Currently, nursing services are considered an expense for which healthcare organizations cannot bill separately. Respond to the following questions and, if appropriate, include personal experience as part of your answers: Why are healthcare organizations unable to bill separately for nursing services, and what is the impact on nurse leaders? What can the nursing profession, and specifically nursing leaders, do to change this issue?

Currently, nursing services are considered an expense for which healthcare organizations cannot bill separately. Respond to the following questions and, if appropriate, include personal experience as part of your answers:

Why are healthcare organizations unable to bill separately for nursing services, and what is the impact on nurse leaders?
What can the nursing profession, and specifically nursing leaders, do to change this issue?
Why are nursing services considered an expense and not an income generator?

A cardiac patient is having some follow-up testing on the current condition of the heart. The patient always researches on the Internet to get the latest information about diagnostic tests that are performed. The patient has a few questions for the healthcare provider about the upcoming scheduled examinations.The patient is having a vectorcardiogram done. The patient does not understand the difference between the electrocardiogram and the vectorcardiogram because both are recording the electrical forces of the heart. What is the best explanation of a vectorcardiogram?

MSN5031 Differential Diagnosis and Collaborative Management in Acute Care
Case Study
Chapter 16: Special Diagnostic Studies
A cardiac patient is having some follow-up testing on the current condition of the heart. The patient always researches on the Internet to get the latest information about diagnostic tests that are performed. The patient has a few questions for the healthcare provider about the upcoming scheduled examinations.The patient is having a vectorcardiogram done. The patient does not understand the difference between the electrocardiogram and the vectorcardiogram because both are recording the electrical forces of the heart. What is the best explanation of a vectorcardiogram?
1. The patient is having a vectorcardiogram done. The patient does not understand the difference between the electrocardiogram and the vectorcardiogram because both are recording the electrical forces of the heart. What is the best explanation of a vectorcardiogram?
2. The patient is recovering from a recent myocardial infarction. The patient is scheduled for a signal-averaged electrocardiogram. What are the indications for this diagnostic test?
3. The patient is going to wear a Holter monitor. The patient tells the healthcare provider this monitor will provide an electrical shock in case of a ventricular dysrhythmia. Is the patient’s understanding correct? Why or why not?

Describe how understanding theories of child development can assist you in your chosen profession. Use specific examples and evidence from the textbook and additional research. Explain the theories that most closely align with your personal philosophy or approach to child development. Use specific examples to illustrate your perspective.

To prepare for this discussion, read the Week One Instructor Guidance.From theory to practice provides an overview of the main theories relevant to child development. Remember that the topic of child development can be applied to multiple disciplines – from play therapists, to educators, to social workers. Theorists such as Freud, Piaget, Vygotsky, and Erikson, have been studying child development for decades. These notable figures have contributed significantly to the study of child development. Understanding the basic theoretical tenants will deepen your professional knowledge of how young children develop and how that relates to your work with children.
Initial Post –Reference two scholarly resources in addition to the textbook to support your explanations and evaluations for the prompts that follow:

Describe how understanding theories of child development can assist you in your chosen profession. Use specific examples and evidence from the textbook and additional research.
Explain the theories that most closely align with your personal philosophy or approach to child development. Use specific examples to illustrate your perspective.
In a graphic organizer of your choice, describe the major differences and similarities of each of the leading child development theories discussed in the textbook. Attach your organizer to your initial discussion post. You can use an MS Word table, a graphic organizer from Holt Interactive Graphic Organizers, a mind map (e.g., using Bubble.Us or Coggle), or any other creative software choice that suits your needs for illustrating the comparison. See Attachment sample

Every organization must be considered the sum of its parts: the people, problems, and tools within it. Together, these parts shape the face of the institution and make it unique. When coming into a new organization, one should not presume that anything is so just because “that’s the way it was done at my other institution.” Different organizations have varying structures and approaches to management, and newcomers may find the environment confusing at first. Consumers of health care expect predictable, safe, and quality care. Recall from the readings that organizational theory attempts to explain how organizations are structured and managed. Based on this week’s readings and what has been presented on organizational theory, respond to the following:   Do chaos theory and complexity theory have any place in health care systems? Why or why not?

Chaos and Complexity Theory in Health Care
Every organization must be considered the sum of its parts: the people, problems, and tools within it. Together, these parts shape the face of the institution and make it unique. When coming into a new organization, one should not presume that anything is so just because “that’s the way it was done at my other institution.” Different organizations have varying structures and approaches to management, and newcomers may find the environment confusing at first.
Consumers of health care expect predictable, safe, and quality care. Recall from the readings that organizational theory attempts to explain how organizations are structured and managed. Based on this week’s readings and what has been presented on organizational theory, respond to the following:

Do chaos theory and complexity theory have any place in health care systems? Why or why not?

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.
Required Resources
This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of the assigned resources for this week. To view this week’s media resources, please use the streaming media player below.

Video: Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2010). Leadership competencies in nursing and healthcare: Implementing organizational change. Baltimore: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 13 minutes.
This week, the experts discuss organizational theory, organizational culture, and the role of the nurse in implementing organizational change.


Course Text: Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing (8th ed.)

Chapter 2, “Designing Organizations”
In Chapter 2, the authors discuss various forms of organizational theory and how to employ these theories in differing working environments. A leader should pay close attention to the needs of an institution, as well as to the culture of its workforce. This chapter gives several strategies for engaging the workforce so that they may feel like valued participants throughout the change process.
Chapter 5, “Initiating and Managing Change”
Chapter 5 examines the necessity for organizations to change to meet the needs of patients and to keep up with improvements in medicine. As the state of health care is always in rapid flux, nurses need to be leaders, bringing new ideas to their institutions. The chapter discusses change theories and connects them with the nursing process. Change strategies are also explored, as well as how to handle resistance.


Course Text: Nursing: Scope & Standards of Practice Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. 

“Standards of Nursing Practice”
This section provides an overview of the steps nurses take in patient care, from diagnoses to treatment. Emphasis is given to the nurse’s role as planner and strategist in devising a care program for the individual patient.

Course Text: Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses: Interpretation and Application Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. 

“Provision 2”
Provision 2 states that the patient is the central figure in all nursing theories. The author explores the historical underpinnings of this provision and explains that nurses must approach each case as an ethical dilemma. They must strive to learn about their patients in order to provide care that is best for the patient, even if this care isn’t a textbook solution.

Diers, D., Hendrickson, K., Rimar, J., & Donovan, D. (2013). Understanding Nursing Units With Data and Theory. Nursing Economic$, 31(3), 110-117.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

With these Learning Resources in mind, please proceed to the Discussion.

Explain the laws that could be used to prosecute you for committing this fraud and if this would have deterred you from committing the fraud

Based on your readings, peer reviewed literature, and other authoritative sources, include the following in your analysis.
Explain the laws that could be used to prosecute you for committing this fraud and if this would have deterred you from committing the fraud
Instructions: Due Friday 12/7
At least 3 pages long with 3 peer-reviewed references.

Doug receives a duplex as a gift from his uncle. The uncle’s basis for the duplex and land is $90,000. At the time of the gift, the land and building have FMV of $40,000 and $80,000, respectively. No gift tax is paid by Doug’s uncle at the time of the gift.  A. To determine gain, what is Doug’s basis for the land? B. To determine gain, what is Doug’s basis for the building? C. Will the basis of the land and building be the same as in Parts a and b for the purposes of determining loss?

Chapter 5: Problem I: 5-34 Basis of PropertyReceived as a Gift
Doug receives a duplex as a gift from his uncle. The uncle’s basis for the duplex and land is $90,000. At the time of the gift, the land and building have FMV of $40,000 and $80,000, respectively. No gift tax is paid by Doug’s uncle at the time of the gift. 
A. To determine gain, what is Doug’s basis for the land? B. To determine gain, what is Doug’s basis for the building? C. Will the basis of the land and building be the same as in Parts a and b for the purposes of determining loss?

How does research on similarities between friends apply to Tony’s friendships (see Brown & Larson, 2009)? Specifically, define the concepts of selection vs. socialization and apply them to Tony’s experiences.

1. How does research on similarities between friends apply to Tony’s friendships (see Brown & Larson, 2009)? Specifically, define the concepts of selection vs. socialization and apply them to Tony’s experiences.
2. Brown and Larson (2009) describe several peer influence processes. Describe at least two mechanisms/factors related to peer influence that apply to Tony and his friends.
3. How would you classify Tony’s mother’s parenting style in terms of the 4 main parenting styles defined by Laursen and Collins (2009)? Provide support for your answer. How might her parenting style/practices relate to his social and behavioral outcomes?
4. Discuss Romantic Attachment Theory (see Connolly & McIsaac, 2009) and how it relates to Tony’s experiences. Is his attachment to his mother secure or insecure? How does this attachment style influence his thoughts and interpretations of his romantic relationships?
5. How does research on conflict processes in adolescent romantic relationships apply to Tony’s relationships (see Connolly & McIsaac, 2009)? How does Tony handle conflict with his girlfriends, and how does this relate to his conflict with his mother?
6. How might the timing of Tony’s relationships (i.e., being an early starter) and his numerous relationship dissolutions influence his social and behavioral outcomes (see Connolly & McIsaac, 2009)?
7. Discuss three specific risk factors for Conduct Disorder that might apply to Tony (see McCloskey & Drabick, 2018).
8. According to research on treatments for behavioral disorders (see McCloskey & Drabick, 2018 and module video), what are some parenting practices Tony’s mother could have implemented when he was younger to possibly prevent his behavioral issues from progressing? (The focus here should be on specific skills learned, not simply the names of specific treatments.)
9. According to research on treatments for Conduct Disorder (see McCloskey & Drabick, 2018 and module video), what are some skills that Tony could currently learn to help improve his behavior? (Again, the focus here should be on specific skills learned, not simply the names of specific treatments.)
10. Discuss Tony’s situation from a Biblical perspective. Provide two scriptural verses that could offer encouragement, hope, or correction for Tony regarding his relationships and behavioral problems. Be sure that you are not simply quoting Scripture, but that you are also providing application and discussion from a Christian viewpoint. Note that a research citation is not required for this answer.

Identify a problem about language and/or translation that the text seeks to address. (For example:“Why do people speak different languages?” or “How do we deal with a single word that has multiplemeanings”? This problem should provide the title to your response paper. Quote from the text to show how the author addresses that problem, making sure to explain whatthe quote means in your own words (paraphrase). Find a second example if you can, and do the same.

About two double-spaced pages, using 1” margins and a readable 12-point font such as Times New

Identify a problem about language and/or translation that the text seeks to address. (For example:“Why do people speak different languages?” or “How do we deal with a single word that has multiplemeanings”? This problem should provide the title to your response paper.
Quote from the text to show how the author addresses that problem, making sure to explain whatthe quote means in your own words (paraphrase). Find a second example if you can, and do the same.
Apply the author’s position to a present-day example. This should be your own idea.
Offer a counter-example, a challenge, or a counter-argument against the author’s position. Doesa later quote in the text undermine the position you identified in step 3? If so, your counter-argument can be found within the text, so give another quote and explain it in your own words, as above. The best papers will engage with at least two substantial quotes from the text (see assessment rubric).
End with a question that your discussion of this problem has left you with. “If so, then what?” Keep your questions open-ended: that is, not answerable with fact, or by direct and immediate reference to the text. You are not expected to answer this question. Just show that the process of thinking through an idea and its counter-arguments has brought you somewhere.

Three years ago, you earned $2000 working as a lifeguard. You.depositsed the money in a bank that paidsimple interest of 4.75%. One of the other lifeguards with whom you work deposited the $2000 she earned in a different bank. Her bank only paid 4.70%, but it compounded the interest annually. How lessmuch money was in your account after the end of the first year? How much was in your friends account? How much did each of you have in the bank after the end of the second year? Why did your friend earn

Three years ago, you earned $2000 working as a lifeguard. You.depositsed the money in a bank that paidsimple interest of 4.75%. One of the other lifeguards with whom you work deposited the $2000 she earned in a different bank. Her bank only paid 4.70%, but it compounded the interest annually. How lessmuch money was in your account after the end of the first year? How much was in your friends account? How much did each of you have in the bank after the end of the second year? Why did your friend earn

Most of Judge Lifland’s criticism of E&Y focused on the firm’s audit procedures for CBI’s accounts payable. Generally, what is the primary audit objective for accounts payable? Do you believe that E&Y’s two principal audit tests for CBI’s accounts payable would have accomplished that objective if those tests had been properly applied? Why or why not?

See the “CBI Holding Company, Inc.” case for this question.
1-Most of Judge Lifland’s criticism of E&Y focused on the firm’s audit procedures for CBI’s accounts payable. Generally, what is the primary audit objective for accounts payable? Do you believe that E&Y’s two principal audit tests for CBI’s accounts payable would have accomplished that objective if those tests had been properly applied? Why or why not?
2-Do you believe that the E&Y auditors should have used confirmations in auditing CBI’s year-end accounts payable? Defend your answer. Briefly explain the differing audit objectives related to accounts receivable and accounts payable confirmation procedures and the key differences in how these procedures are applied.
3-In early 1994, E&Y officials discovered that the CBI auditors had failed to determine the true nature of the “advances” they had uncovered during the 1992 and 1993 audits. In your view, did E&Y have an obligation to inform CBI management of this oversight prior to seeking the “reaudit” engagement? More generally, does an auditor have a responsibility to inform client management of mistakes or oversights made on earlier audits?
4-Under what circumstances, if any, should an audit engagement partner acquiesce to a client’s request to remove a member of the audit engagement team?
5- E&Y officials believed that the CBI audits were high-risk engagements. Under what general circumstances should an audit firm choose not to accept a high-risk engagement?