Imagine your team represents the executive committee at an imaginary organization tasked with drafting a CSR policy.What role does your organization play in the community?What factors in your organization influence the social responsibility strategies?What is one social initiative your organization will champion?

individually, a corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy at a large organization. Prepare to discuss the benefits and disadvantages of the policy with your team.
Imagine your team represents the executive committee at an imaginary organization tasked with drafting a CSR policy.What role does your organization play in the community?What factors in your organization influence the social responsibility strategies?What is one social initiative your organization will champion? Each person must represent a different stakeholder in the company.
Document your committee’s views on the essential components of a CSR policy. Include the following: 
•What role does your organization play in the community?What factors in your organization influence the social responsibility strategies?What is one social initiative your organization will champion?
•What factors in your organization influence the social responsibility strategies?
•What is one social initiative your organization will champion?
•What is your organization’s responsibility to the community? Explain.
•What are the main components of an effective CSR policy?
•What are the potential consequences of your chosen social initiative and policy? 
Prepare a 15 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, including speaker notes, presenting your CSR policy to key stakeholders in your organization.

Six vitamin and three sugar tablets identical in appearance are in a box. One tablet is taken at random and given to Person A. A tablet is then selected and given to Person B. What is the probability that e. exactly one person was given a vitamin tablet?f. Person A was given a sugar tablet and Person B was given a vitamin tablet? g. Person A was given a vitamin tablet and Person B was given a sugar tablet?

Six vitamin and three sugar tablets identical in appearance are in a box. One tablet is taken at random and given to Person A. A tablet is then selected and given to Person B.
What is the probability that
e. exactly one person was given a vitamin tablet?f. Person A was given a sugar tablet and Person B was given a vitamin tablet?
g. Person A was given a vitamin tablet and Person B was given a sugar tablet?

Why would a company offer its application for free during a crisis such as COVID-19? Explain the four characteristics of Business 2.0?

Read Case #15 – “CORONAVIRUS COLLABORATION” then answer the following questions: Page #259
Why would a company offer its application for free during a crisis such as COVID-19?
Explain the four characteristics of Business 2.0?
Your submission should be a Word document of at least , with proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, including APA formatted references and in-text citations.

Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you: Explain the project procurement process.  Explain how change control is implemented in the information technology processes. Analyze the required elements of a communication plan.  Describe the different organizational structures as it relates to project management (i.e., functional, project-based, matrix). Assess the importance of the project manager’s role in organizational leadership.

Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you:

Explain the project procurement process. 
Explain how change control is implemented in the information technology processes.
Analyze the required elements of a communication plan. 
Describe the different organizational structures as it relates to project management (i.e., functional, project-based, matrix).
Assess the importance of the project manager’s role in organizational leadership.
Examine the different leadership approaches and determine when each approach is best utilized.
Describe three (3) conflict resolution techniques that project managers can utilize to keep team members productive. 
Describe five (5) ethical situations that project managers may face in their role.
Explain the role of technology in project management.
Use at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. 

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Prepare strategies to manage project resources to include human resources, capital equipment, and time.
Summarize the project procurement process including external acquisition and outsourcing.
Design project execution activities including change control and communicating project status.
Summarize methods to control technology projects through information tracking and cost and change control techniques.
Evaluate the ethical issues in complex project environments.
Identify and plan communication strategies for project constituents and stakeholders across global teams and those internal to the organization.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in information systems and technology.
Write clearly and concisely about Information Technology Project Management topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

Develop at least three methods to monitor and control your proposed strategic plan, being sure to analyze how the measures will advance organizational goals financially and operationally. Explain the ethical issues faced by the organization, summarize the legal and regulatory issues faced by the organization, and then summarize the organization’s corporate social responsibility.

Resources: University of Phoenix Material: Business Model and Strategic Planning Outline; Innovation Business Model, Vision, Mission, Values; Supply and Value Chain; SWOTT Analysis; Balanced Scorecard; Communication Plan
Write a word section for your business model and strategic plan in which you add your strategies and tactics to implement and realize your objectives, measures, and targets.
Include marketing and information technology strategies and tactics.
Develop at least three methods to monitor and control your proposed strategic plan, being sure to analyze how the measures will advance organizational goals financially and operationally.
Explain the ethical issues faced by the organization, summarize the legal and regulatory issues faced by the organization, and then summarize the organization’s corporate social responsibility.
Develop a 350-word page executive summary defining the new division of existing business. Share your Vision, Mission, final business model, value proposition and list your key assumptions, risks, and change management issues. Quantify the growth and profit opportunity and planned impact on various stakeholders.
Note: Any investor should be eager to meet with you after reading your executive summary.
Using the University of Phoenix Material: Business Model and Strategic Planning Outline as a guide, combine Parts 1, 2, and 3 of your completed business model strategic plan with your Final Business Plan Model assignment and Executive Summary. This includes the Business Model, Vision, Mission, Values, SWOTT Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis, Balanced Scorecard, and Communication Plan from prior weeks. Your consolidated final strategic plan should be 4,200 to 5,250 words in length.
Format paper consistent with APA guidelines.

How many grams of NH3 can be produced from 3.80mol of N2 and excess H2 ? 2-How many grams of H2 are needed to produce 10.76g of NH3 ? 3-How many molecules (not moles) of NH3 are produced from 3.16×10?4g of H2 ? 4-What mass of carbon dioxide is produced from the complete combustion of 7.10×10?3g of methane?

1- How many grams of NH3 can be produced from 3.80mol of N2 and excess H2 ?
2-How many grams of H2 are needed to produce 10.76g of NH3 ?
3-How many molecules (not moles) of NH3 are produced from 3.16×10?4g of H2 ?
4-What mass of carbon dioxide is produced from the complete combustion of 7.10×10?3g of methane?
5-What mass of water is produced from the complete combustion of 7.10×10?3g of methane?
6-What mass of oxygen is needed for the complete combustion of 7.10×10?3g of methane?

If you could live anywhere in the world, and if you had the opportunity to work with any of these organizations, which one/s would you choose? Why? What interests you most about your chosen agencies? What areas might you struggle with or have difficulties with? Are there any other organizations not listed below that also interest you? YWCA: The Red Cross:

If you could live anywhere in the world, and if you had the opportunity to work with any of these organizations, which one/s would you choose? Why? What interests you most about your chosen agencies? What areas might you struggle with or have difficulties with? Are there any other organizations not listed below that also interest you?
The Red Cross:
Human Rights Watch:
Amnesty International:
Futures Without Violence:
National Coalition for the Homeless:
This paper must be at least 1 page, double spaced, 12 font and 1 inch margins. It is worth 25 points.

Describe the techniques of managing change   Organizations, like all cultures, must continue to evolve or they stagnate and eventually become obsolete. Using change management tools can help an organization to stay vibrant and evolve over time to remain competitive. Research change management models, and address the following: Describe 2–3 change management models.  

Describe the techniques of managing change
Organizations, like all cultures, must continue to evolve or they stagnate and eventually become obsolete. Using change management tools can help an organization to stay vibrant and evolve over time to remain competitive. Research change management models, and address the following:

Describe 2–3 change management models.


You are interning at Healing Hands Hospital. The hospital is an acute-care community hospital with about 300 beds. The hospital has in-patient services for short-stay acute-care patients; an in-patient mental health unit; an ambulatory surgical clinic; and specialized units in cancer, maternal, and cardiac care. Your internship mentor is the assistant director of operations, William Wood. Mr. Wood has agreed to let you sit in on various hospital meetings. Additionally, you will provide Healing Hands Hospital with some information assistance and work with Mr. Wood on various projects related to the operations of the hospital.

You are interning at Healing Hands Hospital. The hospital is an acute-care community hospital with about 300 beds. The hospital has in-patient services for short-stay acute-care patients; an in-patient mental health unit; an ambulatory surgical clinic; and specialized units in cancer, maternal, and cardiac care.
Your internship mentor is the assistant director of operations, William Wood. Mr. Wood has agreed to let you sit in on various hospital meetings. Additionally, you will provide Healing Hands Hospital with some information assistance and work with Mr. Wood on various projects related to the operations of the hospital.

What purpose does HR management (HRM) serve in an organization?

MGMT 410 Human Resource Management Devry
Week 1
Week 1: Understanding HRM – Discussion 1

The Purpose of HRM (Graded)

What purpose does HR management (HRM) serve in an organization?
(Please remember that proper APA citation is required for ALL course work, including our discussions. This means that any material you borrow from the Internet, our textbook, or any other source MUST be set in quotation marks and the source noted. Then you MUST add your own thoughts and ideas to the borrowed material. Borrowed material must never dominate a student’s work.)

Week 1: Understanding HRM – Discussion 2

Functions of HRM (Graded)

What are the four basic HRM functions? How exactly do these functions assist the organization in reaching its goals?

Week 1 Assignment:
Strategic Linkages Assignment (550+ Words)