How does telehealth improve access to care for vulnerable populations and assist healthcare professionals in meeting the needs of this population? Discuss how access to telehealth services improves patient care and decreases health disparities. Identify potential issues that could impact patient safety. Briefly discuss the effects of social media on our healthcare system in your response.

How does telehealth improve access to care for vulnerable populations and assist healthcare professionals in meeting the needs of this population? Discuss how access to telehealth services improves patient care and decreases health disparities. Identify potential issues that could impact patient safety. Briefly discuss the effects of social media on our healthcare system in your response. In responding your peers, identify examples of telehealth currently used in our healthcare system, citing your source. Please expand on the topic of telehealth by discussing its impact on improving access and patient safety. Do you agree with its use? Why or why not. Please explain.

Explain why federal Justices, who are not popularly elected, have such wide authority to strike down popular laws; why do judges have such enormous power with so little public accountability? Please use the term Judicial Review in your response. Why does the U.S. have such an undemocratic institution in its democracy? Drawing on Saffell, Meese, and Brennan in ch. 13 of your American Government: Examined Reader, do you think Justices should act according to the dictums of judicial activism or judicial restraint?

Explain why federal Justices, who are not popularly elected, have such wide authority to strike down popular laws; why do judges have such enormous power with so little public accountability? Please use the term Judicial Review in your response. Why does the U.S. have such an undemocratic institution in its democracy?
Drawing on Saffell, Meese, and Brennan in ch. 13 of your American Government: Examined Reader, do you think Justices should act according to the dictums of judicial activism or judicial restraint? You will want to include direct references to Meese and Brennan in your response.
Using what you have learned in parts one and two, pretend you are a Supreme Court Justice who must render a decision in Alexander v. South Carolina State Conference of the NAACP. On what are you basing your decision? Which parts of the Constitution or other documents are relevant? Remember you are acting as a justice, not simply expressing your personal opinions.
Reply, thoughtfully, to at least two of your classmates.
Open to Debate e-text and the corresponding power point lecture outlines and lectures or video lecture clips
American Government: Examined reader, Chapter 13
Saffell, “The Proper Role for the Supreme Court: Activist or Restraint?
Meese, “Jurisprudence of Original Intention”
Brennan, “A Jurisprudence of Human Dignity”
Online Resources:
http://www.supremecourt.govLinks to an external site. to an external site.
other online resources of your choice, as needed
Tips for Success:
– I will be looking for direct references to assigned readings (author and page # citations are adequate). Please limit yourself to the assigned materials.
– More thoughtful analyses utilizing critical thought will earn higher scores.
Grading Rubric:
Part 1.
6 points
Part 2.
6 points
Part 3.
4 points
Writing Mechanics:
2 points
Response to Classmates
2 points
Total possible:
20 points

discuss the major types of organic molecules of the human body. Then, compare and contrast the kinds of chemical bonding exhibited by secondary and tertiary levels of protein structure.

Hello everyone,
Please discuss the major types of organic molecules of the human body. Then, compare and contrast the kinds of chemical bonding exhibited by secondary and tertiary levels of protein structure.
Use illustrations to support your discussion points.
1. Your original post must have a clear understanding of the topic and should be a minimum of 1 paragraph with at least 5 sentences

Create a multimedia “exhibition” of 5 art works by Native artists or associated with an indigenous group; of your chosen objects, 2 must be historic and 3 should contemporary art works. Your exhibition can be created in Powerpoint, Prezi, or GoogleSlides. Please ensure that you allow everyone to view when creating a link to share. Each slide of your presentation should include photographs of the works you are “exhibiting”, and for each object there should be a label. Your labels should: Identify the art work – remember this should be in italics.

Create a multimedia “exhibition” of 5 art works by Native artists or associated with an indigenous group; of your chosen objects, 2 must be historic and 3 should contemporary art works. Your exhibition can be created in Powerpoint, Prezi, or GoogleSlides. Please ensure that you allow everyone to view when creating a link to share.
Each slide of your presentation should include photographs of the works you are “exhibiting”, and for each object there should be a label. Your labels should:
Identify the art work – remember this should be in italics.
Identify the Indigenous culture of the artist or that created the object
Point out any particular parts of the works that the viewer should pay attention to and explain why they matter.
Remember keep your label short. 3-5 sentences
To help you decide on works to include in your exhibition, below is a list of museums whose collections include objects belonging to an Indigenous culture or art works by Native artists.;jsessionid=3E2F414CFC560CE0FC851ED105E6232E

What type of team did the McDonalds brothers and Ray Kroc originally form? What aspects were positive, and which were negative? 2) What were the goals of the partnership? What were the team norms? Which additional team norms should have been added or updated?  3) What leadership style did Ray Kroc have? Was it effective? Why?

” The Founder | Based on a True Story – YouTube “
The Founder – Team Project Assignment
1) What type of team did the McDonalds brothers and Ray Kroc originally form? What aspects were positive, and which were negative?
2) What were the goals of the partnership? What were the team norms? Which additional team norms should have been added or updated? 
3) What leadership style did Ray Kroc have? Was it effective? Why?
4) How did Ray Kroc use power? Give three examples that support your team answer.
5) How did group emotion negatively affect the McDonalds brothers and Ray Kroc partnership? Give three examples that support your team answer.
6) Do you think “sucker aversion” drove Ray Kroc reaction to differentiate the real estate business venture from the McDonalds brothers? Explain why with concrete examples. 
7) Do you think “adaptive capacity” was an issue for the partnership. Explain why with concrete examples.

Research a real-world company, such as Walmart, Starbucks, or Apple, that has expanded operations internationally. Write words on international supply chain management using the company that you researched as your focus. Your response should answer the following questions: What are the main elements of a global supply chain organization? What are the steps involved in producing an order and shipping it to the customer in a global environment? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of expanding operations internationally or sourcing goods internationally?

Research a real-world company, such as Walmart, Starbucks, or Apple, that has expanded operations internationally. Write words on international supply chain management using the company that you researched as your focus. Your response should answer the following questions:
What are the main elements of a global supply chain organization?
What are the steps involved in producing an order and shipping it to the customer in a global environment?
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of expanding operations internationally or sourcing goods internationally?
From manufacturing to the distribution of goods on an international scale, what are the main elements of a supply chain?
What are the steps involved in producing an order and shipping it to the customer?
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of international operations?
Please site 2 or more sources.

A cardiac patient is having some follow-up testing on the current condition of the heart. The patient always researches on the Internet to get the latest information about diagnostic tests that are performed. The patient has a few questions for the healthcare provider about the upcoming scheduled examinations.The patient is having a vectorcardiogram done. The patient does not understand the difference between the electrocardiogram and the vectorcardiogram because both are recording the electrical forces of the heart. What is the best explanation of a vectorcardiogram?

MSN5031 Differential Diagnosis and Collaborative Management in Acute Care
Case Study
Chapter 16: Special Diagnostic Studies
A cardiac patient is having some follow-up testing on the current condition of the heart. The patient always researches on the Internet to get the latest information about diagnostic tests that are performed. The patient has a few questions for the healthcare provider about the upcoming scheduled examinations.The patient is having a vectorcardiogram done. The patient does not understand the difference between the electrocardiogram and the vectorcardiogram because both are recording the electrical forces of the heart. What is the best explanation of a vectorcardiogram?
1. The patient is having a vectorcardiogram done. The patient does not understand the difference between the electrocardiogram and the vectorcardiogram because both are recording the electrical forces of the heart. What is the best explanation of a vectorcardiogram?
2. The patient is recovering from a recent myocardial infarction. The patient is scheduled for a signal-averaged electrocardiogram. What are the indications for this diagnostic test?
3. The patient is going to wear a Holter monitor. The patient tells the healthcare provider this monitor will provide an electrical shock in case of a ventricular dysrhythmia. Is the patient’s understanding correct? Why or why not?

Your company, AB Investigative Services (ABIS) has been contacted by a prominent state law enforcement agency concerning the need to discuss, in a high-level meeting, specific computer-related forensics tools and their functions when governing the seizures of computers and other technology. On behalf of your ABIS, you will conduct a training meeting for 25 state law enforcement agency forensic investigative personnel. In your training meeting, you must provide specific details of what forensic tools are available for use, and what current evidence processing laws are in place. For full credit, your Discussion Board posting must include the following information: Discuss 3 advantages and/or disadvantages of using forensic tools during an investigation?  You may discuss any combination of advantages and disadvantages, but you must discuss 3. Why is this an advantage/disadvantage?

Your company, AB Investigative Services (ABIS) has been contacted by a prominent state law enforcement agency concerning the need to discuss, in a high-level meeting, specific computer-related forensics tools and their functions when governing the seizures of computers and other technology. On behalf of your ABIS, you will conduct a training meeting for 25 state law enforcement agency forensic investigative personnel.
In your training meeting, you must provide specific details of what forensic tools are available for use, and what current evidence processing laws are in place.
For full credit, your Discussion Board posting must include the following information:

Discuss 3 advantages and/or disadvantages of using forensic tools during an investigation?  You may discuss any combination of advantages and disadvantages, but you must discuss 3.

Why is this an advantage/disadvantage?

What is 1 example of a way in which an investigation can be corrupted by not using computer forensics tools?

How would this affect the investigation?

What do you consider to be the 3 most important forensics tools currently being used? Also discuss the most important features of each of these tools.

What information can be accessed by using these tools, and how is this information used in the investigative process/what is the importance of this information?

What do you consider to be the 3 most important evidence processing laws that must be taken into consideration during an investigation?

Why are these laws important, and who, specifically, do these laws protect?

Systems development life cycles and methodologies guide the development of software, services, and other products and may serve other purposes within an organization. What systems development processes have you been a part of in your work history? Briefly describe the type of methodology used by an organization with which you are familiar. Also, describe any roles you have had during a systems life cycle process.

Systems development life cycles and methodologies guide the development of software, services, and other products and may serve other purposes within an organization. What systems development processes have you been a part of in your work history? Briefly describe the type of methodology used by an organization with which you are familiar. Also, describe any roles you have had during a systems life cycle process.For example, the Mesquida and Mas (2015, February) article describes how software life cycle processes were used as a framework to help support the integration of information security best practices into software development and use.
Consider your studies, reflect on your experience with the development processes in organizations, and provide your own analysis to respond to the following questions in your initial post:
What systems development processes have you been a part of in your work history? Briefly describe the type of methodology used by an organization with which you are familiar. Also, describe any roles you have had during a systems life cycle process.
What are your observations about how these processes worked? What did the methodology help the developers and organization achieve? Was the organization using the methodology to support activities other than systems development?
How important do you think it is for an organization to use a formal methodology in its systems development efforts?
What are the benefits of following a systems development methodology, and what are the downsides?
Response Guidelines
Return to the discussion at the end of the week to read and review the posts of your peers. Does anyone else’s experience resonate with your own? Post a comment and add questions to further explore the experiences of your classmates. Also, in your response posts, comment on whether the methodologies described by a peer could be used to support or inform activities other than systems development.

Look at Tootsie Roll Industries Inc.’s most current annual report. What was the balance of total current liabilities for the three most recent years of your research? Did this balance trend upward or downward from one year to the next? What account or accounts experienced the largest change?

Look at Tootsie Roll Industries Inc.’s most current annual report.
What was the balance of total current liabilities for the three most recent years of your research? Did this balance trend upward or downward from one year to the next? What account or accounts experienced the largest change?Focus on the Balance Sheet, which Tootsie Roll Industries Inc. titles Consolidated Statements of Financial Position, and the notes following the financial statements. Answer the following questions in a clear and concise, professional business report. Use correct APA formatting.

What was the balance of total current liabilities for the three most recent years of your research? Did this balance trend upward or downward from one year to the next? What account or accounts experienced the largest change?
Is the amount of current liabilities more or less than the long-term liabilities? What does the result mean? Is the total stockholders’ equity more or less than total liabilities? What does the result mean?
Calculate the debt ratio and current ratio for your company. Generally speaking what do these ratios tell you?