How do psychologists define personality? Provide an overview of the definition of personality. Researchers use a number of different methods to study personality. Three of the most commonly used methods are case studies, correlational designs, and experimental designs or true experiments. How do these methods differ? What kind of information does each provide? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?

How do psychologists define personality? Provide an overview of the definition of personality.
Researchers use a number of different methods to study personality. Three of the most commonly used methods are case studies, correlational designs, and experimental designs or true experiments.

How do these methods differ?
What kind of information does each provide?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?

Imagine you were conducting research on the relationship between academic performance (e.g., better grades) and different levels of loudness of music (interval scale) while studying. How would you design the study using a correlational design? How would you design the study using a quasi-experimental design? How would you design the study using an experimental design?

Imagine you were conducting research on the relationship between academic performance (e.g., better grades) and different levels of loudness of music (interval scale) while studying.

How would you design the study using a correlational design?
How would you design the study using a quasi-experimental design?
How would you design the study using an experimental design?

Atleast 250 words no more than 3 paragraphs. Its a discussion question not an essay dont need an entire paper on it and i dont need a cover page just cite all references if you use them. Willing to pay 5$ more dollars if you can get it done in the next couple hours.

Throughout this unit, you were introduced to multimedia (i.e., video, audio, and animation). Thinking about your own web browsing experience, do you expect multimedia to be included on all websites or just certain types of sites? Do you believe multimedia enhances websites? Why, or why not? Give an example of a website that you often visit and how you could improve its use of multimedia.

Throughout this unit, you were introduced to multimedia (i.e., video, audio, and animation). Thinking about your own web browsing experience, do you expect multimedia to be included on all websites or just certain types of sites? Do you believe multimedia enhances websites? Why, or why not? Give an example of a website that you often visit and how you could improve its use of multimedia.

You are charged by your agency to develop your own substance abuse treatment model for criminal offenders. Based on the readings from the course, present a proposal for what the treatment model would look like. Be sure to focus on a specific population (e.g., adolescents, adults) and a specific drug population (alcoholic, heroin addict, etc.) and provide a detailed description of it (demographic information including local, state and national statistics). Also, include the type of therapy you would conduct (individual, group, family) and why this approach is best suited to changing the drug user. Also discuss an ancillary service you would provide (e.g., job training, mental health counseling for co-morbid psychological disorders).

You are charged by your agency to develop your own substance abuse treatment model for criminal offenders. Based on the readings from the course, present a proposal for what the treatment model would look like. Be sure to focus on a specific population (e.g., adolescents, adults) and a specific drug population (alcoholic, heroin addict, etc.) and provide a detailed description of it (demographic information including local, state and national statistics). Also, include the type of therapy you would conduct (individual, group, family) and why this approach is best suited to changing the drug user. Also discuss an ancillary service you would provide (e.g., job training, mental health counseling for co-morbid psychological disorders).
This paper should be 8 to12 pages long and should follow APA Style guidelines in every applicable respect (e.g., cover page, headings, margins, etc.).

David and Sarah are married and have two young children. Both David and Sarah have full-time jobs. David is an accountant, and Sarah is a lawyer. Sarah is working on a tough case at work and often comes home from work in a bad mood. She takes out her frustration on David and the children by yelling and losing patience with them. David concludes that Sarah’s on-the-job stress is affecting her behavior at home. What are some potential sources of stress for Sarah? Which model of work-family conflict do you think best explains what Sarah is experiencing — the spillover model, the compensation model, or the segmentation model? If you were an employer, what types of work-life supports would you offer?

Assignment 1: Discussion Question
David and Sarah are married and have two young children. Both David and Sarah have full-time jobs. David is an accountant, and Sarah is a lawyer.
Sarah is working on a tough case at work and often comes home from work in a bad mood. She takes out her frustration on David and the children by yelling and losing patience with them. David concludes that Sarah’s on-the-job stress is affecting her behavior at home.

What are some potential sources of stress for Sarah?
Which model of work-family conflict do you think best explains what Sarah is experiencing — the spillover model, the compensation model, or the segmentation model?
If you were an employer, what types of work-life supports would you offer?
Discuss the advantages, risks, and considerations of each work-life support. Provide a summary of coping skills and techniques Sarah may utilize to combat stress and strain.  What terrorist group do you believe is the greatest threat to the world today? To the United States? What specific argument can be made that combining terrorism and other transnational crime (such as drugs and human trafficking) units together will be more effective?

Read the related chapters and watch the short clips below prior to addressing the following:
 What terrorist group do you believe is the greatest threat to the world today? To the United States?
What specific argument can be made that combining terrorism and other transnational crime (such as drugs and human trafficking) units together will be more effective?
Finally, based on what you have learned throughout the semester, do you believe it is possible to significantly decrease terrorist incidents? If so, how do we accomplish this?

First, post your original Research Question from your Week One Proposal. What feedback did you receive on it from your instructor and others? What did you find helpful from this feedback? Using your reading this week and the feedback you received, post a refined draft of your Research Question. Why is this a better question? How is it argumentative? What different views are there on this topic? What stance are you likely to take?

Answer the following questions, and please number them as numbered below..
First, post your original Research Question from your Week One Proposal.
What feedback did you receive on it from your instructor and others? What did you find helpful from this feedback?
Using your reading this week and the feedback you received, post a refined draft of your Research Question.
Why is this a better question? How is it argumentative? What different views are there on this topic? What stance are you likely to take?
What is your answer to your Research Question? Write a single sentence that fully answers it. This will be a revised draft of your thesis statement.
Next, conduct a search using Keiser’s e-Library databases. Post an APA citation to one scholarly source you located through Keiser’s e-Library.
Provide a summary of the source. For instance, what does it say? What are its findings? Why is it relevant in the field?
Provide an application of the source. How does this source help you answer your Research Question? Where specifically might you use this source in your actual paper?

Glentech Manufacturing is considering the purchases of an automated parts handler for theassembly and test area of its Phoenix, Arizona, plant. The handler will costs $250,000 topurchase plus $10,000 for installation and employee training. If the company undertakes theinvestment, it will automate a part of the semiconductor test area and reduce operatingcosts by $70,000 per year for the next 10 years. However, five years into the investment’slife, Glentech will have to spend an additional $100,000 to update and refurbish the handler.The investment in the handler will be depreciated using straight-line depreciation over 10-years, and the refurbishing costs willbe depreciated over the remaining five-year life of thehandler (also using straight-line depreciation). In 10 years, the handler is expected to beworth $5,000 although its book value will be zero. Glentech’s tax rate is 30%, and itsopportunity cost of capital is 12%.a)Is the project good for Glentech? Why or why not?b

Glentech Manufacturing is considering the purchases of an automated parts handler for theassembly and test area of its Phoenix, Arizona, plant. The handler will costs $250,000 topurchase plus $10,000 for installation and employee training. If the company undertakes theinvestment, it will automate a part of the semiconductor test area and reduce operatingcosts by $70,000 per year for the next 10 years. However, five years into the investment’slife, Glentech will have to spend an additional $100,000 to update and refurbish the handler.The investment in the handler will be depreciated using straight-line depreciation over 10-years, and the refurbishing costs willbe depreciated over the remaining five-year life of thehandler (also using straight-line depreciation). In 10 years, the handler is expected to beworth $5,000 although its book value will be zero. Glentech’s tax rate is 30%, and itsopportunity cost of capital is 12%.a)Is the project good for Glentech? Why or why not?b)What can we tell about the project from the NPV profile?c)If the project were partially financed by borrowing, how would this affect the investmentcash flows? How would borrowing a portion of the investment outlay affect the value of theinvestment to the firm?d)The project calls for two investments: one immediately and one at the end of Year 5. Howmuch would Glentech earn on its investment, and how should we account for the additionalinvestment outlay in our calculations?e)What are the considerations that make this investment somewhat risky, and how would you investigate the potential risks of this investment?

Seasons, Inc. manufactures holiday wreaths and sells them directly to retailers for $5.00. The manufacturer’s cost information is as follows:Variable cost $3.35/wreathAdvertising and promotion $300,000Overhead $700,000Calculate the following:a. contribution per unit and contribution margin for the manufacturer  b. break-even volume in units and dollars  c. volume in units and dollar sales necessary if Seasons’ profit goal is $500,000  Here, d. net profit if 6 million wreaths are sold

Seasons, Inc. manufactures holiday wreaths and sells them directly to retailers for $5.00. The manufacturer’s cost information is as follows:Variable cost $3.35/wreathAdvertising and promotion $300,000Overhead $700,000Calculate the following:a. contribution per unit and contribution margin for the manufacturer 
b. break-even volume in units and dollars 
c. volume in units and dollar sales necessary if Seasons’ profit goal is $500,000 
d. net profit if 6 million wreaths are sold