Compare your list of examples between primary and secondary resources. Good research is a combination of many types of sources. Prior to taking this course, did you understand the differences between these resources and the importance of finding one type of resource over another? Write: Provide your initial post that addresses these prompts: Explain the differences between primary and secondary sources used in research. Identify a type of resource for your Final Research Project topic that would be considered a primary source and one that might be a secondary source, and explain why they fit in those categories.

Scholarly Sources & Bibliography Analysis
Prepare: In order to prepare for this assignment, you should review the following tutorials in the Ashford Writing Center:

Annotated Bibliography
APA Checklist
Sample Annotated Bibliography

Also, review the following information from the Ashford University Library:

Popular & Scholarly Sources tutorial
Primary and Secondary Sources tutorial
Primary Vs. Secondary Sources infographic

Takes notes by listing examples and differences between these types of resources.
Reflect: Compare your list of examples between primary and secondary resources. Good research is a combination of many types of sources. Prior to taking this course, did you understand the differences between these resources and the importance of finding one type of resource over another?
Write: Provide your initial post that addresses these prompts:

Explain the differences between primary and secondary sources used in research.
Identify a type of resource for your Final Research Project topic that would be considered a primary source and one that might be a secondary source, and explain why they fit in those categories.
Explain the advantages of using primary source documents in your research on your Final Research Project topic.
Review two peer-reviewed, scholarly resources from the Ashford University Library that you will use for your Final Research Project, and explain why they were chosen.
Provide full reference information of the two scholarly articles chosen in APA format at the end of your response.
Download and attach the two articles that you found from the Ashford University Library to your answer using the “Attachments: Add/Remove” function located below your response.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any reference  What terrorist group do you believe is the greatest threat to the world today? To the United States? What specific argument can be made that combining terrorism and other transnational crime (such as drugs and human trafficking) units together will be more effective?

Read the related chapters and watch the short clips below prior to addressing the following:
 What terrorist group do you believe is the greatest threat to the world today? To the United States?
What specific argument can be made that combining terrorism and other transnational crime (such as drugs and human trafficking) units together will be more effective?
Finally, based on what you have learned throughout the semester, do you believe it is possible to significantly decrease terrorist incidents? If so, how do we accomplish this?

You are charged by your agency to develop your own substance abuse treatment model for criminal offenders. Based on the readings from the course, present a proposal for what the treatment model would look like. Be sure to focus on a specific population (e.g., adolescents, adults) and a specific drug population (alcoholic, heroin addict, etc.) and provide a detailed description of it (demographic information including local, state and national statistics). Also, include the type of therapy you would conduct (individual, group, family) and why this approach is best suited to changing the drug user. Also discuss an ancillary service you would provide (e.g., job training, mental health counseling for co-morbid psychological disorders).

You are charged by your agency to develop your own substance abuse treatment model for criminal offenders. Based on the readings from the course, present a proposal for what the treatment model would look like. Be sure to focus on a specific population (e.g., adolescents, adults) and a specific drug population (alcoholic, heroin addict, etc.) and provide a detailed description of it (demographic information including local, state and national statistics). Also, include the type of therapy you would conduct (individual, group, family) and why this approach is best suited to changing the drug user. Also discuss an ancillary service you would provide (e.g., job training, mental health counseling for co-morbid psychological disorders).
This paper should be 8 to12 pages long and should follow APA Style guidelines in every applicable respect (e.g., cover page, headings, margins, etc.).

David and Sarah are married and have two young children. Both David and Sarah have full-time jobs. David is an accountant, and Sarah is a lawyer. Sarah is working on a tough case at work and often comes home from work in a bad mood. She takes out her frustration on David and the children by yelling and losing patience with them. David concludes that Sarah’s on-the-job stress is affecting her behavior at home. What are some potential sources of stress for Sarah? Which model of work-family conflict do you think best explains what Sarah is experiencing — the spillover model, the compensation model, or the segmentation model? If you were an employer, what types of work-life supports would you offer?

Assignment 1: Discussion Question
David and Sarah are married and have two young children. Both David and Sarah have full-time jobs. David is an accountant, and Sarah is a lawyer.
Sarah is working on a tough case at work and often comes home from work in a bad mood. She takes out her frustration on David and the children by yelling and losing patience with them. David concludes that Sarah’s on-the-job stress is affecting her behavior at home.

What are some potential sources of stress for Sarah?
Which model of work-family conflict do you think best explains what Sarah is experiencing — the spillover model, the compensation model, or the segmentation model?
If you were an employer, what types of work-life supports would you offer?
Discuss the advantages, risks, and considerations of each work-life support. Provide a summary of coping skills and techniques Sarah may utilize to combat stress and strain.

The cosmological and teleological arguments don’t depend on any scriipture, or revelation, or religious experience. They are supposed to be obvious to anyone with a basic level of reason and sensory experience. As such, they are not at all based on “faith” but are closer to scientific theorizing. In fact, the contemporary version of the teleological argument is usually called the “intelligent design” argument. That’s why many proponents of intelligent design think it should be taught in science classes—it’s not faith, its science. However, the teleological argument is what is called an argument from analogy—it says that if parts of one system are related to each other in a certain way, the probably parts of a similar system are related to each other in that same way. The watch example shows this. The best explanation of a watch is that someone made it, not that it just happened. The analogy says that the best explanation of the universe is that someone made it, not that it just happened. The analogy only works, however, if the universe really is like a watch—if it really is highly organized, purposeful, and shows clear evidence of design. Thinking about these issues and the readings you had for this week, post an answer to the following question and then respond critically but respectfully to at least two of your classmates: Is the universe just as obviously designed as a watch is? As you respond to the above question in this discussion forum, here are some additional things to think about: Is the universe just like a machine? Is the universe always purposeful and smooth-running? Are there other explanations for how the universe could look like it’s designed?

The cosmological and teleological arguments don’t depend on any scriipture, or revelation, or religious experience. They are supposed to be obvious to anyone with a basic level of reason and sensory experience. As such, they are not at all based on “faith” but are closer to scientific theorizing. In fact, the contemporary version of the teleological argument is usually called the “intelligent design” argument. That’s why many proponents of intelligent design think it should be taught in science classes—it’s not faith, its science. However, the teleological argument is what is called an argument from analogy—it says that if parts of one system are related to each other in a certain way, the probably parts of a similar system are related to each other in that same way. The watch example shows this. The best explanation of a watch is that someone made it, not that it just happened. The analogy says that the best explanation of the universe is that someone made it, not that it just happened. The analogy only works, however, if the universe really is like a watch—if it really is highly organized, purposeful, and shows clear evidence of design. Thinking about these issues and the readings you had for this week, post an answer to the following question and then respond critically but respectfully to at least two of your classmates: Is the universe just as obviously designed as a watch is?
As you respond to the above question in this discussion forum, here are some additional things to think about:
Is the universe just like a machine?
Is the universe always purposeful and smooth-running?
Are there other explanations for how the universe could look like it’s designed?
If the universe is designed, does that imply a good designer? Or could it be a designer who doesn’t care about the design?
Should intelligent design be taught in public school, since it doesn’t claim to be a faith but just a scientific theory?

Elaborate on the paper attached as well as on the comments made on the paper. You may copy and paste parts of the paper attached. The structure of the paper should be: Who was Descartes? His philosophy Why I agree with his philosophy Why some may agree and disagree with his philosophy

Elaborate on the paper attached as well as on the comments made on the paper.
You may copy and paste parts of the paper attached.
The structure of the paper should be:
Who was Descartes?
His philosophy
Why I agree with his philosophy
Why some may agree and disagree with his philosophy
Why I still agree with it.
Add some personal points of view to his philosophy.

Define malnutrition and identify a specific disease that can result from it. Perform library research about the selected disease, and explain its physiological effects on a person’s body. Describe the relationship between specific foods/nutrients and the disease. Use the questions below to guide your response. Does research indicate that a lack of specific foods/nutrients increase a person’s chance of contracting the disease?

In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, address the following:
Define malnutrition and identify a specific disease that can result from it.
Perform library research about the selected disease, and explain its physiological effects on a person’s body.
Describe the relationship between specific foods/nutrients and the disease. Use the questions below to guide your response.
Does research indicate that a lack of specific foods/nutrients increase a person’s chance of contracting the disease?
Are there specific foods/nutrients that should be avoided by an individual afflicted with the disease?
How do specific foods/nutrients work physiologically within the body to help combat the disease?
Evaluate nutritional recommendations to help combat the disease.
Cite at least 3 credible references and present the resources in APA format on the References page

Enlightenment in the Atlantic World In what ways do the primary source documents and data included below advance the ideas of the Enlightenment in the Atlantic world? Do they challenge Enlightenment principles? How?

Writing Prompt: Enlightenment in the Atlantic World
In what ways do the primary source documents and data included below advance the ideas of the Enlightenment in the Atlantic world? Do they challenge Enlightenment principles? How?
Your choice of examples from the assigned media, the way you contextualize these materials, and your analysis of them should persuade your reader that your argumentation is historically valid and critically thought out.
Paper Instructions
When organizing your ideas and drafting your essay, follow these guidelines:
Length: This reaction paper should address the prompt below in roughly 550-750 words. Papers that fall significantly outside of these guidelines may lose points.
Sources: As you build your analysis use the assigned sources only. Kindly DO NOT consult Internet or other outside sources.
Evidence: Choose 3 to 5 examples from the assigned sources that best allow you to persuade the reader that your argumentation is valid. While you want to show that you understand the larger trends in the material, take the time to explore these specific examples from the text in as much depth as the word count allows.
Quotation length: If you quote directly from the text, keep these quotations brief. It is easy to spot when large quotes are used to bulk up a weak paper. I am interested in seeing the way you use evidence, but that evidence should always support your argumentation.
US – Declaration of Independence
France – Declaration of the Rights of Man
Saint Domingue/Haiti – Constitution of 1801
France – Declaration of the Rights of Woman
Slave Voyages – Number of Captives Embarked and Disembarked per Year

Briefly summarize two essays Poetry is Not a Luxury”, by Audrey Lorde, and Angela Davis’s, “Art on the Frontline: Mandate for a People’s Culture”. Discuss how their arguments are similar, how they are different, and which author creates a more effective argument as a whole.

Briefly summarize two essays: “Poetry is Not a Luxury”, by Audrey Lorde, and Angela Davis’s, “Art on the Frontline: Mandate for a People’s Culture”. Discuss how their arguments are similar, how they are different, and which author creates a more effective argument as a whole. Consider questions regarding the style of language used, and how each author creates their argument.
Pdf’s of the essays are attached below,
– thanks

Read the selection by David McCullough, “Harry Truman: “One Tough Son-of-a-Bitch of a Man.” It is on pages 252-265 of Oates and Errico, eds., Portrait of America, 10th Edition. Write a well-reasoned essay addressing the following question: According to McCullough, what did President Truman feel was his most difficult decision while in office and why? Was his view of the decision shaped by his idea of the “Lesson of Munich”?

Read the selection by David McCullough, “Harry Truman: “One Tough Son-of-a-Bitch of a Man.” It is on pages 252-265 of Oates and Errico, eds., Portrait of America, 10th Edition. Write a well-reasoned essay addressing the following question: According to McCullough, what did President Truman feel was his most difficult decision while in office and why? Was his view of the decision shaped by his idea of the “Lesson of Munich”? Make sure you follow the directions on the Writing Assignment Details handout and the Writing Rubric Your paper is due at 11:59 P.M., Central time, on the date listed on the course schedule, online at the PAWS website in the proper format as a PDF Document. When submitting your paper to the PAWS Dropbox folder, you must include your name, class, and section as the file name. For example, Jim Smith’s Paper one would be named: Smith, Jim-Paper 1 — 2010-180. You must also have your name on your paper. There will be a deduction of five (5) points if you do not label your paper title properly and put your name within the document at the top of the page. the article to the link is below