Integrative Information Systems: You have been selected to develop an integrated system between your organization and a newly acquired business unit. Your charge is to explore the challenges of integration that are common between the two organizations that are trying to come together and suggest an implementation strategy to ensure a smooth flow of information. You are to discuss the key stakeholders in the process, the regulatory factors which may affect your plan, and the cost of implementation. Describe the outcomes you wish to achieve.

Integrative Information Systems: You have been selected to develop an integrated system between your organization and a newly acquired business unit. Your charge is to explore the challenges of integration that are common between the two organizations that are trying to come together and suggest an implementation strategy to ensure a smooth flow of information. You are to discuss the key stakeholders in the process, the regulatory factors which may affect your plan, and the cost of implementation. Describe the outcomes you wish to achieve. You must address how your new integrated system will move the healthcare organization forward as it relates to the PATIENT PROTECTION AND AFFORDABLE CARE ACT and HITECH. THINK ABOUT THE TENETS OF BEACON COMMUNITIES OR HEALTH INFORMATION EXCHANGES (HIEs).
7 steps/ points to make power point on:
1. Challenges of integration
2. Implementation strategy
3. Key stakeholders
4. Regulatory factors
5. Cost of implementation
6. Outcomes
7. How it will move the healthcare organization forward as it relates to PP, ACA, and HITECH
Kindly Summary All the components of power points (no more than 3 pages).
Kindly use any journals or articles that are not more than 5 years’ The course is HEALTH CARE INFORMATICS.

Visit the QSEN website and review the Evidence-Based Practice section of the QSEN Competencies ( · Identify two attitudes related to evidence-based practice in which the nursing student will seek personal growth. · Reflect on what you learned from the assignment and how it will impact your practice in the future.

Visit the QSEN website and review the Evidence-Based Practice section of the QSEN Competencies (
· Identify two attitudes related to evidence-based practice in which the nursing student will seek personal growth.
· Reflect on what you learned from the assignment and how it will impact your practice in the future.
· Your paper must use APA format and include at least 2 pages excluding title and references pages.
· Double-space your paper and use Times New Roman standard 12-point, 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, and 10-point Lucida Sans Unicode font.

What are the key database products made by the vendor OR the key database platforms available under the database category (pick at least three for this paper) If a vendor, who are the competitors to the platform? If a database technology class, who is the clear leader and why? What industries are these database vendor tools or database technology platforms used in? Is the market increasing or decreasing for technology? What are the key features for each of these database platforms? What are differentiators compared to other database platforms in its like-kind class?

What are the key database products made by the vendor OR the key database platforms available under the database category (pick at least three for this paper)
If a vendor, who are the competitors to the platform? If a database technology class, who is the clear leader and why?
What industries are these database vendor tools or database technology platforms used in? Is the market increasing or decreasing for technology?
What are the key features for each of these database platforms? What are differentiators compared to other database platforms in its like-kind class?

A website can be an important part of a nonprofit organization’s public relations, fund raising, marketing, and customer service plans. As the founder of a new nonprofit organization that will be providing assistance to the homeless in a major city in the Midwest, you need to prepare a marketing plan. Describe how you will use the website in conjunction with public relations, fund raising, marketing, and customer service

Page 1
1. (TCO H) A website can be an important part of a nonprofit organization’s public relations, fund raising, marketing, and customer service plans. As the founder of a new nonprofit organization that will be providing assistance to the homeless in a major city in the Midwest, you need to prepare a marketing plan. Describe how you will use the website in conjunction with public relations, fund raising, marketing, and customer service. (Points: 25)
 2. (TCO A) Identify four different types of nonprofit entities afforded 501(c) tax exempt status and describe the nature of their activities that afford them that status. In addition, identify an area of operations that might threaten that tax exempt status. (Points: 25)     
3. (TCO B) Responsibilities of a nonprofit organization’s governing board consist of legal and fiduciary, oversight, fund-raising, and representation of constituencies and viewpoints. Address the oversight duties of the governing board. (Points: 25)     
4. (TCO D) Budgeting and the preparation of financial projections are critical activities for any given nonprofit organization. Briefly explain at least three of the problems that may be faced during the preparation of the budget. (Points: 25)   
5. (TCO E) Having an effective information system is important for a nonprofit organization. Address at least four areas of information that a system should be able to accumulate and process.  (Points: 25)
1. (TCO F) Attracting, managing, and retaining volunteers are important steps for many nonprofit organizations. Describe at least five challenges in managing volunteers for your nonprofit organization. (Points: 25) 
2. (TCO C) An existing nonprofit organization should already have a strategic plan in place. In updating the strategic plan, a major step in the planning includes aligning the strategic plan with the mission of that organization. Explain ways that the governing board of the organization can help ensure such alignment. (Points: 25)     
3. (TCO G) Describe four (4) managerial responsibilities unique to nonprofit managers and assess difficulties nonprofits face in measuring individual performance against them. (Points: 25)
4. (TCO I) The East Coast Homeless Support Organization bestows the honor of the title of chairperson of the governing board on a business leader each year. A few months ago, you were pleased to be elected not only to the board but also as the chairperson. Thus far, you have not needed to put forth much effort as chairperson. Driving to work this morning, though, you were dismayed to hear on the radio that the executive director had been arrested on a financial crime. The matter may or may not be related to the organization. Describe how the situation should be handled. You may include in your answer a brief discussion of the role of the governing board. Emphasize in your answer actions that the organization could possibly take from a public relations and management perspective. (Points: 25)     
5. (TCO H) Two employees of the nonprofit organization that you represent as a media specialist were indicted for fraud involving your organization on the previous day. You have been asked to prepare a statement for release to the public. Following the release of your statement, a reporter from a local newspaper states: “Nonprofits have been under assault from a variety of governmental agencies for their lax handling of ethical violations.” What should your organization consider in preparing a response to this statement? (Points: 25)        

How did the Axis and Allied powers form and evolve during World War II, and what were the key strategies and battles that shaped the outcome of the war? 2. In what ways did the home fronts of major nations contribute to the war effort during World War II, and how did the conflict impact civilians, economies, and societies on a global scale?

1. How did the Axis and Allied powers form and evolve during World War II, and what were the key strategies and battles that shaped the outcome of the war?
2. In what ways did the home fronts of major nations contribute to the war effort during World War II, and how did the conflict impact civilians, economies, and societies on a global scale?Answer each in. Answers should not be plagiarized, I’ll check before accepting.

Describe a time when you should have had a face-to-face meeting instead of sending an electronic message. Why would this face-to-face meeting have been better? 2. What is your strategy to avoid sending a direct message, text, or tweet that you might regret later on?

For this week’s assignment, you are on your own to source articles dealing with workplace
messaging. All types of messages occur within organizations. We address a few of those in this
week’s assignment.
Post your responses/answers to the following four questions. You should cite a minimum of one
outside source for each question.
Your answers must not exceed ½ page each. You are not required to respond to other posts in
this assignment.
1. Describe a time when you should have had a face-to-face meeting instead of sending an
electronic message. Why would this face-to-face meeting have been better?
2. What is your strategy to avoid sending a direct message, text, or tweet that you might
regret later on?
3. Describe an occasion in which you should have written a goodwill message expressing
thanks, recognition and/or sympathy, but failed to do so. Why was it difficult to write
that message? What would make it easier for you to do so?
Analyze the corporate jargon for getting laid off: realigning the workforce, reallocating
resources, rightsizing the company, eliminating redundancy, rewiring for growth, smart-sizing
the company, redeploying workers, and rebalancing human capital. How do these terms
compare to “fired, booted out, given the boot, or get the ax?”

  Describe your personal relationship to literature and to reading. Begin by considering the meaning of literature. What does the term literature mean to you? What makes something literary in your own mind? If literature means different things to different people, who defines what is and what is not literature? Next, reflect on your relationship to reading and literature. What kind of reading engages/interests you? What about that writing draws you in? Do you find meaning in reading certain writing? If so, describe the satisfaction you draw from this process. Also consider how you read. Do you, for example, take notes or mark text as you read, or do you simply absorb the material on a page?

DQ 1
Describe your personal relationship to literature and to reading. Begin by considering the meaning of literature. What does the term literature mean to you? What makes something literary in your own mind? If literature means different things to different people, who defines what is and what is not literature?
Next, reflect on your relationship to reading and literature. What kind of reading engages/interests you? What about that writing draws you in? Do you find meaning in reading certain writing? If so, describe the satisfaction you draw from this process. Also consider how you read. Do you, for example, take notes or mark text as you read, or do you simply absorb the material on a page?
DQ 2
Review the key literary terms and concepts presented throughout Chapters 1 and 2. (See the end of each chapter for a glossary of terms.) Choose at least four of these terms to discuss in your post. Then, find examples of these concepts in the readings from this week. Explain how these examples demonstrate each literary concept as well as the effect which the given technique or form has on a reading of the respective text.

fter you have completed the coaching conversation with the employee, use the following outline as the basis of Part 2 of your coaching plan, in which you walk through the experience and reflect upon the following:Did you accomplish the objectives you set out to accomplish? Explain why or why not. What effects (positive and negative, if applicable) did your preparation have on the outcome? Provide a rationale to support your assessment. What do you feel you did particularly well in your coaching session? If you were going to hold the coaching session again, what might you have done differently, or what improvements would you make?

Submit your 4- to 5-page (excluding references) Coaching Reflection and Action Plan, which should address the following:
After you have completed the coaching conversation with the employee, use the following outline as the basis of Part 2 of your coaching plan, in which you walk through the experience and reflect upon the following:Did you accomplish the objectives you set out to accomplish? Explain why or why not.
What effects (positive and negative, if applicable) did your preparation have on the outcome? Provide a rationale to support your assessment.
What do you feel you did particularly well in your coaching session? If you were going to hold the coaching session again, what might you have done differently, or what improvements would you make?
How did the employee respond within the coaching session? What is your prediction for how the employee’s behavior will change (or not) as a result of this coaching session? What insights did you gain that would be helpful for future coaching sessions with the employee?
As a conclusion to your coaching plan, choose at least one specific action you will take as a result of this experience to aid you further in your development as a manager and as a coach.

Research government regulations on a particular area of your choice, such as food, drugs, product safety, fracking, environment, etc. Do you think the government regulations go too far? Do you think the government needs to add more regulations? How are lobbyists involved concerning regulations on food and drug safety, and our environment concerning fracking? Explain your answers.

Research government regulations on a particular area of your choice, such as food, drugs, product safety, fracking, environment, etc. Do you think the government regulations go too far? Do you think the government needs to add more regulations? How are lobbyists involved concerning regulations on food and drug safety, and our environment concerning fracking? Explain your answers.

how and why you traded this stock, what factors led you to choose it? o was it in a Weinstein stage 2 uptrend? o was it above its last green line top? If not, why did you buy it? o how and why you chose to buy it at that time

how your assessment of the market trend influenced this trade
o how and why you traded this stock, what factors led you to choose it?
o was it in a Weinstein stage 2 uptrend?
o was it above its last green line top? If not, why did you buy it?
o how and why you chose to buy it at that time
o how you used TC2000 scans or PCFs if at all
o the exact technical set-up (s) you used to purchase the stock
o how you used technical and fundamental indicators
o how you used IBD or MarketSmith?
G. Make sure your analysis also answers all of the following questions:
o Did this stock come from a particular IBD or MarketSmith Stock List?
o If not, how did you find it and how did it do compared to stocks you traded from the one of those lists? Which did better?
o Why did you choose this stock to buy and to write about?
o How did the market’s action affect this trade?
o How much money have you gained or lost from this trade if you already exited? If the position is still open, compute as of stock’s closing value on 11/22?
o Which specific indicators did you use or ignore?
o Why?
o Explain the set-up you used to purchase this stock and set your initial stop. How did you adjust your stop, if you did?
o How did this set-up and specific indicators help you to handle this position?
o How would use of one of the weekly charts have helped this trade or would it have helped you to better time your entry and/or exit? If you exited, did you check a weekly chart before exiting?
o If exited, what happened to this stock after you exited?
o Was stock in:
? A weekly yellow band pattern (F6)?
? A weekly RWB guppy pattern or a weekly 4/10/30 avg up-trend pattern (4w>10wk>30wk)
o Why did you exit?
? Did you buy it back? Why or why not?
o If position is still open, what objective rule do you have to determine exit? ?