional labor?
How are emotional displays related to status (position in society, income level, etc.)?
Is the head of an organization expected to engage in as much emotional display as a clerical worker?
How personal should people be with those they work with?
Should a certain amount of reserve be maintained on the job, or is it always healthy to be as friendly and personal as possible?

Choose an example of a time when you worked with a team. Use only third person voice in developing the content. Write a 2- to 4-page paper about that experience. Answer the following questions: ? Did the team develop into a well-functioning unit? If so, how? If not, why? ? Was there a team leader? o If so, why was there a leader? How effective was the leader?

Choose an example of a time when you worked with a team.
Use only third person voice in developing the content.
Write a 2- to 4-page paper about that experience. Answer the
following questions:
? Did the team develop into a well-functioning unit? If so,
how? If not, why?
? Was there a team leader?
o If so, why was there a leader? How effective was the
o If not, how did that affect the group dynamic?
? What made the team effective? How could the team
have improved?
? How does this experience relate to the overall functions
of group behavior described in the text?

What purpose does HR management (HRM) serve in an organization?

MGMT 410 Human Resource Management Devry
Week 1
Week 1: Understanding HRM – Discussion 1

The Purpose of HRM (Graded)

What purpose does HR management (HRM) serve in an organization?
(Please remember that proper APA citation is required for ALL course work, including our discussions. This means that any material you borrow from the Internet, our textbook, or any other source MUST be set in quotation marks and the source noted. Then you MUST add your own thoughts and ideas to the borrowed material. Borrowed material must never dominate a student’s work.)

Week 1: Understanding HRM – Discussion 2

Functions of HRM (Graded)

What are the four basic HRM functions? How exactly do these functions assist the organization in reaching its goals?

Week 1 Assignment:
Strategic Linkages Assignment (550+ Words)

The French writer, Emile Zola, claimed that the impressionists were selling sketches that are hardly dry. Identify and example of an impressionist painting that represents Zola’s description. The availability of paint in metallic tubes in the 19th century made “en plein-air” possible for impressionist artists. Identify a 20th or 21st century invention that has contributed to an innovation in art and expalin why.

The French writer, Emile Zola, claimed that the impressionists were selling sketches that are hardly dry. Identify and example of an impressionist painting that represents Zola’s description. The availability of paint in metallic tubes in the 19th century made “en plein-air” possible for impressionist artists. Identify a 20th or 21st century invention that has contributed to an innovation in art and expalin why. If you had the opportunity to have your owen or your family’s portrait painted by either Monet or Renoir, which artist would you choose? Explain the reasons for your choice.

The concept of audience is often overlooked by students when writing in an academic setting. However, knowing your reader is an essential part of creating an authoritative essay. Have you even considered what impact does the concept of audience have on writing? Using the readings for this module, respond to the following: How does the audience influence the structure, tone, word choice, and content of an essay? Consider the audience in a classroom setting. What assumptions might you make regarding your audience?

The concept of audience is often overlooked by students when writing in an academic setting. However, knowing your reader is an essential part of creating an authoritative essay. Have you even considered what impact does the concept of audience have on writing?
Using the readings for this module, respond to the following:

How does the audience influence the structure, tone, word choice, and content of an essay?
Consider the audience in a classroom setting. What assumptions might you make regarding your audience?

Write your initial response in abo

I enjoyed reading your post regarding your implementations to improve the maternal and children mortality rate within Bolivia. The maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Bolivia is one of the higher rates in Latin America, at 229 per 100,000 live births.¹ With the implementation of insurance policies and coverage for mother and children, does your implementation involves making maternal and prevent services free for women and children?


You must respond with at least 250 words. Your replies must do the following:
Rebuttals in which you will have the final word and clarify your classmates’ understanding.
We are talking about Women and Children Mortality Rates in Bolivia
Reference at least 1 scholarly source for each reply.
References in APA.

1)      Other student response:
Great Post! You are well on your way to a successful program. I really enjoyed reading about your efforts to help reduce maternal and child mortality. You’ve posed an interesting area to address. I do agree that a well organized fundamental program is very much desired to help the people of Bolivia more importantly the mothers. The maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Bolivia is one of the higher rates in Latin America, at 229 per 100,000 live births1. Though this is already a high number, it becomes more shocking when disaggregated in terms of rural and urban MMR: According to Womankind Worldwide, the ratio for Rural Bolivia is 602 out of 100,0002. What makes this number more tragic is that it is unnecessarily high, as “most deaths related to pregnancy and childbirth in developing countries can be prevented through appropriate use of health services”3.
 Educating the community on the importance of utilizing health services and educating them on the reproductive system can be benefitting and more important save lives. You have mentioned that a vertical approach would best fit programs goals you are trying to obtain. Lankester states that vertical approaches work best for tackling single complex issues but they tend to bypass community action and initiative. They focus more on empowerment. I wanted to ask other than tackling the concern of why the people aren’t utilizing health amenities and empowering the locals with the knowledge of the reproductive system, are you also going to consider the other diseases that causes maternal and child mortality rate to increase?
2)      Other Student response:
I enjoyed reading your post regarding your implementations to improve the maternal and children mortality rate within Bolivia. The maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Bolivia is one of the higher rates in Latin America, at 229 per 100,000 live births.¹ With the implementation of insurance policies and coverage for mother and children, does your implementation involves making maternal and prevent services free for women and children? We know that poverty is closely linked with higher maternal and perinatal mortality.² When it comes to insurance policies and coverage, the out of pocket cost such as premiums for the coverage, the deductibles, copays, coinsurance, and out of pocket maximums need to be very affordable for the low income families. Also, if the maternal services and prevent services are free, this will encourage individuals within the low income community to go to the doctor for these services because they know it will all be covered.
Equal distribution of health facilities and providers in urban and rural areas is a great implementation, because individuals in rural area are forgotten when the country makes decisions on where to place health facilities. Neither shalt thou countenance a poor man in his cause.³ Providers should be held to a standard of treating all women with respect and stick to the code of conduct regarding the services they provide to patients. Sexual and reproductive health education programs is a great idea in order in to control the fertility rate, but are there particular diseases associated with the maternal and children mortality rate? Should there be educational programs in place to address these diseases?

Prepare a set of questions and concerns the nursing staff and patients would probably want answered by the end of the meeting. Keep in mind that the nurses and patients may have different, and in some cases, competing concerns. List at least three (3) questions and three (3) concerns for each group under the following three (3) categories: nursing, patients, and shared.

Part A

Prepare a set of questions and concerns the nursing staff and patients would probably want answered by the end of the meeting. Keep in mind that the nurses and patients may have different, and in some cases, competing concerns. List at least three (3) questions and three (3) concerns for each group under the following three (3) categories: nursing, patients, and shared. (15 points)  

What is your idea of a healthy community? Provide specific examples. What do healthy communities have in common? How would you provide care for a community if your idea of a healthy community does not match your community’s definition of a healthy community?

Part 1
What is your idea of a healthy community? Provide specific examples. What do healthy communities have in common? How would you provide care for a community if your idea of a healthy community does not match your community’s definition of a healthy community?
Part 1 – learning strategies assignment 2
Universities and college require documentation or citing, such as APA, to identify the ideas of authors and organizations in scholarly work. Students are often frustrated by the rules and regulations set up by APA, MLA and other similar groups. In 150 words or more, share your ideas on the following question. What do you think would be the impact on scholarly research if colleges did not require APA or another form of citing?
Part 2
In the skills assignment consider ways you utilize the Internet and how it impacts your daily routine. Now think about how the Internet is used professionally and how the Internet would apply to your future career. In a 1-2-page  summarize your ideas and provide examples on how the Internet impacts personal and professional avenues. I will be opening restaurant for my future career.
Part 4
Look back at the case of Antoine Jones. Police and FBI officers, acting without a warrant and using a GPS device, tracked his car 24 hours a day for nearly a month. The information they gathered contributed to his arrest and conviction on drug charges. If you had been on the Supreme Court, how would you have voted in this case? Would you have allowed the evidence to be used? What arguments would you have made to support your position?
5 sentences
Part 5
Week 2 Individual Project 1
Deliverable length: 200 -250 words
Course Objective(s):

Identify the proper methods for thawing, cooking, holding, and reheating food items.
Discuss the importance and method of rapid cooling.
Identify the methods for controlling foodborne illness.
Describe methods of cleaning and sanitizing.

The hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) approach is a food safety management system that focuses on the control of hazards through the food flow other than just sanitation. These actions, critical control points (CCP) such as times and temperatures, are required to prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard, or reduce danger zones to acceptable levels.
The new owners of Mario’s Italian Restaurant have decided that all of their recipes must have time temperature controls built into their existing recipe base to reduce the possibility of an outbreak of food-borne illness. They have given you their secret recipe (below) for their meat-based tomato sauce known as Bolognese sauce.
Answer the following questions as part of your response: 

Using the Bolognese sauce recipe with identified the cooking, cooling, times and temperatures.
Describe 4 approved methods for safely defrosting foods.
What steps must be taken if food is defrosted in a microwave? Why?
Describe the proper cooling method.
On the day of service, the Bolognese sauce is to be reheated and hot held for service. Again, what are the time and temperature controls?
Make sure to include time and temperatures for all processes, and explain how these methods reduce the incidences of food-borne illnesses. Rapid chilling, labeling, and storage must take place.

Bolognese Sauce
4 tablespoons unsalted butter
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 large onion, minced
2 carrots, in small dice
2 large celery ribs, in small dice
1 1?2 lbs. ground chuck (frozen)
1?4 lb. prosciutto, minced
3?4 cup white wine
3 cups whole milk
1 (28 ounce) can whole canned tomatoes, pureed in a food mill or blender
1?4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg, more to taste
salt & freshly ground black pepper
1. Defrost ground beef.
2. In a large skillet, heat the butter and oil over moderately low heat.
3. Add the onion, carrot and celery and sauté until the vegetables are soft, 10 to 15 minutes.
4. Add the beef and cook slowly, breaking it up with a fork, until it changes color; do not allow the meat to sear or harden.
5. Stir in the prosciutto.
6. Add the wine and simmer until most of the wine has evaporated.
7. Stir in 1 1/2 cups milk and simmer until the milk is largely absorbed.
8. Add the tomatoes, nutmeg and salt and pepper to taste.
9. Cover partially and adjust the heat to maintain a bare simmer.
10. Cook 4 hours, stirring occasionally.
11. Cool. Hold refrigerated until needed.
For service
12. Reheat sauce
13. Add the remaining 1 1/2 cups milk in 3 batches. Allow each addition to be absorbed before adding more.
14. Taste and adjust the seasoning.
15. Hold in Bain Marie.
Please submit your assignment.
You will be graded on the following:

Individual Project Grading Rubric

Format: Adherence to deliverable length, proper grammar, and APA format.


Content: Content meets requirements and is an obvious response to the assignment details.


Support: Ideas are supported with examples and evidence.


Knowledge: A clear understanding of course material is demonstrated.


Accuracy: Information is accurate with no factual errors.



What is risk management and what role does it play in disaster recovery planning? What disaster recovery plan have you witnessed in an organization?

NTC 411 Entire Course
NTC 411 Week 1 Complete DQs
(A) Why is it important to explore traffic behavior when designing a network? What problems could arise if you do not understand traffic behavior when you build a new network or upgrade a network?
(B) In what ways are network management and network security interrelated? When designing for network management, what security concerns will you address? When designing for security, what network management concerns will you address?
(C) Find a web site, an article on a web site or a peer reviewed article that is related to this weeks material.  Write a 300 word synopsis what you have found and explain why you think it is relevant.  Make sure you include the references and links to the article or web site.
NTC 411 Week 1 Individual Network Design Assessment
NTC 411 Week 1 Summary
                                                                   NTC 411 Week 2
NTC 411 Week 2 Complete DQs
(A) In what ways do ERP and SCM software complement each other, and why should they be integrated?
(B) What are the three types of business intelligence’s and how can they affect decisions.
 (C) Find a web site, an article on a web site or a peer reviewed article that is related to this weeks material.  Write a 300 word synopsis what you have found and explain why you think it is relevant.  Make sure you include the references and links to the article or web site
NTC 411 Week 2 Individual Network Management Paper
NTC 411 Week 2 Team project outline
NTC 411 Week 2 Summary
                                                                       NTC 411 Week 3
NTC 411 Week 3 Complete DQs
(A) What are the most important criteria for selecting a WAN service provider? Why?
(B) What are the benefits and disadvantages of onshore sourcing compared to those of offshoring?
(C) Find a web site, an article on a web site or a peer reviewed article that is related to this weeks material.  Write a 300 word synopsis what you have found and explain why you think it is relevant.  Make sure you include the references and links to the article or web site.
NTC 411 Week 3 Individual Assessing the Business Value of Outsourcing
NTC 411 Week 3 Team Business Continuity Plan
NTC 411 Week 3 Summary
                                                                          NTC 411 Week 4
NTC 411 Week 4 Complete DQs
(A) What are the responsibilities of a chief information security officer?  Where and how does the person occupying this position fit into a large enterprise?
(B) Why is information security a management problem?  What can management do that technology cannot?
(C) Find a web site, an article on a web site or a peer reviewed article that is related to this weeks material.  Write a 300 word synopsis what you have found and explain why you think it is relevant.
NTC 411 Week 4 Individual Network Security
NTC 411 Week 4 Team Business Continuity Plan
NTC 411 Week 4 Summary
                                                                      NTC 411 Week 5
(A) What is risk management and what role does it play in disaster recovery planning? What disaster recovery plan have you witnessed in an organization?
(B) What are the differences between a business continuity plan, a disaster recovery plan, and an incident response plan? How do they relate to each other and when are they used? What business continuity plan or incident response plan have you witnessed in an organization?
(C) Find a web site, an article on a web site or a peer reviewed article that is related to this weeks material.  Write a 300 word synopsis what you have found and explain why you think it is relevant.  Make sure you include the references and links to the article or web site.
NTC 411 Week 5 Individual Security Solutions
NTC 411 Week 5 Team Business Continuity Plan paper
NTC 411 Week 5 Team Business Continuity Plan Presentation
NTC 411 Week 5 Summary

Distinguish between the different types of costs that were examined this week, such as sunk costs, opportunity costs, and outlay costs. [please also mention other costs that are not listed]2.What costs are relevant to decision making?3.How do managers overcome the natural tendency to consider historical and sunk costs when evaluating business alternatives?

1.Distinguish between the different types of costs that were examined this week, such as sunk costs, opportunity costs, and outlay costs. [please also mention other costs that are not listed]2.What costs are relevant to decision making?3.How do managers overcome the natural tendency to consider historical and sunk costs when evaluating business alternatives?
ApproximatelyPlease in cite referencing [Harvard style] and Harvard Referencing.Please use Journal articles.One or two real life examples