Explain the risk assessment you would use to inform your treatment decision making. What are the risks and benefits of the FDA-approved medicine? What are the risks and benefits of the off-label drug?

Major Depressive Disorder
· Recommend one FDA-approved drug, one off-label drug, and one non pharmacological intervention for treating major depressive disorder in children and adolescents.
· Explain the risk assessment you would use to inform your treatment decision making. What are the risks and benefits of the FDA-approved medicine? What are the risks and benefits of the off-label drug?
· Explain whether clinical practice guidelines exist for this disorder and, if so, use them to justify your recommendations. If not, explain what information you would need to take into consideration.
· Support your reasoning with at least three scholarly resources, one each on the FDA-approved drug, the off-label, and a non-medication intervention for the disorder. Please attach the PDFs of your sources.

During and before the Apollo program years at NASA, it was the primary governmentorganization involved in all space technology decisions. Since the Space Shuttle Program,NASA has been reinvented. It transformed from a closed system with a hierarchy that developsits technologies internally, to an open and collaborative network that promotes innovation andcollaboration with other public and private organizations. NASA has become moreinterdependent.

During and before the Apollo program years at NASA, it was the primary governmentorganization involved in all space technology decisions. Since the Space Shuttle Program,NASA has been reinvented. It transformed from a closed system with a hierarchy that developsits technologies internally, to an open and collaborative network that promotes innovation andcollaboration with other public and private organizations. NASA has become moreinterdependent.
– Using the Moon to Mars Mission (Artemis-Orion), describe this new collaborative approach atNASA 

Identify the methods used in the identification of evidence (e.g., visual, black light, police dog, chemicals, electronics, etc.) Describe at least three different methods involved in the identification of evidence. Explain why these identification methods are appropriate for certain evidence but inappropriate for other types. Explain how the identification methodology might affect laboratory testing.

There are several different types or classifications of evidence. Each type of evidence may have different requirements or methodology for handling them at the scene for it to be properly identified, documented, processed, and admissible at trial.
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please review the following:
You are also strongly encouraged to review the list of recommended resources, as they may assist you with this discussion forum and the The Difference Between Preliminary Field and Laboratory Testing assignment.
For students whose last names begin with

A through G:

Identify the methods used in the identification of evidence (e.g., visual, black light, police dog, chemicals, electronics, etc.)
Describe at least three different methods involved in the identification of evidence.
Explain why these identification methods are appropriate for certain evidence but inappropriate for other types.
Explain how the identification methodology might affect laboratory testing.
Explain the requirements for the identification methodology related to admissibility of evidence at trial.

Each thread must also address health and safety issues at the scene and in handling evidence (e.g., explosives, drugs, biological, etc.)
The instructor has the discretion to reassign students to an alternative category to ensure all topics are covered.
The body of your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from this week’s required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources and properly cite any references. Remember science is objective, not a matter of subjective opinions.?

Explain how a biosafety containment level III laboratory is constructed (e.g. air flow and pressure control). Explain the basic safety rules of a biosafety containment level III laboratory (e.g. use of safety equipment).Explain the concept of fumigation and how this is executed within a microbiological safety cabinet.

Lab 7: Biosafety
Learning Outcomes
· Explain how a biosafety containment level III laboratory is constructed (e.g. air flow and pressure control). Explain the basic safety rules of a biosafety containment level III laboratory (e.g. use of safety equipment).Explain the concept of fumigation and how this is executed within a microbiological safety cabinet.
· Explain the basic safety rules of a biosafety containment level III laboratory (e.g. use of safety equipment).
· Handle microorganisms in a biosafety containment level III laboratory.
· Explain the concept of fumigation and how this is executed within a microbiological safety cabinet.
Introduction: Experiment with biosafety virtual simulation lab In the Biosafety simulation, you will be introduced to the concept of laboratory containment, which is a very special type of laboratory required to work with hazardous pathogens.
Laboratory containment Containment in this context refers to the requirements set out by various bodies to safely manipulate such pathogens. In this simulation, you will be able to experience a containment level 3 (Biosafety Level 3 or BSL3) research laboratory.
Learn about lab safety You will become familiar with the basic protocols utilized to ensure safety, and you will be presented with the specific basic safety rules for this type of laboratory (e.g. personal protective equipment (PPE) and primary containment). In addition, you will learn how every part of the laboratory is designed to avoid contamination. This includes learning about why the pressure in the laboratory needs to be controlled at all times (secondary containment), and how the microbiological safety cabinets are designed to offer protection).
Identify the hazard In the biosafety simulation you will be presented with a hypothetical case where you will need to identify a potential bioterrorism agent that is classed as a hazard group three microorganism.
Please note that this simulation has been developed broadly around UK regulations. Some protocols may differ depending on the specific regulations.
1. Purpose: Please describe in complete sentences and in your own words, the purpose of this experiment.
2. What are the different biosafety levels?
3. What practices would you recommend to be used in BSL 1 and how do these differ from BSL 2?
4. In this simulation what organism was discussed? Which biosafety level is this pathogen handled in? Why?
5. What does biosafety level 4 mean? What type of pathogens can only be handled in these labs?
6. Reflection: Write 5 sentences on what you learned from this simulation. What did you like and what was something that you would prefer not be a part of this simulation?

Your manager appreciated your thoughtful analysis on the infiltrate phase and would now like your thoughts on the Activate phase. Your efforts at educating users on the common ransomware attack vectors has been a huge success. Despite that success, some users were caught off guard and clicked through a phishing email message. At least one user landed on a malicious website and clicked a form submission button that allowed the attacker direct access to your network.  Now that an attacker has infiltrated your network, and you suspect they have planted ransomware on some systems:   Choose one of the questions below. What would you communicate to your manager?  1. What, if anything can CAG do to determine if malicious code was transferred over the network and planted on a system?  2. Provide your thoughts on how a defender can gain better visibility over the Activate phase.  3. How do you think CAG can best defend against a ransomware attack in the activate stage?

You were introduced to a ransomware attack scenario during Unit I in which you assumed the role of a recently hired cybersecurity analyst to help the organization to respond to an unfolding ransomware attack. In Unit II, you provided your manager with your ideas on ransomware attack vectors, how an attacker might employ a vector in an attack or how Celinszky Automotive Group (CAG) might best defend against these common vectors.
Your manager appreciated your thoughtful analysis on the infiltrate phase and would now like your thoughts on the Activate phase. Your efforts at educating users on the common ransomware attack vectors has been a huge success. Despite that success, some users were caught off guard and clicked through a phishing email message. At least one user landed on a malicious website and clicked a form submission button that allowed the attacker direct access to your network. 
Now that an attacker has infiltrated your network, and you suspect they have planted ransomware on some systems:
Choose one of the questions below. What would you communicate to your manager? 
1. What, if anything can CAG do to determine if malicious code was transferred over the network and planted on a system? 
2. Provide your thoughts on how a defender can gain better visibility over the Activate phase. 
3. How do you think CAG can best defend against a ransomware attack in the activate stage?
Textbook Reference
Grama, J. L. (2022). Legal and privacy issues in information security (3rd ed.). Jones and Bartlett. https://online.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781284231465

Identify one concept or topic that you learned about during the semester where the  juxtaposition of the online lessons and the personal narratives (memoirs, your own experiences, your classmates’ experiences, and/or interviews) led you to a deeper understanding of the course material. For instance: · Did you understand the concept  more deeply as we explored different personal narratives?

For your final paper, you will reflect on the way these different ways of learning and sources of information contributed to your understanding of diversity and human development. Respond to the prompts below in a cohesive, formal paper.
1. Identify one concept or topic that you learned about during the semester where the  juxtaposition of the online lessons and the personal narratives (memoirs, your own experiences, your classmates’ experiences, and/or interviews) led you to a deeper understanding of the course material. For instance:
· Did you understand the concept  more deeply as we explored different personal narratives?
· Did your understanding of the concept  change as we added more narratives?
· Was your understanding of the concept  challenged by one or more narratives?
2. Through the body of your paper, describe how the combination of information sources helped you learn more deeply. Be sure to provide details from the online lessons and personal narratives to support your main points. As you think about your answer, reflect on the following:
· How would you have understood the concept or topic with just the material from the online lesson, but no personal narratives? Would your understanding have been complete, or was something missing?
· How would you have understood it with just one of the personal narratives? Would your understanding have been complete or would something have been missing?
· How did your understanding of the topic or concept deepen or change with additional sources of information?
· Which information sources most strongly influenced your understanding of the concept or topic, and why?
· What did you learn that was new, different, or deeper from each information source?
3. Conclude by providing a more complete and complex description of the topic or concept, based on the nuances that you explored in your paper.
Choice of Paper Topics
To help you get started, here is a list of some of the main topics we covered this semester. As you learned throughout the semester, many of these topics overlap. You are welcome to bring additional course concepts into your paper, but be sure to stay focused on one main topic.
This list is not exhaustive – if you have a different topic that really interests you, ask the instructor if you can write about it. We want you to pick a topic that really interests you.
· The influence of context on development
· The appeal and dangers of a single story
· Inequality
· Diversity
· A good life or a meaningful life
· Agency within structural constraints
· Resilience
· Culture
· Risk and protective factors
· Internal working models & adult relationships
· Gender roles
· Family relationships & interdependence
· Factors influencing decision-making
· Balancing critical reflection & empathy
· Being open to alternate ideas
Paper Structure
Introduce the topic you will be discussing in the paper, along with which personal narratives you will be using (memoirs, sharing posts, and/or interviews).
Tips: The introduction paragraph should not be too long because you want to get to the heart of the paper relatively quickly, but it should be long enough that it gives the reader a good sense of the overall tone of your paper and what the reader can expect going forward. The introduction paragraph should be a road-map for the reader.
Presentation and Analysis of Evidence
For the heart of your paper, discuss your topic in depth and provide examples to back up your claims. Here is a sample structure for the paper:
· Point #1 (one or more paragraphs): Describe what you learned about the topic from the online course content, along with references to that content. What did this information contribute to your understanding of the topic?
· Point #2 (two or more paragraphs): Describe what you learned about the topic from the personal narratives (memoirs and/or interviews), along with references to the narratives and citations where necessary. For each personal narrative, be sure to explicitly discuss how this information further shaped your thinking about this topic.
· Point #3 (one or more paragraphs): Take a step back and compare/contrast the various information sources. How does the combination of the two sources bring you to a deeper understanding of the topic? Describe the evolution of your thinking as you learned about this topic.
· Point #4 (one paragraph): Be sure to explore alternate ideas, narratives that don’t make sense given what you know about the topic or questions you still have about your topic.
Your conclusion should provide a summary of the main points in your paper as well as any final thoughts you have on the material. In your conclusion, be sure to:
· Provide a more complete or complex definition or description of the topic or concept.
· Summarize the way multiple information sources helped you develop this more complex understanding of your topic or concept.
Tips: A good conclusion not only reminds the reader about what the paper was about, but also pushes the discussion just a little bit further so that the reader is still thinking about the issues even when the paper is over.
The Nitty Gritty
· 3-4 pages, double-spaced
· 12-point standard font (Times New Roman, Calibri, etc.)
· APA style in-text citations
· APA style reference list, if you draw from outside sources. You do not need a reference list if you are only using class resources.
· Writing style matters! Make sure you have an introduction, one clear point per paragraph, a logical order to your paper, and conclusion to help frame your paper.
· Papers must have limited typographic, spelling, and grammar errors to receive a passing grade.

Scenario: Mary Smith has just reported for duty and is reviewing the patients she will have during the evening shift. One of them, Ida Monroe, is on isolation for an infectious disease. Dr. Jerome comes into the nursing station around 9:00 P.M. after making hospital rounds to see his patients. He tells Mary that he noticed that one of his neighbors, Ida Monroe, is a patient, and he would like to review her medical chart. Mary starts to give him the chart and then realizes that Dr. Jerome is not Ida’s physician. Dr. Jerome says not to worry about that since he has taken care of the rest of Ida’s family for years and is sure that Ida will want him to consult on her case. When Mary hesitates to give him the chart, Dr. Jerome says that he will report her to her nursing supervisor. He walks over to pick up the chart. Instructions: Read the scenario above and then, answer the following questions: Should Mary give Ida’s medical chart to Dr. Jerome? Why or why not? What should Mary say to Dr. Jerome? Who legally owns the chart and who owns the information in the chart? Are they the same? What about the patient, can they request their own chart? What would be the best procedure to follow if a patient requested their own chart?

Scenario – Mary Smith has just reported for duty and is reviewing the patients she will have during the evening shift. One of them, Ida Monroe, is on isolation for an infectious disease. Dr. Jerome comes into the nursing station around 9:00 P.M. after making hospital rounds to see his patients. He tells Mary that he noticed that one of his neighbors, Ida Monroe, is a patient, and he would like to review her medical chart. Mary starts to give him the chart and then realizes that Dr. Jerome is not Ida’s physician. Dr. Jerome says not to worry about that since he has taken care of the rest of Ida’s family for years and is sure that Ida will want him to consult on her case. When Mary hesitates to give him the chart, Dr. Jerome says that he will report her to her nursing supervisor. He walks over to pick up the chart.

Read the scenario above and then, answer the following questions:

Should Mary give Ida’s medical chart to Dr. Jerome? Why or why not?
What should Mary say to Dr. Jerome? Who legally owns the chart and who owns the information in the chart? Are they the same? What about the patient, can they request their own chart? What would be the best procedure to follow if a patient requested their own chart?
What legal regulations are involved in this case?

Your pap should be:
One (1) page

Typed according to APA Writing Style for margins, formatting and spacing standards.
Typed your pap  in a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file.

Explore Lean and Six Sigma concepts applied to health care for process and performance improvement. Consider how Lean and Six Sigma could be applied to improve health care economics and the application of health care financial and funding models. Write a paper to summarize the concepts of Lean and Six Sigma and the application of Lean and Six Sigma in a selected case study. Preparation Read the Using DMAIC To Improve Nursing Shift-Change Assignments case study. The assignment is based on it. (If desired, you can download a PDF version of the case study if you agree to the free registration on the ASQ site) Write 1-2 pages in which you: Summarize the application of Lean and Six Sigma in the case study. Describe ways in which Lean and Six Sigma could be applied to improve health care economics and the application of health care financial and funding models.

Explore Lean and Six Sigma concepts applied to health care for process and performance improvement. Consider how Lean and Six Sigma could be applied to improve health care economics and the application of health care financial and funding models. Write a paper to summarize the concepts of Lean and Six Sigma and the application of Lean and Six Sigma in a selected case study.
Read the Using DMAIC To Improve Nursing Shift-Change Assignments case study. The assignment is based on it. (If desired, you can download a PDF version of the case study if you agree to the free registration on the ASQ site)
Write 1-2 pages in which you:

Summarize the application of Lean and Six Sigma in the case study.
Describe ways in which Lean and Six Sigma could be applied to improve health care economics and the application of health care financial and funding models.

Use at least two sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.
Link: https://asq.org/quality-resources/articles/case-studies/using-dmaic-to-improve-nursing-shift-change-assignments?id=46e7439648ef4fb1b52972dd2bbf30a6

Select a state or federal law or regulation related to patient safety that has been implemented within the last five years requiring hospitals or any other health care organizations to change the way they manage the delivery of care. Discuss the changes that have occurred because of this law or regulation. Additionally, discuss the technology associated with either your selected law/regulation or a similar one.

Select a state or federal law or regulation related to patient safety that has been implemented within the last five years requiring hospitals or any other health care organizations to change the way they manage the delivery of care. Discuss the changes that have occurred because of this law or regulation.
Additionally, discuss the technology associated with either your selected law/regulation or a similar one. Are there ethical dilemmas that have resulted from technology changes when delivering care to patients or patient safety? Explain the dilemmas and how they might be resolved. 

In the discussion for this week, we will focus on the use of radio-frequency implanted devices, known as RFIDs. This discussion will help you begin to think about the APA-formatted paper due this week on the topic of RFIDs and Smartcards. Consider this scenario: The hospital administrators have chosen to include the smart card or implanted RFID in their plan for patient care delivery. However, your client base is resistant to the idea of using the smart card. In your discussion response, please address each of the following questions: 1. What are the pros and cons for using the smartcard or RFID? 2. How would you balance the concerns related to the cons, while trying to incorporate its use into the healthcare system? 3. Identify groups or individuals who could immediately benefit from the use of the technology, and why is that so?


NSG 3150 Healthcare Informatics

Week 4 Discussion

In the discussion for this week, we will focus on the use of radio-frequency implanted devices, known as RFIDs. This discussion will help you begin to think about the APA-formatted paper due this week on the topic of RFIDs and Smartcards.
Consider this scenario: The hospital administrators have chosen to include the smart card or implanted RFID in their plan for patient care delivery. However, your client base is resistant to the idea of using the smart card. In your discussion response, please address each of the following questions:
1. What are the pros and cons for using the smartcard or RFID?
2. How would you balance the concerns related to the cons, while trying to incorporate its use into the healthcare system?
3. Identify groups or individuals who could immediately benefit from the use of the technology, and why is that so?

Please be sure to provide appropriate APA-formatted in-text citations and references to support your response.