Justify how the selected team embodies the values of conscious capitalism and how the tenet of stakeholder orientation played a role in the team selection process. Provide citations to strengthen your claims.Describe how value is created for each stakeholder, and in what ways will the team positively impact the business as a whole?

Justify how the selected team embodies the values of conscious capitalism and how the tenet of stakeholder orientation played a role in the team selection process. Provide citations to strengthen your claims.Describe how value is created for each stakeholder, and in what ways will the team positively impact the business as a whole?

Select      a social work topic of interest to you (e.g., the relationship between      alcohol use and suicide). Based on your topic, create a research question      (e.g., what is the relationship between alcohol use and suicide in adult      males?).  See list of sample      research questions below. Identify      the independent (e.g., alcohol use) and dependent variables (e.g., suicide      completion). Locate three (3) quantitative      research studies (articles) from scholarly journals relevant to your research question      using any of the databases stated above. These studies cannot be literature reviews or meta-analyses. Describe      your topic and the database(s) you used to locate the study (article). Write a short paragraph (a couple of sentences)      about each article describing the findings (relevant to your research      question), the independent and dependent variables in each study, and the      sample size. 

My topic: how common is substance abuse among teens
This assignment requires you to search electronic databases that specialize in scholarly journals. Some of these include Academic Search Complete, Psych INFO, Social Work Abstracts and MEDLINE (you are not limited to these databases, but they are a good starting point).

Select      a social work topic of interest to you (e.g., the relationship between      alcohol use and suicide). Based on your topic, create a research question      (e.g., what is the relationship between alcohol use and suicide in adult      males?).  See list of sample      research questions below.
Identify      the independent (e.g., alcohol use) and dependent variables (e.g., suicide      completion).
Locate three (3) quantitative      research studies (articles) from scholarly journals relevant to your research question      using any of the databases stated above. These studies cannot be literature reviews or meta-analyses.
Describe      your topic and the database(s) you used to locate the study (article). Write a short paragraph (a couple of sentences)      about each article describing the findings (relevant to your research      question), the independent and dependent variables in each study, and the      sample size. 

Reporting findings:
Report findings in two ways:
1) Provide a direct quotation of results reported in the study.
2) Paraphrase the results.
Please use the following format:
Study 1:
Direct quotation of findings
Paraphrase findings
Study 2:
Direct quotation of findings
Paraphrase findings
Study 3:
Direct quotation of findings
Paraphrase findings

Provide      the full citation      of the article using APA formatting style.

Searching Using Electronic Databases
Library Website
–Electronic Information
–Library Databases
–Choose a database (e.g., Psych Info, Academic Search Complete).
Example of APA Citations of Articles:
Leventhal, T. & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2000). The neighborhoods they live in: The effects of neighborhood residence on child and adolescent outcomes. Psychological Bulletin, 126, 309-337.
Example of using authors’ name in text:
Leventhal and Brooks-Gunn (2000) found…
Example of Citing a Direct Quote:
“There’s no place like home” (Dorothy & Toto, 2009, p. 365)
Example of Paraphrasing Another’s Work
My house is a truly unique location (Dorothy & Toto, 2009).

Why are foreign MNEs like Amazon seeking to do business in China, India and Latin America? What risks come with investing in emerging as opposed to developed markets? What model can help you understand the extent of these risks?

1. Why are foreign MNEs like Amazon seeking to do business in China, India and Latin America? What risks come with investing in emerging as opposed to developed markets? What model can help you understand the extent of these risks? CAGE Model Analysis or SWOT analysis or PESTLE analysis

Think about your most extensive work experience. What organization structure did your employer use? Did that structure have any impact on your own specific job? (The answer may be ‘no’ — but it’s worth taking a little time to think about how structure can impact our own jobs, behaviors, careers, etc.)2. Why should Google’s restructuring to Alphabet improve innovation in the company?

1. Think about your most extensive work experience. What organization structure did your employer use? Did that structure have any impact on your own specific job? (The answer may be ‘no’ — but it’s worth taking a little time to think about how structure can impact our own jobs, behaviors, careers, etc.)2. Why should Google’s restructuring to Alphabet improve innovation in the company?

Explain how earned value management helps you monitor project performance and forecast future cost and schedule information. What do you need to do to use earned value management?What is the difference between scope validation and scope control? Why are both important to project success?

Explain how earned value management helps you monitor project performance and forecast future cost and schedule information. What do you need to do to use earned value management?What is the difference between scope validation and scope control? Why are both important to project success?

The Board of Directors for Matterhorn Home Health is concerned with CEO Patricia Simmons’ recent press release related to the faulty GlucoGauge units. The Board is particularly concerned with Simmons’ rather costly spending choices in the wake of this crisis. As you know, the GlucoGauge was already the most expensive project Matterhorn ever developed. Furthermore, In response to initial reports about the malfunctioning device, the company continued to sink millions into a failed communication campaign seemingly based on faulty evidence. The Board has asked you to put together a letter explaining your choices to all of Matterhorn’s major investors. This letter should explain why Matterhorn chose to spend the money that it did on this failed communication campaign. You should also offer some insight on how the company plans to correct such mismanagement in the future

The Board of Directors for Matterhorn Home Health is concerned with CEO Patricia Simmons’ recent press release related to the faulty GlucoGauge units. The Board is particularly concerned with Simmons’ rather costly spending choices in the wake of this crisis. As you know, the GlucoGauge was already the most expensive project Matterhorn ever developed. Furthermore, In response to initial reports about the malfunctioning device, the company continued to sink millions into a failed communication campaign seemingly based on faulty evidence. The Board has asked you to put together a letter explaining your choices to all of Matterhorn’s major investors. This letter should explain why Matterhorn chose to spend the money that it did on this failed communication campaign. You should also offer some insight on how the company plans to correct such mismanagement in the future.  

Choose 1 country that the organization you’ve been working on in this course could consider expanding into.   Organization is Target store.Read the selected article Analyze that potential international market by considering the 4 aspects of the Diamond of National Advantage: industry rivalry, demand conditions, related and supporting industries, and factor endowments.Analyze the forces (in the home market and international market) that will help the organization succeed with its expansion and the forces that may act as barriers to that expansion. Refer to your analysis of strengths and weaknesses completed in Wk 1, the Porter’s Five Forces worksheet from Wk 3, and your analysis of the Diamond of National Advantage. Evaluate the 4 adjustments leaders must make when expanding internationally (Burkus, 2012). Recommend 1 specific leadership action for each adjustment, such as developing a global mindset, developing sensitivity to cultural differences, decentralizing, deciding on the level of involvement, etc.Recommend whether the organization should expand into the chosen country. Explain your rationale

Choose 1 country that the organization you’ve been working on in this course could consider expanding into.   Organization is Target store.Read the selected article Analyze that potential international market by considering the 4 aspects of the Diamond of National Advantage: industry rivalry, demand conditions, related and supporting industries, and factor endowments.Analyze the forces (in the home market and international market) that will help the organization succeed with its expansion and the forces that may act as barriers to that expansion. Refer to your analysis of strengths and weaknesses completed in Wk 1, the Porter’s Five Forces worksheet from Wk 3, and your analysis of the Diamond of National Advantage. Evaluate the 4 adjustments leaders must make when expanding internationally (Burkus, 2012). Recommend 1 specific leadership action for each adjustment, such as developing a global mindset, developing sensitivity to cultural differences, decentralizing, deciding on the level of involvement, etc.Recommend whether the organization should expand into the chosen country. Explain your rationale. Create a presentation to present your analysis and recommendation. Include the following sections in your presentation: 

Analyze the different cultures and worldviews that inform human thinking and actions, and respond constructively to human and global differences in workplaces, communities, and organizations.

Analyze the different cultures and worldviews that inform human thinking and actions, and respond constructively to human and global differences in workplaces, communities, and organizations.  Write a paper that compares and contrasts the  United States and Greece.  Use three additional sources (not including the GLOBE resources) to support your analysis of the two cultures. 

Consider what you learned in the experience and respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Have you had any experience working on Agile teams? If you have worked on Agile teams, what were the benefits and difficulties of the Agile approach? If you have not worked on Agile teams, using this exercise, what benefits and challenges do you foresee applying an Agile approach in your current or future workplace? How can the challenges of Agile be mitigated or overcome?

Consider what you learned in the experience and respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Have you had any experience working on Agile teams?
If you have worked on Agile teams, what were the benefits and difficulties of the Agile approach?
If you have not worked on Agile teams, using this exercise, what benefits and challenges do you foresee applying an Agile approach in your current or future workplace?
How can the challenges of Agile be mitigated or overcome?

Based on your Week Four Learning Team Collaboration discussion, write a 1- to 2-page technical document on the installation and configuration of DNS and DHCP in Windows®Server 2012 for Wadley, Inc. This will become part of the final install, configuration, and support plan for Wadley. Include the following: How to install DNS and configure it, including the DNS tree Explain ongoing monitoring and management of server installation Recommendations for utilizing Hyper-V®

Based on your Week Four Learning Team Collaboration discussion, write a 1- to 2-page technical document on the installation and configuration of DNS and DHCP in Windows®Server 2012 for Wadley, Inc. This will become part of the final install, configuration, and support plan for Wadley.
Include the following:

How to install DNS and configure it, including the DNS tree
Explain ongoing monitoring and management of server installation
Recommendations for utilizing Hyper-V®

Format according to APA guidelines.