Culture can cause barriers when communicating with patients with low literacy.  1) Explain what low literacy is and why it’s important as a healthcare professional to know about it. 2) List 3 ways in which culture can cause barriers of communication with patients with low literacy. Then, for each one, explain how you would overcome the barrier or “plain language can be used”.

Culture can cause barriers when communicating with patients with low literacy. 
1) Explain what low literacy is and why it’s important as a healthcare professional to know about it.
2) List 3 ways in which culture can cause barriers of communication with patients with low literacy. Then, for each one, explain how you would overcome the barrier or “plain language can be used”.
250 words minimum, APA format, include references and in text citations.

As an HR manager in a large health care organization, you have developed a new reward and recognition program designed to help increase employee motivation and job satisfaction in a specific hospital department of your choice. You may choose either a clinical or non-clinical department. Instructions Based on the course readings and a minimum of four appropriate sources of research, create a 4–?6 page executive summary suitable for presentation to senior leadership on employee motivation that includes the following: Determine which department is suitable for the reward and recognition program. Identify a specific goal the employees must work on to be eligible for recognition or to receive the award. 

As an HR manager in a large health care organization, you have developed a new reward and recognition program designed to help increase employee motivation and job satisfaction in a specific hospital department of your choice. You may choose either a clinical or non-clinical department.
Based on the course readings and a minimum of four appropriate sources of research, create a 4–?6 page executive summary suitable for presentation to senior leadership on employee motivation that includes the following:

Determine which department is suitable for the reward and recognition program.
Identify a specific goal the employees must work on to be eligible for recognition or to receive the award. 

Examples include reducing errors, increasing customer or patient satisfaction, reducing costs.

Research a specific motivation theory and determine why this method would be the most practical and effective for this program.

Theories such as the expectancy theory, equity theory, goal-setting theory, Management by Objectives (MBO), or the four-prong model of intrinsic motivation.

Explain why the selected theory would be the most practical and effective for the rewards and recognition program.
Recommend 2–?3 types of rewards and (or) recognition that would be the most effective in motivating the employees to achieve the goals.
Create a communication tool for eligible employees announcing the program, rules, and awards.

For example, email, newsletter, internal Facebook post.

White Collar Crime was first introduced in the social sciences by Edwin Sutherland in a 1939 presidential address to the American Sociological Association. Defining white collar crime as a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation, his address was important in that it was the first major statement on white collar crime in academic criminology. If white collar crimes are economically the most costly crimes to society, why are such acts seldom punished?

White-Collar Crime and Reflection
Welcome to Week 7! Remember to click on the +Pin and or more while answering the question for 10 points. Respond to three or more classmates with 30 words or more with a substantial and thought provoking response that adds to the discussion for the remaining 10 points. Additional responses are always appreciated and encouraged. Please use you own words. Do not cut and paste from the Internet. Thanks!
This week, we are reading chapter 11 and discussing White Collar Crime. White Collar Crime was first introduced in the social sciences by Edwin Sutherland in a 1939 presidential address to the American Sociological Association. Defining white collar crime as a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation, his address was important in that it was the first major statement on white collar crime in academic criminology.
If white collar crimes are economically the most costly crimes to society, why are such acts seldom punished?

If white collar crimes are economically the most costly crimes to society, why are such acts seldom punished? Please list and explain three reasons in detail.
Summarize the Savings and Loan Scandal. How was it possible for what has been described as the greatest series of white collar crimes in American history to take place, and why was the American public unaware of this?

Name of Gang- Aryan Brotherhood               Description of what slides need to consist of * Brief history of the gangs formation  * Key historical events  of the gang * Scope of the gang (geographical “handprint” of the gang  and where they are located in the US) * Current trends of the gang      

Name of Gang- Aryan Brotherhood               Description of what slides need to consist of
* Brief history of the gangs formation 
* Key historical events  of the gang
* Scope of the gang (geographical “handprint” of the gang  and where they are located in the US)
Description of what slides need to consist of
* Brief history of the gangs formation 
* Key historical events  of the gang
* Scope of the gang (geographical “handprint” of the gang  and where they are located in the US)
* Current trends of the gang
* Clothing, symbols, tattoos, graffiti, hand signs, slang and other things that are identified by the gang
* Organizational structure of the gang
* Criminal behaviors of the gang
* Roles of female members in the gang 
* Alliances/ enemies that the gang may have
* Membership profile ( age range, ethnicity) who started the gang

The movie Grease is a timeless classic that many people from all walks of life can enjoy. Some of you can relate to all of the awesome songs and some of the situations that are going on in this great movie. High school can be tough, and this movie hits on some of the rough situations that high school kids can endure. Immature boys, foiled relationships, and even a pregnancy scare could all be something you encounter during your days as a teenager. Grease makes this time in life relatable to every age group and introduces us to characters we all know and love. With that being said, based on Erik Erickson’s Psychosocial Development Theory, in the stages “Intimacy vs. Isolation,” and “Identity vs. Role Confusion,” describe what the individual(s) and groups are experiencing. Be incredibly detailed in your descriptions giving a minimum of 2 examples per person and group. T-Birds Kenickie Rizzo Sonny Danny The Love Birds

The movie Grease is a timeless classic that many people from all walks of life can enjoy. Some of you can relate to all of the awesome songs and some of the situations that are going on in this great movie. High school can be tough, and this movie hits on some of the rough situations that high school kids can endure. Immature boys, foiled relationships, and even a pregnancy scare could all be something you encounter during your days as a teenager. Grease makes this time in life relatable to every age group and introduces us to characters we all know and love.
With that being said, based on Erik Erickson’s Psychosocial Development Theory, in the stages “Intimacy vs. Isolation,” and “Identity vs. Role Confusion,” describe what the individual(s) and groups are experiencing. Be incredibly detailed in your descriptions giving a minimum of 2 examples per person and group.
The Love Birds
Rydell High
Pink Ladies
Putzie and Doody

Culture, Natural Selection and the Human Brain Consider how culture has influenced our behavior and particularly our biology? For example, treating childhood diabetes allows these children to grow up, have children and pass the gene on to their offspring, also in the gene pool. A hundred years children would die of diabetes and never reproduce, thereby never contributing the trait to the gene pool and reducing the number in the gene pool. Because of our ability to keep these children alive longer, we have changed our gene pool and subsequently, our biology. Now, use your own examples.

Section 8: Culture, Natural Selection and the Human Brain
Consider how culture has influenced our behavior and particularly our biology? For example, treating childhood diabetes allows these children to grow up, have children and pass the gene on to their offspring, also in the gene pool. A hundred years children would die of diabetes and never reproduce, thereby never contributing the trait to the gene pool and reducing the number in the gene pool. Because of our ability to keep these children alive longer, we have changed our gene pool and subsequently, our biology. Now, use your own examples.

Case Discussion on Bipolar Disorder: Wendy is a 30-year-old, unemployed white female. She is no stranger to therapy, having seen counselors for most of her teen and adult years. Her friends would describe her as a “wild woman” who takes no crap from anyone. She has held various part-time jobs for the last few years because she usually gets angry at her boss or coworkers and quits. While she has had a string of boyfriends over the years, she has been seeing one man for the last year or so.Create a list of the patient’s problems and prioritize them. Which diagnosis should be considered What is your rationale for the diagnosis What differential diagnosis should be considered Wendy is a 30-year-old, unemployed white female. She is no stranger to therapy, having seen counselors for most of her teen and adult years. Her friends would describe her as a “wild woman” who takes no crap from anyone. She has held various part-time jobs for the last few years because she usually gets angry at her boss or coworkers and quits. While she has had a string of boyfriends over the years, she has been seeing one man for the last year or so. He too is unemployed and has both an alcohol and methamphetamine problem. She describes the relationship as “addictive and dysfunctional, yet exciting and hot.” Wendy is back in treatment at the urging of her parents, who describe her behavior as erratic and unpredictable. They also claim that she has periods where she “sleeps little and parties lots.” There were also several occasions in the last five years when she was so depressed she didn’t eat or want to leave the house. Her father also admits to periods of depression, and Trisha’s grandfather was diagnosed with manic depression, resulting in numerous hospitalizations in the 1950s and 1960s. Wendy’s only brother died in a car accident several years ago. He was drunk at the time, but she claims he had a long history of depression. Recently Trisha was arrested for disorderly conduct at a friend’s party. She had not slept for nearly 24 hours and was drunk and combative. When she was first approached by police, she solicited them for sex. They report that she was rather hyperverbal and hyperactive. They later had to investigate a complaint from local storeowners for bad checks she wrote in excess of $7,000. Summarize the clinical case. Create a list of the patient’s problems and prioritize them. Which A38diagnosis should be considered What is your rationale for the diagnosis What differential diagnosis should be considered What test or screening tools should be considered to help identify the correct diagnosis What treatment would you prescribe and what is the rationale (consider psychopharmacology, diagnostics tests, referrals, psychotherapy, psychoeducation) What standard guidelines would you use to assess or treat this patient Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and include peer-reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.

Mood Stabilizing Agents
Instructions: Case Discussion on Bipolar Disorder:
Wendy is a 30-year-old, unemployed white female. She is no stranger to therapy, having seen counselors for most of her teen and adult years. Her friends would describe her as a “wild woman” who takes no crap from anyone. She has held various part-time jobs for the last few years because she usually gets angry at her boss or coworkers and quits. While she has had a string of boyfriends over the years, she has been seeing one man for the last year or so.Create a list of the patient’s problems and prioritize them.
Which diagnosis should be considered
What is your rationale for the diagnosis
What differential diagnosis should be considered He too is unemployed and has both an alcohol and methamphetamine problem. She describes the relationship as “addictive and dysfunctional, yet exciting and hot.” Wendy is back in treatment at the urging of her parents, who describe her behavior as erratic and unpredictable. They also claim that she has periods where she “sleeps little and parties lots.” There were also several occasions in the last five years when she was so depressed she didn’t eat or want to leave the house. Her father also admits to periods of depression, and Trisha’s grandfather was diagnosed with manic depression, resulting in numerous hospitalizations in the 1950s and 1960s. Wendy’s only brother died in a car accident several years ago. He was drunk at the time, but she claims he had a long history of depression. Recently Trisha was arrested for disorderly conduct at a friend’s party. She had not slept for nearly 24 hours and was drunk and combative. When she was first approached by police, she solicited them for sex. They report that she was rather hyperverbal and hyperactive. They later had to investigate a complaint from local storeowners for bad checks she wrote in excess of $7,000.

Summarize the clinical case.
Create a list of the patient’s problems and prioritize them.
Which diagnosis should be considered
What is your rationale for the diagnosis
What differential diagnosis should be considered
What test or screening tools should be considered to help identify the correct diagnosis
What treatment would you prescribe and what is the rationale (consider psychopharmacology, diagnostics tests, referrals, psychotherapy, psychoeducation)
What standard guidelines would you use to assess or treat this patient

Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and include peer-reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.

You are in charge of managing a local softball team, one in which there is a lot of turnover. While you have a couple of regulars, much of the team members come and go frequently. When it comes to organizing games, it is becoming more and more difficult to keep track of the current members, so you decide to write a small program to help you track the current players.Write a modularized program that will utilize a main menu to control the program’s functions and a list to store the members of your team.

You are in charge of managing a local softball team, one in which there is a lot of turnover. While you have a couple of regulars, much of the team members come and go frequently. When it comes to organizing games, it is becoming more and more difficult to keep track of the current members, so you decide to write a small program to help you track the current players.Write a modularized program that will utilize a main menu to control the program’s functions and a list to store the members of your team. The following functions that your program needs to include:Print the current member list.Add a new member.Remove a member.Modify an existing member.Exit the programRemember that you can create a function using ‘def.’ In other words, for adding a new member, you will need a function similar to: ***** *****

As a manager, you’re going to be responsible for security planning. Humans are the weakest link in the armor of security. Security measures must be balanced with a businesses’ ability to function. Based upon the CIA Triad, what factors will you consider when coming up with your security plan? How will they affect the balance between securing the systems, and allowing the business enough breathing room to function effectively?   

Security Planning
As a manager, you’re going to be responsible for security planning. Humans are the weakest link in the armor of security. Security measures must be balanced with a businesses’ ability to function. Based upon the CIA Triad, what factors will you consider when coming up with your security plan? How will they affect the balance between securing the systems, and allowing the business enough breathing room to function effectively?   

The law is invoked as a result of unfortunate mistakes in the delivery of health care. A foundation for applying abstract theories and principles of ethics is required. Identify a microethical and macroethical dilemma that occur in healthcare organizations. Provide examples of legal case law to support your response.

 Week 8 | 
Patient Rights and Responsibilities, Healthcare Ethics, and Procreation and Ethical Dilemmas

The law is invoked as a result of unfortunate mistakes in the delivery of health care. A foundation for applying abstract theories and principles of ethics is required. Identify a microethical and macroethical dilemma that occur in healthcare organizations. Provide examples of legal case law to support your response.