Discuss the FLSA as it relates to the fire service. 2. How does the FLSA differ from the typical 40-hour workweek for nonpublic safety employees? 3. Research at least one FLSA court case involving a firefighter or fire department and discuss the specifics and the outcome of that case?

1. Discuss the FLSA as it relates to the fire service.
2. How does the FLSA differ from the typical 40-hour workweek for nonpublic safety employees?
3. Research at least one FLSA court case involving a firefighter or fire department and discuss the specifics and the outcome of that case?
4. Back up your discussion by providing proper attribution to this week’s readings, and/or other suitable sources from your research.
Also, try to mix it up by providing cases that went in favor of the plaintiff and against the plaintiff
The following link may help with your research: Fire Law Blog. Click the link and once on the page, use the search feature located in the upper right-hand corner. Also, using Google with a few keywords should help you to find the needed court cases.

Strategic management includes an analysis of a business’s current state. Continuing with your research of Alphabet, you will leverage the business SWOT tool to identify and drive organizational strategic decision-making and evaluate problem-solving strategies for the company.

Strategic management includes an analysis of a business’s current state. Continuing with your research of Alphabet, you will leverage the business SWOT tool to identify and drive organizational strategic decision-making and evaluate problem-solving strategies for the company.

Elaborate on the paper attached as well as on the comments made on the paper. You may copy and paste parts of the paper attached. The structure of the paper should be: Who was Descartes? His philosophy Why I agree with his philosophy Why some may agree and disagree with his philosophy

Elaborate on the paper attached as well as on the comments made on the paper.
You may copy and paste parts of the paper attached.
The structure of the paper should be:
Who was Descartes?
His philosophy
Why I agree with his philosophy
Why some may agree and disagree with his philosophy
Why I still agree with it.
Add some personal points of view to his philosophy.

Read the selection by David McCullough, “Harry Truman: “One Tough Son-of-a-Bitch of a Man.” It is on pages 252-265 of Oates and Errico, eds., Portrait of America, 10th Edition. Write a well-reasoned essay addressing the following question: According to McCullough, what did President Truman feel was his most difficult decision while in office and why? Was his view of the decision shaped by his idea of the “Lesson of Munich”?

Read the selection by David McCullough, “Harry Truman: “One Tough Son-of-a-Bitch of a Man.” It is on pages 252-265 of Oates and Errico, eds., Portrait of America, 10th Edition. Write a well-reasoned essay addressing the following question: According to McCullough, what did President Truman feel was his most difficult decision while in office and why? Was his view of the decision shaped by his idea of the “Lesson of Munich”? Make sure you follow the directions on the Writing Assignment Details handout and the Writing Rubric Your paper is due at 11:59 P.M., Central time, on the date listed on the course schedule, online at the PAWS website in the proper format as a PDF Document. When submitting your paper to the PAWS Dropbox folder, you must include your name, class, and section as the file name. For example, Jim Smith’s Paper one would be named: Smith, Jim-Paper 1 — 2010-180. You must also have your name on your paper. There will be a deduction of five (5) points if you do not label your paper title properly and put your name within the document at the top of the page. the article to the link is below

You have learned a lot about various protocols this week. What advice would you give your classmates for committing these topics to memory? You now know so much more than the average person does when it comes to networking and computer technology. How important do you think your formal education will be when it comes to selling your skills to a potential employer? What are your plans after you’ve successfully completed this class? Have you looked into the ICND 1 Certification exam yet?

“Protocols”  Please respond to the following:

You have learned a lot about various protocols this week. What advice would you give your classmates for committing these topics to memory? You now know so much more than the average person does when it comes to networking and computer technology. How important do you think your formal education will be when it comes to selling your skills to a potential employer? What are your plans after you’ve successfully completed this class? Have you looked into the ICND 1 Certification exam yet?

Write a five-paragraph essay on the following question: What were the three competing notions of freedom in the United States after the Civil War? Which of the three was most successful by the end of the nineteenth century? How were freed slaves and free blacks part of this process?

Papers should be typed, left-aligned, double-spaced, and 12-point font in black ink with 1″ or 1.25″ margins. Write a five-paragraph essay on the following question: What were the three competing notions of freedom in the United States after the Civil War? Which of the three was most successful by the end of the nineteenth century? How were freed slaves and free blacks part of this process? No sources. Just information for the commentary linked.

Writing a research paper is a great undertaking, and now you are at the end of the process. No doubt, you feel emboldened by your accomplishment. As we have done throughout this course, you will be asked to reflect one last time. What did you find to be the most challenging about the process of writing this research paper? What did you find to be the easiest? What did you learn about the research process? What did you learn about the parts of an argument and the role they play in a composed paper? What did you learn about yourself as a writer? Discuss how the concepts in this course can be applied to real-world situations and increase your chances of career or life success.


Writing a research paper is a great undertaking, and now you are at the end of the process. No doubt, you feel emboldened by your accomplishment. As we have done throughout this course, you will be asked to reflect one last time. What did you find to be the most challenging about the process of writing this research paper? What did you find to be the easiest? What did you learn about the research process? What did you learn about the parts of an argument and the role they play in a composed paper? What did you learn about yourself as a writer? Discuss how the concepts in this course can be applied to real-world situations and increase your chances of career or life success. You do not need to answer every question above in your reflection, but you should try to answer the ones that address the aspects of the course that most interested and/or challenged you. Your journal entry must be at least

TF is an 18-month-old boy who was admitted to your hospital for failure to thrive and losing 6 lbs. You have found that he has extreme blockage throughout his GI system with severe impaction throughout. He is in a great deal of pain and is screaming. His parents are adamant that they do not want treatments due to religious beliefs. They have stated that they boy’s grandfather, an elder in their church, is on his way to pray over the boy and heal him. What type of drug should you prescribed

TF is an 18-month-old boy who was admitted to your hospital for failure to thrive and losing 6 lbs. You have found that he has extreme blockage throughout his GI system with severe impaction throughout. He is in a great deal of pain and is screaming. His parents are adamant that they do not want treatments due to religious beliefs. They have stated that they boy’s grandfather, an elder in their church, is on his way to pray over the boy and heal him.
What type of drug should you prescribed
Review the Resources for this module and consider the legal and ethical implications of prescribing prescription drugs, disclosure, and nondisclosure.
Search specific laws and standards for prescribing prescription drugs and for addressing medication errors for Mississippi or region, and reflect on these as you review the scenario assigned by your Instructor.
Consider the ethical and legal implications of the scenario for all stakeholders involved, such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and patient’s family.
Think about two strategies that you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your ethically and legally responsible decision-making in this scenario, including whether you would disclose any medication errors.
Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:
Explain the ethical and legal implications of the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved, such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and patient’s family.
Describe strategies to address disclosure and nondisclosure as identified in the scenario you selected. Be sure to reference laws specific to your state.
Explain two strategies that you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your decision-making in this scenario, including whether you would disclose your error. Be sure to justify your explanation.
Explain the process of writing prescriptions, including strategies to minimize medication errors.

Laboratory tests should be ordered or reviewed for every mental health patient.  Many of the patients that come to you will have seen their primary care doctors within the past year.  It is acceptable for you to have the patient sign a release of information (ROI) so that you can request their previous labs for a baseline and to include them on the chart in our office. There may be times that you feel that the labs need to be repeated due to previous abnormal values, amount of time since testing or presenting symptoms.  Labs are commonly ordered and depending on the patient’s insurance carrier can be expensive. If labs are not drawn in your office, they may also be inconvenient for the patient. And often times, patients will complain about the discomfort associated with the initial stick for venous access. It is important for the PMHNP to know the most common labs that are indicated for review and chart inclusion for mental health patients according to diagnosis and medications being prescribed.  All mental health patients should have a CBC, CMP, Lipid panel, TSH, Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 at a minimum.  For certain disorders and medications (anticonvulsants and atypical antipsychotics) you may need to consider additional lab tests.  What additional labs do you need to consider?

Introduction and Alignment
Laboratory tests should be ordered or reviewed for every mental health patient.  Many of the patients that come to you will have seen their primary care doctors within the past year.  It is acceptable for you to have the patient sign a release of information (ROI) so that you can request their previous labs for a baseline and to include them on the chart in our office. There may be times that you feel that the labs need to be repeated due to previous abnormal values, amount of time since testing or presenting symptoms.  Labs are commonly ordered and depending on the patient’s insurance carrier can be expensive. If labs are not drawn in your office, they may also be inconvenient for the patient. And often times, patients will complain about the discomfort associated with the initial stick for venous access. It is important for the PMHNP to know the most common labs that are indicated for review and chart inclusion for mental health patients according to diagnosis and medications being prescribed.  All mental health patients should have a CBC, CMP, Lipid panel, TSH, Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 at a minimum.  For certain disorders and medications (anticonvulsants and atypical antipsychotics) you may need to consider additional lab tests.  What additional labs do you need to consider? You should include these additional labs in your PowerPoint™. Depending upon presentation, history and office practice, you may also need to order UDS on each patient initially and at established intervals.  Include specifics that you are looking for with the UDS. How often should labs be ordered?
Genetic testing is now being used to identify what medications may be more acceptable or contraindicated for patients based upon their genetic map.  There are multiple tests and labs that have been developed and marketed to providers to potentially aid in medication management choices.  There are some limitations with the testing. The most important being that they predict metabolism and bioavailability of medications but they do not predict a patient’s clinical response (improvement in mental health) to a particular medication.  Genetic testing is most commonly performed using buccal swabs. The provider will swab the patient’s oral cavity and then send the specimen to the lab for processing via UPS or FedEx. 
Background Information
In this workshop, you will discuss each test listed above and laboratory values that may indicate that the patient is suffering from a metabolic issue versus a mental health issue.  Some metabolic imbalances can mimic or produce mental health symptoms.
In this workshop, you will examine the tests mentioned and their pertinence in mental health care assessment and management.
The best PowerPoint presentations use standardized positions and style. They provide only necessary information and when combined with graphics are entertaining as well as informative.  The PowerPoint will have colors that contrast and complement each other.  Also, do not try to include all of the information on the PowerPoint slide itself.  Information can be entered into the notes section to be used during the presentation.  You want your audience to have fun and be engaged.
Develop a PowerPoint™ presentation to discuss each of the above highlighted labs and how pertinent findings may impact your mental health diagnosis and treatment plan.  Briefly explain the disorder you are ruling out or in with the testing results and state the rationale for the testing needed in the scenario. Be as specific as possible providing a basic overview of the tests that you are assessing as well as the benefits, risks, and limitations. Use on slide for each bolded test – use the notes section on PPT to relay added information regarding each test.
Provide citations for information on each slide.
When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor using the 3.2 Assignment by day Five of the workshop.
Submit a copy in the Laboratory testing discussion thread for your peers to read on day Six. 
Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.